help > Results first level - Conditions
Nov 2, 2021 06:11 PM | Jose Maximo
Results first level - Conditions
Hi, I have a quick question:
I ran data that had 3 scanning sessions (baseline, week 6 and week 16) and some of these subjects have missing data since some did not finish a particular scan, e.g., some subjects may have only one scan or two scans.
When I went to check for the connectivity maps under project/results/first_level/SBC_01, I found that ALL subjects have connectivity maps for all sessions (e.g., BETA_Subject002_Condition001_Source136, BETA_Subject002_Condition002_Source136, and BETA_Subject002_Condition003_Source136). I picked this subject because I know this one only had 1 scan (baseline). I don't understand what CONN did to do this.
Also, some subjects may have 2 scans, but it could be baseline and week6, OR baseline and week16, 0R week6 and week16. The same with subjects who have only one could be any of the scanning sessions, but CONN calls the Condition001-003 and they all have data.
I want to import these maps and run linear mixed models outside of CONN, but before I do that, I need to know what CONN did first.
I ran data that had 3 scanning sessions (baseline, week 6 and week 16) and some of these subjects have missing data since some did not finish a particular scan, e.g., some subjects may have only one scan or two scans.
When I went to check for the connectivity maps under project/results/first_level/SBC_01, I found that ALL subjects have connectivity maps for all sessions (e.g., BETA_Subject002_Condition001_Source136, BETA_Subject002_Condition002_Source136, and BETA_Subject002_Condition003_Source136). I picked this subject because I know this one only had 1 scan (baseline). I don't understand what CONN did to do this.
Also, some subjects may have 2 scans, but it could be baseline and week6, OR baseline and week16, 0R week6 and week16. The same with subjects who have only one could be any of the scanning sessions, but CONN calls the Condition001-003 and they all have data.
I want to import these maps and run linear mixed models outside of CONN, but before I do that, I need to know what CONN did first.
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Title | Author | Date |
Jose Maximo | Nov 2, 2021 | |
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon | Nov 3, 2021 | |