Dear Abslab
To add control covariates to your second-level analysis when using conn_module('GLM',...) functionality, you simply need to add those control variables as additional columns of your design matrix and (typically) modify your contrast vector to also include 0's in the positions of those control variables. For example, if your original analysis was a two-sample t-test comparing two groups of subjects like the example provided in then you could add an "age" control variable by using something like the following:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
24 28 25 28 28 22 21 29 27 20 29 25 25
-1 1 0
where the third row in the #design field contains the age of each subject in your analysis, and the new 0 in the #contrast_between vector indicates that you would like to compare the two groups at the same level of the age covariate (ANCOVA)
Hope this helps
Originally posted by abslab:
Dear sirs,
I learned from the post "importing existing connectivity matrices in CONN" that I can import exist connection matrcies, e.g., structual connectivity data, to CONN for group analysis.
I have successfully created contrast and displayed the results using
conn_mtx_write, conn_module( 'glm'), and conn_display.
My question, how can I specify covariates, e.g., Age, for the imported matrices for group analysis?
I tried conn_module('glm', 'covariates', Age,....). But seems no effect on the results.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Title | Author | Date |
abslab | Mar 20, 2025 | |
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon | Mar 20, 2025 | |
abslab | Mar 20, 2025 | |