The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to NeuroSynth. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Resting state functional connectivity correlates of inhibitory control in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Description: Mennes, Maarten, et al. Resting state functional connectivity correlates of inhibitory control in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2011; '''2''': 83
Inferring mental states from neuroimaging data: from reverse inference to large-scale decoding.
Description: Poldrack, Russell A. Inferring mental states from neuroimaging data: from reverse inference to large-scale decoding. ''Neuron''. 2011 Dec 8; '''72''' (5):692-7
Automated regional behavioral analysis for human brain images.
Description: Lancaster, Jack L, et al. Automated regional behavioral analysis for human brain images. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2012; '''6''': 23
Data sharing in neuroimaging research.
Description: Poline, Jean-Baptiste, et al. Data sharing in neuroimaging research. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2012; '''6''': 9
Decreasing ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity during sequential risk-taking: an FMRI investigation of the balloon analog risk task.
Description: Schonberg, Tom, et al. Decreasing ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity during sequential risk-taking: an FMRI investigation of the balloon analog risk task. ''Front Neurosci''. 2012; '''6''': 80
From Brain to Behavior: Hypertension's Modulation of Cognition and Affect.
Description: Jennings, J Richard, et al. From Brain to Behavior: Hypertension's Modulation of Cognition and Affect. ''Int J Hypertens''. 2012; '''2012''': 701385
Letting the daylight in: Reviewing the reviewers and other ways to maximize transparency in science.
Description: Wicherts, Jelte M, et al. Letting the daylight in: Reviewing the reviewers and other ways to maximize transparency in science. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2012; '''6''': 20
Neuroimaging of the periaqueductal gray: state of the field.
Description: Linnman, Clas, et al. Neuroimaging of the periaqueductal gray: state of the field. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Mar; '''60''' (1):505-22
Behavioral and neuroanatomical investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM).
Description: LePort, Aurora K R, et al. Behavioral and neuroanatomical investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2012 Jul; '''98''' (1):78-92
The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience.
Description: Poldrack, Russell A. The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):1216-20
Whole brain, high resolution spin-echo resting state fMRI using PINS multiplexing at 7 T.
Description: Koopmans, Peter J, et al. Whole brain, high resolution spin-echo resting state fMRI using PINS multiplexing at 7 T. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1939-46
A clinical case study of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy monitored with functional neuroimaging.
Description: Buchheim, Anna, et al. A clinical case study of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy monitored with functional neuroimaging. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 677
Automated annotation of functional imaging experiments via multi-label classification.
Description: Turner, Matthew D, et al. Automated annotation of functional imaging experiments via multi-label classification. ''Front Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 240
ICA model order selection of task co-activation networks.
Description: Ray, Kimberly L, et al. ICA model order selection of task co-activation networks. ''Front Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 237
The balanced mind: the variability of task-unrelated thoughts predicts error monitoring.
Description: Allen, Micah, et al. The balanced mind: the variability of task-unrelated thoughts predicts error monitoring. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 743
Toward open sharing of task-based fMRI data: the OpenfMRI project.
Description: Poldrack, Russell A, et al. Toward open sharing of task-based fMRI data: the OpenfMRI project. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2013; '''7''': 12
Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Gan, Gabriela, et al. Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Brain Behav''. 2013 Jul; '''3''' (4):402-16
Brain imaging predictors and the international study to predict optimized treatment for depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Description: Grieve, Stuart M, et al. Brain imaging predictors and the international study to predict optimized treatment for depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. ''Trials''. 2013 Jul 18; '''14''': 224
Networks of task co-activations.
Description: Laird, Angela R, et al. Networks of task co-activations. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 505-14
Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain functional networks through neurofeedback.
Description: Haller, Sven, et al. Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain functional networks through neurofeedback. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Nov 1; '''81''': 243-252
Modeling functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experimental variables in the Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values (OoEVV).
Description: Burns, Gully A P C, et al. Modeling functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experimental variables in the Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values (OoEVV). ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Nov 15; '''82''': 662-70
Big data, open science and the brain: lessons learned from genomics.
Description: Choudhury, Suparna, et al. Big data, open science and the brain: lessons learned from genomics. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 239
Evolutionary appearance of von Economo's neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex.
Description: Cauda, Franco, et al. Evolutionary appearance of von Economo's neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 104
Higher landing accuracy in expert pilots is associated with lower activity in the caudate nucleus.
Description: Adamson, Maheen M, et al. Higher landing accuracy in expert pilots is associated with lower activity in the caudate nucleus. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (11):e112607
Language in the brain at rest: new insights from resting state data and graph theoretical analysis.
Description: Muller, Angela M, et al. Language in the brain at rest: new insights from resting state data and graph theoretical analysis. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 228
Neural sensitivity to social reward and punishment anticipation in social anxiety disorder.
Description: Cremers, Henk R, et al. Neural sensitivity to social reward and punishment anticipation in social anxiety disorder. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 439
Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study.
Description: Stoeckel, Luke E, et al. Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (10):e107205
Relationship between personality traits and brain reward responses when playing on a team.
Description: Morawetz, Carmen, et al. Relationship between personality traits and brain reward responses when playing on a team. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (1):e87277
Too hard to control: compromised pain anticipation and modulation in mild traumatic brain injury.
Description: Strigo, I A, et al. Too hard to control: compromised pain anticipation and modulation in mild traumatic brain injury. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2014 Jan 7; '''4''': e340
[Pheochromocytoma: update on diagnosis and therapy].
Description: Gruber, M, et al. [Pheochromocytoma: update on diagnosis and therapy]. ''Dtsch Med Wochenschr''. 2014 Mar; '''139''' (10):486-90
A novel meta-analytic approach: mining frequent co-activation patterns in neuroimaging databases.
Description: Caspers, Julian, et al. A novel meta-analytic approach: mining frequent co-activation patterns in neuroimaging databases. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Apr 15; '''90''': 390-402
Decision making: the neuroethological turn.
Description: Pearson, John M, et al. Decision making: the neuroethological turn. ''Neuron''. 2014 Jun 4; '''82''' (5):950-65
The effects of acute alcohol administration on the human brain: insights from neuroimaging.
Description: Bjork, James M, et al. The effects of acute alcohol administration on the human brain: insights from neuroimaging. ''Neuropharmacology''. 2014 Sep; '''84''': 101-10
Occipital alpha activity during stimulus processing gates the information flow to object-selective cortex.
Description: Zumer, Johanna M, et al. Occipital alpha activity during stimulus processing gates the information flow to object-selective cortex. ''PLoS Biol''. 2014 Oct; '''12''' (10):e1001965
The right temporo-parietal junction contributes to visual feature binding.
Description: Pollmann, Stefan, et al. The right temporo-parietal junction contributes to visual feature binding. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Nov 1; '''101''': 289-97
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals a temporal cascade of task-related and default-mode activations during a simple target detection task.
Description: Walz, Jennifer M, et al. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals a temporal cascade of task-related and default-mode activations during a simple target detection task. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Nov 15; '''102 Pt 1''': 229-39
Evolutionary and developmental changes in the lateral frontoparietal network: a little goes a long way for higher-level cognition.
Description: Vendetti, Michael S, et al. Evolutionary and developmental changes in the lateral frontoparietal network: a little goes a long way for higher-level cognition. ''Neuron''. 2014 Dec 3; '''84''' (5):906-17
An unbiased Bayesian approach to functional connectomics implicates social-communication networks in autism.
Description: Venkataraman, Archana, et al. An unbiased Bayesian approach to functional connectomics implicates social-communication networks in autism. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''8''': 356-66
AuthorSynth: a collaboration network and behaviorally-based visualization tool of activation reports from the neuroscience literature.
Description: Sochat, Vanessa V. AuthorSynth: a collaboration network and behaviorally-based visualization tool of activation reports from the neuroscience literature. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2015; '''9''': 6
Creating 3D visualizations of MRI data: A brief guide.
Description: Madan, Christopher R. Creating 3D visualizations of MRI data: A brief guide. ''F1000Res''. 2015; '''4''': 466
Dynamic Data Visualization with Weave and Brain Choropleths.
Description: Patterson, Dianne, et al. Dynamic Data Visualization with Weave and Brain Choropleths. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (9):e0139453
Evidence against pain specificity in the dorsal posterior insula.
Description: Davis, Karen D, et al. Evidence against pain specificity in the dorsal posterior insula. ''F1000Res''. 2015; '''4''': 362
Journal Impact Factor Shapes Scientists' Reward Signal in the Prospect of Publication.
Description: Paulus, Frieder Michel, et al. Journal Impact Factor Shapes Scientists' Reward Signal in the Prospect of Publication. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (11):e0142537
Organization of the Human Frontal Pole Revealed by Large-Scale DTI-Based Connectivity: Implications for Control of Behavior.
Description: Orr, Joseph M, et al. Organization of the Human Frontal Pole Revealed by Large-Scale DTI-Based Connectivity: Implications for Control of Behavior. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (5):e0124797
Perceiving fingers in single-digit arithmetic problems.
Description: Berteletti, Ilaria, et al. Perceiving fingers in single-digit arithmetic problems. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 226
Prediction of individual differences in risky behavior in young adults via variations in local brain structure.
Description: Nasiriavanaki, Zahra, et al. Prediction of individual differences in risky behavior in young adults via variations in local brain structure. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 359
The relationship between the neural computations for speech and music perception is context-dependent: an activation likelihood estimate study.
Description: LaCroix, Arianna N, et al. The relationship between the neural computations for speech and music perception is context-dependent: an activation likelihood estimate study. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 1138
Characterizing heterogeneity in children with and without ADHD based on reward system connectivity.
Description: Costa Dias, Taciana G, et al. Characterizing heterogeneity in children with and without ADHD based on reward system connectivity. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Feb; '''11''': 155-74
Effects of incentives, age, and behavior on brain activation during inhibitory control: a longitudinal fMRI study.
Description: Paulsen, David J, et al. Effects of incentives, age, and behavior on brain activation during inhibitory control: a longitudinal fMRI study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Feb; '''11''': 105-15
LinkRbrain: multi-scale data integrator of the brain.
Description: Mesmoudi, Salma, et al. LinkRbrain: multi-scale data integrator of the brain. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2015 Feb 15; '''241''': 44-52
Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging.
Description: deBettencourt, Megan T, et al. Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Mar; '''18''' (3):470-5
Functional connectivity mapping of regions associated with self- and other-processing.
Description: Murray, Ryan J, et al. Functional connectivity mapping of regions associated with self- and other-processing. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2015 Apr; '''36''' (4):1304-24
Influence of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum on risk avoidance in addiction: a mediation analysis.
Description: Yamamoto, Dorothy J, et al. Influence of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum on risk avoidance in addiction: a mediation analysis. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2015 Apr 1; '''149''': 10-7
Different functional neural substrates for good and poor language outcome in autism.
Description: Lombardo, Michael V, et al. Different functional neural substrates for good and poor language outcome in autism. ''Neuron''. 2015 Apr 22; '''86''' (2):567-77
A Map for Social Navigation in the Human Brain.
Description: Tavares, Rita Morais, et al. A Map for Social Navigation in the Human Brain. ''Neuron''. 2015 Jul 1; '''87''' (1):231-43
Investigating the brain basis of facial expression perception using multi-voxel pattern analysis.
Description: Wegrzyn, Martin, et al. Investigating the brain basis of facial expression perception using multi-voxel pattern analysis. ''Cortex''. 2015 Aug; '''69''': 131-40
Nociception, Pain, Negative Moods, and Behavior Selection.
Description: Baliki, Marwan N, et al. Nociception, Pain, Negative Moods, and Behavior Selection. ''Neuron''. 2015 Aug 5; '''87''' (3):474-91
Adult attachment style modulates neural responses in a mentalizing task.
Description: Schneider-Hassloff, H, et al. Adult attachment style modulates neural responses in a mentalizing task. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Sep 10; '''303''': 462-73
Brain networks underlying bistable perception.
Description: Baker, Daniel H, et al. Brain networks underlying bistable perception. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 1; '''119''': 229-34
Improved sensitivity and specificity for resting state and task fMRI with multiband multi-echo EPI compared to multi-echo EPI at 7 T.
Description: Boyacioglu, Rasim, et al. Improved sensitivity and specificity for resting state and task fMRI with multiband multi-echo EPI compared to multi-echo EPI at 7 T. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 1; '''119''': 352-61
Same clock, different time read-out: Spontaneous brain oscillations and their relationship to deficient coding of cognitive content.
Description: Popov, Tzvetan, et al. Same clock, different time read-out: Spontaneous brain oscillations and their relationship to deficient coding of cognitive content. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 1; '''119''': 316-24
Are the carrot and the stick the two sides of same coin? A neural examination of approach/avoidance motivation during cognitive performance.
Description: Belayachi, Sanaa, et al. Are the carrot and the stick the two sides of same coin? A neural examination of approach/avoidance motivation during cognitive performance. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2015 Oct 15; '''293''': 217-26
Estimation of dynamic functional connectivity using Multiplication of Temporal Derivatives.
Description: Shine, James M, et al. Estimation of dynamic functional connectivity using Multiplication of Temporal Derivatives. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Nov 15; '''122''': 399-407
From Phineas Gage and Monsieur Leborgne to H.M.: Revisiting Disconnection Syndromes.
Description: Thiebaut de Schotten, M, et al. From Phineas Gage and Monsieur Leborgne to H.M.: Revisiting Disconnection Syndromes. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Dec; '''25''' (12):4812-27
Regional brain activation supporting cognitive control in the context of reward is associated with treated adolescents' marijuana problem severity at follow-up: A preliminary study.
Description: Chung, Tammy, et al. Regional brain activation supporting cognitive control in the context of reward is associated with treated adolescents' marijuana problem severity at follow-up: A preliminary study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Dec; '''16''': 93-100
Two Distinct Moral Mechanisms for Ascribing and Denying Intentionality.
