PubMed Mentions
The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to HCP Harvard/MGH-UCLA. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.
Publication/References | |
Data ontology and an information system realization for web-based management of image measurements. Description: Prodanov, Dimiter. Data ontology and an information system realization for web-based management of image measurements. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2011; '''5''': 25 | |
Neuroanatomy: decoding the fly brain. Description: Kohl, Johannes, et al. Neuroanatomy: decoding the fly brain. ''Curr Biol''. 2011 Jan 11; '''21''' (1):R19-20 | |
Quantitative evaluation of 10 tractography algorithms on a realistic diffusion MR phantom. Description: Fillard, Pierre, et al. Quantitative evaluation of 10 tractography algorithms on a realistic diffusion MR phantom. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 May 1; '''56''' (1):220-34 | |
Brain connectivity and mental illness. Description: Fornito, Alex, et al. Brain connectivity and mental illness. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2012; '''3''': 72 | |
Criticality in large-scale brain FMRI dynamics unveiled by a novel point process analysis. Description: Tagliazucchi, Enzo, et al. Criticality in large-scale brain FMRI dynamics unveiled by a novel point process analysis. ''Front Physiol''. 2012; '''3''': 15 | |
Data sharing in neuroimaging research. Description: Poline, Jean-Baptiste, et al. Data sharing in neuroimaging research. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2012; '''6''': 9 | |
Mapping connectivity damage in the case of Phineas Gage. Description: Van Horn, John Darrell, et al. Mapping connectivity damage in the case of Phineas Gage. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (5):e37454 | |
Patient-tailored connectomics visualization for the assessment of white matter atrophy in traumatic brain injury. Description: Irimia, Andrei, et al. Patient-tailored connectomics visualization for the assessment of white matter atrophy in traumatic brain injury. ''Front Neurol''. 2012; '''3''': 10 | |
Circular representation of human cortical networks for subject and population-level connectomic visualization. Description: Irimia, Andrei, et al. Circular representation of human cortical networks for subject and population-level connectomic visualization. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Apr 2; '''60''' (2):1340-51 | |
Making better use of our brain MRI research data. Description: Barkhof, Frederik. Making better use of our brain MRI research data. ''Eur Radiol''. 2012 Jul; '''22''' (7):1395-6 | |
The future of functional MRI in clinical medicine. Description: Bullmore, Ed. The future of functional MRI in clinical medicine. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):1267-71 | |
Modeling the outcome of structural disconnection on resting-state functional connectivity. Description: Cabral, Joana, et al. Modeling the outcome of structural disconnection on resting-state functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1342-53 | |
A perspective on terra incognita: uncovering the neuroanatomy of the human subcortex. Description: Alkemade, Anneke, et al. A perspective on terra incognita: uncovering the neuroanatomy of the human subcortex. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2013; '''7''': 40 | |
Self-processing and the default mode network: interactions with the mirror neuron system. Description: Molnar-Szakacs, Istvan, et al. Self-processing and the default mode network: interactions with the mirror neuron system. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013 Sep 11; '''7''': 571 | |
Shape, connectedness and dynamics in neuronal networks. Description: Comin, Cesar Henrique, et al. Shape, connectedness and dynamics in neuronal networks. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2013 Nov 15; '''220''' (2):100-15 | |
Innovative solutions to novel drug development in mental health. Description: Insel, T R, et al. Innovative solutions to novel drug development in mental health. ''Neurosci Biobehav Rev''. 2013 Dec; '''37''' (10 Pt 1):2438-44 | |
Mapping mammalian synaptic connectivity. Description: Yook, Chaehyun, et al. Mapping mammalian synaptic connectivity. ''Cell Mol Life Sci''. 2013 Dec; '''70''' (24):4747-57 | |
Auditory tracts identified with combined fMRI and diffusion tractography. Description: Javad, Faiza, et al. Auditory tracts identified with combined fMRI and diffusion tractography. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jan 1; '''84''': 562-74 | |
Defining functional gene-circuit interfaces in the mouse nervous system. Description: Soden, M E, et al. Defining functional gene-circuit interfaces in the mouse nervous system. ''Genes Brain Behav''. 2014 Jan; '''13''' (1):2-12 | |
Multi-modal ultra-high resolution structural 7-Tesla MRI data repository. Description: Forstmann, Birte U, et al. Multi-modal ultra-high resolution structural 7-Tesla MRI data repository. ''Sci Data''. 2014; '''1''': 140050 | |
