help > Normalized structural files created, but not being displayed
Apr 7, 2022  10:04 PM | Mary Newsome
Normalized structural files created, but not being displayed
Hello Alfonso!

Recently I was going over a previous analysis and saw in the Setup that the functional data, GM/WM/CSF segmentations, and the ROIs were displayed as having been normalized (with 91x109x91), and I was surprised to see that the structural data did not display as having been normalized (displaying as the unprocessed data that had been entered), although all of the normalized structural files had been created and are in the subjects' directories. The unnormalized structural is also displayed in the 1st-level tab.

I am worried about how to interpret this. Since the fMRI displays as normalized, and the structural normalized files were created, is it possible that the normalized structural files had been used in the analysis and the activation is accurate, but just being overlaid onto a unnormalized structural image?

This was in an older analysis and was done in 16b. We have other analyses from around this time in the same version that do show the normalized structural.

As always, thanks for any help!

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Normalized structural files created, but not being displayed
Mary Newsome Apr 7, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 18, 2022