Description: Ngo, Lawrence, et al. Two Distinct Moral Mechanisms for Ascribing and Denying Intentionality. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Dec 4; '''5''': 17390
The global landscape of cognition: hierarchical aggregation as an organizational principle of human cortical networks and functions.
Description: Taylor, P, et al. The global landscape of cognition: hierarchical aggregation as an organizational principle of human cortical networks and functions. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Dec 16; '''5''': 18112
Abnormal Default System Functioning in Depression: Implications for Emotion Regulation.
Description: Messina, Irene, et al. Abnormal Default System Functioning in Depression: Implications for Emotion Regulation. ''Front Psychol''. 2016; '''7''': 858
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Description: Soares, Jose M, et al. A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 515
Altered functional organization within the insular cortex in adult males with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: evidence from connectivity-based parcellation.
Description: Yamada, Takashi, et al. Altered functional organization within the insular cortex in adult males with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: evidence from connectivity-based parcellation. ''Mol Autism''. 2016; '''7''': 41
Atypically rightward cerebral asymmetry in male adults with autism stratifies individuals with and without language delay.
Description: Floris, Dorothea L, et al. Atypically rightward cerebral asymmetry in male adults with autism stratifies individuals with and without language delay. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Jan; '''37''' (1):230-53
Belief about Nicotine Modulates Subjective Craving and Insula Activity in Deprived Smokers.
Description: Gu, Xiaosi, et al. Belief about Nicotine Modulates Subjective Craving and Insula Activity in Deprived Smokers. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2016; '''7''': 126
Brooding Is Related to Neural Alterations during Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Aging.
Description: Schneider, Sophia, et al. Brooding Is Related to Neural Alterations during Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Aging. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2016; '''8''': 219
Can pathological oligomeric proteins make good biomarkers? (Commentary on Williams et al.).
Description: Roberts, Rosalind F, et al. Can pathological oligomeric proteins make good biomarkers? (Commentary on Williams et al.). ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2016 Jan; '''43''' (1):1-2
Connected brains and minds--The UMCD repository for brain connectivity matrices.
Description: Brown, Jesse A, et al. Connected brains and minds--The UMCD repository for brain connectivity matrices. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1238-1241
Cortical morphological markers in children with autism: a structural magnetic resonance imaging study of thickness, area, volume, and gyrification.
Description: Yang, Daniel Y-J, et al. Cortical morphological markers in children with autism: a structural magnetic resonance imaging study of thickness, area, volume, and gyrification. ''Mol Autism''. 2016; '''7''': 11
Does Older Adults' Cognitive Function Disrupt the Malleability of Their Attitudes toward Outgroup Members?: An fMRI Investigation.
Description: Krendl, Anne C, et al. Does Older Adults' Cognitive Function Disrupt the Malleability of Their Attitudes toward Outgroup Members?: An fMRI Investigation. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (4):e0152698
Functional resting-state fMRI connectivity correlates with serum levels of the S100B protein in the acute phase of traumatic brain injury.
Description: Thompson, William Hedley, et al. Functional resting-state fMRI connectivity correlates with serum levels of the S100B protein in the acute phase of traumatic brain injury. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2016; '''12''': 1004-1012
Imbalance in Resting State Functional Connectivity is Associated with Eating Behaviors and Adiposity in Children.
Description: Chodkowski, BettyAnn A, et al. Imbalance in Resting State Functional Connectivity is Associated with Eating Behaviors and Adiposity in Children. ''Heliyon''. 2016 Jan; '''2''' (1):e00058
Investigating the Group-Level Impact of Advanced Dual-Echo fMRI Combinations.
Description: Kettinger, Adam, et al. Investigating the Group-Level Impact of Advanced Dual-Echo fMRI Combinations. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 571
Network-Based Analysis Reveals Functional Connectivity Related to Internet Addiction Tendency.
Description: Wen, Tanya, et al. Network-Based Analysis Reveals Functional Connectivity Related to Internet Addiction Tendency. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 6
Neural Correlates of Fear of Movement in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain vs. Pain-Free Individuals.
Description: Meier, Michael L, et al. Neural Correlates of Fear of Movement in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain vs. Pain-Free Individuals. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 386
Neural Correlates of Prosocial Behavior: Compensating Social Exclusion in a Four-Player Cyberball Game.
Description: van der Meulen, Mara, et al. Neural Correlates of Prosocial Behavior: Compensating Social Exclusion in a Four-Player Cyberball Game. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (7):e0159045
Pay What You Want! A Pilot Study on Neural Correlates of Voluntary Payments for Music.
Description: Waskow, Simon, et al. Pay What You Want! A Pilot Study on Neural Correlates of Voluntary Payments for Music. ''Front Psychol''. 2016; '''7''': 1023
Small Changes, But Huge Impact? The Right Anterior Insula's Loss of Connection Strength during the Transition of Old to Very Old Age.
Description: Muller, Angela M, et al. Small Changes, But Huge Impact? The Right Anterior Insula's Loss of Connection Strength during the Transition of Old to Very Old Age. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2016; '''8''': 86
The Foraging Brain: Evidence of Levy Dynamics in Brain Networks.
Description: Costa, Tommaso, et al. The Foraging Brain: Evidence of Levy Dynamics in Brain Networks. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (9):e0161702
The Yin and the Yang of Prediction: An fMRI Study of Semantic Predictive Processing.
Description: Weber, Kirsten, et al. The Yin and the Yang of Prediction: An fMRI Study of Semantic Predictive Processing. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (3):e0148637
Emotional Intent Modulates The Neural Substrates Of Creativity: An fMRI Study of Emotionally Targeted Improvisation in Jazz Musicians.
Description: McPherson, Malinda J, et al. Emotional Intent Modulates The Neural Substrates Of Creativity: An fMRI Study of Emotionally Targeted Improvisation in Jazz Musicians. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jan 4; '''6''': 18460
Localizing Pain Matrix and Theory of Mind networks with both verbal and non-verbal stimuli.
Description: Jacoby, Nir, et al. Localizing Pain Matrix and Theory of Mind networks with both verbal and non-verbal stimuli. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Feb 1; '''126''': 39-48
Representation of economic preferences in the structure and function of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex.
Description: Fermin, Alan S R, et al. Representation of economic preferences in the structure and function of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Feb 15; '''6''': 20982
Congenital blindness is associated with large-scale reorganization of anatomical networks.
Description: Hasson, Uri, et al. Congenital blindness is associated with large-scale reorganization of anatomical networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Mar; '''128''': 362-372
Sharing self-related information is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity of cortical midline brain regions.
Description: Meshi, Dar, et al. Sharing self-related information is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity of cortical midline brain regions. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Mar 7; '''6''': 22491
Interaction matters: A perceived social partner alters the neural processing of human speech.
Description: Rice, Katherine, et al. Interaction matters: A perceived social partner alters the neural processing of human speech. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 1; '''129''': 480-488
It's a matter of time: Reframing the development of cognitive control as a modification of the brain's temporal dynamics.
Description: Hutchison, R Matthew, et al. It's a matter of time: Reframing the development of cognitive control as a modification of the brain's temporal dynamics. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Apr; '''18''': 70-7
Language learning and brain reorganization in a 3.5-year-old child with left perinatal stroke revealed using structural and functional connectivity.
Description: Francois, Clement, et al. Language learning and brain reorganization in a 3.5-year-old child with left perinatal stroke revealed using structural and functional connectivity. ''Cortex''. 2016 Apr; '''77''': 95-118
Dynamic neural mechanisms underlie race disparities in social cognition.
Description: Cassidy, Brittany S, et al. Dynamic neural mechanisms underlie race disparities in social cognition. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 May 15; '''132''': 238-246
Reverse inference of memory retrieval processes underlying metacognitive monitoring of learning using multivariate pattern analysis.
Description: Stiers, Peter, et al. Reverse inference of memory retrieval processes underlying metacognitive monitoring of learning using multivariate pattern analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 May 15; '''132''': 11-23
A Model of Representational Spaces in Human Cortex.
Description: Guntupalli, J Swaroop, et al. A Model of Representational Spaces in Human Cortex. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Jun; '''26''' (6):2919-2934
Positive emotions and brain reward circuits in chronic pain.
Description: Navratilova, Edita, et al. Positive emotions and brain reward circuits in chronic pain. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Jun 1; '''524''' (8):1646-52
The role of the neural reward circuitry in self-referential optimistic belief updates.
Description: Kuzmanovic, Bojana, et al. The role of the neural reward circuitry in self-referential optimistic belief updates. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jun; '''133''': 151-162
Orthostatic tremor: a cerebellar pathology?
Description: Gallea, Cecile, et al. Orthostatic tremor: a cerebellar pathology? ''Brain''. 2016 Aug; '''139''' (Pt 8):2182-97
Exploring the role of the posterior middle temporal gyrus in semantic cognition: Integration of anterior temporal lobe with executive processes.
Description: Davey, James, et al. Exploring the role of the posterior middle temporal gyrus in semantic cognition: Integration of anterior temporal lobe with executive processes. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Aug 15; '''137''': 165-177
Functional reorganisation in chronic pain and neural correlates of pain sensitisation: A coordinate based meta-analysis of 266 cutaneous pain fMRI studies.
Description: Tanasescu, Radu, et al. Functional reorganisation in chronic pain and neural correlates of pain sensitisation: A coordinate based meta-analysis of 266 cutaneous pain fMRI studies. ''Neurosci Biobehav Rev''. 2016 Sep; '''68''': 120-133
Neuroimaging supports behavioral personality assessment: Overlapping activations during reflective and impulsive risk taking.
Description: Pletzer, Belinda, et al. Neuroimaging supports behavioral personality assessment: Overlapping activations during reflective and impulsive risk taking. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Sep; '''119''': 46-53
Two Distinct Scene-Processing Networks Connecting Vision and Memory.
Description: Baldassano, Christopher, et al. Two Distinct Scene-Processing Networks Connecting Vision and Memory. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Sep-Oct; '''3''' (5):
Intrinsic monitoring of learning success facilitates memory encoding via the activation of the SN/VTA-Hippocampal loop.
Description: Ripolles, Pablo, et al. Intrinsic monitoring of learning success facilitates memory encoding via the activation of the SN/VTA-Hippocampal loop. ''Elife''. 2016 Sep 20; '''5''':
Down but not out in posterior cingulate cortex: Deactivation yet functional coupling with prefrontal cortex during demanding semantic cognition.
Description: Krieger-Redwood, Katya, et al. Down but not out in posterior cingulate cortex: Deactivation yet functional coupling with prefrontal cortex during demanding semantic cognition. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Nov 1; '''141''': 366-377
Evidencing a place for the hippocampus within the core scene processing network.
Description: Hodgetts, C J, et al. Evidencing a place for the hippocampus within the core scene processing network. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Nov; '''37''' (11):3779-3794
You say 'prefrontal cortex' and I say 'anterior cingulate': meta-analysis of spatial overlap in amygdala-to-prefrontal connectivity and internalizing symptomology.
Description: Marusak, H A, et al. You say 'prefrontal cortex' and I say 'anterior cingulate': meta-analysis of spatial overlap in amygdala-to-prefrontal connectivity and internalizing symptomology. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Nov 8; '''6''' (11):e944
Brain responses to biological motion predict treatment outcome in young children with autism.
Description: Yang, D, et al. Brain responses to biological motion predict treatment outcome in young children with autism. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Nov 15; '''6''' (11):e948
Improving effect size estimation and statistical power with multi-echo fMRI and its impact on understanding the neural systems supporting mentalizing.
Description: Lombardo, Michael V, et al. Improving effect size estimation and statistical power with multi-echo fMRI and its impact on understanding the neural systems supporting mentalizing. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Nov 15; '''142''': 55-66
Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default network and right anterior insula?
Description: Babo-Rebelo, Mariana, et al. Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default network and right anterior insula? ''Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci''. 2016 Nov 19; '''371''' (1708):
Sleep duration and resting fMRI functional connectivity: examination of short sleepers with and without perceived daytime dysfunction.
Description: Curtis, Brian J, et al. Sleep duration and resting fMRI functional connectivity: examination of short sleepers with and without perceived daytime dysfunction. ''Brain Behav''. 2016 Dec; '''6''' (12):e00576
Functional Decoding and Meta-analytic Connectivity Modeling in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Description: Cortese, Samuele, et al. Functional Decoding and Meta-analytic Connectivity Modeling in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Dec 15; '''80''' (12):896-904
Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Speech Processing Streams in Superior Temporal Sulcus.
Description: Venezia, Jonathan H, et al. Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Speech Processing Streams in Superior Temporal Sulcus. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 174
Botallo's error, or the quandaries of the universality assumption.
Description: Bartolomeo, Paolo, et al. Botallo's error, or the quandaries of the universality assumption. ''Cortex''. 2017 Jan; '''86''': 176-185
Brain-to-brain hyperclassification reveals action-specific motor mapping of observed actions in humans.
Description: Smirnov, Dmitry, et al. Brain-to-brain hyperclassification reveals action-specific motor mapping of observed actions in humans. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (12):e0189508
Learning about Expectation Violation from Prediction Error Paradigms - A Meta-Analysis on Brain Processes Following a Prediction Error.
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Functional connectivity in the resting brain as biological correlate of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales.
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Functional connectivity decreases in autism in emotion, self, and face circuits identified by Knowledge-based Enrichment Analysis.
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Spatial confluence of psychological and anatomical network constructs in the human brain revealed by a mass meta-analysis of fMRI activation.
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Reason's Enemy Is Not Emotion: Engagement of Cognitive Control Networks Explains Biases in Gain/Loss Framing.
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Alterations of resting state functional network connectivity in the brain of nicotine and alcohol users.
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Knowing what from where: Hippocampal connectivity with temporoparietal cortex at rest is linked to individual differences in semantic and topographic memory.
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An information theory framework for dynamic functional domain connectivity.
