open-discussion > RE: Templates for ParaToSPHARM Mesh & ShapeMANCOV
Jul 27, 2011  09:07 PM | Sylvia Hon
RE: Templates for ParaToSPHARM Mesh & ShapeMANCOV
Hi Beatriz!

Thank you for all your help. Using the right SPHARM.coef and .vtk files for templates (from the first object), I was able to compute the original, ellipsoid-aligned, and procrustes-aligned mesh.

Just for checking, I used KWMeshVisu to take a look at the first case of original, ellipsoid-aligned, and procrusted and compared it to the second case that utilized the templates from the first. Without doing any mouse rotation, is the procrustes-aligned object of the first supposed to be oriented the same as the second? How do I know if my objects will be aligned properly for statistical analysis?

If I am comparing objects between Group A and Group B, should I use Group A's flipTemplate and regTemplate when computing the SPHARM of Group B?


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Sylvia Hon Jul 26, 2011
RE: Templates for ParaToSPHARM Mesh & ShapeMANCOV
Sylvia Hon Jul 27, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 29, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 26, 2011