help > RE: Importing Shen 268 parcellation atlas into CONN
Jun 28, 2024  01:06 AM | yao ge
RE: Importing Shen 268 parcellation atlas into CONN

Originally posted by kjacobs:

Hi All, I'm attempting to upload the Shen 268 parcellation atlas into CONN and experiencing some issues with the ROI labels. After checking formatting and consistent file names between the .nii and .csv files, did anyone do anything further? I'm I missing a step? Thank you in advance, Katie Jacobs

Hi Katie,

I've came across the same problem. Have you figured out how to solve it? Thanks a lot!

Threaded View

kjacobs Dec 8, 2018
RE: Importing Shen 268 parcellation atlas into CONN
yao ge Jun 28, 2024