The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to JIP fMRI Analysis Toolkit. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Face Patch Resting State Networks Link Face Processing to Social Cognition.
Description: Schwiedrzik, Caspar M, et al. Face Patch Resting State Networks Link Face Processing to Social Cognition. ''PLoS Biol''. 2015; '''13''' (9):e1002245
Lateralization for dynamic facial expressions in human superior temporal sulcus.
Description: De Winter, Francois-Laurent, et al. Lateralization for dynamic facial expressions in human superior temporal sulcus. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Feb 1; '''106''': 340-52
Epigenetics of amphetamine-induced sensitization: HDAC5 expression and microRNA in neural remodeling.
Description: Liu, Philip K, et al. Epigenetics of amphetamine-induced sensitization: HDAC5 expression and microRNA in neural remodeling. ''J Biomed Sci''. 2016 Dec 8; '''23''' (1):90
A hierarchical, retinotopic proto-organization of the primate visual system at birth.
Description: Arcaro, Michael J, et al. A hierarchical, retinotopic proto-organization of the primate visual system at birth. ''Elife''. 2017 Jul 3; '''6''':
Functional Networks for Social Communication in the Macaque Monkey.
Description: Shepherd, Stephen V, et al. Functional Networks for Social Communication in the Macaque Monkey. ''Neuron''. 2018 Jul 25; '''99''' (2):413-420.e3
Pypreclin: An automatic pipeline for macaque functional MRI preprocessing.
Description: Tasserie, Jordy, et al. Pypreclin: An automatic pipeline for macaque functional MRI preprocessing. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Feb 15; '''207''': 116353
Motor resonance in monkey parietal and premotor cortex during action observation: Influence of viewing perspective and effector identity.
Description: Fiave, Prosper A, et al. Motor resonance in monkey parietal and premotor cortex during action observation: Influence of viewing perspective and effector identity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jan 1; '''224''': 117398
Examining cross-modal fMRI adaptation for observed and executed actions in the monkey brain.
Description: Cui, Ding, et al. Examining cross-modal fMRI adaptation for observed and executed actions in the monkey brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jun; '''233''': 117988
An fMRI-compatible system for targeted electrical stimulation.
Description: Jorgensen, Louise Moller, et al. An fMRI-compatible system for targeted electrical stimulation. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2022 Aug 1; '''378''': 109659
Categorization learning induced changes in action representations in the macaque STS.
Description: Cui, Ding, et al. Categorization learning induced changes in action representations in the macaque STS. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 Jan; '''265''': 119780
General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species.
Description: Luppi, Andrea I, et al. General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 13;
Resting-State Networks of Awake Adolescent and Adult Squirrel Monkeys Using Ultra-High Field (9.4 T) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Description: Yassin, Walid, et al. Resting-State Networks of Awake Adolescent and Adult Squirrel Monkeys Using Ultra-High Field (9.4 T) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ''eNeuro''. 2024 May; '''11''' (5):