help > Change in java messages now causing RAM problems
May 4, 2021  10:05 PM | Mary Newsome
Change in java messages now causing RAM problems
Dear Alfonso,

Hope you're well in these unusual times. I have been getting numerous running java messages after loading an analysis, so much so that it takes up RAM and prevents any processing (with windows opening or closing very slowly). We use a Linux computer with Red Hat Enterprise 5, Matlab 2011b, Conn version 16b. We have not made any changes to the OS or Matlab or Conn versions and were surprised when this started to happen as things ran smoothly before. It's been going on for months. Before this started to happen, we would get running java error messages, but they did not influence processing. When using SPM with Matlab, this disruption hasn't appeared so far.  One of the many messages is "Exception in thread 'AWT-EventQueue-0' java.lang.NullPointerException", but you can see more in the attached jpg. The messages keep coming and don't seem to stop. Just wondering what your thoughts are. Thanks!

All the best,

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Change in java messages now causing RAM problems
Mary Newsome May 4, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 5, 2021
Mary Newsome Sep 9, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 9, 2021
Mary Newsome Sep 2, 2021