Computational psychiatry. Description: Wang, Xiao-Jing, et al. Computational psychiatry. ''Neuron''. 2014 Nov 5; '''84''' (3):638-54 | |
Connectomics and new approaches for analyzing human brain functional connectivity. Description: Craddock, R Cameron, et al. Connectomics and new approaches for analyzing human brain functional connectivity. ''Gigascience''. 2015; '''4''': 13 | |
Effects of thresholding on correlation-based image similarity metrics. Description: Sochat, Vanessa V, et al. Effects of thresholding on correlation-based image similarity metrics. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 418 | |
Hyperglycaemia, insulin therapy and critical penumbral regions for prognosis in acute stroke: further insights from the INSULINFARCT trial. Description: Rosso, Charlotte, et al. Hyperglycaemia, insulin therapy and critical penumbral regions for prognosis in acute stroke: further insights from the INSULINFARCT trial. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0120230 | |
In Vivo Mapping of Cortical Columnar Networks in the Monkey with Focal Electrical and Optical Stimulation. Description: Roe, Anna Wang, et al. In Vivo Mapping of Cortical Columnar Networks in the Monkey with Focal Electrical and Optical Stimulation. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2015; '''9''': 135 | |
Neuroart: picturing the neuroscience of intentional actions in art and science. Description: Siler, Todd. Neuroart: picturing the neuroscience of intentional actions in art and science. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 410 | |
Occipital cortical thickness in very low birth weight born adolescents predicts altered neural specialization of visual semantic category related neural networks. Description: Klaver, Peter, et al. Occipital cortical thickness in very low birth weight born adolescents predicts altered neural specialization of visual semantic category related neural networks. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Jan; '''67''': 41-54 | |
Probabilistic MRI tractography of the optic radiation using constrained spherical deconvolution: a feasibility study. Description: Lim, Jeremy C, et al. Probabilistic MRI tractography of the optic radiation using constrained spherical deconvolution: a feasibility study. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0118948 | |
Stroke Connectome and Its Implications for Cognitive and Behavioral Sequela of Stroke. Description: Lim, Jae-Sung, et al. Stroke Connectome and Its Implications for Cognitive and Behavioral Sequela of Stroke. ''J Stroke''. 2015 Sep; '''17''' (3):256-67 | |
MGH-USC Human Connectome Project datasets with ultra-high b-value diffusion MRI. Description: Fan, Qiuyun, et al. MGH-USC Human Connectome Project datasets with ultra-high b-value diffusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1108-1114 | |
Opportunities and considerations for visualising neuroimaging data on very large displays. Description: Wall, Matthew B, et al. Opportunities and considerations for visualising neuroimaging data on very large displays. ''F1000Res''. 2016; '''5''': 2157 | |
Three-dimensional immersive virtual reality for studying cellular compartments in 3D models from EM preparations of neural tissues. Description: Cali, Corrado, et al. Three-dimensional immersive virtual reality for studying cellular compartments in 3D models from EM preparations of neural tissues. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Jan 1; '''524''' (1):23-38 | |
Precision Medicine: What Do We Expect in the Scope of Basic Biomedical Sciences? Description: Yu, Jun. Precision Medicine: What Do We Expect in the Scope of Basic Biomedical Sciences? ''Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics''. 2016 Feb; '''14''' (1):1-3 | |
From big data to deep insight in developmental science. Description: Gilmore, Rick O. From big data to deep insight in developmental science. ''Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci''. 2016 Mar-Apr; '''7''' (2):112-26 | |
Communication in Neural Circuits: Tools, Opportunities, and Challenges. Description: Lerner, Talia N, et al. Communication in Neural Circuits: Tools, Opportunities, and Challenges. ''Cell''. 2016 Mar 10; '''164''' (6):1136-1150 | |
Increased Global Functional Connectivity Correlates with LSD-Induced Ego Dissolution. Description: Tagliazucchi, Enzo, et al. Increased Global Functional Connectivity Correlates with LSD-Induced Ego Dissolution. ''Curr Biol''. 2016 Apr 25; '''26''' (8):1043-50 | |
Brain circuitry of compulsivity. Description: van den Heuvel, Odile A, et al. Brain circuitry of compulsivity. ''Eur Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2016 May; '''26''' (5):810-27 | |
Formal Models of the Network Co-occurrence Underlying Mental Operations. Description: Bzdok, Danilo, et al. Formal Models of the Network Co-occurrence Underlying Mental Operations. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2016 Jun; '''12''' (6):e1004994 | |
Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: Better ODFs and better connectivity. Description: Paquette, Michael, et al. Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: Better ODFs and better connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Nov 15; '''142''': 1-13 | |
Temporal Dynamics and Developmental Maturation of Salience, Default and Central-Executive Network Interactions Revealed by Variational Bayes Hidden Markov Modeling. Description: Ryali, Srikanth, et al. Temporal Dynamics and Developmental Maturation of Salience, Default and Central-Executive Network Interactions Revealed by Variational Bayes Hidden Markov Modeling. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2016 Dec; '''12''' (12):e1005138 | |
Botallo's error, or the quandaries of the universality assumption. Description: Bartolomeo, Paolo, et al. Botallo's error, or the quandaries of the universality assumption. ''Cortex''. 2017 Jan; '''86''': 176-185 | |
Introducing Alternative-Based Thresholding for Defining Functional Regions of Interest in fMRI. Description: Degryse, Jasper, et al. Introducing Alternative-Based Thresholding for Defining Functional Regions of Interest in fMRI. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 222 | |
Running Neuroimaging Applications on Amazon Web Services: How, When, and at What Cost? Description: Madhyastha, Tara M, et al. Running Neuroimaging Applications on Amazon Web Services: How, When, and at What Cost? ''Front Neuroinform''. 2017; '''11''': 63 | |
Toward an electrophysiological "sweet spot" for deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus. Description: Horn, Andreas, et al. Toward an electrophysiological "sweet spot" for deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Jul; '''38''' (7):3377-3390 | |
Functional corticostriatal connection topographies predict goal directed behaviour in humans. Description: Marquand, Andre F, et al. Functional corticostriatal connection topographies predict goal directed behaviour in humans. ''Nat Hum Behav''. 2017 Aug; '''1''' (8):0146 | |
Connectome imaging for mapping human brain pathways. Description: Shi, Y, et al. Connectome imaging for mapping human brain pathways. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2017 Sep; '''22''' (9):1230-1240 | |
Extraction of dynamic functional connectivity from brain grey matter and white matter for MCI classification. Description: Chen, Xiaobo, et al. Extraction of dynamic functional connectivity from brain grey matter and white matter for MCI classification. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Oct; '''38''' (10):5019-5034 | |
Contralateral cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways reconstruction in humans in vivo: implications for reciprocal cerebro-cerebellar structural connectivity in motor and non-motor areas. Description: Palesi, Fulvia, et al. Contralateral cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways reconstruction in humans in vivo: implications for reciprocal cerebro-cerebellar structural connectivity in motor and non-motor areas. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 9; '''7''' (1):12841 | |
Functional connectivity dynamically evolves on multiple time-scales over a static structural connectome: Models and mechanisms. Description: Cabral, Joana, et al. Functional connectivity dynamically evolves on multiple time-scales over a static structural connectome: Models and mechanisms. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Oct 15; '''160''': 84-96 | |
Connectivity and complex systems: learning from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Description: Turnbull, Laura, et al. Connectivity and complex systems: learning from a multi-disciplinary perspective. ''Appl Netw Sci''. 2018; '''3''' (1):11 | |
How to Enhance the Power to Detect Brain-Behavior Correlations With Limited Resources. Description: de Haas, Benjamin. How to Enhance the Power to Detect Brain-Behavior Correlations With Limited Resources. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 421 | |
Predicting functional networks from region connectivity profiles in task-based versus resting-state fMRI data. Description: Rasero, Javier, et al. Predicting functional networks from region connectivity profiles in task-based versus resting-state fMRI data. ''PLoS One''. 2018; '''13''' (11):e0207385 | |
Recent advances in functional neuroimaging analysis for cognitive neuroscience. Description: Williams, Nitin, et al. Recent advances in functional neuroimaging analysis for cognitive neuroscience. ''Brain Neurosci Adv''. 2018 Jan-Dec; '''2''': 2398212817752727 | |
The Impacts of Tumor and Tumor Associated Epilepsy on Subcortical Brain Structures and Long Distance Connectivity in Patients With Low Grade Glioma. Description: Bouwen, Bibi L J, et al. The Impacts of Tumor and Tumor Associated Epilepsy on Subcortical Brain Structures and Long Distance Connectivity in Patients With Low Grade Glioma. ''Front Neurol''. 2018; '''9''': 1004 | |
AnatomiCuts: Hierarchical clustering of tractography streamlines based on anatomical similarity. Description: Siless, Viviana, et al. AnatomiCuts: Hierarchical clustering of tractography streamlines based on anatomical similarity. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Feb 1; '''166''': 32-45 | |