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Human pursuance of equality hinges on mental processes of projecting oneself into the perspectives of others and into future situations.
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Adult-like processing of naturalistic sounds in auditory cortex by 3- and 9-month old infants.
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Efficacy of navigation may be influenced by retrosplenial cortex-mediated learning of landmark stability.
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Large-Scale Network Coupling with the Fusiform Cortex Facilitates Future Social Motivation.
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Neural predictors of emotional inertia in daily life.
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Semantic control deficits impair understanding of thematic relationships more than object identity.
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That's me in the spotlight: neural basis of individual differences in self-consciousness.
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Mechanisms of cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder involve robust and extensive increases in brain network connectivity.
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An automated method for identifying an independent component analysis-based language-related resting-state network in brain tumor subjects for surgical planning.
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Taking tests in the magnet: Brain mapping standardized tests.
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A lesion model of envy and Schadenfreude: legal, deservingness and moral dimensions as revealed by neurodegeneration.
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Love flows downstream: mothers' and children's neural representation similarity in perceiving distress of self and family.
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The persuasion network is modulated by drug-use risk and predicts anti-drug message effectiveness.
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The "social brain" is highly sensitive to the mere presence of social information: An automated meta-analysis and an independent study.
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Thinking about thinking: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of metacognitive judgements.
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Three Research Strategies of Neuroscience and the Future of Legal Imaging Evidence.
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Visual perceptual training reconfigures post-task resting-state functional connectivity with a feature-representation region.
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Weak dorsolateral prefrontal response to social criticism predicts worsened mood and symptoms following social conflict in people at familial risk for schizophrenia.
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Morphometric Similarity Networks Detect Microscale Cortical Organization and Predict Inter-Individual Cognitive Variation.
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Brain activity elicited by viewing pictures of the own virtually amputated body predicts xenomelia.
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Social brain volume is associated with in-degree social network size among older adults.
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A functional connectivity-based neuromarker of sustained attention generalizes to predict recall in a reading task.
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Context-dependent lexical ambiguity resolution: MEG evidence for the time-course of activity in left inferior frontal gyrus and posterior middle temporal gyrus.
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Network Mechanisms of Clinical Response to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder.
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Walking, Gross Motor Development, and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants and Toddlers.
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The role of medial prefrontal cortex in the working memory maintenance of one's own emotional responses.
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Adolescents' behavioral and neural responses to e-cigarette advertising.
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vmPFC activation during a stressor predicts positive emotions during stress recovery.
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Intrinsic functional connectivity predicts remission on antidepressants: a randomized controlled trial to identify clinically applicable imaging biomarkers.
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Brain Mechanisms Underlying Reading the Mind from Eyes, Voice, and Actions.
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Brain activations associated with fearful experience show common and distinct patterns between younger and older adults in the hippocampus and the amygdala.
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Mild cognitive impairment disrupts attention network connectivity in Parkinson's disease: A combined multimodal MRI and meta-analytical study.
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Towards a new approach to reveal dynamical organization of the brain using topological data analysis.
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The Multifaceted Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Emotion, Decision Making, Social Cognition, and Psychopathology.
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Distant from input: Evidence of regions within the default mode network supporting perceptually-decoupled and conceptually-guided cognition.
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Human aging reduces the neurobehavioral influence of motivation on episodic memory.
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Maternal IL-6 during pregnancy can be estimated from newborn brain connectivity and predicts future working memory in offspring.
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Neural mechanisms of behavioral change in young adults with high-functioning autism receiving virtual reality social cognition training: A pilot study.
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Temptations of friends: adolescents' neural and behavioral responses to best friends predict risky behavior.
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Effects of propofol anesthesia on the processing of noxious stimuli in the spinal cord and the brain.
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Aberrant functional network connectivity in psychopathy from a large (N = 985) forensic sample.
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Brain properties predict proximity to symptom onset in sporadic Alzheimer's disease.
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The role of ventral striatum in reward-based attentional bias.
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Difference in neural response to social exclusion observation and subsequent altruism between adolescents and adults.
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Laugh or cringe? Common and distinct processes of reward-based schadenfreude and empathy-based fremdscham.
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Valuation of knowledge and ignorance in mesolimbic reward circuitry.
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Novel in silico multivariate mapping of intrinsic and anticorrelated connectivity to neurocognitive functional maps supports the maturational hypothesis of ADHD.
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Selective and coherent activity increases due to stimulation indicate functional distinctions between episodic memory networks.
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Handedness-dependent functional organizational patterns within the bilateral vestibular cortical network revealed by fMRI connectivity based parcellation.
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On testing for spatial correspondence between maps of human brain structure and function.
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Resting-state basal ganglia network codes a motor musical skill and its disruption From dystonia.
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Maps of subjective feelings.
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Brain and psychological determinants of placebo pill response in chronic pain patients.
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Functional brain changes in auditory phantom perception evoked by different stimulus frequencies.
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Genetic risk for schizophrenia and autism, social impairment and developmental pathways to psychosis.
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Salience network structural integrity predicts executive impairment in alcohol use disorders.
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Cue reactivity and opioid blockade in amphetamine dependence: A randomized, controlled fMRI study.
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Dopamine-related dissociation of cortical and subcortical brain activations in cognitively unimpaired Parkinson's disease patients OFF and ON medications.
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Anatomical and microstructural determinants of hippocampal subfield functional connectome embedding.
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Modulations of human resting brain connectivity by kisspeptin enhance sexual and emotional functions.
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Physical pain recruits the nucleus accumbens during social distress in borderline personality disorder.
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Neural Evidence of Hierarchical Cognitive Control during Haptic Processing: An fMRI Study.
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Human chemosignals of disgust facilitate food judgment.
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Striatal dopamine deficits predict reductions in striatal functional connectivity in major depression: a concurrent (11)C-raclopride positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation.
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Disconfirmation modulates the neural correlates of the false consensus effect: A parametric modulation approach.
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Large-scale associations between the leukocyte transcriptome and BOLD responses to speech differ in autism early language outcome subtypes.
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Putting the pieces together: Generating a novel representational space through deductive reasoning.
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Applying a network framework to the neurobiology of reading and dyslexia.
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Activation of the motivation-related ventral striatum during delusional experience.
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Deficits in executive function and suppression of default mode network in obesity.
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Age-related differences in the activation of the mentalizing- and reward-related brain regions during the learning of others' true trustworthiness.
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Automated, Efficient, and Accelerated Knowledge Modeling of the Cognitive Neuroimaging Literature Using the ATHENA Toolkit.
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Cognitive conflict and restructuring: The neural basis of two core components of insight.
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Common and Specific Functional Activity Features in Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder.
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Connectivity between visual and auditory cortices mediates the influence of argument strength on the effectiveness of smoking-cessation videos among smokers low in sensation seeking.
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Cooperating yet distinct brain networks engaged during naturalistic paradigms: A meta-analysis of functional MRI results.
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Culture Modulates the Neural Correlates Underlying Risky Exploration.
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Differential intrinsic functional connectivity changes in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia.
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Dynamic connectivity and the effects of maturation in youth with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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Everything Matters: The ReproNim Perspective on Reproducible Neuroimaging.
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Formant Space Reconstruction From Brain Activity in Frontal and Temporal Regions Coding for Heard Vowels.
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Fusing Mobile Phone Sensing and Brain Imaging to Assess Depression in College Students.
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I Knew You Weren't Going to Like Me! Neural Response to Accurately Predicting Rejection Is Associated With Anxiety and Depression.
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MEG Source Imaging and Group Analysis Using VBMEG.
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Multilevel Mapping of Sexual Dimorphism in Intrinsic Functional Brain Networks.
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Neighborhood affluence is not associated with positive and negative valence processing in adults with mood and anxiety disorders: A Bayesian inference approach.
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Neurocompensatory Effects of the Default Network in Older Adults.
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New Perspective for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Site Selection in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Based on Meta- and Functional Connectivity Analyses.
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Oxytocin differentially modulates specific dorsal and ventral striatal functional connections with frontal and cerebellar regions.
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Reduced higher dimensional temporal dynamism in neurofibromatosis type 1.
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Revealing Relationships Among Cognitive Functions Using Functional Connectivity and a Large-Scale Meta-Analysis Database.
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Severe asymptomatic carotid stenosis is associated with robust reductions in homotopic functional connectivity.
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Shared and differential default-mode related patterns of activity in an autobiographical, a self-referential and an attentional task.
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Short-term effects of video gaming on brain response during working memory performance.
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Tau covariance patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients match intrinsic connectivity networks in the healthy brain.
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The neural substrate of self- and other-concerned wellbeing: An fMRI study.
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Time-varying whole-brain functional network connectivity coupled to task engagement.
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Trustworthiness appraisal deficits in borderline personality disorder are associated with prefrontal cortex, not amygdala, impairment.
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Unbalanced Occlusion Modifies the Pattern of Brain Activity During Execution of a Finger to Thumb Motor Task.
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Ventral striatum and stuttering: Robust evidence from a case-control study applying DARTEL.
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Increased functional coupling of the left amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex during the perception of communicative point-light stimuli.
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Neurobiological responses in the adolescent striatum to being 'tested'.
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Working memory performance in the elderly relates to theta-alpha oscillations and is predicted by parahippocampal and striatal integrity.
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Can we study 3D grid codes non-invasively in the human brain? Methodological considerations and fMRI findings.
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Focal application of accelerated iTBS results in global changes in graph measures.
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L-DOPA reduces model-free control of behavior by attenuating the transfer of value to action.
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Oxytocin pathway gene networks in the human brain.
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A causal role for the precuneus in network-wide theta and gamma oscillatory activity during complex memory retrieval.
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Functional connectivity changes associated with fMRI neurofeedback of right inferior frontal cortex in adolescents with ADHD.
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Functional connectivity in ASD: Atypical pathways in brain networks supporting action observation and joint attention.
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Manipulating and decoding subjective gaming experience during active gameplay: a multivariate, whole-brain analysis.
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The neural circuitry of affect-induced distortions of trust.
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The relationship of perceptual discrimination to neural mechanisms of fear generalization.
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Association between Striatal Brain Iron Deposition, Microbleeds and Cognition 1 Year After a Minor Ischaemic Stroke.
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Increased connectivity of pain matrix in chronic migraine: a resting-state functional MRI study.
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The architecture of functional lateralisation and its relationship to callosal connectivity in the human brain.
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Beyond binary parcellation of the vestibular cortex - A dataset.
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Neurodevelopmental correlates of the emerging adult self.
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The computational and neural substrates of moral strategies in social decision-making.
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Neuroimaging Studies on Disorders of Consciousness: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation.
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Multidimensional imaging techniques for prediction of treatment response in major depressive disorder.
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Affective blindsight in the absence of input from face processing regions in occipital-temporal cortex.
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Microstructural and functional gradients are increasingly dissociated in transmodal cortices.
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More than blindsight: Case report of a child with extraordinary visual capacity following perinatal bilateral occipital lobe injury.
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Spatial Patterns of Brain Activity Preferentially Reflecting Transient Pain and Stimulus Intensity.
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The Human Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex: Sulcal Morphology and Its Influence on Functional Organization.
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Exploring the neural basis for paternal protection: an investigation of the neural response to infants in danger.
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Brain structures and functional connectivity associated with individual differences in trait proactive aggression.
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Characterizing and decomposing the neural correlates of individual differences in reading ability among adolescents with task-based fMRI.
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Early prediction of long-term tactile object recognition performance after sensorimotor stroke.
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Neuroimaging 'will to fight' for sacred values: an empirical case study with supporters of an Al Qaeda associate.
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Learning of distant state predictions by the orbitofrontal cortex in humans.
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The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex computes task-invariant relative subjective value for self and other.
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The use of brain functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine the mechanism of action of gabapentin in managing chronic pelvic pain in women: a pilot study.
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A Family Focused Intervention Influences Hippocampal-Prefrontal Connectivity Through Gains in Self-Regulation.
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Neurochemical correlates of scene processing in the precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex: A multimodal fMRI and (1) H-MRS study.
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Mediation analysis of triple networks revealed functional feature of mindfulness from real-time fMRI neurofeedback.
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Action at a distance on object-related ventral temporal representations.
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Exploring the impact of analysis software on task fMRI results.
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Human GABRG2 generalized epilepsy: Increased somatosensory and striatothalamic connectivity.
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Resting-state fMRI dynamic functional network connectivity and associations with psychopathy traits.
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Neural Mechanisms for Accepting and Rejecting Artificial Social Partners in the Uncanny Valley.
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Ciftify: A framework for surface-based analysis of legacy MR acquisitions.
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The neural correlates of the awe experience: Reduced default mode network activity during feelings of awe.
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Different brain networks mediate the effects of social and conditioned expectations on pain.
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Processing of different spatial scales in the human brain.
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A look at actions: direct gaze modulates functional connectivity of the right TPJ with an action control network.
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Comparing two neurocognitive models of self-control during dietary decisions.
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Neural specificity of scene representations is related to memory performance in childhood.
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Attending to Eliza: rapid brain responses reflect competence attribution in virtual social feedback processing.
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Co-localization of theta-band activity and hemodynamic responses during face perception: simultaneous electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy recordings.
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Cortical thickness lateralization and its relation to language abilities in children.
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Multisensory Enhancement of Odor Object Processing in Primary Olfactory Cortex.
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Decoupling of brain function from structure reveals regional behavioral specialization in humans.
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The brain basis of audiovisual affective processing: Evidence from a coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
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Decoding fairness motivations from multivariate brain activity patterns.
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Distinct Genetic Signatures of Cortical and Subcortical Regions Associated with Human Memory.
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Whole-cortex mapping of common genetic influences on depression and a social deficits dimension.
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Are individual differences quantitative or qualitative? An integrated behavioral and fMRI MIMIC approach.
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Degrees of lateralisation in semantic cognition: Evidence from intrinsic connectivity.
