The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to CBRAIN. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

LORIS: a web-based data management system for multi-center studies.
Description: Das, Samir, et al. LORIS: a web-based data management system for multi-center studies. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2011; '''5''': 37
Data sharing in neuroimaging research.
Description: Poline, Jean-Baptiste, et al. Data sharing in neuroimaging research. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2012; '''6''': 9
Brain structure is changed in congenital anosmia.
Description: Frasnelli, Johannes, et al. Brain structure is changed in congenital anosmia. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 1074-80
CBRAIN: a web-based, distributed computing platform for collaborative neuroimaging research.
Description: Sherif, Tarek, et al. CBRAIN: a web-based, distributed computing platform for collaborative neuroimaging research. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2014; '''8''': 54
Jacobian integration method increases the statistical power to measure gray matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis.
Description: Nakamura, Kunio, et al. Jacobian integration method increases the statistical power to measure gray matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2014; '''4''': 10-7
Childhood cognitive ability accounts for associations between cognitive ability and brain cortical thickness in old age.
Description: Karama, S, et al. Childhood cognitive ability accounts for associations between cognitive ability and brain cortical thickness in old age. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2014 May; '''19''' (5):555-9
Spatio-Temporal Regularization for Longitudinal Registration to Subject-Specific 3d Template.
Description: Guizard, Nicolas, et al. Spatio-Temporal Regularization for Longitudinal Registration to Subject-Specific 3d Template. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (8):e0133352
Age-related cortical thickness trajectories in first episode psychosis patients presenting with early persistent negative symptoms.
Description: Makowski, Carolina, et al. Age-related cortical thickness trajectories in first episode psychosis patients presenting with early persistent negative symptoms. ''NPJ Schizophr''. 2016; '''2''': 16029
Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute.
Description: Das, Samir, et al. Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2016; '''10''': 53
Regional Reproducibility of BOLD Calibration Parameter M, OEF and Resting-State CMRO2 Measurements with QUO2 MRI.
Description: Lajoie, Isabelle, et al. Regional Reproducibility of BOLD Calibration Parameter M, OEF and Resting-State CMRO2 Measurements with QUO2 MRI. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (9):e0163071
Sharing brain mapping statistical results with the neuroimaging data model.
Description: Maumet, Camille, et al. Sharing brain mapping statistical results with the neuroimaging data model. ''Sci Data''. 2016 Dec 6; '''3''': 160102
Is there a relation between novelty seeking, striatal dopamine release and frontal cortical thickness?
Description: Jaworska, Natalia, et al. Is there a relation between novelty seeking, striatal dopamine release and frontal cortical thickness? ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (3):e0174219
The impact of inspired oxygen levels on calibrated fMRI measurements of M, OEF and resting CMRO2 using combined hypercapnia and hyperoxia.
Description: Lajoie, Isabelle, et al. The impact of inspired oxygen levels on calibrated fMRI measurements of M, OEF and resting CMRO2 using combined hypercapnia and hyperoxia. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (3):e0174932
Science in the cloud (SIC): A use case in MRI connectomics.
Description: Kiar, Gregory, et al. Science in the cloud (SIC): A use case in MRI connectomics. ''Gigascience''. 2017 May 1; '''6''' (5):1-10
Integration of "omics" Data and Phenotypic Data Within a Unified Extensible Multimodal Framework.
Description: Das, Samir, et al. Integration of "omics" Data and Phenotypic Data Within a Unified Extensible Multimodal Framework. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2018; '''12''': 91
Widespread associations between trait conscientiousness and thickness of brain cortical regions.
Description: Lewis, Gary J, et al. Widespread associations between trait conscientiousness and thickness of brain cortical regions. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Aug 1; '''176''': 22-28
Amygdalar reactivity is associated with prefrontal cortical thickness in a large population-based sample of adolescents.
Description: Albaugh, Matthew D, et al. Amygdalar reactivity is associated with prefrontal cortical thickness in a large population-based sample of adolescents. ''PLoS One''. 2019; '''14''' (5):e0216152
Current Socioeconomic Status Correlates With Brain Volumes in Healthy Children and Adolescents but Not in Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
Description: McLachlan, Kaitlyn, et al. Current Socioeconomic Status Correlates With Brain Volumes in Healthy Children and Adolescents but Not in Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 223
Sleep spindles are resilient to extensive white matter deterioration.
Description: Sanchez, Erlan, et al. Sleep spindles are resilient to extensive white matter deterioration. ''Brain Commun''. 2020; '''2''' (2):fcaa071
A bird's-eye view of brain activity in socially interacting mice through mobile edge computing (MEC).
Description: Kim, Jisoo, et al. A bird's-eye view of brain activity in socially interacting mice through mobile edge computing (MEC). ''Sci Adv''. 2020 Dec; '''6''' (49):
How do substance use disorders compare to other psychiatric conditions on structural brain abnormalities? A cross-disorder meta-analytic comparison using the ENIGMA consortium findings.
Description: Navarri, Xavier, et al. How do substance use disorders compare to other psychiatric conditions on structural brain abnormalities? A cross-disorder meta-analytic comparison using the ENIGMA consortium findings. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jan; '''43''' (1):399-413
A critical role of brain network architecture in a continuum model of autism spectrum disorders spanning from healthy individuals with genetic liability to individuals with ASD.
Description: Khundrakpam, Budhachandra, et al. A critical role of brain network architecture in a continuum model of autism spectrum disorders spanning from healthy individuals with genetic liability to individuals with ASD. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2023 Mar; '''28''' (3):1210-1218
Data and Tools Integration in the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform.
Description: Poline, Jean-Baptiste, et al. Data and Tools Integration in the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform. ''Sci Data''. 2023 Apr 6; '''10''' (1):189
Dynamic switching of neural oscillations in the prefrontal-amygdala circuit for naturalistic freeze-or-flight.
Description: Han, Hio-Been, et al. Dynamic switching of neural oscillations in the prefrontal-amygdala circuit for naturalistic freeze-or-flight. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2023 Sep 12; '''120''' (37):e2308762120
The endocannabinoid N-arachidonoyl dopamine is critical for hyperalgesia induced by chronic sleep disruption.
Description: Ding, Weihua, et al. The endocannabinoid N-arachidonoyl dopamine is critical for hyperalgesia induced by chronic sleep disruption. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Oct 25; '''14''' (1):6696
Investigating robust associations between functional connectivity based on graph theory and general intelligence.
Description: Metzen, Dorothea, et al. Investigating robust associations between functional connectivity based on graph theory and general intelligence. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jan 16; '''14''' (1):1368
The superior frontal sulcus in the human brain: Morphology and probability maps.
Description: Drudik, Kristina, et al. The superior frontal sulcus in the human brain: Morphology and probability maps. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Apr; '''45''' (5):e26635
Social context modulates multibrain broadband dynamics and functional brain-to-brain coupling in the group of mice.
Description: Lee, Jeongyoon, et al. Social context modulates multibrain broadband dynamics and functional brain-to-brain coupling in the group of mice. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 May 20; '''14''' (1):11439
Mouse Escape Behaviors and mPFC-BLA Activity Dataset: Understanding Flexible Defensive Strategies Under Threat.
Description: Cho, SungJun, et al. Mouse Escape Behaviors and mPFC-BLA Activity Dataset: Understanding Flexible Defensive Strategies Under Threat. ''Sci Data''. 2024 Aug 10; '''11''' (1):861