The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in a large forensic sample. Description: Crooks, Dana, et al. The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in a large forensic sample. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2018 Apr; '''112''': 95-104 | |
Evaluating accuracy of striatal, pallidal, and thalamic segmentation methods: Comparing automated approaches to manual delineation. Description: Makowski, Carolina, et al. Evaluating accuracy of striatal, pallidal, and thalamic segmentation methods: Comparing automated approaches to manual delineation. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Apr 15; '''170''': 182-198 | |
Impact of global signal regression on characterizing dynamic functional connectivity and brain states. Description: Xu, Huaze, et al. Impact of global signal regression on characterizing dynamic functional connectivity and brain states. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Jun; '''173''': 127-145 | |
On object selectivity and the anatomy of the human fusiform gyrus. Description: Weiner, Kevin S, et al. On object selectivity and the anatomy of the human fusiform gyrus. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Jun; '''173''': 604-609 | |
Assessment of the impact of shared brain imaging data on the scientific literature. Description: Milham, Michael P, et al. Assessment of the impact of shared brain imaging data on the scientific literature. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Jul 19; '''9''' (1):2818 | |
LISA improves statistical analysis for fMRI. Description: Lohmann, Gabriele, et al. LISA improves statistical analysis for fMRI. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Oct 1; '''9''' (1):4014 | |
Critical brain regions related to post-stroke aphasia severity identified by early diffusion imaging are not the same when predicting short- and long-term outcome. Description: Zavanone, Chiara, et al. Critical brain regions related to post-stroke aphasia severity identified by early diffusion imaging are not the same when predicting short- and long-term outcome. ''Brain Lang''. 2018 Nov; '''186''': 1-7 | |
Clustering the Brain With "CluB": A New Toolbox for Quantitative Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Data. Description: Berlingeri, Manuela, et al. Clustering the Brain With "CluB": A New Toolbox for Quantitative Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Data. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 1037 | |
COALIA: A Computational Model of Human EEG for Consciousness Research. Description: Bensaid, Siouar, et al. COALIA: A Computational Model of Human EEG for Consciousness Research. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 59 | |
Default Mode Network structural alterations in Kocher-Monro trajectory white matter transection: A 3 and 7 tesla simulation modeling approach. Description: Pascual-Diaz, Saul, et al. Default Mode Network structural alterations in Kocher-Monro trajectory white matter transection: A 3 and 7 tesla simulation modeling approach. ''PLoS One''. 2019; '''14''' (11):e0224598 | |
Large-scale intrinsic connectivity is consistent across varying task demands. Description: Kieliba, Paulina, et al. Large-scale intrinsic connectivity is consistent across varying task demands. ''PLoS One''. 2019; '''14''' (4):e0213861 | |
MRI, CT and high resolution macro-anatomical images with cryosectioning of a Beagle brain: Creating the base of a multimodal imaging atlas. Description: Czeibert, Kalman, et al. MRI, CT and high resolution macro-anatomical images with cryosectioning of a Beagle brain: Creating the base of a multimodal imaging atlas. ''PLoS One''. 2019; '''14''' (3):e0213458 | |
Neural Correlates of Facial Expression Recognition in Earthquake Witnesses. Description: Pistoia, Francesca, et al. Neural Correlates of Facial Expression Recognition in Earthquake Witnesses. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 1038 | |
Tracking the Main States of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Resting State. Description: Zhou, Qunjie, et al. Tracking the Main States of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Resting State. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 685 | |
Baby brain atlases. Description: Oishi, Kenichi, et al. Baby brain atlases. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Jan 15; '''185''': 865-880 | |
The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in female offenders. Description: Crooks, Dana, et al. The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in female offenders. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2019 Feb 1; '''359''': 967-972 | |
Harmonization of resting-state functional MRI data across multiple imaging sites via the separation of site differences into sampling bias and measurement bias. Description: Yamashita, Ayumu, et al. Harmonization of resting-state functional MRI data across multiple imaging sites via the separation of site differences into sampling bias and measurement bias. ''PLoS Biol''. 2019 Apr; '''17''' (4):e3000042 | |
