help > CONN pre-processing error
May 6, 2019  10:05 PM | Mickael Tordjman - NYU
CONN pre-processing error
I loaded my structural and functional data in CONN (MPR T1, 2 tasks and resting state fMRI) that were previously converted in NIFTII with DCM2niix.
I have the following error message during the pre-processing:

SPM12: spm_uw_apply (v6301)                        18:44:20 - 06/05/2019
Computing mask...                       :                               06-May-2019 18:44:23 - Failed  'Realign & Unwarp'
Matrix dimensions must agree.
In file "C:\Users\TORDJM01\Downloads\spm12\spm_uw_apply.m" (v6301), function "spm_uw_apply" at line 229.
In file "C:\Users\TORDJM01\Downloads\spm12\config\spm_run_realignunwarp.m" (v6554), function "spm_run_realignunwarp" at line 98.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: Realign & Unwarp
Error using MATLABbatch system
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this error message)
Running job #1
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2018b
project: CONN18.b
storage: 5.3Gb available
spm @ C:\Users\TORDJM01\Downloads\spm12
conn @ C:\Users\TORDJM01\Downloads\conn18b\conn

Could you help me with that please?
Thank you very much!!!

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CONN pre-processing error
Mickael Tordjman May 6, 2019
fred Sampedro Nov 13, 2020
Maria Beser Jul 6, 2022