help > Why addition of white noise to nifti files increases size of some clusters?
Jul 29, 2024  09:07 AM | Renzo Torrecuso - Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Why addition of white noise to nifti files increases size of some clusters?

Dear Alfonso and CONN experts,

I believe this is an important issue for all users.

After I denoised my data I introduced 45 dB of white Gaussian noise to my nifti files.

I then ran a ICC analysis comparing patients versus controls and got an increase in blue and red cluster sizes, therefore more voxels with decrease and increase in ICC.

Would you have any input on why this happens?

Thanks a lot

All best



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Why addition of white noise to nifti files increases size of some clusters?
Renzo Torrecuso Jul 29, 2024
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon 14 hours ago