help > functional / MNI mis-registration
Aug 3, 2022 09:08 PM | Karl Helmer
functional / MNI mis-registration
Hi Conn Experts,
I'm hoping that I'm overlooking something simple. I have performed preprocessing using both the indirect and direct methods, both with unwarping and get the same result: namely that my structural volume / MNI registration looks good (Structurals-> structural tools -> display anatomical/MNI registration), my functional/MNI registration looks good (Functionals-> functional tools -> display functional/MNI registration), my structural / functional registration looks fine, but when I compare my functional volumes to the WM/GM/MNI atlas from my QA plots or the ROI tools menu, they are offset (attached figure). The preceding sentence is true for all subjects - the functionals are offset from the atlas for all datasets. This doesn't make sense to me logically, so I'm either missing something or mis-interpreting one of these overlay plots. I've seen this question asked before, but the responses were either here's what to check - which led to the attached plot - or "I fixed it", but with no indication as to what the issue was. Any ideas?
I'm hoping that I'm overlooking something simple. I have performed preprocessing using both the indirect and direct methods, both with unwarping and get the same result: namely that my structural volume / MNI registration looks good (Structurals-> structural tools -> display anatomical/MNI registration), my functional/MNI registration looks good (Functionals-> functional tools -> display functional/MNI registration), my structural / functional registration looks fine, but when I compare my functional volumes to the WM/GM/MNI atlas from my QA plots or the ROI tools menu, they are offset (attached figure). The preceding sentence is true for all subjects - the functionals are offset from the atlas for all datasets. This doesn't make sense to me logically, so I'm either missing something or mis-interpreting one of these overlay plots. I've seen this question asked before, but the responses were either here's what to check - which led to the attached plot - or "I fixed it", but with no indication as to what the issue was. Any ideas?
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Title | Author | Date |
Karl Helmer | Aug 3, 2022 | |
Karl Helmer | Aug 5, 2022 | |