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Imaging the spontaneous flow of thought: Distinct periods of cognition contribute to dynamic functional connectivity during rest.
Description: Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier, et al. Imaging the spontaneous flow of thought: Distinct periods of cognition contribute to dynamic functional connectivity during rest. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Nov 15; '''202''': 116129
Task-based fMRI of a free-viewing visuo-saccadic network in the marmoset monkey.
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Neural representations of honesty predict future trust behavior.
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Network-Targeted, Multi-site Direct Cortical Stimulation Enhances Working Memory by Modulating Phase Lag of Low-Frequency Oscillations.
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Defining the neural correlates of spontaneous theory of mind (ToM): An fMRI multi-study investigation.
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Individual face- and house-related eye movement patterns distinctively activate FFA and PPA.
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Emotionotopy in the human right temporo-parietal cortex.
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The visual word form area (VWFA) is part of both language and attention circuitry.
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Takotsubo syndrome: How the broken heart deals with negative emotions.
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Cerebral perfusion of the left reading network predicts recovery of reading in subacute to chronic stroke.
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An fMRI investigation of the relations between Extraversion, internalizing psychopathology, and neural activation following reward receipt in the Human Connectome Project sample.
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Anticipation of monetary reward in amygdala, insula, caudate are predictors of pleasure sensitivity to d-Amphetamine administration.
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Asymmetric high-order anatomical brain connectivity sculpts effective connectivity.
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Data Triangulation in Consumer Neuroscience: Integrating Functional Neuroimaging With Meta-Analyses, Psychometrics, and Behavioral Data.
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Impulsivity and Response Inhibition Related Brain Networks in Adolescents With Internet Gaming Disorder: A Preliminary Study Utilizing Resting-State fMRI.
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Sex-Specific Functional Connectivity in the Reward Network Related to Distinct Gender Roles.
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Shared Numerosity Representations Across Formats and Tasks Revealed with 7 Tesla fMRI: Decoding, Generalization, and Individual Differences in Behavior.
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Acquisition Duration in Resting-State Arterial Spin Labeling. How Long Is Enough?
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A Nexus Model of Restricted Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Brain network topology predicts participant adherence to mental training programs.
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Capgras Delusion in Posterior Cortical Atrophy-A Quantitative Multimodal Imaging Single Case Study.
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Frequency-Dependent Intrinsic Electrophysiological Functional Architecture of the Human Verbal Language Network.
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Induced oscillatory signaling in the beta frequency of top-down pain modulation.
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Linking Pain Sensation to the Autonomic Nervous System: The Role of the Anterior Cingulate and Periaqueductal Gray Resting-State Networks.
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Mapping language function with task-based vs. resting-state functional MRI.
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Mapping of the Language Network With Deep Learning.
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Neural Substrates of Brand Love: An Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies.
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Neurovascular Uncoupling in Schizophrenia: A Bimodal Meta-Analysis of Brain Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism.
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Potential Locations for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders-A Functional Connectivity Study.
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Role of the Hippocampus During Logical Reasoning and Belief Bias in Aging.
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Topographic Mapping as a Basic Principle of Functional Organization for Visual and Prefrontal Functional Connectivity.
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Spatial Network Connectivity and Spatial Reasoning Ability in Children with Nonverbal Learning Disability.
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Behavioural profiling of autism connectivity abnormalities.
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Group membership dictates the neural correlates of social optimism biases.
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Building the bodily self-awareness: Evidence for the convergence between interoceptive and exteroceptive information in a multilevel kernel density analysis study.
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Domain-general and domain-preferential neural correlates underlying empathy towards physical pain, emotional situation and emotional faces: An ALE meta-analysis.
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Hyperconnectivity of social brain networks in autism during action-intention judgment.
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Targeted Stimulation of Human Orbitofrontal Networks Disrupts Outcome-Guided Behavior.
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Effects of exogenous testosterone application on network connectivity within emotion regulation systems.
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Kisspeptin enhances brain responses to olfactory and visual cues of attraction in men.
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Direct replication of task-dependent neural activation patterns during sadness introspection in two independent adolescent samples.
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Predicting individual clinical trajectories of depression with generative embedding.
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A molecular gradient along the longitudinal axis of the human hippocampus informs large-scale behavioral systems.
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Age differences in the fronto-striato-parietal network underlying serial ordering.
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Quantitative models reveal the organization of diverse cognitive functions in the brain.
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NeuroQuery, comprehensive meta-analysis of human brain mapping.
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Specific and segregated changes to the functional connectome evoked by the processing of emotional faces: A task-based connectome study.
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Two systems for thinking about others' thoughts in the developing brain.
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Common and distinct brain activity associated with risky and ambiguous decision-making.
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Inhibitory control and problematic Internet-pornography use - The important balancing role of the insula.
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People represent mental states in terms of rationality, social impact, and valence: Validating the 3d Mind Model.
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Representational similarity analysis reveals atypical age-related changes in brain regions supporting face and car recognition in autism.
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Get real: Orbitofrontal cortex mediates the ability to sense reality in early adolescents.
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Replicable brain signatures of emotional bias and memory based on diffusion kurtosis imaging of white matter tracts.
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Brain Circuit Alterations and Cognitive Disability in Late-Onset Cobalamin D Disorder.
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Circulating Triglycerides Gate Dopamine-Associated Behaviors through DRD2-Expressing Neurons.
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Mesocorticolimbic Interactions Mediate fMRI-Guided Regulation of Self-Generated Affective States.
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Just a very expensive breathing training? Risk of respiratory artefacts in functional connectivity-based real-time fMRI neurofeedback.
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Precuneus stimulation alters the neural dynamics of autobiographical memory retrieval.
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Targeting brain functions from the scalp: Transcranial brain atlas based on large-scale fMRI data synthesis.
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The anhedonia is differently modulated by structural covariance network of NAc in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.
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Causal contributions of human frontal eye fields to distinct aspects of decision formation.
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Neural Differentiation is Moderated by Age in Scene-Selective, But Not Face-Selective, Cortical Regions.
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One-year clinical outcomes following theta burst stimulation for post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Principles of temporal association cortex organisation as revealed by connectivity gradients.
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Cholinergic Modulation of Disorder-Relevant Neural Circuits in Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
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Exposure to negative stereotypes influences representations of monetary incentives in the nucleus accumbens.
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A Neuro-computational Account of Arbitration between Choice Imitation and Goal Emulation during Human Observational Learning.
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Cortical and subcortical response to the anticipation of reward in high and average/low risk-taking adolescents.
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Neural activity moderates the association between sleep and risky driving behaviors in adolescence.
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The radiation of autonoetic consciousness in cognitive neuroscience: A functional neuroanatomy perspective.
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Empirical assessment of changing sample-characteristics in task-fMRI over two decades: An example from gustatory and food studies.
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Application of long-interval paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to motion-sensitive visual cortex does not lead to changes in motion discrimination.
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Tools of the Trade Multivoxel pattern analysis in fMRI: a practical introduction for social and affective neuroscientists.
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Understanding heterosexual women's erotic flexibility: the role of attention in sexual evaluations and neural responses to sexual stimuli.
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Behavior-dependent directional tuning in the human visual-navigation network.
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Individual differences in local functional brain connectivity affect TMS effects on behavior.
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Connectivity Gradient in the Human Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus: Intraoperative Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potential Study.
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Higher availability of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in dorsal ACC is linked to more efficient interference control.
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Common neural and transcriptional correlates of inhibitory control underlie emotion regulation and memory control.
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Facing up to the wandering mind: Patterns of off-task laboratory thought are associated with stronger neural recruitment of right fusiform cortex while processing facial stimuli.
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Is Associated with alpha Dysrhythmia across the Visual Cortex and the Default Mode Network.
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Valence Encoding Signals in the Human Amygdala and the Willingness to Eat.
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The role of resting-state functional MRI for clinical preoperative language mapping.
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Neurocognitive patterns dissociating semantic processing from executive control are linked to more detailed off-task mental time travel.
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Autonomic responses to emotional linguistic stimuli and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations predict outcome after severe brain injury.
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The neural basis of metacognitive monitoring during arithmetic in the developing brain.
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Familiarity with children improves the ability to recognize children's mental states: an fMRI study using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task and the Nencki Children Eyes Test.
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Anchoring the human olfactory system within a functional gradient.
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Cortical temporal hierarchy is immature in middle childhood.
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Intersubject representational similarity analysis reveals individual variations in affective experience when watching erotic movies.
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Intrinsic functional architecture of the human speech processing network.
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Myeloarchitecture gradients in the human insula: Histological underpinnings and association to intrinsic functional connectivity.
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Religious belief and cognitive conflict sensitivity: A preregistered fMRI study.
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Coordinate based meta-analysis of motor functional imaging in Parkinson's: disease-specific patterns and modulation by dopamine replacement and deep brain stimulation.
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Language lateralization from task-based and resting state functional MRI in patients with epilepsy.
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Neuroimaging-Based Scalp Acupuncture Locations for Dementia.
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Schizotypy-Related Magnetization of Cortex in Healthy Adolescence Is Colocated With Expression of Schizophrenia-Related Genes.
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Task load modulates tDCS effects on brain network for phonological processing.
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The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal-amygdala neural circuitry during positive-social emotion regulation.
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Intrinsic excitation-inhibition imbalance affects medial prefrontal cortex differently in autistic men versus women.
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Finding specificity in structural brain alterations through Bayesian reverse inference.
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Pediatric ADHD symptom burden relates to distinct neural activity across executive function domains.
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Affective evaluation of others' altruistic decisions under risk and ambiguity.
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The neural bases of argumentative reasoning.
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The thalamic functional gradient and its relationship to structural basis and cognitive relevance.
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A role for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in self-generated episodic social cognition.
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Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems.
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Bipartite Functional Fractionation within the Default Network Supports Disparate Forms of Internally Oriented Cognition.
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Obesity is associated with reduced orbitofrontal cortex volume: A coordinate-based meta-analysis.
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Brain mRNA Expression Associated with Cortical Volume Alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Spatiotemporal dissociation of fMRI activity in the caudate nucleus underlies human de novo motor skill learning.
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Functional parcellation of the default mode network: a large-scale meta-analysis.
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Does inappropriate behavior hurt or stink? The interplay between neural representations of somatic experiences and moral decisions.
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The role of default mode network in semantic cue integration.
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Frequency-dependent circuits anchored in the dorsal and ventral left anterior insula.
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Movie viewing elicits rich and reliable brain state dynamics.
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Dynamic Causal Modelling of the Reduced Habituation to Painful Stimuli in Migraine: An EEG Study.
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Effects of repeated menstrual pain on empathic neural responses in women with primary dysmenorrhea across the menstrual cycle.
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Response inhibition in adolescents is moderated by brain connectivity and social network structure.
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Brain disconnections link structural connectivity with function and behaviour.
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Visual cortical regions show sufficient test-retest reliability while salience regions are unreliable during emotional face processing.
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A gradient from long-term memory to novel cognition: Transitions through default mode and executive cortex.
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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on bereavement grief: Alterations of resting-state network connectivity associate with changes of anxiety and mindfulness.
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Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit effective connectivity mediates the relationship between white matter structure and PASAT-3 performance in multiple sclerosis.
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A brain network that supports consensus-seeking and conflict-resolving of college couples' shopping interaction.
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Brain structure correlates of expected social threat and reward.
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Innate connectivity patterns drive the development of the visual word form area.
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Brain activity during a post-stress working memory task differs between the hormone-present and hormone-absent phase of hormonal contraception.
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Developing a neurally informed ontology of creativity measurement.
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Functional connectivity fingerprints of the human pulvinar: Decoding its role in cognition.
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Personalized connectome fingerprints: Their importance in cognition from childhood to adult years.
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Prediction and classification of sleep quality based on phase synchronization related whole-brain dynamic connectivity using resting state fMRI.
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Model-free decision making is prioritized when learning to avoid harming others.
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The posterior crus II cerebellum is specialized for social mentalizing and emotional self-experiences: a meta-analysis.
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Differential functional connectivity underlying asymmetric reward-related activity in human and nonhuman primates.
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Health news sharing is reflected in distributed reward-related brain activity.
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Investigating the clinico-anatomical dissociation in the behavioral variant of Alzheimer disease.
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The spatial organization of the chronnectome associates with cortical hierarchy and transcriptional profiles in the human brain.
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Impact of Exercise on Older Adults' Mood is Moderated by Sleep and Mediated by Altered Brain Connectivity.
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Neural Indicators Of Food Cue Reactivity, Regulation, And Valuation And Their Associations With Body Composition And Daily Eating Behavior.
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A meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation.
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Generalizable brain network markers of major depressive disorder across multiple imaging sites.
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Large-scale brain networks underlying non-spatial attention updating: Towards understanding the function of the temporoparietal junction.
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Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Social Cognition.
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Domain-specific functional coupling between dorsal and ventral systems during action perception.
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Neural processing of facial identity and expression in adults with and without autism: A multi-method approach.
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How the harm of drugs and their availability affect brain reactions to drug cues: a meta-analysis of 64 neuroimaging activation studies.
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Valuation of peers' safe choices is associated with substance-naivete in adolescents.
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Topographic gradients of intrinsic dynamics across neocortex.
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Neural evidence for cognitive reappraisal as a strategy to alleviate the effects of math anxiety.
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Patients with anxiety disorders rely on bilateral dlPFC activation during verbal working memory.
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Aberrant modulation of brain activity underlies impaired working memory following traumatic brain injury.
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A distributed dynamic brain network mediates linguistic tone representation and categorization.
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Afraid of the dark: Light acutely suppresses activity in the human amygdala.
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A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of prefrontal cortex deep transcranial magnetic stimulation efficacy in adults with attention deficit/hyperactive disorder: A double blind, randomized clinical trial.
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Altered orbitofrontal activation in preterm-born young adolescents during performance of a reality filtering task.
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A method to adjust a prior distribution in Bayesian second-level fMRI analysis.
