I'm puzzled by suspicios results for the voxel-to-voxel analysis with TFCE. While the RFT or regular non-parametric stats (cluster mass) result in a couple of small significant clusters, the TFCE shows almost all the brain covered by huge significant clusters and indicates a threshold of TFCE>0.00 and no calculations of p-values been done (see screenshot attached). Setting a more conservative p-value changes nothing.
I observe the same thing for different voxel-to-voxel measures (ICC, ILC, MVPA) and in at least two different versions of Conn (20b, 22a), for two projects at hand and for different contrasts in these projects.
Before I didn't use TFCE for connectivity analysis and only had experience with TFCE in the context of TBSS (DTI) analysis in FSL which does not tend to produce anything like this.
What am I doing wrong? Or does it mean that nothing is actually significant?
The results screen illustrating TFCE on Conn site looks very reasonable and different from mine: https://web.conn-toolbox.org/fmri-method...
Could anyone please comment?
Thank you!
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