help > SVC vs ROI-ROI analysis
May 4, 2023  05:05 PM | Alex G
SVC vs ROI-ROI analysis
Hi Alfonso and CONN users,

Can anyone explain what the difference in calculation of ROI-ROI analysis versus SBC analysis with SVC (via the Import Data) option is? My understanding is that ROI-ROI analysis calculates the average time-series in each ROI and generates a R-to-Z transformed correlation between those two averages. Is there a difference in calculation for SBC analysis restricted to an ROI, and is there a preference for what approach is considered optimal? Finally, do the standard corrections/thresholding for analyses differ?

Thanks in advance,

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SVC vs ROI-ROI analysis
Alex G May 4, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 12, 2023
tpollo76 May 24, 2023
Alex G May 17, 2023