Functional parcellation of the hippocampus from resting-state dynamic functional connectivity. Description: Zhong, Qi, et al. Functional parcellation of the hippocampus from resting-state dynamic functional connectivity. ''Brain Res''. 2019 Jul 15; '''1715''': 165-175 | |
Pairwise Interactions among Brain Regions Organize Large-Scale Functional Connectivity during Execution of Various Tasks. Description: Niu, Weikun, et al. Pairwise Interactions among Brain Regions Organize Large-Scale Functional Connectivity during Execution of Various Tasks. ''Neuroscience''. 2019 Aug 1; '''412''': 190-206 | |
The functional database of the ARCHI project: Potential and perspectives. Description: Pinel, Philippe, et al. The functional database of the ARCHI project: Potential and perspectives. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 15; '''197''': 527-543 | |
Evaluation of the spatial variability in the major resting-state networks across human brain functional atlases. Description: Doucet, Gaelle E, et al. Evaluation of the spatial variability in the major resting-state networks across human brain functional atlases. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2019 Oct 15; '''40''' (15):4577-4587 | |
A decade of test-retest reliability of functional connectivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Description: Noble, Stephanie, et al. A decade of test-retest reliability of functional connectivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Dec; '''203''': 116157 | |
An Integrative Approach to Study Structural and Functional Network Connectivity in Epilepsy Using Imaging and Signal Data. Description: Carr, Sarah J A, et al. An Integrative Approach to Study Structural and Functional Network Connectivity in Epilepsy Using Imaging and Signal Data. ''Front Integr Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 491403 | |
BrainWiki-A Wiki-Style, User Driven, Comparative Brain Anatomy Tool. Description: Forsell, Linda, et al. BrainWiki-A Wiki-Style, User Driven, Comparative Brain Anatomy Tool. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2020; '''14''': 548172 | |
A Quantitative EEG Toolbox for the MNI Neuroinformatics Ecosystem: Normative SPM of EEG Source Spectra. Description: Bosch-Bayard, Jorge, et al. A Quantitative EEG Toolbox for the MNI Neuroinformatics Ecosystem: Normative SPM of EEG Source Spectra. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2020; '''14''': 33 | |
Comparison of feature selection methods based on discrimination and reliability for fMRI decoding analysis. Description: Xu, Wenyan, et al. Comparison of feature selection methods based on discrimination and reliability for fMRI decoding analysis. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2020 Apr 1; '''335''': 108567 | |
The Utility of Applying Various Image Preprocessing Strategies to Reduce the Ambiguity in Deep Learning-based Clinical Image Diagnosis. Description: Tachibana, Yasuhiko, et al. The Utility of Applying Various Image Preprocessing Strategies to Reduce the Ambiguity in Deep Learning-based Clinical Image Diagnosis. ''Magn Reson Med Sci''. 2020 May 1; '''19''' (2):92-98 | |
Iterative consensus spectral clustering improves detection of subject and group level brain functional modules. Description: Gupta, Sukrit, et al. Iterative consensus spectral clustering improves detection of subject and group level brain functional modules. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 May 5; '''10''' (1):7590 | |
Analysis of local gyrification index using a novel shape-adaptive kernel and the standard FreeSurfer spherical kernel - evidence from chronic schizophrenia outpatients. Description: Plonka, Olga, et al. Analysis of local gyrification index using a novel shape-adaptive kernel and the standard FreeSurfer spherical kernel - evidence from chronic schizophrenia outpatients. ''Heliyon''. 2020 Jun; '''6''' (6):e04172 | |
The anterior and medial thalamic nuclei and the human limbic system: tracing the structural connectivity using diffusion-weighted imaging. Description: Grodd, Wolfgang, et al. The anterior and medial thalamic nuclei and the human limbic system: tracing the structural connectivity using diffusion-weighted imaging. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Jul 2; '''10''' (1):10957 | |
Idiosynchrony: From shared responses to individual differences during naturalistic neuroimaging. Description: Finn, Emily S, et al. Idiosynchrony: From shared responses to individual differences during naturalistic neuroimaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Jul 15; '''215''': 116828 | |
Task-evoked activity quenches neural correlations and variability across cortical areas. Description: Ito, Takuya, et al. Task-evoked activity quenches neural correlations and variability across cortical areas. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2020 Aug; '''16''' (8):e1007983 | |
