users > RE: Cannot install CMTK on Windows PC
Mar 13, 2020  07:03 AM | Owen Randlett - Harvard
RE: Cannot install CMTK on Windows PC
Hi Dana, 

I am also using CMTK on windows, but I am using WSL I think that might be easier than trying to use Cygwin as Greg suggested. At least it was easier for me. With WSL you can just install the linux version of CMTK. I followed these instructions:
making sure to enable to optional tools during ccmake to install munger

You wont have the GUI this way, but once you have a munger script that runs it is very easy to modify it to run whatever new data you want to register.

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Dana Hodorovich Mar 12, 2020
Greg Jefferis Mar 12, 2020
Dana Hodorovich Mar 16, 2020
Gabriella Sterne Mar 13, 2020
RE: Cannot install CMTK on Windows PC
Owen Randlett Mar 13, 2020
Dana Hodorovich Mar 16, 2020
Greg Jefferis Mar 13, 2020
Owen Randlett Mar 13, 2020