The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to Analyzer 2. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Integration of fMRI and simultaneous EEG: towards a comprehensive understanding of localization and time-course of brain activity in target detection.
Description: Mulert, Christoph, et al. Integration of fMRI and simultaneous EEG: towards a comprehensive understanding of localization and time-course of brain activity in target detection. ''Neuroimage''. 2004 May; '''22''' (1):83-94
Sound level dependence of the primary auditory cortex: Simultaneous measurement with 61-channel EEG and fMRI.
Description: Mulert, Christoph, et al. Sound level dependence of the primary auditory cortex: Simultaneous measurement with 61-channel EEG and fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Oct 15; '''28''' (1):49-58
Frontal positivity discriminates true from false recognition.
Description: Wiese, Holger, et al. Frontal positivity discriminates true from false recognition. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Feb 23; '''1075''' (1):183-92
Comparing neural correlates of configural processing in faces and objects: an ERP study of the Thatcher illusion.
Description: Boutsen, Luc, et al. Comparing neural correlates of configural processing in faces and objects: an ERP study of the Thatcher illusion. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Aug 1; '''32''' (1):352-67
Functional cortical source imaging from simultaneously recorded ERP and fMRI.
Description: Im, Chang-Hwan, et al. Functional cortical source imaging from simultaneously recorded ERP and fMRI. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2006 Oct 15; '''157''' (1):118-23
Single trial variability of EEG and fMRI responses to visual stimuli.
Description: Bagshaw, Andrew P, et al. Single trial variability of EEG and fMRI responses to visual stimuli. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Nov 1; '''38''' (2):280-92
Significance of the deep layers of entorhinal cortex for transfer of both perirhinal and amygdala inputs to the hippocampus.
Description: Koganezawa, Noriko, et al. Significance of the deep layers of entorhinal cortex for transfer of both perirhinal and amygdala inputs to the hippocampus. ''Neurosci Res''. 2008 Jun; '''61''' (2):172-81
Single-trial coupling of EEG and fMRI reveals the involvement of early anterior cingulate cortex activation in effortful decision making.
Description: Mulert, Christoph, et al. Single-trial coupling of EEG and fMRI reveals the involvement of early anterior cingulate cortex activation in effortful decision making. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Aug 1; '''42''' (1):158-68
Different spatial organizations of saccade related BOLD-activation in parietal and striate cortex.
Description: Rieger, Jochem W, et al. Different spatial organizations of saccade related BOLD-activation in parietal and striate cortex. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Oct 3; '''1233''': 89-97
Spontaneous locally restricted EEG alpha activity determines cortical excitability in the motor cortex.
Description: Sauseng, P, et al. Spontaneous locally restricted EEG alpha activity determines cortical excitability in the motor cortex. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jan; '''47''' (1):284-8
Fluctuations in electrodermal activity reveal variations in single trial brain responses to painful laser stimuli--a fMRI/EEG study.
Description: Mobascher, A, et al. Fluctuations in electrodermal activity reveal variations in single trial brain responses to painful laser stimuli--a fMRI/EEG study. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Feb 1; '''44''' (3):1081-92
Laser-evoked potential P2 single-trial amplitudes covary with the fMRI BOLD response in the medial pain system and interconnected subcortical structures.
Description: Mobascher, A, et al. Laser-evoked potential P2 single-trial amplitudes covary with the fMRI BOLD response in the medial pain system and interconnected subcortical structures. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Apr 15; '''45''' (3):917-26
Independent component analysis as a model-free approach for the detection of BOLD changes related to epileptic spikes: a simulation study.
Description: LeVan, Pierre, et al. Independent component analysis as a model-free approach for the detection of BOLD changes related to epileptic spikes: a simulation study. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2009 Jul; '''30''' (7):2021-31
Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants.
Description: Vestergaard, Martin D, et al. Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants. ''Biol Psychol''. 2009 Oct; '''82''' (2):169-75
Effect of auditory motion velocity on reaction time and cortical processes.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan. Effect of auditory motion velocity on reaction time and cortical processes. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Oct; '''47''' (12):2625-33
fMRI activation during spike and wave discharges evoked by photic stimulation.
Description: Moeller, Friederike, et al. fMRI activation during spike and wave discharges evoked by photic stimulation. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Dec; '''48''' (4):682-95
Effects of natural versus artificial spatial cues on electrophysiological correlates of auditory motion.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Effects of natural versus artificial spatial cues on electrophysiological correlates of auditory motion. ''Hear Res''. 2010 Jan; '''259''' (1-2):44-54
Independent component analysis reveals dynamic ictal BOLD responses in EEG-fMRI data from focal epilepsy patients.
Description: LeVan, Pierre, et al. Independent component analysis reveals dynamic ictal BOLD responses in EEG-fMRI data from focal epilepsy patients. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Jan 1; '''49''' (1):366-78
On the functional significance of Novelty-P3: facilitation by unexpected novel sounds.
Description: SanMiguel, Iria, et al. On the functional significance of Novelty-P3: facilitation by unexpected novel sounds. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 Feb; '''83''' (2):143-52
Single-trial coupling of the gamma-band response and the corresponding BOLD signal.
Description: Mulert, C, et al. Single-trial coupling of the gamma-band response and the corresponding BOLD signal. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Feb 1; '''49''' (3):2238-47
Modulation by EEG features of BOLD responses to interictal epileptiform discharges.
Description: LeVan, Pierre, et al. Modulation by EEG features of BOLD responses to interictal epileptiform discharges. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Mar; '''50''' (1):15-26
Functional neural networks underlying semantic encoding of associative memories.
Description: Crespo-Garcia, M, et al. Functional neural networks underlying semantic encoding of associative memories. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Apr 15; '''50''' (3):1258-70
Caffeine enhances frontal relative negativity of slow brain potentials in a task-free experimental setup.
Description: Murd, Carolina, et al. Caffeine enhances frontal relative negativity of slow brain potentials in a task-free experimental setup. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2010 Apr 29; '''82''' (1-2):39-45
Auditory hallucinations and the P3a: attention-switching to speech in schizophrenia.
