open-discussion > RE: templete for lateral ventricle
Aug 2, 2011  11:08 AM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: templete for lateral ventricle
Hi Gozde,

MeshMath has an option to compute mean shapes out of shapes that already have correspondence established. That means, using this method, you would have to run SPHARM a first time, then compute the average, and then compute a second time using your average as the template. Is this something you can use in your studies?


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Gozde Kizilates Aug 1, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
RE: templete for lateral ventricle
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011