Toward a "treadmill test" for cognition: Improved prediction of general cognitive ability from the task activated brain. Description: Sripada, Chandra, et al. Toward a "treadmill test" for cognition: Improved prediction of general cognitive ability from the task activated brain. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Aug 15; '''41''' (12):3186-3197 | |
T-distribution stochastic neighbor embedding for fine brain functional parcellation on rs-fMRI. Description: Hu, Ying, et al. T-distribution stochastic neighbor embedding for fine brain functional parcellation on rs-fMRI. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2020 Sep; '''162''': 199-207 | |
The role of microstructural integrity of major language pathways in narrative speech in the first year after stroke. Description: Keser, Zafer, et al. The role of microstructural integrity of major language pathways in narrative speech in the first year after stroke. ''J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis''. 2020 Sep; '''29''' (9):105078 | |
Relationship between Quality of Life and the Complexity of Default Mode Network in Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Image in Down Syndrome. Description: Carbo-Carrete, Maria, et al. Relationship between Quality of Life and the Complexity of Default Mode Network in Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Image in Down Syndrome. ''Int J Environ Res Public Health''. 2020 Sep 29; '''17''' (19): | |
The genetics-BIDS extension: Easing the search for genetic data associated with human brain imaging. Description: Moreau, Clara A, et al. The genetics-BIDS extension: Easing the search for genetic data associated with human brain imaging. ''Gigascience''. 2020 Oct 17; '''9''' (10): | |
A cortical hierarchy of localized and distributed processes revealed via dissociation of task activations, connectivity changes, and intrinsic timescales. Description: Ito, Takuya, et al. A cortical hierarchy of localized and distributed processes revealed via dissociation of task activations, connectivity changes, and intrinsic timescales. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 1; '''221''': 117141 | |
Sample size evolution in neuroimaging research: An evaluation of highly-cited studies (1990-2012) and of latest practices (2017-2018) in high-impact journals. Description: Szucs, Denes, et al. Sample size evolution in neuroimaging research: An evaluation of highly-cited studies (1990-2012) and of latest practices (2017-2018) in high-impact journals. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 1; '''221''': 117164 | |
Structural characterization of the Extended Frontal Aslant Tract trajectory: A ML-validated laterality study in 3T and 7T. Description: Pascual-Diaz, Saul, et al. Structural characterization of the Extended Frontal Aslant Tract trajectory: A ML-validated laterality study in 3T and 7T. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 15; '''222''': 117260 | |
MRI-visible dilated perivascular spaces in healthy young adults: A twin heritability study. Description: Choi, Yangsean, et al. MRI-visible dilated perivascular spaces in healthy young adults: A twin heritability study. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Dec 15; '''41''' (18):5313-5324 | |
A whole-brain modeling approach to identify individual and group variations in functional connectivity. Description: Zhao, Yi, et al. A whole-brain modeling approach to identify individual and group variations in functional connectivity. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Jan; '''11''' (1):e01942 | |
Brain Function Network: Higher Order vs. More Discrimination. Description: Guo, Tingting, et al. Brain Function Network: Higher Order vs. More Discrimination. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 696639 | |
Constructing Compact Signatures for Individual Fingerprinting of Brain Connectomes. Description: Ravindra, Vikram, et al. Constructing Compact Signatures for Individual Fingerprinting of Brain Connectomes. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 549322 | |
Parcellation-induced variation of empirical and simulated brain connectomes at group and subject levels. Description: Domhof, Justin W M, et al. Parcellation-induced variation of empirical and simulated brain connectomes at group and subject levels. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2021; '''5''' (3):798-830 | |
Resting-state default mode network connectivity in young individuals with Down syndrome. Description: Figueroa-Jimenez, Maria Dolores, et al. Resting-state default mode network connectivity in young individuals with Down syndrome. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Jan; '''11''' (1):e01905 | |
Sign-specific stimulation 'hot' and 'cold' spots in Parkinson's disease validated with machine learning. Description: Boutet, Alexandre, et al. Sign-specific stimulation 'hot' and 'cold' spots in Parkinson's disease validated with machine learning. ''Brain Commun''. 2021; '''3''' (2):fcab027 | |
