questions > Phase Encoding Direction Polarity
Jul 12, 2023  07:07 PM | jblujus
Phase Encoding Direction Polarity


I have used dcm2niix (v1.0.20210317) to convert ADNI DWI data collected on Siemens, GE, and Philips scanners to NIFTI format. I am trying to determine the phase encoding direction of each scan to use the eddy tool for distortion correction. 

I am aware from a post on neurostars that only the phase encoding axis can be estimated for Philips (i,j,k) but not the polarity due to missing information from meta-data ( So it seems, I will have to get that information from ADNI, rather than the JSON files.

For the Siemens and GE files, a majority of phase encoding directions are "j", but some are noted as "j-" in the JSON files. Given that this is an axial acquisition, "j" should map onto the y-axis (PA). I then used fslhd to confirm this by extracting the sform_code and sform_yorient information. For all subjects (regardless of whether PhaseEncodingDirection was coded as j or j-), the sform_yorient is Posterior-to-Anterior. 

For subjects with reverse polarity ("j-"), should the sform_yorient instead be coded as Anterior-to-Posterior? Ultimately, I'm wondering if there is any information from fslhd that should code the change in acquisition polarity (e.g., "j-" swapped PE direction)?


Thank you,


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Phase Encoding Direction Polarity
jblujus Jul 12, 2023
Chris Rorden Jul 12, 2023
jblujus Jul 12, 2023
Chris Rorden Jul 12, 2023
jblujus Jul 13, 2023
Chris Rorden Jul 13, 2023