help > ROI-to-ROI analysis: mismatch between the name and the number value of ROIs?
Jul 18, 2024  11:07 PM | Chia-Shu Lin
ROI-to-ROI analysis: mismatch between the name and the number value of ROIs?

Dear Experts,

I apologize if the questions have already been addressed in previous threads. But I was unable to find a direct answer:

1. When I reviewed the second-level results of the ROI-ROI analysis, in the 'analysis unit' report (below the graph), I found entries like 'connection 089-062.' I assumed these numbers corresponded to the ROI labels, so I checked the '_list_sources.mat' file in the first-level analysis. However, they did not match. Where can I find a list that matches the number values (e.g., 089 in this case) in the second-level analysis?

2. Similarly, I read a previous thread regarding the 'summary.results.RRC_p' file and understood that it consists of the uncorrected p values for inter-ROI correlations. Yet, the array does not align with the '_list_sources.mat' ROI list or the 'summary.rois.names' list. Where can I find the correct names of the ROIs corresponding to this matrix?

Thank you for the time on my questions.

Best regards, Felix