Description: Fisher, Derek J, et al. Auditory hallucinations and the P3a: attention-switching to speech in schizophrenia. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 Dec; '''85''' (3):417-23
The increase in theta/beta ratio on resting-state EEG in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is mediated by slow alpha peak frequency.
Description: Lansbergen, Marieke M, et al. The increase in theta/beta ratio on resting-state EEG in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is mediated by slow alpha peak frequency. ''Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry''. 2011 Jan 15; '''35''' (1):47-52
The membrane chamber: a new type of in vitro recording chamber.
Description: Hill, M R H, et al. The membrane chamber: a new type of in vitro recording chamber. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2011 Jan 30; '''195''' (1):15-23
Effect of attention on cortical processing of sound motion: an EEG study.
Description: Kreitewolf, Jens, et al. Effect of attention on cortical processing of sound motion: an EEG study. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Feb 1; '''54''' (3):2340-9
Predicting inter-hemispheric transfer time from the diffusion properties of the corpus callosum in healthy individuals and schizophrenia patients: a combined ERP and DTI study.
Description: Whitford, Thomas J, et al. Predicting inter-hemispheric transfer time from the diffusion properties of the corpus callosum in healthy individuals and schizophrenia patients: a combined ERP and DTI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Feb 1; '''54''' (3):2318-29
The effect of spatial adaptation on auditory motion processing.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. The effect of spatial adaptation on auditory motion processing. ''Hear Res''. 2011 Feb; '''272''' (1-2):21-9
Impact of EEG-vigilance on brain glucose uptake measured with [(18)F]FDG and PET in patients with depressive episode or mild cognitive impairment.
Description: Guenther, Thomas, et al. Impact of EEG-vigilance on brain glucose uptake measured with [(18)F]FDG and PET in patients with depressive episode or mild cognitive impairment. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 May 1; '''56''' (1):93-101
Limits of 2D-TCA in detecting BOLD responses to epileptic activity.
Description: Khatamian, Yasha Borna, et al. Limits of 2D-TCA in detecting BOLD responses to epileptic activity. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2011 May; '''94''' (3):177-88
Probing the cortical network underlying the psychological refractory period: a combined EEG-fMRI study.
Description: Hesselmann, G, et al. Probing the cortical network underlying the psychological refractory period: a combined EEG-fMRI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jun 1; '''56''' (3):1608-21
Prestimulus vigilance predicts response speed in an easy visual discrimination task.
Description: Minkwitz, Juliane, et al. Prestimulus vigilance predicts response speed in an easy visual discrimination task. ''Behav Brain Funct''. 2011 Aug 5; '''7''': 31
Understanding of spoken language under challenging listening conditions in younger and older listeners: a combined behavioral and electrophysiological study.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Understanding of spoken language under challenging listening conditions in younger and older listeners: a combined behavioral and electrophysiological study. ''Brain Res''. 2011 Sep 30; '''1415''': 8-22
Electrophysiological correlates of non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing in children: joining the dots.
Description: Heine, Angela, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing in children: joining the dots. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Oct; '''49''' (12):3238-46
Monozygotic twins discordant for constitutive BRCA1 promoter methylation, childhood cancer and secondary cancer.
Description: Galetzka, Danuta, et al. Monozygotic twins discordant for constitutive BRCA1 promoter methylation, childhood cancer and secondary cancer. ''Epigenetics''. 2012 Jan 1; '''7''' (1):47-54
Neural response to reward and depressive symptoms in late childhood to early adolescence.
Description: Bress, Jennifer N, et al. Neural response to reward and depressive symptoms in late childhood to early adolescence. ''Biol Psychol''. 2012 Jan; '''89''' (1):156-62
Visual awareness suppression by pre-stimulus brain stimulation; a neural effect.
Description: Jacobs, Christianne, et al. Visual awareness suppression by pre-stimulus brain stimulation; a neural effect. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jan 2; '''59''' (1):616-24
Cortical post-movement and sensory processing disentangled by temporary deafferentation.
Description: Thiemann, Ulf, et al. Cortical post-movement and sensory processing disentangled by temporary deafferentation. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jan 16; '''59''' (2):1582-93
Statistical feature extraction for artifact removal from concurrent fMRI-EEG recordings.
Description: Liu, Zhongming, et al. Statistical feature extraction for artifact removal from concurrent fMRI-EEG recordings. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Feb 1; '''59''' (3):2073-87
Detection of epileptic activity in fMRI without recording the EEG.
Description: Lopes, R, et al. Detection of epileptic activity in fMRI without recording the EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Apr 15; '''60''' (3):1867-79
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain at rest--exploring EEG microstates as electrophysiological signatures of BOLD resting state networks.
Description: Yuan, Han, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain at rest--exploring EEG microstates as electrophysiological signatures of BOLD resting state networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 May 1; '''60''' (4):2062-72
Event-related potential variations in the encoding and retrieval of different amounts of contextual information.
Description: Estrada-Manilla, Cinthya, et al. Event-related potential variations in the encoding and retrieval of different amounts of contextual information. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2012 Jun 15; '''232''' (1):190-201
Effects of semantic relatedness on age-related associative memory deficits: the role of theta oscillations.
Description: Crespo-Garcia, Maite, et al. Effects of semantic relatedness on age-related associative memory deficits: the role of theta oscillations. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jul 16; '''61''' (4):1235-48
Cortical processing of change in sound location: smooth motion versus discontinuous displacement.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Cortical processing of change in sound location: smooth motion versus discontinuous displacement. ''Brain Res''. 2012 Jul 23; '''1466''': 119-27
Acquired affective associations induce emotion effects in word recognition: an ERP study.
