general > RE: Ability to use custom atlas labels
Aug 5, 2024 07:08 PM | Aaron Sathyanesan - University of Dayton
RE: Ability to use custom atlas labels
Hello Gergely
I tried using a modified python code to read the flat file,
however, the output is a low-res PNG. What would I need to do in
order to get a high-res PNG similar to what is the final output
images using NUTIL? I am specifically interested in extracting the
distinct cerebellar nuclei. If each of these nuclei have different
colors, I can use fiji to extract ROI based on color information.
However, currently the labeling in the final output of NUTIL yields
the same color for all cerebellar nuclei.
However, since I do not need object counts, I just obtained
the high-res color images using empty segmentation images in the
NUTIL workflow. I got the high res maps but the distinct nuclei do
not show up. I tried using one of your answers to relabel the
label.txt file, but I am unsure how to proceed from here. Because
the json file which was exported from Visualign does not open up in
visualign itself. So, how would I go about getting only the
high-resolution PNGs with each of the cerebellar nuclei (fastigial
nucleus, interposed nucleus, and dentate nucleus) distinctly
Threaded View
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Austen Casey | May 14, 2023 | |
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Aaron Sathyanesan | Aug 20, 2024 | |