open-discussion > RE: templete for lateral ventricle
Aug 2, 2011  12:08 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: templete for lateral ventricle
With MeshMath you need to use the *surfSPHARM.vtk meshes, that are the ones that have correspondence. Lets say you have 20 LV in your population, you run all the steps in SPHARM, and you end up having 20 surfSPHARM.vtk meshes.

Then you use MeshMAth:
MeshMAth surfSPHARM_1.vtk -avgMesh surfSPHARM_2.vtk ... surfSPHARM_20.vtk

And you get an average mesh that you will have to scan convert to gipl in order to use in yet another spharm computation.
I want to emphasize that I was not suggesting this is the only way to proceed. Is only one more option. You can always use as template your first shape in the population.


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Gozde Kizilates Aug 1, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
RE: templete for lateral ventricle
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 2, 2011