help > RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
Apr 3, 2020  01:04 PM | Christopher Schwarz - Mayo Clinic
RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
I've never used that toolbox; you may need to get support from its authors.

Based on the error message my guess is it is not reading the atlas region names correctly. There is no master_lookup.txt in MCALT, so this should probably be changed to MCALT_ADIR122.txt. Once that's done, I have no idea whether that file is in the format that WFU_PickAtlas expects to read (probably, it's not, and you will have to convert it somehow).

Good luck,
Chris Schwarz

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Alexandria Jensen Apr 2, 2020
RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
Christopher Schwarz Apr 3, 2020
Alexandria Jensen Apr 3, 2020
Christopher Schwarz Apr 12, 2020