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AT-NeuroEAE: A Joint Extraction Model of Events With Attributes for Research Sharing-Oriented Neuroimaging Provenance Construction.
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Brain micro-architecture and disinhibition: a latent phenotyping study across 33 impulsive and compulsive behaviours.
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Common Brain Networks Between Major Depressive-Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms of Depression That Are Validated for Independent Cohorts.
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Core-Symptom-Defined Cortical Gyrification Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Decoding Spatial Memory Retrieval in Cubical Space Using fMRI Signals.
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Dysfunction of anterior insula in the non- affected hemisphere in patients with post- stroke depression: A resting-state fMRI study.
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Effects of Chronic Pain Treatment on Altered Functional and Metabolic Activities in the Brain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies.
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Emerging native-similar neural representations underlie non-native speech category learning success.
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Functional connectivity hemispheric contrast (FC-HC): A new metric for language mapping.
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Functional Hyperconnectivity and Task-Based Activity Changes Associated With Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study.
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Investigating the neural substrates of Antagonistic Externalizing and social-cognitive Theory of Mind: an fMRI examination of functional activity and synchrony.
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Neural Correlates of Causal Inferences in Discourse Understanding and Logical Problem-Solving: A Meta-Analysis Study.
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Neural Representations of Death in the Cortical Midline Structures Promote Temporal Discounting.
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Neurological effects of hemodialysis on white matter microstructure in end-stage renal disease.
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Neuronal Oscillatory Signatures of Joint Attention and Intersubjectivity in Arrhythmic Coaction.
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Posterior cortical atrophy phenotypic heterogeneity revealed by decoding (18)F-FDG-PET.
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Potential Locations for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation in Treating Schizophrenia: A Resting-State Functional Connectivity Analysis.
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Prediction of trust propensity from intrinsic brain morphology and functional connectome.
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Resting-state connectivity within the brain's reward system predicts weight loss and correlates with leptin.
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Shared alterations in resting-state brain connectivity in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and their unaffected first-degree relatives.
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Spontaneous eye movements during eyes-open rest reduce resting-state-network modularity by increasing visual-sensorimotor connectivity.
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Structural connectivity differs between males and females in the brain object manipulation network.
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Symphony of Well-Being: Harmony Between Neural Variability and Self-Construal.
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Theory of Mind and Its Elusive Structural Substrate.
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Understanding particularized and generalized conversational implicatures: Is theory-of-mind necessary?
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Understanding the Neurocomputational Mechanisms of Antidepressant Placebo Effects.
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Lower neural value signaling in the prefrontal cortex is related to childhood family income and depressive symptomatology during adolescence.
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Semantic association ability mediates the relationship between brain structure and human creativity.
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Distinct neural substrates of individual differences in components of reading comprehension in adults with or without dyslexia.
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rest2vec: Vectorizing the resting-state functional connectome using graph embedding.
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of socio-cognitive and socio-affective processes association with adolescent substance use.
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Impaired visual working memory and reduced connectivity in undergraduates with a history of mild traumatic brain injury.
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Neural and social correlates of attitudinal brokerage: using the complete social networks of two entire villages.
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Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations.
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Error-signaling in the developing brain.
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Social exclusion reliably engages the default network: A meta-analysis of Cyberball.
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Cognitive and behavioural flexibility: neural mechanisms and clinical considerations.
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Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Enhanced Brain Glucose Uptake During Euglycemic Hyperinsulinemia: A Large-Scale PET Cohort.
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Reading between the lines: Listener's vmPFC simulates speaker cooperative choices in communication games.
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Towards robust and replicable sex differences in the intrinsic brain function of autism.
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Whole blood serotonin levels in healthy elderly are negatively associated with the functional activity of emotion-related brain regions.
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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation restores altered functional connectivity of central poststroke pain model monkeys.
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Neural basis of corruption in power-holders.
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Mother brain is wired for social moments.
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Single-Dimensional Human Brain Signals for Two-Dimensional Economic Choice Options.
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Chronic musculoskeletal impairment is associated with alterations in brain regions responsible for the production and perception of movement.
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Endogenous variation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex state dynamics during naturalistic viewing reflects affective experience.
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Varying demands for cognitive control reveals shared neural processes supporting semantic and episodic memory retrieval.
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Differentiating Real-World Autobiographical Experiences without Recourse to Behaviour.
Description: Erez, Jonathan, et al. Differentiating Real-World Autobiographical Experiences without Recourse to Behaviour. ''Brain Sci''. 2021 Apr 20; '''11''' (4):
Brain structures and networks responsible for stimulation-induced memory flashbacks during forniceal deep brain stimulation for Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Germann, Jurgen, et al. Brain structures and networks responsible for stimulation-induced memory flashbacks during forniceal deep brain stimulation for Alzheimer's disease. ''Alzheimers Dement''. 2021 May; '''17''' (5):777-787
Early changes in neural circuit function engaged by negative emotion and modified by behavioural intervention are associated with depression and problem-solving outcomes: A report from the ENGAGE randomized controlled trial.
Description: Goldstein-Piekarski, Andrea N, et al. Early changes in neural circuit function engaged by negative emotion and modified by behavioural intervention are associated with depression and problem-solving outcomes: A report from the ENGAGE randomized controlled trial. ''EBioMedicine''. 2021 May; '''67''': 103387
Resting cerebral oxygen metabolism exhibits archetypal network features.
Description: Hubbard, Nicholas A, et al. Resting cerebral oxygen metabolism exhibits archetypal network features. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 May; '''42''' (7):1952-1968
Functional and diffusion MRI reveal the neurophysiological basis of neonates' noxious-stimulus evoked brain activity.
Description: Baxter, Luke, et al. Functional and diffusion MRI reveal the neurophysiological basis of neonates' noxious-stimulus evoked brain activity. ''Nat Commun''. 2021 May 12; '''12''' (1):2744
Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry.
Description: Bertelsen, Natasha, et al. Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 May 14; '''4''' (1):574
The longitudinal stability of fMRI activation during reward processing in adolescents and young adults.
Description: Baranger, David A A, et al. The longitudinal stability of fMRI activation during reward processing in adolescents and young adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 May 15; '''232''': 117872
Prefrontal Responses during Proactive and Reactive Inhibition Are Differentially Impacted by Stress in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.
Description: Westwater, Margaret L, et al. Prefrontal Responses during Proactive and Reactive Inhibition Are Differentially Impacted by Stress in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. ''J Neurosci''. 2021 May 19; '''41''' (20):4487-4499
Activity in the brain's valuation and mentalizing networks is associated with propagation of online recommendations.
Description: Baek, Elisa C, et al. Activity in the brain's valuation and mentalizing networks is associated with propagation of online recommendations. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 May 27; '''11''' (1):11196
Humor and emotion: Quantitative meta analyses of functional neuroimaging studies.
Description: Farkas, Andrew H, et al. Humor and emotion: Quantitative meta analyses of functional neuroimaging studies. ''Cortex''. 2021 Jun; '''139''': 60-72
Intranasal vasopressin modulates resting state brain activity across multiple neural systems: Evidence from a brain imaging machine learning study.
Description: Chen, Xinling, et al. Intranasal vasopressin modulates resting state brain activity across multiple neural systems: Evidence from a brain imaging machine learning study. ''Neuropharmacology''. 2021 Jun 1; '''190''': 108561
Intrinsic connectivity reveals functionally distinct cortico-hippocampal networks in the human brain.
Description: Barnett, Alexander J, et al. Intrinsic connectivity reveals functionally distinct cortico-hippocampal networks in the human brain. ''PLoS Biol''. 2021 Jun; '''19''' (6):e3001275
Sex effects on cortical morphological networks in healthy young adults.
Description: Ge, Ruiyang, et al. Sex effects on cortical morphological networks in healthy young adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jun; '''233''': 117945
Gray matter structures associated with neuroticism: A meta-analysis of whole-brain voxel-based morphometry studies.
Description: Liu, Xiqin, et al. Gray matter structures associated with neuroticism: A meta-analysis of whole-brain voxel-based morphometry studies. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Jun 15; '''42''' (9):2706-2721
Recognition memory performance can be estimated based on brain activation networks.
Description: Petrovska, Jana, et al. Recognition memory performance can be estimated based on brain activation networks. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2021 Jun 25; '''408''': 113285
Happy for Us not Them: Differences in neural activation in a vicarious reward task between family and strangers during adolescent development.
Description: Brandner, Philip, et al. Happy for Us not Them: Differences in neural activation in a vicarious reward task between family and strangers during adolescent development. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2021 Jun 30; '''51''': 100985
Large-scale functional brain networks for consciousness.
Description: Han, Myoung-Eun, et al. Large-scale functional brain networks for consciousness. ''Anat Cell Biol''. 2021 Jun 30; '''54''' (2):152-164
Connectional asymmetry of the inferior parietal lobule shapes hemispheric specialization in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques.
Description: Cheng, Luqi, et al. Connectional asymmetry of the inferior parietal lobule shapes hemispheric specialization in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. ''Elife''. 2021 Jul 2; '''10''':
A large-scale structural and functional connectome of social mentalizing.
Description: Wang, Yin, et al. A large-scale structural and functional connectome of social mentalizing. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118115
BACON: A tool for reverse inference in brain activation and alteration.
Description: Costa, Tommaso, et al. BACON: A tool for reverse inference in brain activation and alteration. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Aug 1; '''42''' (11):3343-3351
Comparing spatial null models for brain maps.
Description: Markello, Ross D, et al. Comparing spatial null models for brain maps. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118052
Detecting neural state transitions underlying event segmentation.
Description: Geerligs, Linda, et al. Detecting neural state transitions underlying event segmentation. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118085
Disrupted Dorsal Mid-Insula Activation During Interoception Across Psychiatric Disorders.
Description: Nord, Camilla L, et al. Disrupted Dorsal Mid-Insula Activation During Interoception Across Psychiatric Disorders. ''Am J Psychiatry''. 2021 Aug 1; '''178''' (8):761-770
Distinct and common neural coding of semantic and non-semantic control demands.
Description: Gao, Zhiyao, et al. Distinct and common neural coding of semantic and non-semantic control demands. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118230
MEG current source reconstruction using a meta-analysis fMRI prior.
Description: Suzuki, Keita, et al. MEG current source reconstruction using a meta-analysis fMRI prior. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118034
Nalmefene attenuates neural alcohol cue-reactivity in the ventral striatum and subjective alcohol craving in patients with alcohol use disorder.
Description: Karl, Damian, et al. Nalmefene attenuates neural alcohol cue-reactivity in the ventral striatum and subjective alcohol craving in patients with alcohol use disorder. ''Psychopharmacology (Berl)''. 2021 Aug; '''238''' (8):2179-2189
Stimulus-independent neural coding of event semantics: Evidence from cross-sentence fMRI decoding.
Description: Asyraff, Aliff, et al. Stimulus-independent neural coding of event semantics: Evidence from cross-sentence fMRI decoding. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118073
Large-scale functional coactivation patterns reflect the structural connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex.
Description: Tovar, Dale T, et al. Large-scale functional coactivation patterns reflect the structural connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2021 Aug 5; '''16''' (8):875-882
Disentangling predictive processing in the brain: a meta-analytic study in favour of a predictive network.
Description: Ficco, Linda, et al. Disentangling predictive processing in the brain: a meta-analytic study in favour of a predictive network. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Aug 10; '''11''' (1):16258
Potential scalp stimulation targets for mental disorders: evidence from neuroimaging studies.
Description: Cao, Jin, et al. Potential scalp stimulation targets for mental disorders: evidence from neuroimaging studies. ''J Transl Med''. 2021 Aug 10; '''19''' (1):343
Impaired perception of illusory contours and cortical hypometabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Description: Ishioka, Toshiyuki, et al. Impaired perception of illusory contours and cortical hypometabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2021 Aug 12; '''32''': 102779
Common abnormality of gray matter integrity in substance use disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: A comparative voxel-based meta-analysis.
Description: Klugah-Brown, Benjamin, et al. Common abnormality of gray matter integrity in substance use disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: A comparative voxel-based meta-analysis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Aug 15; '''42''' (12):3871-3886
Odor identity can be extracted from the reciprocal connectivity between olfactory bulb and piriform cortex in humans.
Description: Iravani, Behzad, et al. Odor identity can be extracted from the reciprocal connectivity between olfactory bulb and piriform cortex in humans. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118130
Perturbing fMRI brain dynamics using transcranial direct current stimulation.
Description: Tu, Yiheng, et al. Perturbing fMRI brain dynamics using transcranial direct current stimulation. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118100
Sensory, somatomotor and internal mentation networks emerge dynamically in the resting brain with internal mentation predominating in older age.
Description: Zhang, Lu, et al. Sensory, somatomotor and internal mentation networks emerge dynamically in the resting brain with internal mentation predominating in older age. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118188
Speech-evoked brain activity is more robust to competing speech when it is spoken by someone familiar.
Description: Holmes, Emma, et al. Speech-evoked brain activity is more robust to competing speech when it is spoken by someone familiar. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118107
Viewing personalized video clips recommended by TikTok activates default mode network and ventral tegmental area.
Description: Su, Conghui, et al. Viewing personalized video clips recommended by TikTok activates default mode network and ventral tegmental area. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118136
Learning Faces as Concepts Improves Face Recognition by Engaging the Social Brain Network.
Description: Shoham, Adva, et al. Learning Faces as Concepts Improves Face Recognition by Engaging the Social Brain Network. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2021 Aug 17;
Neural Responses to Social Reward Predict Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Description: Sequeira, Stefanie L, et al. Neural Responses to Social Reward Predict Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic. ''J Pediatr Psychol''. 2021 Aug 19; '''46''' (8):915-926
Cortical patterning of morphometric similarity gradient reveals diverged hierarchical organization in sensory-motor cortices.