Static and dynamic functional connectivity supports the configuration of brain networks associated with creative cognition. Description: Patil, Abhishek Uday, et al. Static and dynamic functional connectivity supports the configuration of brain networks associated with creative cognition. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Jan 8; '''11''' (1):165 | |
Jumping over baselines with new methods to predict activation maps from resting-state fMRI. Description: Lacosse, Eric, et al. Jumping over baselines with new methods to predict activation maps from resting-state fMRI. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Feb 10; '''11''' (1):3480 | |
Brain parcellation driven by dynamic functional connectivity better capture intrinsic network dynamics. Description: Fan, Liangwei, et al. Brain parcellation driven by dynamic functional connectivity better capture intrinsic network dynamics. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Apr 1; '''42''' (5):1416-1433 | |
Differential spatial patterns of structural connectivity of amygdala nuclei with orbitofrontal cortex. Description: Matyi, Melanie A, et al. Differential spatial patterns of structural connectivity of amygdala nuclei with orbitofrontal cortex. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Apr 1; '''42''' (5):1391-1405 | |
Promises and pitfalls of deep neural networks in neuroimaging-based psychiatric research. Description: Eitel, Fabian, et al. Promises and pitfalls of deep neural networks in neuroimaging-based psychiatric research. ''Exp Neurol''. 2021 May; '''339''': 113608 | |
Structural equation models to estimate dynamic effective connectivity networks in resting fMRI. A comparison between individuals with Down syndrome and controls. Description: Figueroa-Jimenez, Maria Dolores, et al. Structural equation models to estimate dynamic effective connectivity networks in resting fMRI. A comparison between individuals with Down syndrome and controls. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2021 May 7; '''405''': 113188 | |
Consistency of functional connectivity across different movies. Description: Tian, Lixia, et al. Consistency of functional connectivity across different movies. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jun; '''233''': 117926 | |
Shared heritability of human face and brain shape. Description: Naqvi, Sahin, et al. Shared heritability of human face and brain shape. ''Nat Genet''. 2021 Jun; '''53''' (6):830-839 | |
Functional connectome fingerprinting: Identifying individuals and predicting cognitive functions via autoencoder. Description: Cai, Biao, et al. Functional connectome fingerprinting: Identifying individuals and predicting cognitive functions via autoencoder. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Jun 15; '''42''' (9):2691-2705 | |
Neocortical Age and Fluid Ability: Greater Accelerated Brain Aging for Thickness, but Smaller for Surface Area, in High Cognitive Ability Individuals. Description: Santonja, Javier, et al. Neocortical Age and Fluid Ability: Greater Accelerated Brain Aging for Thickness, but Smaller for Surface Area, in High Cognitive Ability Individuals. ''Neuroscience''. 2021 Jul 15; '''467''': 81-90 | |
Dynamic functional network connectivity associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors. Description: Fu, Zening, et al. Dynamic functional network connectivity associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors. ''Neurobiol Stress''. 2021 Nov; '''15''': 100377 | |
Large, open datasets for human connectomics research: Considerations for reproducible and responsible data use. Description: Laird, Angela R. Large, open datasets for human connectomics research: Considerations for reproducible and responsible data use. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118579 | |
The role of neural load effects in predicting individual differences in working memory function. Description: Li, Y Peeta, et al. The role of neural load effects in predicting individual differences in working memory function. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 15; '''245''': 118656 | |
Connectivity-based Cortical Parcellation via Contrastive Learning on Spatial-Graph Convolution. Description: You, Peiting, et al. Connectivity-based Cortical Parcellation via Contrastive Learning on Spatial-Graph Convolution. ''BME Front''. 2022; '''2022''': 9814824 | |
Model-based stationarity filtering of long-term memory data applied to resting-state blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal. Description: Bansal, Ishita Rai, et al. Model-based stationarity filtering of long-term memory data applied to resting-state blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal. ''PLoS One''. 2022; '''17''' (7):e0268752 | |
Linking Brain Structure, Activity, and Cognitive Function through Computation. Description: Amunts, Katrin, et al. Linking Brain Structure, Activity, and Cognitive Function through Computation. ''eNeuro''. 2022 Mar-Apr; '''9''' (2): | |
Brain charts for the human lifespan. Description: Bethlehem, R A I, et al. Brain charts for the human lifespan. ''Nature''. 2022 Apr; '''604''' (7906):525-533 | |
