help > RE: Raw r^2 values being exported as NaN
Jun 17, 2022  12:06 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Raw r^2 values being exported as NaN
Hi Neel,

It seems these variables only contain values for subjects #175-#185 (and NaN values for everybody else). That could happen, for example, if your second-level analyses may only have included those subjects. If that was the case and you want to extract the connectivity within those clusters for all subjects, then you could do using the following procedure:

a) in your current results explorer window (with your second-level analysis including only a subset of all subjects only), select the option "create mask" and a name for your mask (e.g. myresults.nii). This will create a mask defining your clusters of interest

b) then create a new second-level analysis that now includes all subjects (e.g. look at the average connectivity across all subjects)

and c) within the results explorer window of this new analysis in step (b) click on the 'import values' button, then select the option that reads 'other clusters of interest (select exported masks/clusters file)' and select the file named myresults.ROIs.nii created in step (a)

Hope this helps

Originally posted by Suneel Banerjee:
Hi Alfonso,

I followed your advice here ( to export the raw correlation values from CONN. I exported the second level covariates into a .mat file and then opened it in Matlab. However, in the 'data' field, all of the values are 'NaN'. How can I fix this? Thanks!


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Suneel Banerjee Jun 7, 2022
RE: Raw r^2 values being exported as NaN
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 17, 2022