Description: Fritsch, Nathalie, et al. Acquired affective associations induce emotion effects in word recognition: an ERP study. ''Brain Lang''. 2013 Jan; '''124''' (1):75-83
BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and goal-directed behavior in healthy elderly - evidence from auditory distraction.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and goal-directed behavior in healthy elderly - evidence from auditory distraction. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Jan 1; '''64''': 290-8
Centrotemporal spikes during NREM sleep: The promoting action of thalamus revealed by simultaneous EEG and fMRI coregistration.
Description: Mirandola, Laura, et al. Centrotemporal spikes during NREM sleep: The promoting action of thalamus revealed by simultaneous EEG and fMRI coregistration. ''Epilepsy Behav Case Rep''. 2013; '''1''': 106-9
Components of vestibular cortical function.
Description: Klingner, Carsten M, et al. Components of vestibular cortical function. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Jan 1; '''236''' (1):194-9
Spontaneous Slow Fluctuation of EEG Alpha Rhythm Reflects Activity in Deep-Brain Structures: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study.
Description: Omata, Kei, et al. Spontaneous Slow Fluctuation of EEG Alpha Rhythm Reflects Activity in Deep-Brain Structures: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (6):e66869
The Modulation of Error Processing in the Medial Frontal Cortex by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.
Description: Bellaiche, Lisa, et al. The Modulation of Error Processing in the Medial Frontal Cortex by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. ''Neurosci J''. 2013; '''2013''': 187692
Amblyopic deficits in the timing and strength of visual cortical responses to faces.
Description: Banko, Eva M, et al. Amblyopic deficits in the timing and strength of visual cortical responses to faces. ''Cortex''. 2013 Apr; '''49''' (4):1013-24
BOLD response to deviant face detection informed by P300 event-related potential parameters: a simultaneous ERP-fMRI study.
Description: Campanella, Salvatore, et al. BOLD response to deviant face detection informed by P300 event-related potential parameters: a simultaneous ERP-fMRI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 May 1; '''71''': 92-103
Cholinergic gating of hippocampal auditory evoked potentials in freely moving rats.
Description: Klinkenberg, Inge, et al. Cholinergic gating of hippocampal auditory evoked potentials in freely moving rats. ''Eur Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2013 Aug; '''23''' (8):988-97
Does age increase auditory distraction? Electrophysiological correlates of high and low performance in seniors.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Does age increase auditory distraction? Electrophysiological correlates of high and low performance in seniors. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2013 Aug; '''34''' (8):1952-62
An electrophysiological investigation of non-symbolic magnitude processing: numerical distance effects in children with and without mathematical learning disabilities.
Description: Heine, Angela, et al. An electrophysiological investigation of non-symbolic magnitude processing: numerical distance effects in children with and without mathematical learning disabilities. ''Cortex''. 2013 Sep; '''49''' (8):2162-77
Correlated slow fluctuations in respiration, EEG, and BOLD fMRI.
Description: Yuan, Han, et al. Correlated slow fluctuations in respiration, EEG, and BOLD fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 1; '''79''': 81-93
Reproducible paired sources from concurrent EEG-fMRI data using BICAR.
Description: Brown, Kevin S, et al. Reproducible paired sources from concurrent EEG-fMRI data using BICAR. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2013 Oct 15; '''219''' (2):205-19
Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence for nociceptive dysfunction in complex regional pain syndrome.
Description: Caty, Gilles, et al. Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence for nociceptive dysfunction in complex regional pain syndrome. ''Pain''. 2013 Nov; '''154''' (11):2521-8
Constructing Carbon Fiber Motion-Detection Loops for Simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
Description: Abbott, David F, et al. Constructing Carbon Fiber Motion-Detection Loops for Simultaneous EEG-fMRI. ''Front Neurol''. 2014; '''5''': 260
Coupling brain-machine interfaces with cortical stimulation for brain-state dependent stimulation: enhancing motor cortex excitability for neurorehabilitation.
Description: Gharabaghi, Alireza, et al. Coupling brain-machine interfaces with cortical stimulation for brain-state dependent stimulation: enhancing motor cortex excitability for neurorehabilitation. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 122
Software and hardware infrastructure for research in electrophysiology.
Description: Moucek, Roman, et al. Software and hardware infrastructure for research in electrophysiology. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2014; '''8''': 20
Using auditory pre-information to solve the cocktail-party problem: electrophysiological evidence for age-specific differences.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Using auditory pre-information to solve the cocktail-party problem: electrophysiological evidence for age-specific differences. ''Front Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 413
Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to improved action control.
Description: Stock, Ann-Kathrin, et al. Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to improved action control. ''Brain Behav Immun''. 2014 Mar; '''37''': 103-8
Differences in cortical coding of heat evoked pain beyond the perceived intensity: an fMRI and EEG study.
Description: Haefeli, Jenny, et al. Differences in cortical coding of heat evoked pain beyond the perceived intensity: an fMRI and EEG study. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2014 Apr; '''35''' (4):1379-89
Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to deficits in goal-directed behavior in healthy elderly.
Description: Beste, Christian, et al. Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to deficits in goal-directed behavior in healthy elderly. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2014 May; '''35''' (5):1037-44
Emotion word recognition: discrete information effects first, continuous later?
Description: Briesemeister, Benny B, et al. Emotion word recognition: discrete information effects first, continuous later? ''Brain Res''. 2014 May 20; '''1564''': 62-71
Increased sensitivity of fast BOLD fMRI with a subject-specific hemodynamic response function and application to epilepsy.
Description: Proulx, Sebastien, et al. Increased sensitivity of fast BOLD fMRI with a subject-specific hemodynamic response function and application to epilepsy. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 1''': 59-73
Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing.
Description: Jansen, Stefanie, et al. Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2014 Jul 30; '''232''': 24-9
Evolution of the binge drinking pattern in college students: neurophysiological correlates.
Description: Lopez-Caneda, Eduardo, et al. Evolution of the binge drinking pattern in college students: neurophysiological correlates. ''Alcohol''. 2014 Aug; '''48''' (5):407-18
Patients with Parkinsons disease are less affected than healthy persons by relevant response-unrelated features in visual search.
