help > RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
Apr 3, 2020  05:04 PM | Alexandria Jensen - University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
Thank you for your response. I am agnostic to the use of the Wake Forest Pick Atlas toolbox and am open to using whichever method you suggest to bring in the atlases into SPM of FSL. My ultimate goal is to make masks for certain ROIs within the atlases to use in a grey matter volumetric analysis.

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Alexandria Jensen Apr 2, 2020
Christopher Schwarz Apr 3, 2020
RE: Adding MCALT Atlases to WFU_PickAtlas Toolbox in SPM12
Alexandria Jensen Apr 3, 2020
Christopher Schwarz Apr 12, 2020