
Release Name: conn v.14.k


CONN change log: CONN14k

Cumulative patch fixing error conditions

Added option for sliding-window temporal decomposition of FC measures (in Setup.Conditions.TimeFrequencyDecomposition)

Added ability to re-run Setup/Preprocessing steps for only a subset of analysis types (ROI-to-ROI/Seed-to-Voxel/Voxel-to-Voxel; user-selection when pressing 'Done')

Added ability to re-run Preprocessing/FirstLevelAnalysis steps for only a subset of conditions (user-selection when pressing 'Done')

Added ability to use ROIs defined in fsaverage-space (e.g. from surface-based result masks, or surface-based parcellations) (only available when selecting structural volumes that have been processed in FreeSurfer)

Cumulative GUI updates (less cluttered GUI layout and more detailed help tips throughout main CONN gui (e.g. right-click on data files to access data folders; easier access to and higher user-control of the display options in the "ROI-to-ROI results explorer")

Added "structural/functional manual orientation" to the list of potential spatial preprocessing steps (centers, rotates, reflects structural/functional volumes, typically to bring these closer to templates prior to coregistration/normalization)

Cumulative patch fixing compatibility issues with SPM12b
   (*) Added support for new SPM12 normalization and segmentation spatial preprocessing steps (new methods only available when using SPM12)
   (note: to keep using the older normalization/segmentation procedures under SPM12 set the variable "PREFERSPM8OVERSPM12=true" in conn_setup_preproc.m)

Added Dynamic Functional Connectivity analyses
   "First-level Dynamic FC" estimates data-driven temporal-modulation factors that characterize the observed dynamic changes in functional connectivity (ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrix from selected ROIs)
   The resulting factors are entered into standard PPI analyses to characterize dynamic changes in FC
   Additional Seed-to-voxel or ROI-to-ROI analyses (for the selected or other ROIs) can be computed by selecting "temporal modulation effects (Dynamic FC)" in the first-level analysis "analysis type" option.
   Aggregated subject/condition measures are also computed to analyze between-subject/condition differences in temporal modulation strength for each factor

Added new sample ROI files to conn/utils/otherrois/ ("large-voxel" MNI-space ROI parcellations covering grey-matter areas; P###.img; ###=number of ROIs from P304.img -20mm ROIs- to P2186.img -10mm ROIs-)