Hi Gergely,
thanks a lot for the detailed reply and apologies for my late
response (the email notifying about the post was deemed spam by our
university filter...).
Thanks for explaining how the coordinates come about. I tried to
retroactively confirm the trial-and-error ones I came up with using
QuickNII and I think I get it.
For anyone that stumbles upon this: it appears in the example
coordinates given "left" is posterior location, while "right" is
anterior (to me this was counter intuitive but inverting them also
works). It's also explained a bit here Protocols Step 21
Originally posted by Gergely Csucs:
- find a convenient location, if you're not familiar with navigating the command line, try creating a new folder in the root of a drive where you have write access (in Windows Explorer, navigate to "This PC" - will be different if Windows is set to German -, and check locations that have a drive letter, like C:, D:, etc.). Let's assume it's M: and the folder is called MaskTest
- download QNLpack.zip from https://www.nesys.uio.no/QNL/ and extract it. There is a single QNL folder inside, that's the one you will need to copy into the previously created MaskTest folder on the M: drive
- you will need Java, download it from https://openjdk.org/ - it's not friendly to the eye, but there's a link "jdk.java.net/23" in the middle of the second paragraph, that's where you can find the current downloads). Get the one for Windows, extract it, and right now it contains a jdk-23.0.2 folder, copy that into MaskTest too
- copy all of the JSON files you want to process into the same MaskTest folder.
So now MaskTest contains QNL and jdk-23.0.2 folders, and lots of JSON files.
Now start a command prompt, like open the Start Menu and type cmd. Probably it will arrive in your user folder, so type the drive letter where you have MaskTest, and a colon, then press Enter. In my case I type m:. Now type cd \MaskTest and press Enter. These two steps set the working location in the command prompt.
Here we can test if the installation works, first try jdk-23.0.2\bin\java --version to see if Java works properly, and then try jdk-23.0.2\bin\java -cp QNL qnlmask.QuickMask to check if QuickMaskNL works too. Then just close it.
If everything worked so far, two steps remain:
- creating output folders for every JSON: for %f in (*.json) do mkdir "%~nf"
- and running the tool: for %f in (*.json) do jdk-23.0.2\bin\java -cp QNL qnlmask.QuickMask "%f" 242 32.2 292.8 242 367.9 291.8 242 34.5 48.7 "%~nf"
Thank you very much for sharing this in a very beginner friendly
I'll give it a go today but at first glance it seems doable even
for someone with my non-existent java knowledge.
Threaded View
Title | Author | Date |
Janine Reinert | Jan 21, 2025 | |
Gergely Csucs | Jan 22, 2025 | |
Janine Reinert | Jan 28, 2025 | |