Description: Yang, Siqi, et al. Cortical patterning of morphometric similarity gradient reveals diverged hierarchical organization in sensory-motor cortices. ''Cell Rep''. 2021 Aug 24; '''36''' (8):109582
Reduced frontal cortical tracking of conflict between self-beneficial versus prosocial motives in Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Description: Stolz, David S, et al. Reduced frontal cortical tracking of conflict between self-beneficial versus prosocial motives in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2021 Aug 27; '''32''': 102800
A quantitative approach for measuring laterality in clinical fMRI for preoperative language mapping.
Description: Olaru, Maria, et al. A quantitative approach for measuring laterality in clinical fMRI for preoperative language mapping. ''Neuroradiology''. 2021 Sep; '''63''' (9):1489-1500
Arbitration between insula and temporoparietal junction subserves framing-induced boosts in generosity during social discounting.
Description: Sellitto, Manuela, et al. Arbitration between insula and temporoparietal junction subserves framing-induced boosts in generosity during social discounting. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Sep; '''238''': 118211
Borderline personality disorder classification based on brain network measures during emotion regulation.
Description: Cremers, Henk, et al. Borderline personality disorder classification based on brain network measures during emotion regulation. ''Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci''. 2021 Sep; '''271''' (6):1169-1178
Functional connectivity between the caudate and medial prefrontal cortex reflects individual honesty variations in adults and children.
Description: Yin, Lijun, et al. Functional connectivity between the caudate and medial prefrontal cortex reflects individual honesty variations in adults and children. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Sep; '''238''': 118268
Intrinsic Functional Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex Is Associated with Tolerance to Distress.
Description: Dezachyo, Or, et al. Intrinsic Functional Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex Is Associated with Tolerance to Distress. ''eNeuro''. 2021 Sep-Oct; '''8''' (5):
The neuroscience of social feelings: mechanisms of adaptive social functioning.
Description: Eslinger, Paul J, et al. The neuroscience of social feelings: mechanisms of adaptive social functioning. ''Neurosci Biobehav Rev''. 2021 Sep; '''128''': 592-620
The representational structure of mental states generalizes across target people and stimulus modalities.
Description: Weaverdyck, Miriam E, et al. The representational structure of mental states generalizes across target people and stimulus modalities. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Sep; '''238''': 118258
Ventralis intermedius nucleus anatomical variability assessment by MRI structural connectivity.
Description: Ferreira, Francisca, et al. Ventralis intermedius nucleus anatomical variability assessment by MRI structural connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Sep; '''238''': 118231
Charity preferences and perceived impact moderate charitable giving and associated neural response.
Description: Fede, Samantha J, et al. Charity preferences and perceived impact moderate charitable giving and associated neural response. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2021 Sep 17; '''160''': 107957
Social prediction modulates activity of macaque superior temporal cortex.
Description: Roumazeilles, Lea, et al. Social prediction modulates activity of macaque superior temporal cortex. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 Sep 17; '''7''' (38):eabh2392
Development of thalamus mediates paternal age effect on offspring reading: A preliminary investigation.
Description: Xia, Zhichao, et al. Development of thalamus mediates paternal age effect on offspring reading: A preliminary investigation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Oct 1; '''42''' (14):4580-4596
Mindfulness related changes in grey matter: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Description: Pernet, Cyril R, et al. Mindfulness related changes in grey matter: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ''Brain Imaging Behav''. 2021 Oct; '''15''' (5):2720-2730
Myelo- and cytoarchitectonic microstructural and functional human cortical atlases reconstructed in common MRI space.
Description: Pijnenburg, Rory, et al. Myelo- and cytoarchitectonic microstructural and functional human cortical atlases reconstructed in common MRI space. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Oct 1; '''239''': 118274
Quantifying the variability of neural activation in working memory: A functional probabilistic atlas.
Description: Chen, Chen, et al. Quantifying the variability of neural activation in working memory: A functional probabilistic atlas. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Oct 1; '''239''': 118301
Neuropsychological evidence of multi-domain network hubs in the human thalamus.
Description: Hwang, Kai, et al. Neuropsychological evidence of multi-domain network hubs in the human thalamus. ''Elife''. 2021 Oct 8; '''10''':
When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint.
Description: Van De Ville, Dimitri, et al. When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 Oct 15; '''7''' (42):eabj0751
mTOR-related synaptic pathology causes autism spectrum disorder-associated functional hyperconnectivity.
Description: Pagani, Marco, et al. mTOR-related synaptic pathology causes autism spectrum disorder-associated functional hyperconnectivity. ''Nat Commun''. 2021 Oct 19; '''12''' (1):6084
Dissecting functional contributions of the social brain to strategic behavior.
Description: Konovalov, Arkady, et al. Dissecting functional contributions of the social brain to strategic behavior. ''Neuron''. 2021 Oct 20; '''109''' (20):3323-3337.e5
Networks of worry-towards a connectivity-based signature of late-life worry using higher criticism.
Description: Gerlach, Andrew R, et al. Networks of worry-towards a connectivity-based signature of late-life worry using higher criticism. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2021 Oct 28; '''11''' (1):550
A voxel-level brain-wide association study of cortisol at 8 a.m.: Evidence from Cushing's disease.
Description: Zhang, Yanyang, et al. A voxel-level brain-wide association study of cortisol at 8 a.m.: Evidence from Cushing's disease. ''Neurobiol Stress''. 2021 Nov; '''15''': 100414
Brain parcellation selection: An overlooked decision point with meaningful effects on individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity.
Description: Bryce, Nessa V, et al. Brain parcellation selection: An overlooked decision point with meaningful effects on individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov; '''243''': 118487
Brain Structure and Function: the first 15 years-a retrospective.
Description: Zaborszky, Laszlo. Brain Structure and Function: the first 15 years-a retrospective. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2021 Nov; '''226''' (8):2467-2475
Development of navigation network revealed by resting-state and task-state functional connectivity.
Description: Hao, Xin, et al. Development of navigation network revealed by resting-state and task-state functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov; '''243''': 118515
Effects of bariatric surgery on functional connectivity of the reward and default mode network: A pre-registered analysis.
Description: Heinrichs, Hannah S, et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on functional connectivity of the reward and default mode network: A pre-registered analysis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Nov; '''42''' (16):5357-5373
Multivariate morphological brain signatures enable individualized prediction of dispositional need for closure.
Description: Chen, Xinling, et al. Multivariate morphological brain signatures enable individualized prediction of dispositional need for closure. ''Brain Imaging Behav''. 2021 Nov 1;
Neural impact of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage in traumatically injured adults.
Description: Webb, E Kate, et al. Neural impact of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage in traumatically injured adults. ''Neurobiol Stress''. 2021 Nov; '''15''': 100385
Neural network modelling reveals changes in directional connectivity between cortical and hypothalamic regions with increased BMI.
Description: Voigt, Katharina, et al. Neural network modelling reveals changes in directional connectivity between cortical and hypothalamic regions with increased BMI. ''Int J Obes (Lond)''. 2021 Nov; '''45''' (11):2447-2454
Associated functional network development and language abilities in children.
Description: Qi, Ting, et al. Associated functional network development and language abilities in children. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov 15; '''242''': 118452
A Unified Functional Network Target for Deep Brain Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Description: Li, Ningfei, et al. A Unified Functional Network Target for Deep Brain Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2021 Nov 15; '''90''' (10):701-713
Functional localization and categorization of intentional decisions in humans: A meta-analysis of brain imaging studies.
Description: Si, Ruoguang, et al. Functional localization and categorization of intentional decisions in humans: A meta-analysis of brain imaging studies. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov 15; '''242''': 118468
A multi-modal MRI analysis of brain structure and function in relation to OXT methylation in maltreated children and adolescents.
Description: Nishitani, Shota, et al. A multi-modal MRI analysis of brain structure and function in relation to OXT methylation in maltreated children and adolescents. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2021 Nov 18; '''11''' (1):589
Handedness and its genetic influences are associated with structural asymmetries of the cerebral cortex in 31,864 individuals.
Description: Sha, Zhiqiang, et al. Handedness and its genetic influences are associated with structural asymmetries of the cerebral cortex in 31,864 individuals. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2021 Nov 23; '''118''' (47):
A meta-analysis on shared and distinct neural correlates of the decision-making underlying altruistic and retaliatory punishment.
Description: Boccadoro, Sara, et al. A meta-analysis on shared and distinct neural correlates of the decision-making underlying altruistic and retaliatory punishment. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 1; '''42''' (17):5547-5562
Gray matter asymmetry in asymptomatic carotid stenosis.
Description: Gao, Lei, et al. Gray matter asymmetry in asymptomatic carotid stenosis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 1; '''42''' (17):5665-5676
Patterns of brain asymmetry associated with polygenic risks for autism and schizophrenia implicate language and executive functions but not brain masculinization.
Description: Sha, Zhiqiang, et al. Patterns of brain asymmetry associated with polygenic risks for autism and schizophrenia implicate language and executive functions but not brain masculinization. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2021 Dec; '''26''' (12):7652-7660
Watershed Brain Regions for Characterizing Brand Equity-Related Mental Processes.
Description: Watanuki, Shinya. Watershed Brain Regions for Characterizing Brand Equity-Related Mental Processes. ''Brain Sci''. 2021 Dec 8; '''11''' (12):
Suppressed activity of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex as a biomarker for depression remission.
Description: Davey, Christopher G, et al. Suppressed activity of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex as a biomarker for depression remission. ''Psychol Med''. 2021 Dec 9; '''53''' (6):1-8
Effects of social and emotional context on neural activation and synchrony during movie viewing.
Description: Dziura, Sarah L, et al. Effects of social and emotional context on neural activation and synchrony during movie viewing. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 15; '''42''' (18):6053-6069
Gene expression associated with individual variability in intrinsic functional connectivity.
Description: Li, Liangfang, et al. Gene expression associated with individual variability in intrinsic functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 15; '''245''': 118743
Attenuated link between the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in children with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from effective connectivity within the "social brain".
Description: Li, Lei, et al. Attenuated link between the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in children with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from effective connectivity within the "social brain". ''Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry''. 2021 Dec 20; '''111''': 110147
Transcriptomic and macroscopic architectures of intersubject functional variability in human brain white-matter.
Description: Li, Jiao, et al. Transcriptomic and macroscopic architectures of intersubject functional variability in human brain white-matter. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Dec 20; '''4''' (1):1417
Altered brain network topology in children with auditory processing disorder: A resting-state multi-echo fMRI study.
Description: Alvand, Ashkan, et al. Altered brain network topology in children with auditory processing disorder: A resting-state multi-echo fMRI study. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2022; '''35''': 103139
Increased pain unpleasantness and pain-related fMRI activation in the periaqueductal gray in Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Anderson, Alison R, et al. Increased pain unpleasantness and pain-related fMRI activation in the periaqueductal gray in Alzheimer's disease. ''Front Pain Res (Lausanne)''. 2022; '''3''': 914473
Investigating Differences in Behavior and Brain in Human-Human and Human-Autonomous Vehicle Interactions in Time-Critical Situations.
Description: Unni, Anirudh, et al. Investigating Differences in Behavior and Brain in Human-Human and Human-Autonomous Vehicle Interactions in Time-Critical Situations. ''Front Neuroergon''. 2022; '''3''': 836518
Mapping delusions of space onto a structural disconnectome that decouples familiarity and place networks.
Description: Alves, Pedro N, et al. Mapping delusions of space onto a structural disconnectome that decouples familiarity and place networks. ''Cortex''. 2022 Jan; '''146''': 250-260
Neural correlates of working memory and its association with metabolic parameters in early-treated adults with phenylketonuria.
Description: Abgottspon, Stephanie, et al. Neural correlates of working memory and its association with metabolic parameters in early-treated adults with phenylketonuria. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2022; '''34''': 102974
Proof of concept study to develop a novel connectivity-based electric-field modelling approach for individualized targeting of transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment.
Description: Balderston, Nicholas L, et al. Proof of concept study to develop a novel connectivity-based electric-field modelling approach for individualized targeting of transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment. ''Neuropsychopharmacology''. 2022 Jan; '''47''' (2):588-598
Psychopathic traits modulate functional connectivity during pain perception and perspective-taking in female inmates.
Description: Yoder, Keith J, et al. Psychopathic traits modulate functional connectivity during pain perception and perspective-taking in female inmates. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2022; '''34''': 102984
Resistance to Extinction of Evaluative Fear Conditioning in Delusion Proneness.
Description: Louzolo, Anais, et al. Resistance to Extinction of Evaluative Fear Conditioning in Delusion Proneness. ''Schizophr Bull Open''. 2022 Jan; '''3''' (1):sgac033
Focal neural perturbations reshape low-dimensional trajectories of brain activity supporting cognitive performance.
Description: Iyer, Kartik K, et al. Focal neural perturbations reshape low-dimensional trajectories of brain activity supporting cognitive performance. ''Nat Commun''. 2022 Jan 10; '''13''' (1):4
Genetic Influence on Nociceptive Processing in the Human Brain-A Twin Study.
Description: Kastrati, Granit, et al. Genetic Influence on Nociceptive Processing in the Human Brain-A Twin Study. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2022 Jan 10; '''32''' (2):266-274
Illusory Body Ownership Affects the Cortical Response to Vicarious Somatosensation.
Description: Pamplona, Gustavo S P, et al. Illusory Body Ownership Affects the Cortical Response to Vicarious Somatosensation. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2022 Jan 10; '''32''' (2):312-328
Analyses of microstructural variation in the human striatum using non-negative matrix factorization.
Description: Robert, Corinne, et al. Analyses of microstructural variation in the human striatum using non-negative matrix factorization. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Feb 1; '''246''': 118744
Effect of mGluR2 positive allosteric modulation on frontostriatal working memory activation in schizophrenia.
