help > Are white matter and CSF confounds saved as files?
Mar 13, 2020  02:03 PM | Matthew Heard - The Ohio State University
Are white matter and CSF confounds saved as files?
Hello experts,

I was wondering if the white matter and CSF confounds generated by CONN and used for denoising are saved as files. Ideally, I wanted to try and use the first principal component from these regressors to de-noise a task-based dataset by including them as regressors in my task-based general linear model.

Does anyone know if these files are saved? And if so, where are they located?


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Are white matter and CSF confounds saved as files?
Matthew Heard Mar 13, 2020
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 13, 2020
Matthew Heard Mar 16, 2020
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 19, 2020
Matthew Heard Mar 18, 2020