Description: Verleger, Rolf, et al. Patients with Parkinsons disease are less affected than healthy persons by relevant response-unrelated features in visual search. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2014 Sep; '''62''': 38-47
Impaired off-line motor skills consolidation in young primary insomniacs.
Description: Cellini, Nicola, et al. Impaired off-line motor skills consolidation in young primary insomniacs. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2014 Oct; '''114''': 141-7
Smoking, MATRICS consensus cognitive battery and P50 sensory gating in a Han Chinese population.
Description: Tan, Shu-Ping, et al. Smoking, MATRICS consensus cognitive battery and P50 sensory gating in a Han Chinese population. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2014 Oct 1; '''143''': 51-7
Psychophysiological support of increasing attentional reserve during the development of a motor skill.
Description: Rietschel, Jeremy C, et al. Psychophysiological support of increasing attentional reserve during the development of a motor skill. ''Biol Psychol''. 2014 Dec; '''103''': 349-56
An Event-related Potential Study on the Interaction between Lighting Level and Stimulus Spatial Location.
Description: Carretie, Luis, et al. An Event-related Potential Study on the Interaction between Lighting Level and Stimulus Spatial Location. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 637
A subject-independent pattern-based Brain-Computer Interface.
Description: Ray, Andreas M, et al. A subject-independent pattern-based Brain-Computer Interface. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 269
Attentional Load Effects on Beta Oscillations in Healthy and Schizophrenic Individuals.
Description: Ghorashi, Shahab, et al. Attentional Load Effects on Beta Oscillations in Healthy and Schizophrenic Individuals. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2015; '''6''': 149
EEG findings of reduced neural synchronization during visual integration in schizophrenia.
Description: Wynn, Jonathan K, et al. EEG findings of reduced neural synchronization during visual integration in schizophrenia. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0119849
Effects of age on electrophysiological correlates of speech processing in a dynamic "cocktail-party" situation.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Effects of age on electrophysiological correlates of speech processing in a dynamic "cocktail-party" situation. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 341
Effects of Auditory Attention Training with the Dichotic Listening Task: Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence.
Description: Tallus, Jussi, et al. Effects of Auditory Attention Training with the Dichotic Listening Task: Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (10):e0139318
Emotional Meaning in Context in Relation to Hypomanic Personality Traits: An ERP Study.
Description: Terrien, Sarah, et al. Emotional Meaning in Context in Relation to Hypomanic Personality Traits: An ERP Study. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (9):e0138877
Event-related potentials reveal preserved attention allocation but impaired emotion regulation in patients with epilepsy and comorbid negative affect.
Description: De Taeye, Leen, et al. Event-related potentials reveal preserved attention allocation but impaired emotion regulation in patients with epilepsy and comorbid negative affect. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (1):e0116817
Executive Dysfunctions and Event-Related Brain Potentials in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Description: Seer, Caroline, et al. Executive Dysfunctions and Event-Related Brain Potentials in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2015; '''7''': 225
Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task.
Description: Chamine, Irina, et al. Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task. ''Evid Based Complement Alternat Med''. 2015; '''2015''': 419812
Impaired target detection in schizophrenia and the ventral attentional network: Findings from a joint event-related potential-functional MRI analysis.
Description: Wynn, Jonathan K, et al. Impaired target detection in schizophrenia and the ventral attentional network: Findings from a joint event-related potential-functional MRI analysis. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''9''': 95-102
Preserved Suppression of Salient Irrelevant Stimuli During Visual Search in Age-Associated Memory Impairment.
Description: Lorenzo-Lopez, Laura, et al. Preserved Suppression of Salient Irrelevant Stimuli During Visual Search in Age-Associated Memory Impairment. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 2033
'Right Now, Sophie ( *)Swims in the Pool?!': Brain Potentials of Grammatical Aspect Processing.
Description: Flecken, Monique, et al. 'Right Now, Sophie ( *)Swims in the Pool?!': Brain Potentials of Grammatical Aspect Processing. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 1764
Sustained attention is associated with error processing impairment: evidence from mental fatigue study in four-choice reaction time task.
Description: Xiao, Yi, et al. Sustained attention is associated with error processing impairment: evidence from mental fatigue study in four-choice reaction time task. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0117837
The color red attracts attention in an emotional context. An ERP study.
Description: Kuniecki, Michal, et al. The color red attracts attention in an emotional context. An ERP study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 212
The Effect of Distance on Moral Engagement: Event Related Potentials and Alpha Power are Sensitive to Perspective in a Virtual Shooting Task.
Description: Petras, Kirsten, et al. The Effect of Distance on Moral Engagement: Event Related Potentials and Alpha Power are Sensitive to Perspective in a Virtual Shooting Task. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 2008
The neurophysiology of biological motion perception in schizophrenia.
Description: Jahshan, Carol, et al. The neurophysiology of biological motion perception in schizophrenia. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Jan; '''5''' (1):75-84
When Feelings Arise with Meanings: How Emotion and Meaning of a Native Language Affect Second Language Processing in Adult Learners.
Description: Sianipar, Agnes, et al. When Feelings Arise with Meanings: How Emotion and Meaning of a Native Language Affect Second Language Processing in Adult Learners. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (12):e0144576
ERP correlates of auditory goal-directed behavior of younger and older adults in a dynamic speech perception task.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. ERP correlates of auditory goal-directed behavior of younger and older adults in a dynamic speech perception task. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2015 Feb 1; '''278''': 435-45
Role of inter-hemispheric transfer in generating visual evoked potentials in V1-damaged brain hemispheres.
Description: Kavcic, Voyko, et al. Role of inter-hemispheric transfer in generating visual evoked potentials in V1-damaged brain hemispheres. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Feb; '''68''': 82-93
What does successful speech-in-noise perception in aging depend on? Electrophysiological correlates of high and low performance in older adults.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. What does successful speech-in-noise perception in aging depend on? Electrophysiological correlates of high and low performance in older adults. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Apr; '''70''': 43-57
Captured by the pain: pain steady-state evoked potentials are not modulated by selective spatial attention.