Description: Wolf, Daniel H, et al. Effect of mGluR2 positive allosteric modulation on frontostriatal working memory activation in schizophrenia. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2022 Feb; '''27''' (2):1226-1232
Tormenting thoughts: The posterior cingulate sulcus of the default mode network regulates valence of thoughts and activity in the brain's pain network during music listening.
Description: Koelsch, Stefan, et al. Tormenting thoughts: The posterior cingulate sulcus of the default mode network regulates valence of thoughts and activity in the brain's pain network during music listening. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Feb 1; '''43''' (2):773-786
Neuroepigenetic impact on mentalizing in childhood.
Description: Skyberg, Amalia M, et al. Neuroepigenetic impact on mentalizing in childhood. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Feb 8; '''54''': 101080
Altered reward and effort processing in children with maltreatment experience: a potential indicator of mental health vulnerability.
Description: Armbruster-Genc, Diana J N, et al. Altered reward and effort processing in children with maltreatment experience: a potential indicator of mental health vulnerability. ''Neuropsychopharmacology''. 2022 Feb 11;
Cerebral perfusion mediated by thalamo-cortical functional connectivity in non-dominant thalamus affects naming ability in aphasia.
Description: Zhang, Jie, et al. Cerebral perfusion mediated by thalamo-cortical functional connectivity in non-dominant thalamus affects naming ability in aphasia. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Feb 15; '''43''' (3):940-954
Dysregulated anterior insula reactivity as robust functional biomarker for chronic pain-Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies.
Description: Ferraro, Stefania, et al. Dysregulated anterior insula reactivity as robust functional biomarker for chronic pain-Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Feb 15; '''43''' (3):998-1010
Lower-Resolution Retrieval of Scenes in Older Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline.
Description: Ruiz-Rizzo, Adriana L, et al. Lower-Resolution Retrieval of Scenes in Older Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline. ''Arch Clin Neuropsychol''. 2022 Feb 23; '''37''' (2):408-422
A common neural substrate for number comparison, hand reaching and grasping: A SDM-PSI meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.
Description: Ranzini, Mariagrazia, et al. A common neural substrate for number comparison, hand reaching and grasping: A SDM-PSI meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. ''Cortex''. 2022 Mar; '''148''': 31-67
Neural variability fingerprint predicts individuals' information security violation intentions.
Description: Duan, Qin, et al. Neural variability fingerprint predicts individuals' information security violation intentions. ''Fundam Res''. 2022 Mar; '''2''' (2):303-310
The inter-relationships of the neural basis of rumination and inhibitory control: neuroimaging-based meta-analyses.
Description: Song, Xiaoqi, et al. The inter-relationships of the neural basis of rumination and inhibitory control: neuroimaging-based meta-analyses. ''Psychoradiology''. 2022 Mar; '''2''' (1):11-22
Mapping Neural Circuit Biotypes to Symptoms and Behavioral Dimensions of Depression and Anxiety.
Description: Goldstein-Piekarski, Andrea N, et al. Mapping Neural Circuit Biotypes to Symptoms and Behavioral Dimensions of Depression and Anxiety. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2022 Mar 15; '''91''' (6):561-571
Sex and strategy effects on brain activation during a 3D-navigation task.
Description: Noachtar, Isabel, et al. Sex and strategy effects on brain activation during a 3D-navigation task. ''Commun Biol''. 2022 Mar 16; '''5''' (1):234
The role of the right prefrontal cortex in the retrieval of weak representations.
Description: Yi, Kyongmyon, et al. The role of the right prefrontal cortex in the retrieval of weak representations. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Mar 16; '''12''' (1):4537
Perceptual coupling and decoupling of the default mode network during mind-wandering and reading.
Description: Zhang, Meichao, et al. Perceptual coupling and decoupling of the default mode network during mind-wandering and reading. ''Elife''. 2022 Mar 21; '''11''':
Portable Neuroimaging-Guided Noninvasive Brain Stimulation of the Cortico-Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Loop-Hypothesis and Theory in Cannabis Use Disorder.
Description: Walia, Pushpinder, et al. Portable Neuroimaging-Guided Noninvasive Brain Stimulation of the Cortico-Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Loop-Hypothesis and Theory in Cannabis Use Disorder. ''Brain Sci''. 2022 Mar 26; '''12''' (4):
A computational model of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Jones, D, et al. A computational model of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. ''Nat Commun''. 2022 Mar 28; '''13''' (1):1643
Neural effective connectivity explains subjective fatigue in stroke.
Description: Ondobaka, Sasha, et al. Neural effective connectivity explains subjective fatigue in stroke. ''Brain''. 2022 Mar 29; '''145''' (1):285-294
Commonalities and Asymmetries in the Neurobiological Infrastructure for Language Production and Comprehension.
Description: Giglio, Laura, et al. Commonalities and Asymmetries in the Neurobiological Infrastructure for Language Production and Comprehension. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2022 Mar 30; '''32''' (7):1405-1418
Developmental differences in brain functional connectivity during social interaction in middle childhood.
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Executive control by fronto-parietal activity explains counterintuitive decision behavior in complex value-based decision-making.
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Growing in generosity? The effects of giving magnitude, target, and audience on the neural signature of giving in adolescence.
Description: van de Groep, Suzanne, et al. Growing in generosity? The effects of giving magnitude, target, and audience on the neural signature of giving in adolescence. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Apr; '''54''': 101084
Limits of decoding mental states with fMRI.
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Subtly altered topological asymmetry of brain structural covariance networks in autism spectrum disorder across 43 datasets from the ENIGMA consortium.
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The medial occipital longitudinal tract supports early stage encoding of visuospatial information.
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Simultaneous modeling of reaction times and brain dynamics in a spatial cueing task.
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Alterations in resting-state whole-brain functional connectivity pattern similarity in bipolar disorder patients.
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A multistudy analysis reveals that evoked pain intensity representation is distributed across brain systems.
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Brain morphometry and connectivity differs between adolescent- and adult-onset major depressive disorder.
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Metacognition and mentalizing are associated with distinct neural representations of decision uncertainty.
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Moving beyond the 'CAP' of the Iceberg: Intrinsic connectivity networks in fMRI are continuously engaging and overlapping.
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Language systems from lesion-symptom mapping in aphasia: A meta-analysis of voxel-based lesion mapping studies.
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Bilateral Intraparietal Activation for Number Tasks in Studies Using Adaptation Paradigm: A Meta-analysis.
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Changes in cognitive and behavioral control after lamotrigine and intensive dialectical behavioral therapy for severe, multi-impulsive bulimia nervosa: an fMRI case study.
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Greater Empathic Abilities and Resting State Brain Connectivity Differences in Psychotherapists Compared to Non-psychotherapists.
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Mapping the Heterogeneous Brain Structural Phenotype of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Normative Model.
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Motivated semantic control: Exploring the effects of extrinsic reward and self-reference on semantic retrieval in semantic aphasia.
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The spectrum of data sharing policies in neuroimaging data repositories.
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Causal role of the right temporoparietal junction in selfishness depends on the social partner.
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Toward Coordinate-based Cognition Dictionaries: A BrainMap and Neurosynth Demo.
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Using child-friendly movie stimuli to study the development of face, place, and object regions from age 3 to 12 years.
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Giving to others and neural processing during adolescence.
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Temporally and anatomically specific contributions of the human amygdala to threat and safety learning.
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Brain Structural Changes During Juvenile Fibromyalgia: Relationships With Pain, Fatigue, and Functional Disability.
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Does losing money truly hurt? The shared neural bases of monetary loss and pain.
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Effective psychological therapy for PTSD changes the dynamics of specific large-scale brain networks.
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Molecular basis underlying functional connectivity of fusiform gyrus subregions: A transcriptome-neuroimaging spatial correlation study.
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Spatio-temporal brain dynamics of self-identity: an EEG source analysis of the current and past self.
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The Brain Activation-Based Sexual Image Classifier (BASIC): A Sensitive and Specific fMRI Activity Pattern for Sexual Image Processing.
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Corticostriatal circuits in the transition to chronic back pain: The predictive role of reward learning.
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Heritability and cross-species comparisons of human cortical functional organization asymmetry.
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Resting-state functional connectivity of social brain regions predicts motivated dishonesty.
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A cognitive neurogenetic approach to uncovering the structure of executive functions.
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Neural and behavioral effects of modification of visual attention in body dysmorphic disorder.
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Within-individual BOLD signal variability in the N-back task and its associations with vigilance and working memory.
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Functional connector hubs in the cerebellum.
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Changes in brain connectivity linked to multisensory processing of pain modulation in migraine with acupuncture treatment.
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Linking cerebellar functional gradients to transdiagnostic behavioral dimensions of psychopathology.
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Brain intrinsic connection patterns underlying tool processing in human adults are present in neonates and not in macaques.
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Emotion and attention in face processing: Complementary evidence from surface event-related potentials and intracranial amygdala recordings.
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Learning under social versus nonsocial uncertainty: A meta-analytic approach.
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Musical Meter Induces Interbrain Synchronization during Interpersonal Coordination.
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Neural signatures of individual variability in context-dependent perception of ambiguous facial expression.
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Neural similarity between mentalizing and live social interaction during the transition to adolescence.
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Revisiting sex differences in the acquisition and extinction of threat conditioning in humans.
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The posterior middle temporal gyrus serves as a hub in syntactic comprehension: A model on the syntactic neural network.
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Neural structural abnormalities behind altered brain activation in obesity: Evidence from meta-analyses of brain activation and morphometric data.
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Face processing and efficient recognition of facial expressions are impaired following right but not left anteromedial temporal lobe resections: Behavioral and fMRI evidence.
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Uncovering a tripartite landmark in posterior cingulate cortex.
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Extended functional connectivity of convergent structural alterations among individuals with PTSD: a neuroimaging meta-analysis.
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Similar neural networks respond to coherence during comprehension and production of discourse.
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Effect of surgical mask on fMRI signals during task and rest.
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Insulin sensitivity in mesolimbic pathways predicts and improves with weight loss in older dieters.
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Flexing the principal gradient of the cerebral cortex to suit changing semantic task demands.
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Functional gradients in the human lateral prefrontal cortex revealed by a comprehensive coordinate-based meta-analysis.
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Melanocortin 4 receptor agonism enhances sexual brain processing in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
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Pubertal development underlies optimization of inhibitory control through specialization of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
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Reinforcement learning with associative or discriminative generalization across states and actions: fMRI at 3 T and 7 T.
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Intrinsic connectivity within the affective salience network moderates adolescent susceptibility to negative and positive peer norms.
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Can we have a second helping? A preregistered direct replication study on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying self-control.
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Mapping neurotransmitter systems to the structural and functional organization of the human neocortex.
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Neural Networks Implicated in Autobiographical Memory Training.
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Neural connectivity underlying adolescent social learning in sibling dyads.
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Intracranial human recordings reveal association between neural activity and perceived intensity for the pain of others in the insula.
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Coordinated cortical thickness alterations across six neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.
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Neural substrates underlying effortful control deficit in autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies.
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Mapping lesion, structural disconnection, and functional disconnection to symptoms in semantic aphasia.
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Regional gene expression patterns are associated with task-specific brain activation during reward and emotion processing measured with functional MRI.
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Emotional learning retroactively promotes memory integration through rapid neural reactivation and reorganization.
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Optimal deep brain stimulation sites and networks for stimulation of the fornix in Alzheimer's disease.
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Context free and context-dependent conceptual representation in the brain.
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Intrinsic brain activity patterns across large-scale networks predict reciprocity propensity.
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Transcriptional substrates underlying functional connectivity profiles of subregions within the human sensorimotor cortex.
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Whole-brain connectivity during encoding: age-related differences and associations with cognitive and brain structural decline.
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Selective and replicable neuroimaging-based indicators of pain discriminability.
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Adolescent functional network connectivity prospectively predicts adult anxiety symptoms related to perceived COVID-19 economic adversity.
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Clinical presentation and neural correlates of stroke-associated spatial delusions.
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Concurrent contextual and time-distant mnemonic information co-exist as feedback in the human visual cortex.
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Contribution and functional connectivity between cerebrum and cerebellum on sub-lexical and lexical-semantic processing of verbs.
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Face processing in the infant brain after pandemic lockdown.
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The involvement of brain regions associated with lower KPS and shorter survival time predicts a poor prognosis in glioma.
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Prediction and action in cortical pain processing.
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The Stroop effect involves an excitatory-inhibitory fronto-cerebellar loop.
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Heart failure decouples the precuneus in interaction with social cognition and executive functions.
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Relationships between serotonin availability and frontolimbic response to fearful and threatening faces.
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Shared grey matter correlates of reading and attention.
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Experiencing sweet taste is associated with an increase in prosocial behavior.
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Resting state neurophysiology of agonist-antagonist myoneural interface in persons with transtibial amputation.
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How distinct functional insular subdivisions mediate interacting neurocognitive systems.
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Negative affect homogenizes and positive affect diversifies social memory consolidation across people.
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Social cognitive processes explain bias in juror decisions.
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Resting-state brain functional alterations and their genetic mechanisms in drug-naive first-episode psychosis.
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Relational vs representational social cognitive processing: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging data.
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Depression core network-based individualized targeting for transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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Atypical functional connectivity of temporal cortex with precuneus and visual regions may be an early-age signature of ASD.
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Connectional Hierarchy in Human Brain Revealed by Individual Variability of Functional Network Edges.
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Role of right temporoparietal junction for counterfactual evaluation of partner's decision in ultimatum game.
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Exposure to hate speech deteriorates neurocognitive mechanisms of the ability to understand others' pain.
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Transitions between cognitive topographies: contributions of network structure, neuromodulation, and disease.
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Human brain effects of DMT assessed via EEG-fMRI.
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Structural brain differences related to compulsive sexual behavior disorder.
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Implicit Perception of Differences between NLP-Produced and Human-Produced Language in the Mentalizing Network.
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Neural correlates associated with conformity in adolescent and young adult men.
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Pramipexole modulates fronto-subthalamic pathway in sequential working memory.
