help > RE: CONN Preprocessing error
Nov 13, 2020 03:11 PM | fred Sampedro
RE: CONN Preprocessing error
Originally posted by syoun:
Same problem here. did you found a solution?
Hello CONN community,
I am currently running my preprocessing step on CONN and kept meeting with this error.
Computing mask... : Failed 'Realign & Unwarp'
Matrix dimensions must agree.
In file "/space/-/-/spm/spm12/spm_uw_apply.m" (v6301), function "spm_uw_apply" at line 229.
In file "/space/-/-/packages/spm/spm12/config/spm_run_realignunwarp.m" (v6554), function "spm_run_realignunwarp"
I have about 100+ subjects and a very few of them have this issue. The preprocessing step would continue running for other participants, but it crashes before going on to the next preporcessing step. Some participants have less sessions than others, would this be the issue?
Can I please get some help on this?
Thank you.
I am currently running my preprocessing step on CONN and kept meeting with this error.
Computing mask... : Failed 'Realign & Unwarp'
Matrix dimensions must agree.
In file "/space/-/-/spm/spm12/spm_uw_apply.m" (v6301), function "spm_uw_apply" at line 229.
In file "/space/-/-/packages/spm/spm12/config/spm_run_realignunwarp.m" (v6554), function "spm_run_realignunwarp"
I have about 100+ subjects and a very few of them have this issue. The preprocessing step would continue running for other participants, but it crashes before going on to the next preporcessing step. Some participants have less sessions than others, would this be the issue?
Can I please get some help on this?
Thank you.
Same problem here. did you found a solution?
Threaded View
Title | Author | Date |
syoun | Jan 10, 2020 | |
fred Sampedro | Nov 13, 2020 | |
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon | Nov 17, 2020 | |