help > The download error in second level
Dec 2, 2020  03:12 PM | hangzhang
The download error in second level
Dear Dr. Alfonso,
      In the first level analyses, I set the "factor" of my data as 30 in dyn-ICA. I got all the results displayed in the second level results, but when I try to download the 3D displays of factor 11, it showed that "Unable to create target image file. Please check file/folder permissions and try again".Then I open up the results file folder of second level, and could only find 10 factor files in it. Where were the other 20 factors? And if I don't have the other 20 factors' file folders, how can I download the results? 
      Plus, if I run the data in one hard disk drive, when  I moved all the data and results folders to the other hard disk drive, I can't read the results through the second hard disk drive, can you also give me some advice about this problem?
Thank you very much and looking forward to your reply!
Yours sincerely,