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The cross-domain functional organization of posterior lateral temporal cortex: insights from ALE meta-analyses of 7 cognitive domains spanning 12,000 participants.
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Invoking self-related and social thoughts impacts online information sharing.
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Adolescents' neural reactivity to parental criticism is associated with diminished happiness during daily interpersonal situations.
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Default mode network scaffolds immature frontoparietal network in cognitive development.
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Altered anticipatory brain responses in eating disorders: A neuroimaging meta-analysis.
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Comparison of Cerebral Blood Flow in Regions Relevant to Cognition After Enzalutamide, Darolutamide, and Placebo in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
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Functional hierarchy of the angular gyrus and its underlying genetic architecture.
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Resting-state functional alterations in patients with brain arteriovenous malformations involving language areas.
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Structural and functional changes in drug-naive benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and their associated gene expression profiles.
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Neurodevelopmental trajectories of letter and speech sound processing from preschool to the end of elementary school.
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Assortative mixing in micro-architecturally annotated brain connectomes.
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Atypical connectome topography and signal flow in temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Neural unscrambling of temporal information during a nonlinear narrative.
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Human and chimpanzee shared and divergent neurobiological systems for general and specific cognitive brain functions.
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Teachers recruit mentalizing regions to represent learners' beliefs.
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Brain structural and functional correlates of the heterogenous progression of mixed transcortical aphasia.
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The effect of adverse childhood experiences on chronic pain and major depression in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Altered large-scale dynamic connectivity patterns in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment patients: A machine learning study.
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Cognition, body, and mind: A three-in-one coordinate-based fMRI meta-analysis on cognitive, physical, and meditative trainings.
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In vivo mapping of pharmacologically induced functional reorganization onto the human brain's neurotransmitter landscape.
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Functional connectivity gradients of the cingulate cortex.
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Default egocentrism: an MVPA approach to overlap in own and others' socio-political attitudes.
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Cognitive Dynamics Estimation: A whole-brain spatial regression paradigm for extracting the temporal dynamics of cognitive processes.
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Effect of LSD and music on the time-varying brain dynamics.
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Neural similarity in nucleus accumbens during decision-making for the self and a best friend: Links to adolescents' self-reported susceptibility to peer influence and risk taking.
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Sensory perception relies on fitness-maximizing codes.
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The hierarchical organization of the precuneus captured by functional gradients.
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Functional and microstructural plasticity following social and interoceptive mental training.
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Parsing altered gray matter morphology of depression using a framework integrating the normative model and non-negative matrix factorization.
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Cerebral chemoarchitecture shares organizational traits with brain structure and function.
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Spatial Dynamic Subspaces Encode Sex-Specific Schizophrenia Disruptions in Transient Network Overlap and its Links to Genetic Risk.
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Development and validation of an fMRI-informed EEG model of reward-related ventral striatum activation.
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Hippocampus long-axis specialization throughout development: A meta-analysis.
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Mitochondrial function-associated genes underlie cortical atrophy in prodromal synucleinopathies.
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The cerebellum is causally involved in episodic memory under aging.
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Meta-analytic decoding of the cortical gradient of functional connectivity.
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Metabolic Covariance Connectivity of Posterior Cingulate Cortex Associated with Depression Symptomatology Level in Healthy Young Adults.
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Do "Ten simple rules for neuroimaging meta-analysis" receive equal attention and accurate quotation? An examination on the quotations to an influential neuroimaging meta-analysis guideline.
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Inverted U-shaped brain development of cognitive control across the human lifespan.
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Using network control theory to study the dynamics of the structural connectome.
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Intersubject similarity in neural representations underlies shared episodic memory content.
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Leading basic modes of spontaneous activity drive individual functional connectivity organization in the resting human brain.
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Investigating the heterogeneity within the somatosensory-motor network and its relationship with the attention and default systems.
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Effect of Technology and Digital Media Use on Adolescent Health and Development: Protocol for a Multimethod Longitudinal Study.
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Variation in spatial dependencies across the cortical mantle discriminates the functional behaviour of primary and association cortex.
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Cortico-striatal activity associated with fidget spinner use: an fMRI study.
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Diverging asymmetry of intrinsic functional organization in autism.
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Long term structural and functional neural changes following a single infusion of Ketamine in PTSD.
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The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium.
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The neuroanatomical substrates of autism and ADHD and their link to putative genomic underpinnings.
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Abnormal structural alterations and disrupted functional connectivity in behavioral addiction: A meta-analysis of VBM and fMRI studies.
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Substructure of the brain's Cingulo-Opercular network.
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Attachment Reminders Trigger Widespread Synchrony across Multiple Brains.
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Integrating brainstem and cortical functional architectures.
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Low-dimensional neuronal population dynamics in anterior superior temporal gyrus reactivate phonetic representations during semantic processing.
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Neural signals predict information sharing across cultures.
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An automated pipeline for obtaining labeled ICA-templates corresponding to functional brain systems.
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Characterizing functional modules in the human thalamus: coactivation-based parcellation and systems-level functional decoding.
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Exploring the influence of circulating endocannabinoids and nucleus accumbens functional connectivity on anorexia nervosa severity.
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Hippocampal metabolic subregions and networks: Behavioral, molecular, and pathological aging profiles.
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Virtual lesions in MEG reveal increasing vulnerability of the language network from early childhood through adolescence.
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General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species.
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Gaming expertise induces meso-scale brain plasticity and efficiency mechanisms as revealed by whole-brain modeling Gaming expertise, neuroplasticity and functional dynamics.
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Aberrant degree centrality profiles during rumination in major depressive disorder.
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Connectome-based prediction of craving in gambling disorder and cocaine use disorder.
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Somatotopic disruption of the functional connectivity of the primary sensorimotor cortex in complex regional pain syndrome type 1.
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Distinct Neural Components of Visually Guided Grasping during Planning and Execution.
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Experience sampling reveals the role that covert goal states play in task-relevant behavior.
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An energy costly architecture of neuromodulators for human brain evolution and cognition.
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A bipolar taxonomy of adult human brain sulcal morphology related to timing of fetal sulcation and trans-sulcal gene expression gradients.
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Genes Associated with Altered Brain Structure and Function in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
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Altered asymmetry of functional connectome gradients in major depressive disorder.
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Brain stimulation targets for chronic pain: Insights from meta-analysis, functional connectivity and literature review.
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Dissociating reading and auditory comprehension in persons with aphasia.
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Electroacupuncture stimulation modulates functional brain connectivity in the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy: a case report.
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Fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations associated with mu-opioid and dopamine receptor distributions in the central nervous system after high-intensity exercise bouts.
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Hippocampal Involvement in Safety Signal Learning Varies With Anxiety Among Healthy Adults.
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Lessons learned from an fMRI-guided rTMS study on performance in a numerical Stroop task.
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Individuals who see the good in the bad engage distinctive default network coordination during post-encoding rest.
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The psychological, computational, and neural foundations of indebtedness.
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Altered task-related decoupling of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex in depression.
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Development of the triadic neural systems involved in risky decision-making during childhood.
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Connectome-based reservoir computing with the conn2res toolbox.
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Atypical local brain connectivity in pediatric autism spectrum disorder? A coordinate-based meta-analysis of regional homogeneity studies.
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Effects of a dissociative drug on fronto-limbic resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled pilot study.
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MRI evidence for material-specific encoding deficits and mesial-temporal alterations in presurgical frontal lobe epilepsy patients.
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Transcriptional cartography integrates multiscale biology of the human cortex.
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Developmental changes in brain function linked with addiction-like social media use two years later.
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The central renin-angiotensin system: A genetic pathway, functional decoding, and selective target engagement characterization in humans.
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Higher handgrip strength is linked to higher salience ventral attention functional network segregation in older adults.
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Neural sensitivity following stress predicts anhedonia symptoms: a 2-year multi-wave, longitudinal study.
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Decoding the dynamic perception of risk and speed using naturalistic stimuli: A multivariate, whole-brain analysis.
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Dynamic threat-reward neural processing under semi-naturalistic ecologically relevant scenarios.
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Molecular basis underlying changes of brain entropy and functional connectivity in major depressive disorders after electroconvulsive therapy.
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Neural signatures of shared subjective affective engagement and disengagement during movie viewing.
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Neuroscience meets behavior: A systematic literature review on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain combined with real-world digital phenotyping.
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Task structure tailors the geometry of neural representations in human lateral prefrontal cortex.
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Dissecting abstract, modality-specific and experience-dependent coding of affect in the human brain.
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Modeling brain network flexibility in networks of coupled oscillators: a feasibility study.
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Neural asymmetry in aligning with generous versus selfish descriptive norms in a charitable donation task.
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Resting-state amygdala subregion and precuneus connectivity provide evidence for a dimensional approach to studying social anxiety disorder.
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A Data-Driven Latent Variable Approach to Validating the Research Domain Criteria Framework.
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The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex prioritizes social learning during rest.
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Using rare genetic mutations to revisit structural brain asymmetry.
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Altered intersubject functional variability of brain white-matter in major depressive disorder and its association with gene expression profiles.
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Molecular basis underlying default mode network functional abnormalities in postpartum depression with and without anxiety.
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Neurostimulation treatments for epilepsy: Deep brain stimulation, responsive neurostimulation and vagus nerve stimulation.
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Stimulus shapes strategy: Effects of stimulus characteristics and individual differences in academic achievement on the neural mechanisms engaged during the N-back task.
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The characteristic patterns of individual brain susceptibility networks underlie Alzheimer's disease and white matter hyperintensity-related cognitive impairment.
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Uncovering the distinct macro-scale anatomy of dysexecutive and behavioural degenerative diseases.
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Examining neural responses to anticipating or receiving monetary rewards and the development of binge eating in youth. A registered report using data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
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Salience network connectivity is altered in 6-week-old infants at heightened likelihood for developing autism.
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Altered grid-like coding in early blind people.
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Functional connectivity development along the sensorimotor-association axis enhances the cortical hierarchy.
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Structural network topologies are associated with deep brain stimulation outcomes in Meige syndrome.
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Altered effective connectivity among face-processing systems in major depressive disorder.
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Association of bidirectional network cores in the brain with conscious perception and cognition.
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Loss, gain and choice difficulty in gambling patients: Neural and behavioural processes.
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Disrupted cognitive and affective empathy network interactions in autistic children viewing social animation.
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Contrasting neurofunctional correlates of face- and visuospatial-processing in children and adolescents with Williams syndrome: convergent results from four fMRI paradigms.
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Resting state brain network segregation is associated with walking speed and working memory in older adults.
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Consensus-building conversation leads to neural alignment.
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The impact of APOE epsilon4 in Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies.
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Clarifying the longitudinal factor structure, temporal stability, and construct validity of Go/No-Go task-related neural activation across adolescence and young adulthood.
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Distinctive and Complementary Roles of Default Mode Network Subsystems in Semantic Cognition.
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Network-targeted transcranial direct current stimulation of the hypothalamus appetite-control network: a feasibility study.
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Multidimensional neural representations of social features during movie viewing.
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Neural correlates of obesity across the lifespan.
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Neuroanatomical, transcriptomic, and molecular correlates of math ability and their prognostic value for predicting learning outcomes.
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A Functional Atlas of the Cerebellum Based on NeuroSynth Task Coordinates.
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Behavioral dishonesty in multiscenes: Associations with trait honesty and neural patterns during (dis)honesty video-watching.
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Comparative analysis of brain language templates with primary language areas detected from presurgical fMRI of brain tumor patients.
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Neurocomputational model of compulsivity: deviating from an uncertain goal-directed system.
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Fronto-thalamic networks and the left ventral thalamic nuclei play a key role in aphasia after thalamic stroke.
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Longitudinal associations between language network characteristics in the infant brain and school-age reading abilities are mediated by early-developing phonological skills.
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Tau follows principal axes of functional and structural brain organization in Alzheimer's disease.
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A sensorimotor-association axis of thalamocortical connection development.
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Neuroimaging epicenters as potential sites of onset of the neuroanatomical pathology in schizophrenia.
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Comparative Analysis of Human-Chimpanzee Divergence in Brain Connectivity and its Genetic Correlates.
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Reward-related regions play a role in natural story comprehension.
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Differences in cortical microstructure according to body mass index in neurologically healthy populations using structural magnetic resonance imaging.
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Gaze and Arrows: Does the Gaze-Following Patch in the Posterior Temporal Cortex Differentiate Social and Symbolic Spatial Cues?
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Visual system structural and functional connections during face viewing in body dysmorphic disorder.
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NeuroSynth: MRI-Derived Neuroanatomical Generative Models and Associated Dataset of 18,000 Samples.
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Hemispheric dominance in reading system alters contribution to face processing lateralization across development.
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Relationships between tryptophan-related gut metabolites, brain activity, and autism symptomatology.
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Mapping Brain Synergy Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: Understanding Individual Differences and Underlying Molecular Mechanisms.
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The role of functional emotion circuits in distinct dimensions of psychopathology in youth.
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Heroes and villains: opposing narrative roles engage neural synchronization in the inferior frontal gyrus.
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From Maps to Models: A Survey on the Reliability of Small Studies of Task-Based fMRI.
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Chronic hypercortisolism disrupts the principal functional gradient in Cushing's disease: A multi-scale connectomics and transcriptomics study.
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Human adolescent brain similarity development is different for paralimbic versus neocortical zones.
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Effect of a four-week oral Phe administration on neural activation and cerebral blood flow in adults with early-treated phenylketonuria.
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Integrative, segregative, and degenerate harmonics of the structural connectome.
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Comprehensive investigation of predictive processing: A cross- and within-cognitive domains fMRI meta-analytic approach.
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Mapping the structure-function relationship along macroscale gradients in the human brain.
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Cortical cognitive processing during reading captured using functional-near infrared spectroscopy.
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Acute effects of different types of cannabis on young adult and adolescent resting-state brain networks.
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