I wonder if someone could provide some assistance with importing some new scans in the pipeline. I have processed all my data and would just like to add three additional scans. To do this, I...
1) add three subject to the settings page basic tab (changed from 145 to 148 participants) - this temporarily inserts the data from subject 145 into the ones for subject 146, 147 and 148
2) go to tools, convert/import, import fMRIprep and do a subject specific import - selected "copy to Derivatives folder and import" - it imports without errors.
3) when I select "done" and try to progress to the denoising stage I get an error that...
The problem that I am having is that because these participant fMRIprep files DON'T have any listed non-steady state volumes, it's not updating the subject-specific variable for "QC non-steady state volumes" in the Covariates 1st level tab. When I try to move to the next stage of preprocessing it errors because there is a different number of volumes for these subjects and they don't match with the fMRI volumes.
ERROR: Subject 146 Session 1 first-level covariate
QC_non_steady_state_outlier mismatched
dimensions (681 rows, while functional data has 745 scans; the
number of rows of a first-level covariate should
equal the number of scans for this subject/session)
When I go into Matlab and create a .mat file with a zero for each of the participants specific fMRI volumes and then import this, it's still erroring. When I try to import that .mat file in I get this error...
Unrecognized field name "dim".
Error in conn_menu (line 770)
if conn_surf_dimscheck(title(1).dim), %if
isequal(title(1).dim,conn_surf_dims(8).*[1 1 2]) % surface
Error in conn (line 4848)
Error in conn_filesearchtool (line 293)
if length(h.callback)>1,
feval(h.callback{1},h.callback{2:end},names); else,
feval(h.callback{1},names); end
SPM12 + DAiSS DEM FieldMap MEEGtools wfupickatlas
Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? I can't seem to find a work around. The .mat file for sure has the same number of 0 values for each row in only 1 column.
Any help would be greatly appreciated because I can't figure out how to get around this. I am using a fairly new version of CONN (22.v2407) and thought this issue was previously resolved. I would like to not have to reprocess all my scans if possible and have to start from scratch. I've attached the .mat file I am trying to insert. It's likely something very silly that I am missing here.