help > RE: QA Denoising plots do not match selected confounds
Sep 1, 2024  11:09 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: QA Denoising plots do not match selected confounds

Hi Robert,

Could you please clarify what specific QA plot you are referring to (options in the attached screenshot) and what specific confounds would you like displayed/used in these plots?



Originally posted by Robert Claar:

I am denoising my data and found a set of confounds that I would like to use. I created a set of QA plots and the plots created do not correspond to the confounds I have selected but correspond to the confounds that are selected by default when the denoising tab first opens. I tried to recreate the plots and they still look the same.


Is there some option I am missing?


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Robert Claar Sep 1, 2024
RE: QA Denoising plots do not match selected confounds
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 1, 2024
Robert Claar Sep 3, 2024
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 3, 2024
Robert Claar Sep 4, 2024