Description: Blochl, Maria, et al. Captured by the pain: pain steady-state evoked potentials are not modulated by selective spatial attention. ''Brain Res''. 2015 Apr 7; '''1603''': 94-100
Alpha Power Increase After Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation at Alpha Frequency (alpha-tACS) Reflects Plastic Changes Rather Than Entrainment.
Description: Vossen, Alexandra, et al. Alpha Power Increase After Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation at Alpha Frequency (alpha-tACS) Reflects Plastic Changes Rather Than Entrainment. ''Brain Stimul''. 2015 May-Jun; '''8''' (3):499-508
Frontal P3 event-related potential is related to brain glutamine/glutamate ratio measured in vivo.
Description: Hall, Mei-Hua, et al. Frontal P3 event-related potential is related to brain glutamine/glutamate ratio measured in vivo. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 May 1; '''111''': 186-91
Sleep protects memories from interference in older adults.
Description: Sonni, Akshata, et al. Sleep protects memories from interference in older adults. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2015 Jul; '''36''' (7):2272-2281
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals brain networks underlying recognition memory ERP old/new effects.
Description: Hoppstadter, Michael, et al. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals brain networks underlying recognition memory ERP old/new effects. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Aug 1; '''116''': 112-22
Reward feedback stimuli elicit high-beta EEG oscillations in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Description: HajiHosseini, Azadeh, et al. Reward feedback stimuli elicit high-beta EEG oscillations in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Aug 17; '''5''': 13021
Impaired acquisition of classically conditioned fear-potentiated startle reflexes in humans with focal bilateral basolateral amygdala damage.
Description: Klumpers, Floris, et al. Impaired acquisition of classically conditioned fear-potentiated startle reflexes in humans with focal bilateral basolateral amygdala damage. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2015 Sep; '''10''' (9):1161-8
Advantages and disadvantages of a fast fMRI sequence in the context of EEG-fMRI investigation of epilepsy patients: A realistic simulation study.
Description: Safi-Harb, Mouna, et al. Advantages and disadvantages of a fast fMRI sequence in the context of EEG-fMRI investigation of epilepsy patients: A realistic simulation study. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 1; '''119''': 20-32
Effect of mechanical tactile noise on amplitude of visual evoked potentials: multisensory stochastic resonance.
Description: Mendez-Balbuena, Ignacio, et al. Effect of mechanical tactile noise on amplitude of visual evoked potentials: multisensory stochastic resonance. ''J Neurophysiol''. 2015 Oct; '''114''' (4):2132-43
Electrophysiological correlates of cocktail-party listening.
Description: Lewald, Jorg, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of cocktail-party listening. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2015 Oct 1; '''292''': 157-66
Neurophysiological evidence of an association between cognitive control and defensive reactivity processes in young children.
Description: Lo, Sharon L, et al. Neurophysiological evidence of an association between cognitive control and defensive reactivity processes in young children. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Oct; '''15''': 35-47
Prefrontal Gamma Oscillations Encode Tonic Pain in Humans.
Description: Schulz, Enrico, et al. Prefrontal Gamma Oscillations Encode Tonic Pain in Humans. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Nov; '''25''' (11):4407-14
The mismatch negativity as a measure of auditory stream segregation in a simulated "cocktail-party" scenario: effect of age.
Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. The mismatch negativity as a measure of auditory stream segregation in a simulated "cocktail-party" scenario: effect of age. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2015 Nov; '''36''' (11):3029-3037
Parvalbumin-positive interneurons of the prefrontal cortex support working memory and cognitive flexibility.
Description: Murray, Andrew J, et al. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons of the prefrontal cortex support working memory and cognitive flexibility. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Nov 26; '''5''': 16778
Early electrophysiological markers of atypical language processing in prematurely born infants.
Description: Paquette, Natacha, et al. Early electrophysiological markers of atypical language processing in prematurely born infants. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Dec; '''79''' (Pt A):21-32
Impact of sleep loss before learning on cortical dynamics during memory retrieval.
Description: Alberca-Reina, E, et al. Impact of sleep loss before learning on cortical dynamics during memory retrieval. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Dec; '''123''': 51-62
Psychophysiological effects of an iTBS modulated virtual reality challenge including participants with spider phobia.
Description: Notzon, S, et al. Psychophysiological effects of an iTBS modulated virtual reality challenge including participants with spider phobia. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Dec; '''112''': 66-76
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Influences of State and Trait Affect on Behavior, Feedback-Related Negativity, and P3b in the Ultimatum Game.
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Questioning the role of the frontopolar cortex in multi-component behavior--a TMS/EEG study.
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Islands of spatially discordant APD alternans underlie arrhythmogenesis by promoting electrotonic dyssynchrony in models of fibrotic rat ventricular myocardium.
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Event-related potential correlates of mindfulness meditation competence.
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The Relationship Between Engagement and Neurophysiological Measures of Attention in Motion-Controlled Video Games: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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"Eyes Open - Eyes Closed" EEG/fMRI data set including dedicated "Carbon Wire Loop" motion detection channels.
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Testing the domain-general nature of monitoring in the spatial and verbal cognitive domains.
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Atrophy of amygdala and abnormal memory-related alpha oscillations over posterior cingulate predict conversion to Alzheimer's disease.
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Meta-analytical and electrophysiological evidence for executive dysfunction in primary dystonia.
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Brain stimulation during an afternoon nap boosts slow oscillatory activity and memory consolidation in older adults.
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Neural mechanisms of rhythm-based temporal prediction: Delta phase-locking reflects temporal predictability but not rhythmic entrainment.
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Processing of fair and unfair offers in the ultimatum game under social observation.
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A novel scheme for the validation of an automated classification method for epileptic spikes by comparison with multiple observers.
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Promoting Sleep Oscillations and Their Functional Coupling by Transcranial Stimulation Enhances Memory Consolidation in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
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Neurobehavioral evidence of interoceptive sensitivity in early infancy.
