help > Error when creating VDM maps
Dec 7, 2020 02:12 AM | Karl Helmer
Error when creating VDM maps
Hello Everyone,
I'm creating VDM maps for distortion correction in my preprocessing using two magnitude volumes and one phase volume. I get this error in one participant:
Error using sqrtm (line 35)
Expected input to be finite.
Error in pm_segment>get_p (line 581)
Error in pm_segment>run_segment (line 364)
Error in pm_segment (line 119)
Error in pm_brain_mask (line 48)
Error in FieldMap (line 1611)
Error in FieldMap_create (line 146)
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 2432)
Error in conn (line 1081)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
SPM compiled
Matlab v.2018b
project: CONN18.b
storage: 853.4Gb available
ans =
In a couple of similar questions, I saw that one suggested solution was to add a small constant value of 1/1000 to the magnitude files. I've checked the range of the two magnitude/echo files however and none have any zero-valued voxels, the range is between ~25 - 1500. I've already specified the input format vs letting the code determine it. Anyone have any ideas of what else to try?
I also have a mag/phase files generated in FSL with the phase diff file in rad/s, so conceivably I could create a json file that had the units set to that, but I haven't been able to find an example json file that shows the required format nor how to input such a file into the processing step.
Any advice is appreciated and thanks in advance.
I'm creating VDM maps for distortion correction in my preprocessing using two magnitude volumes and one phase volume. I get this error in one participant:
Error using sqrtm (line 35)
Expected input to be finite.
Error in pm_segment>get_p (line 581)
Error in pm_segment>run_segment (line 364)
Error in pm_segment (line 119)
Error in pm_brain_mask (line 48)
Error in FieldMap (line 1611)
Error in FieldMap_create (line 146)
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 2432)
Error in conn (line 1081)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
SPM compiled
Matlab v.2018b
project: CONN18.b
storage: 853.4Gb available
ans =
In a couple of similar questions, I saw that one suggested solution was to add a small constant value of 1/1000 to the magnitude files. I've checked the range of the two magnitude/echo files however and none have any zero-valued voxels, the range is between ~25 - 1500. I've already specified the input format vs letting the code determine it. Anyone have any ideas of what else to try?
I also have a mag/phase files generated in FSL with the phase diff file in rad/s, so conceivably I could create a json file that had the units set to that, but I haven't been able to find an example json file that shows the required format nor how to input such a file into the processing step.
Any advice is appreciated and thanks in advance.