help > RE: preprocessing error failed Realign&Unwrap
Oct 17, 2023  05:10 PM | Breanne Kearney
RE: preprocessing error failed Realign&Unwrap

Hello Elisavet/all,


I am running into this same error message (Failed  'Realign & Unwarp'
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation) when attempting to add new participants to an existing project. When I run things all together, it seems fine- only when adding new scans. The functional files themselves look normal visually. Any help is appreciated!



Threaded View

Elisavet Kaltsouni Jul 10, 2023
Lera Sterina 8 hours ago
RE: preprocessing error failed Realign&Unwrap
Breanne Kearney Oct 17, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jul 19, 2023
Elisavet Kaltsouni Aug 1, 2023