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Humans with latent toxoplasmosis display altered reward modulation of cognitive control.
Description: Stock, Ann-Kathrin, et al. Humans with latent toxoplasmosis display altered reward modulation of cognitive control. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 31; '''7''' (1):10170
Characterization of Volume-Based Changes in Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials and Prepulse Inhibition.
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Coupling and dynamics of cortical and autonomic signals are linked to central inhibition during the wake-sleep transition.
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Cognitive flexibility and its electrophysiological correlates in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.
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Sustained engagement of attention is associated with increased negative self-referent processing in major depressive disorder.
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On the relevance of the alpha frequency oscillation's small-world network architecture for cognitive flexibility.
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Aging and working memory performance: Electrophysiological correlates of high and low performing elderly.
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Hidden Markov modeling of frequency-following responses to Mandarin lexical tones.
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Sleep Benefits Memory for Semantic Category Structure While Preserving Exemplar-Specific Information.
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The effect of sex and menstrual phase on memory formation during a nap.
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Tone-grammar association within words: Concurrent ERP and fMRI show rapid neural pre-activation and involvement of left inferior frontal gyrus in pseudoword processing.
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In human non-REM sleep, more slow-wave activity leads to less blood flow in the prefrontal cortex.
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Exteroceptive expectations modulate interoceptive processing: repetition-suppression effects for visual and heartbeat evoked potentials.
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Temporal Anticipation Based on Memory.
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Neurophysiological evidence of efference copies to inner speech.
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Altruistic and self-serving goals modulate behavioral and neural responses in deception.
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Attention and Working Memory Biases to Black and Asian Faces During Intergroup Contexts.
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Can a single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation targeted to the motor cortex interrupt pain processing?
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Different Electrophysiological Responses to Informative Value of Feedback Between Children and Adults.
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Direct Electrophysiological Mapping of Shape-Induced Affective Perception.
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Effects of Visual and Acoustic Distraction on Driving Behavior and EEG in Young and Older Car Drivers: A Driving Simulation Study.
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Event-Related Potentials during a Gambling Task in Young Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
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Money or smiles: Independent ERP effects of associated monetary reward and happy faces.
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Negative Affect Influences Electrophysiological Markers of Visual Working Memory in Mildly Stressed Older Adults.
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Online Reduction of Artifacts in EEG of Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Using Reference Layer Adaptive Filtering (RLAF).
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Power of Feedback-Induced Beta Oscillations Reflect Omission of Rewards: Evidence From an EEG Gambling Study.
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Quantitative Analyses Help in Choosing Between Simultaneous vs. Separate EEG and fMRI.
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Real-time fMRI neurofeedback training of the amygdala activity with simultaneous EEG in veterans with combat-related PTSD.
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Slow Is Also Fast: Feedback Delay Affects Anxiety and Outcome Evaluation.
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The Early Facilitative and Late Contextual Specific Effect of the Color Red on Attentional Processing.
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Tracking resting state connectivity dynamics in veterans with PTSD.
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Identifying musical pieces from fMRI data using encoding and decoding models.
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Increased MMN amplitude following passive perceptual learning with LTP-like rapid stimulation.
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A comparison of the electrocortical response to monetary and social reward.
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Evidence Integration in Natural Acoustic Textures during Active and Passive Listening.
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Shades of grey; Assessing the contribution of the magno- and parvocellular systems to neural processing of the retinal input in the human visual system from the influence of neural population size and its discharge activity on the VEP.
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Left centro-parieto-temporal response to tool-gesture incongruity: an ERP study.
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Damage of the temporal lobe and APOE status determine neural compensation in mild cognitive impairment.
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Frontal cortex electrophysiology in reward- and punishment-related feedback processing during advice-guided decision making: An interleaved EEG-DC stimulation study.
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Large-scale replication study reveals a limit on probabilistic prediction in language comprehension.
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Impact of brain arousal and time-on-task on autonomic nervous system activity in the wake-sleep transition.
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On the role of the prefrontal cortex in fatigue effects on cognitive flexibility - a system neurophysiological approach.
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ERPs differentiate the sensitivity to statistical probabilities and the learning of sequential structures during procedural learning.
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Exploring the origins of EEG motion artefacts during simultaneous fMRI acquisition: Implications for motion artefact correction.
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Translation-relevant EEG phenotypes in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome.
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Cortical processing of location changes in a "cocktail-party" situation: Spatial oddball effects on electrophysiological correlates of auditory selective attention.
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Measuring Pavlovian appetitive conditioning in humans with the postauricular reflex.
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Abnormal auditory-evoked gamma band oscillations in first-episode schizophrenia during both eye open and eye close states.
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Cardiac interoceptive learning is modulated by emotional valence perceived from facial expressions.
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Neurophysiological correlates of motor planning and movement initiation in ACL-reconstructed individuals: a case-control study.
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Optogenetics enables real-time spatiotemporal control over spiral wave dynamics in an excitable cardiac system.
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Changes in brain arousal (EEG-vigilance) after therapeutic sleep deprivation in depressive patients and healthy controls.
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The impact of frequent napping and nap practice on sleep-dependent memory in humans.
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Feedback delay impaired reinforcement learning: Principal components analysis of Reward Positivity.
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Distinct patterns of brain activity mediate perceptual and motor and autonomic responses to noxious stimuli.
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The Time Course of Target Template Activation Processes during Preparation for Visual Search.
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EEG frequency tagging reveals higher order intermodulation components as neural markers of learned holistic shape representations.
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Electrophysiological Correlates of Absolute Pitch in a Passive Auditory Oddball Paradigm: a Direct Replication Attempt.
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Feedback-related negativity reflects omission of monetary gains: Evidence from ERP gambling study.
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Methylphenidate promotes the interaction between motor cortex facilitation and attention in healthy adults: A combined study using event-related potentials and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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Spatiotemporal pattern of appraising social and emotional relevance: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.
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Past-year relational victimization is associated with a blunted neural response to rewards in emerging adults.
