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Only The Grid Code Analysis Toolbox (GridCAT) administrators can submit a news bulletin for The Grid Code Analysis Toolbox (GridCAT). News bulletins appear on this page and in the Recent Activity section on The Grid Code Analysis Toolbox (GridCAT)'s Summary page.

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Post DateHeadline
Jul 21, 2017 GridCAT publication
More information about the GridCAT and a demonstration of its key features, together with a detailed review of grid code analysis methods, can now be found in the following publication: Stangl,...
Mar 28, 2017 GridCAT v1.03 released
Version 1.03 of the GridCAT does not use the iscomplex function anymore. This function is normally delivered with SPM, but this dependency has caused an issue.
Mar 8, 2017 GridCAT v1.02 released
Version 1.02 of the GridCAT was released. This version fixes a bug that causes an error when starting the GridCAT's graphical user interface on some Windows operating systems (e.g....