open-discussion > How to create a mask file with a FA image ?
Sep 26, 2011  03:09 PM | Ravikiran Janardhana
How to create a mask file with a FA image ?
Hi all,
   I'm Ravikiran and I'm a new grad student working on Diffusion Tensor Imaging. I've been stuck with a small issue of generating mask files, can anyone tell me how I can create a mask file so that I only do fiber tracking for a particular ROI in the brain ?
All I have is an Fractional Anisotropy [FA (nrrd format)] image and I'm not able to find any tool which can be used to generate mask files. Any pointers to appropriate tools would also help my cause.


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How to create a mask file with a FA image ?
Ravikiran Janardhana Sep 26, 2011
Asht Mishra Apr 2, 2012
Ken Anderson Apr 2, 2012
Demian Wassermann Sep 29, 2011
Isaiah Norton Sep 28, 2011
Vanessa Sochat Sep 27, 2011