help > Testing an interaction: split or not & issues with "0" coding
Jun 15, 2020  08:06 PM | Lucas Moro
Testing an interaction: split or not & issues with "0" coding
Dear Alfonso
Dear Conn-Users

Previous posts suggest the following 2nd level contrast [0 0 1 -1] for testing the gender by score interaction, using "males" , "females", "score_for_males", "score_for_females", respectively. However, how do you test the same interaction, by simultaneously correcting for covariates of no interest, such as age or sites? Doesn't it confuse the Conn with categorical or continuous variables when you put "0" for these e.g. [0 0 0 0 0 1 -1]? I also assume here the scores are coded with either a value or a "0". Does it additionally require spliting each covariate into "age_males", "age_females", "site_1_male", "site_1_female", "site_2_male", "site_2_female"?

I screened the posts for this specific question, but could find no answer and would appreciate any comment. Thank you.


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Testing an interaction: split or not & issues with "0" coding
Lucas Moro Jun 15, 2020
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 18, 2020
Lucas Moro Jul 2, 2020
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jul 6, 2020