help > fmriprep import not working after update
Apr 19, 2023  10:04 PM | Suneel Banerjee
fmriprep import not working after update
Hi Dr. Nieto-Castanon,

I recently updated CONN to the latest version. The methods-generation feature is extremely helpful. However, I am having difficulty importing fmriprep datasets. The error I receive is below.


The logical indices contain a true value outside of the array bounds.
Error in conn (line 6040)
if numel(Nvalid)>1, Nvalid=Nvalid(Nsubs==max(Nsubs)); end % alternatively, select space with maximum number of subjects
Error in conn_filesearchtool (line 292)
if length(h.callback)>1, feval(h.callback{1},h.callback{2:end},names); else, feval(h.callback{1},names); end
SPM12 + DAiSS DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2022b
project: CONN22.a
storage: 1823.2Gb available
spm @ /home/neelbanerjee/Documents/spm12
conn @ /home/neelbanerjee/Documents/conn

Nothing about the fmriprep dataset has changed since the update. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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fmriprep import not working after update
Suneel Banerjee Apr 19, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 24, 2023