help > interpreting results with and without within-subject normalization (v2v)
Jul 29, 2021  01:07 PM | Emily Stern
interpreting results with and without within-subject normalization (v2v)
Hi All,

I ran two voxel-to-voxel analyses - one with the "normalization" box checked off (for within-subject spatial normalization) at the first level and one with it not checked off. The results are slightly different in terms of the threshold required to see an effect (within-subject normalization at the first level produced  findings at a more stringent threshold than analyses without normalization). I'm trying to figure out why. Is this simply a case of increased signal-to-noise when using normalization, or could there be other relevant factors?

Thanks for any insight,

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interpreting results with and without within-subject normalization (v2v)
Emily Stern Jul 29, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jul 29, 2021
Emily Stern Jul 30, 2021
Emily Stern Jul 29, 2021