help > RE: Field Map Correction
Oct 24, 2021  09:10 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Field Map Correction
Hi Jenna,

Yes, you may include the fieldmap images real_echo1+imag_echo1+real_echo2+imag_echo2 (in that order) directly into a secondary dataset labeled 'fmap' in your CONN project, and those will be used by the 'functional creation of voxel-displacement maps for Susceptibility Distortion Correction' step part of your pipeline

Originally posted by jblujus:
Hi all,

I am new to CONN and using field maps, so I apologize for the basic question. I am utilizing the ADNI dataset which provides four T1-weighted field map images (two sets of real/imag files) for select participants. I would like to use the "indirect normalization to MNI space when FieldMaps are available pipeline" for preprocessing. Following dcm2niix conversion of the field map images, can I feed the e1/e2 real/imag files directly into preprocessing or do these images need to be unwrapped?

Thank you in advance!

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jblujus Oct 22, 2021
RE: Field Map Correction
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 24, 2021
jblujus Oct 25, 2021