help > RE: Preprocessing error
Aug 6, 2020  03:08 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Preprocessing error
Dear hangzhang

When preprocessing your subjects you may simply select the option that reads "queue / script it (save as scripts to be run later)", and then enter the number of batches that you would like to break your dataset into (e.g. 13, so that each batch has around 10 subjects). That will create 13 scripts that you may run at any time point or in any order, each processing a different bath. When all of them have been run, simply load again your original CONN project, and that wiill automatically import the results from those batches. 

Hope this helps
Originally posted by hangzhang:
Dear Alfonso and forum,

When I use the conn to preprocess 6 subjects, it works well. BUT when I try to preprocess 127 subjects together,the MATLAB went crash. The error code is shown in the pictures. 
And I also wonder if I preprocess the subjects in batches(n=10), how can I integrate the prprocessed files(n=127) together and skip the preprocessing step? Shoud I just put the new formed preprocessed files in the orginal folders together and move them in a new folder?
Looking forward to your reply!
Thank you!

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hangzhang Aug 5, 2020
RE: Preprocessing error
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 6, 2020
hangzhang Aug 11, 2020