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Shared genetic effects of emotion and subcortical volumes in healthy adults. Description: Choi, Seung Yun, et al. Shared genetic effects of emotion and subcortical volumes in healthy adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Apr 1; '''249''': 118894 | |
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The spectrum of data sharing policies in neuroimaging data repositories. Description: Jwa, Anita S, et al. The spectrum of data sharing policies in neuroimaging data repositories. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jun 1; '''43''' (8):2707-2721 | |
Group-level inference of information-based measures for the analyses of cognitive brain networks from neurophysiological data. Description: Combrisson, Etienne, et al. Group-level inference of information-based measures for the analyses of cognitive brain networks from neurophysiological data. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Sep; '''258''': 119347 | |
Estimating axial diffusivity in the NODDI model. Description: Howard, Amy Fd, et al. Estimating axial diffusivity in the NODDI model. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Nov 15; '''262''': 119535 | |
Interrelating differences in structural and functional connectivity in the older adult's brain. Description: Stumme, Johanna, et al. Interrelating differences in structural and functional connectivity in the older adult's brain. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Dec 15; '''43''' (18):5543-5561 | |
Topological data analysis of human brain networks through order statistics. Description: Das, Soumya, et al. Topological data analysis of human brain networks through order statistics. ''PLoS One''. 2023; '''18''' (3):e0276419 | |
DBSegment: Fast and robust segmentation of deep brain structures considering domain generalization. Description: Baniasadi, Mehri, et al. DBSegment: Fast and robust segmentation of deep brain structures considering domain generalization. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Feb 1; '''44''' (2):762-778 | |
Deep multimodal predictome for studying mental disorders. Description: Rahaman, Md Abdur, et al. Deep multimodal predictome for studying mental disorders. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Feb 1; '''44''' (2):509-522 | |
Sulcal morphology of posteromedial cortex substantially differs between humans and chimpanzees. Description: Willbrand, Ethan H, et al. Sulcal morphology of posteromedial cortex substantially differs between humans and chimpanzees. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Feb 6; | |
Mapping the multimodal connectome: On the architects of brain network science. Description: Collin, Guusje, et al. Mapping the multimodal connectome: On the architects of brain network science. ''PLoS Biol''. 2023 Mar; '''21''' (3):e3002043 | |
Multivariate information theory uncovers synergistic subsystems of the human cerebral cortex. Description: Varley, Thomas F, et al. Multivariate information theory uncovers synergistic subsystems of the human cerebral cortex. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Apr 24; '''6''' (1):451 | |
Multi-centre analysis of networks and genes modulated by hypothalamic stimulation in patients with aggressive behaviours. Description: Gouveia, Flavia Venetucci, et al. Multi-centre analysis of networks and genes modulated by hypothalamic stimulation in patients with aggressive behaviours. ''Elife''. 2023 May 22; '''12''': | |
Multimodal gradients of human basal forebrain connectivity. Description: Chakraborty, Sudesna, et al. Multimodal gradients of human basal forebrain connectivity. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 May 26; | |
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Network anatomy in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Description: Mandelli, Maria Luisa, et al. Network anatomy in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Aug 1; '''44''' (11):4390-4406 | |
Patient-specific models link neurotransmitter receptor mechanisms with motor and visuospatial axes of Parkinson's disease. Description: Khan, Ahmed Faraz, et al. Patient-specific models link neurotransmitter receptor mechanisms with motor and visuospatial axes of Parkinson's disease. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Sep 26; '''14''' (1):6009 | |
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Study design features that improve effect sizes in cross-sectional and longitudinal brain-wide association studies. Description: Kang, Kaidi, et al. Study design features that improve effect sizes in cross-sectional and longitudinal brain-wide association studies. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 22; | |
Tau-network mapping of domain-specific cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. Description: Luan, Ying, et al. Tau-network mapping of domain-specific cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2024; '''44''': 103699 | |
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