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Acute and subacute effects of oropharyngeal sensory stimulation with TRPV1 agonists in older patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: a biomechanical and neurophysiological randomized pilot study.
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Altered individual behavioral and EEG parameters are related to the EDSS score in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.
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Blunted Social Reward Responsiveness Moderates the Effect of Lifetime Social Stress Exposure on Depressive Symptoms.
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Dynamic cortical connectivity alterations associated with Alzheimer's disease: An EEG and fNIRS integration study.
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Effects of acute psychosocial stress on the neural correlates of episodic encoding: Item versus associative memory.
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Hyper-Frequency Network Topology Changes During Choral Singing.
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Impulsivity Moderates Skin Conductance Activity During Decision Making in a Modified Version of the Balloon Analog Risk Task.
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Lifespan Changes in Network Structure and Network Topology Dynamics During Rest and Auditory Oddball Performance.
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Performance Monitoring and Correct Response Significance in Conscientious Individuals.
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Predictive coding and adaptive behavior in patients with genetically determined cerebellar ataxia--A neurophysiology study.
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Prefrontal gamma oscillations reflect ongoing pain intensity in chronic back pain patients.
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Self-Interest Induces Counter- Empathy at the Late Stage of Empathic Responses to Others' Economic Payoffs.
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Social Mindfulness Shown by Individuals With Higher Status Is More Pronounced in Our Brain: ERP Evidence.
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"Telling me not to worry..." Hyperscanning and Neural Dynamics of Emotion Processing During Guided Imagery and Music.
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The Power of Faith: The Influence of Athletes' Coping Self-Efficacy on the Cognitive Processing of Psychological Stress.
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Electrical Brain Responses Reveal Sequential Constraints on Planning during Music Performance.
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Challenge, motivation, and effort: Neural and behavioral correlates of self-control of difficulty during practice.
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The neurobiology of placebo effects in sports: EEG frontal alpha asymmetry increases in response to a placebo ergogenic aid.
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"Hit the missing stimulus". A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study to localize the generators of endogenous ERPs in an omitted target paradigm.
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Language Outcomes in Adults with a History of Institutionalization: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Characterization.
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Longitudinal increases in reward-related neural activity in early adolescence: Evidence from event-related potentials (ERPs).
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Music Training Positively Influences the Preattentive Perception of Voice Onset Time in Children with Dyslexia: A Longitudinal Study.
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Defective Conduction of Anorectal Afferents Is a Very Prevalent Pathophysiological Factor Associated to Fecal Incontinence in Women.
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The impact of stimulus modality on the processing of conflicting sensory information during response inhibition.
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The stereotype of professional roles influences neural responses to moral transgressions: ERP evidence.
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Transcranial direct current stimulation of posterior temporal cortex modulates electrophysiological correlates of auditory selective spatial attention in posterior parietal cortex.
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Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition.
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Mechanisms of voice control related to prosody in autism spectrum disorder and first-degree relatives.
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Subjective preferences differentially modulate the processing of rewards gained by own vs. observed choices.
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Evaluation of cognitive performance and neurophysiological function during repeated immersion in cold water.
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Arithmetic Skill May Refine the Performance of Individuals with High Math Anxiety, Especially in the Calculation Task: An ERP Study.
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Dynamic regulation of interregional cortical communication by slow brain oscillations during working memory.
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An EEG study of detection without localisation in change blindness.
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Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement remediates hedonic dysregulation in opioid users: Neural and affective evidence of target engagement.
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Attention Modulates Electrophysiological Responses to Simultaneous Music and Language Syntax Processing.
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Tracking the implicit acquisition of nonadjacent transitional probabilities by ERPs.
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Electrophysiological Correlates of an Alcohol-Cued Go/NoGo Task: A Dual-Process Approach to Binge Drinking in University Students.
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Across time and space: spatial-temporal binding under stress.
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Brain dysfunction in chronic pain patients assessed by resting-state electroencephalography.
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EEG Changes in Time and Time-Frequency Domain During Movement Preparation and Execution in Stroke Patients.
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Flanker Task-Elicited Event-Related Potential Sources Reflect Human Recombinant Erythropoietin Differential Effects on Parkinson's Patients.
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Interaction of Background Noise and Auditory Hallucinations on Phonemic Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and P3a Processing in Schizophrenia.
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Neural oscillations and connectivity characterizing the state of tonic experimental pain in humans.
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Treatment-related changes towards normalization of the abnormal external signal processing in panic disorder.
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Weakly encoded memories due to acute sleep restriction can be rescued after one night of recovery sleep.
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The role of trait empathy in the processing of observed actions in a false-belief task.
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Cumulative Dopamine Genetic Score predicts behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of response inhibition via interactions with task demand.
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Sleeping with Hippocampal Damage.
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Multimodal semantic revision during inferential processing: The role of inhibitory control in text and picture comprehension.
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The response relevance of visual stimuli modulates the P3 component and the underlying sensorimotor network.
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The face of control: Corrugator supercilii tracks aversive conflict signals in the service of adaptive cognitive control.
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An EEG-fNIRS hybridization technique in the four-class classification of alzheimer's disease.
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Neural response to rewards predicts risk-taking in late but not early adolescent females.
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Slow oscillation-spindle coupling predicts enhanced memory formation from childhood to adolescence.
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Concomitant genetic ablation of L-type Cav1.3 (alpha1D) and T-type Cav3.1 (alpha1G) Ca(2+) channels disrupts heart automaticity.
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Facing stereotypes: ERP responses to male and female faces after gender-stereotyped statements.
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The SSVEP tracks attention, not consciousness, during perceptual filling-in.
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Cardiac cycle gated cognitive-emotional control in superior frontal cortices.
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The internal time keeper: Causal evidence for the role of the cerebellum in anticipating regular acoustic events.
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Age-Related Differences in Resting-State EEG and Allocentric Spatial Working Memory Performance.
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Attention and prediction modulations in expected and unexpected visuospatial trajectories.
