QCAlign - quality control for the QUINT workflow

Documentation: https://qcalign.readthedocs.io

QCAlign was developed to support the use of the QUINT workflow for high-throughput studies. The QUINT workflow supports spatial analysis of labelling in series of brain sections from mouse and rat based on registration to a reference atlas.

QCAlign provides information about:

1. The quality of the section images used as input to the QUINT workflow: detect regions that are affected by tissue damage, labelling defects, artifacts or errors in image acquisition.

2. The quality of the atlas-registration performed in the QUINT workflow: detect regions that are poorly registered, or where the registration cannot be verified.

3. QCAlign makes it easier for the user to explore the atlas hierarchy and decide on a customized hierarchy level for the investigation.

For user support: support@ebrains.eu

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