open-discussion > RE: Templates for ParaToSPHARM Mesh & ShapeMANCOV
Jul 29, 2011 02:07 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: Templates for ParaToSPHARM Mesh & ShapeMANCOV
Hi Sylvia,
Congratulations for being able to compute your data! I am happy I was able to help somehow.
Checking alignment with KWMeshVisu is very difficult because it only allows one mesh loaded at each time. It would be possible to do some sort of alignment checking by using the "Get Camera" functionality in the File menu, but that would be non-trivial and very time consuming. My suggestion here is that you use Slicer3 for that ( Is a free software program for image analysis that you can just use for visualization purposes.
You can load as many meshes as you want using the "Models" module, and in that way you can see how well they overlap.
When comparing objects in your population, it depends if you want to make analysis in the original space because you have some sort of pre-aligned input data (just use *surfSPHARM.vtk files), or if you want to make analysis in the aligned space created by SPHARM (either *surfSPHARM_ellaligned.vtk or *surfSPHARM_procalign.vtk, I usually choose procalign space since ellaligned is more a pose correction than a registration per se).
Congratulations for being able to compute your data! I am happy I was able to help somehow.
Checking alignment with KWMeshVisu is very difficult because it only allows one mesh loaded at each time. It would be possible to do some sort of alignment checking by using the "Get Camera" functionality in the File menu, but that would be non-trivial and very time consuming. My suggestion here is that you use Slicer3 for that ( Is a free software program for image analysis that you can just use for visualization purposes.
You can load as many meshes as you want using the "Models" module, and in that way you can see how well they overlap.
When comparing objects in your population, it depends if you want to make analysis in the original space because you have some sort of pre-aligned input data (just use *surfSPHARM.vtk files), or if you want to make analysis in the aligned space created by SPHARM (either *surfSPHARM_ellaligned.vtk or *surfSPHARM_procalign.vtk, I usually choose procalign space since ellaligned is more a pose correction than a registration per se).
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Title | Author | Date |
Sylvia Hon | Jul 26, 2011 | |
Sylvia Hon | Jul 27, 2011 | |
Beatriz Paniagua | Jul 29, 2011 | |
Beatriz Paniagua | Jul 26, 2011 | |