help > Adding new data from second session and preprocessing probs
Dec 20, 2021 06:12 PM | Mary Newsome
Adding new data from second session and preprocessing probs
Hi Alfonso,
I held off as long as I could without bothering you! : ) I am using 16b. I have a project I created and ran data successfully on last year. I had set up two sessions for Pre and Post data, but since I didn't have access to the Post data, I ran analyses for only the Pre. When trying to add the Post data this year, and pressing "Preprocess data", I checked the box to be able to include only the subjects who had Post data since some did not, but there wasn't an option to choose only the new data linked with session 2. I tried running the preprocessing and was concerned when I saw the realignment graphs of both sessions combined into one graph. After looking through the forum, I then made sure I had the conditions set up appropriately because I had forgotten about that, and corrected them so that the Pre was linked to only Session 1 by having "0 and Inf" specified and leaving Post with only the default "[ ]". Post was similarly linked with Session 2. When that didn't change how the realignment graphs were presented (session 1 combined with session 2), I removed the smoothed files from Session 1 and replaced them with the unprocessed data just as for Session 2 and tried reprocessing. However, the realignment graphs for both sessions remained combined. I then checked other Pre-Post projects that had run successfully and determined that their realignment graphs represented the sessions separately, so I am thinking there is something I am still missing. Please see attached file for the combined graphs. Also, this latest time I had ran the preprocessing, I received this error message in the gui after realignment:
Error using cfg_util (line 835)
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this error message)
Running job #1
Error in spm_jobman (line 217)
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 1088)
Error in conn (line 776)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 119)
CONN v.16.b
SPM8 + Anatomy Beamforming DEM FieldMap MEEGtools aal conn marsbar
Matlab v.2011b
storage: 356.7Gb available
Warning: Contents.m overloaded by version in folder /usr/local/spm8/toolbox/SnPM13
I'm not sure how to address it. Would it be fine to just move SnPM13 from the directory? Although, I hadn't had problems with that before during other successful processing in Conn, and maybe since it's a warning, it's not as critical as the error? Sounds dumb but I didn't know how to get to line 835 to try to figure something out as I clicked "ok" on the error message after copying it, and the command window displayed only the following, without a link to click for line 835 or other lines referred to in the message (i.e., didn't display the same error message as in the gui).
Running job #2
Running 'Print'
Printing to
Done 'Print'
Done 'Realign & Unwarp'
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Realign & Unwarp
Thanks for much for all of your excellent help and program!
I held off as long as I could without bothering you! : ) I am using 16b. I have a project I created and ran data successfully on last year. I had set up two sessions for Pre and Post data, but since I didn't have access to the Post data, I ran analyses for only the Pre. When trying to add the Post data this year, and pressing "Preprocess data", I checked the box to be able to include only the subjects who had Post data since some did not, but there wasn't an option to choose only the new data linked with session 2. I tried running the preprocessing and was concerned when I saw the realignment graphs of both sessions combined into one graph. After looking through the forum, I then made sure I had the conditions set up appropriately because I had forgotten about that, and corrected them so that the Pre was linked to only Session 1 by having "0 and Inf" specified and leaving Post with only the default "[ ]". Post was similarly linked with Session 2. When that didn't change how the realignment graphs were presented (session 1 combined with session 2), I removed the smoothed files from Session 1 and replaced them with the unprocessed data just as for Session 2 and tried reprocessing. However, the realignment graphs for both sessions remained combined. I then checked other Pre-Post projects that had run successfully and determined that their realignment graphs represented the sessions separately, so I am thinking there is something I am still missing. Please see attached file for the combined graphs. Also, this latest time I had ran the preprocessing, I received this error message in the gui after realignment:
Error using cfg_util (line 835)
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this error message)
Running job #1
Error in spm_jobman (line 217)
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 1088)
Error in conn (line 776)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 119)
CONN v.16.b
SPM8 + Anatomy Beamforming DEM FieldMap MEEGtools aal conn marsbar
Matlab v.2011b
storage: 356.7Gb available
Warning: Contents.m overloaded by version in folder /usr/local/spm8/toolbox/SnPM13
I'm not sure how to address it. Would it be fine to just move SnPM13 from the directory? Although, I hadn't had problems with that before during other successful processing in Conn, and maybe since it's a warning, it's not as critical as the error? Sounds dumb but I didn't know how to get to line 835 to try to figure something out as I clicked "ok" on the error message after copying it, and the command window displayed only the following, without a link to click for line 835 or other lines referred to in the message (i.e., didn't display the same error message as in the gui).
Running job #2
Running 'Print'
Printing to
Done 'Print'
Done 'Realign & Unwarp'
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Realign & Unwarp
Thanks for much for all of your excellent help and program!