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Cortical alpha oscillations in cochlear implant users reflect subjective listening effort during speech-in-noise perception.
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Detecting acute pain signals from human EEG.
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Hypnotic Suggestions Increase Slow-Wave Parameters but Decrease Slow-Wave Spindle Coupling.
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Local Differences in Cortical Excitability - A Systematic Mapping Study of the TMS-Evoked N100 Component.
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Safety and data quality of EEG recorded simultaneously with multi-band fMRI.
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Short-Term Audiovisual Spatial Training Enhances Electrophysiological Correlates of Auditory Selective Spatial Attention.
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Disturbed temporal dynamics of episodic retrieval activity with preserved spatial activity pattern in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study.
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Early posterior negativity indicates time dilation by arousal.
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Effects of trait empathy and expectation on the processing of observed actions.
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Learning dynamics of electrophysiological brain signals during human fear conditioning.
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Neural correlates underpinning synchronized movement of double scull rowers.
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Turning to the negative: attention allocation to emotional faces in adolescents with dysregulation profile-an event-related potential study.
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Neural Oscillation Associated with Contagious Itch in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
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mTOR inhibitor improves autistic-like behaviors related to Tsc2 haploinsufficiency but not following developmental status epilepticus.
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P50 inhibition defects with psychopathology and cognitive impairment in patients with first-episode drug naive schizophrenia.
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Central nervous activity during implicit processing of emotional face expressions in fibromyalgia syndrome.
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Implicit anticipation of probabilistic regularities: Larger CNV emerges for unpredictable events.
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Resting-State EEG Microstates Parallel Age-Related Differences in Allocentric Spatial Working Memory Performance.
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Reward biases spontaneous neural reactivation during sleep.
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Individual differences in human frequency-following response predict pitch labeling ability.
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EEG cross-frequency phase synchronization as an index of memory matching in visual search.
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Baseline levels of alertness influence tES effects along different age-related directions.
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Reward prediction error in the ERP following unconditioned aversive stimuli.
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Event Related Potential Signal Capture Can Be Enhanced through Dynamic SNR-Weighted Channel Pooling.
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Neural signatures of heterogeneity in risk-taking and strategic consistency.
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Stability of neural encoding moderates the contribution of sleep and repeated testing to memory consolidation.
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Exposure to relaxing words during sleep promotes slow-wave sleep and subjective sleep quality.
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Multi-level decoding of task sets in neurophysiological data during cognitive flexibility.
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Sex differences in P50 inhibition defects with psychopathology and cognition in patients with first-episode schizophrenia.
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Temporal-spectral signaling of sensory information and expectations in the cerebral processing of pain.
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Resting EEG spectral slopes are associated with age-related differences in information processing speed.
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Slow oscillation-spindle coupling strength predicts real-life gross-motor learning in adolescents and adults.
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EEG and fMRI coupling and decoupling based on joint independent component analysis (jICA).
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An Educational and Exercise Mobile Phone-Based Intervention to Elicit Electrophysiological Changes and to Improve Psychological Functioning in Adults With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain (BackFit App): Nonrandomized Clinical Trial.
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Deep brain stimulation of the thalamus restores signatures of consciousness in a nonhuman primate model.
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Parallel processing in human visual cortex revealed through the influence of their neural responses on the visual evoked potential.
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Unimanual sensorimotor learning-A simultaneous EEG-fMRI aging study.
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Neural markers of emotion regulation difficulties moderate effects of COVID-19 stressors on adolescent depression.
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Associations between different facets of anhedonia and neural response to monetary, social, and food reward in emerging adults.
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Can you change your mind? An ERP study of cognitive flexibility and new evidence integration.
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Central nervous activity during a dot probe task with facial expressions in fibromyalgia.
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Neurophysiological correlates of automatic integration of voice and gender information during grammatical processing.
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The frontostriatal subtype of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease, but not the posterior cortical one, is associated with specific EEG alterations.
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Longitudinal resting-state electroencephalography in patients with chronic pain undergoing interdisciplinary multimodal pain therapy.
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Task cue influences on lexical decision performance and masked semantic priming effects: The role of cue-task compatibility.
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Mapping the effects of pregnancy on resting state brain activity, white matter microstructure, neural metabolite concentrations and grey matter architecture.
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Stress dynamically reduces sleep depth: temporal proximity to the stressor is crucial.
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Effects of nature-adapted lighting solutions ("Virtual Sky") on subjective and objective correlates of sleepiness, well-being, visual and cognitive performance at the workplace.
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Heart Rate as a Correlate for the Emotional Processing of Body Stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa.
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Source connectivity patterns in the default mode network differ between elderly golf-novices and non-golfers.
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Neural Predictors of Improvement With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Depression: An Examination of Reward Responsiveness and Emotion Regulation.
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Music therapy, neural processing, and craving reduction: an RCT protocol for a mixed methods feasibility study in a Community Substance Misuse Treatment Service.
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Close to me but unreachable: spotting the link between peripersonal space and empathy.
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Phase Delay of the 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response Localizes to Left Auditory Cortex in Schizophrenia.
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Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the differential effect of reward prospect on response selection and inhibition.
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Development and validation of an fMRI-informed EEG model of reward-related ventral striatum activation.
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My view on your actions: Dynamic changes in viewpoint-dependent auditory ERP attenuation during action observation.
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Characterizing positive and negative valence systems function in adolescent depression: An RDoC-informed approach integrating multiple neural measures.
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Effect of Propofol on Heart Rate and Its Coupling to Cortical Slow Waves in Humans.
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Enhancing Speech Rehabilitation in a Young Adult with Trisomy 21: Integrating Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) with Rapid Syllable Transition Training for Apraxia of Speech.
Description: Nakamura-Palacios, Ester Miyuki, et al. Enhancing Speech Rehabilitation in a Young Adult with Trisomy 21: Integrating Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) with Rapid Syllable Transition Training for Apraxia of Speech. ''Brain Sci''. 2024 Jan 6; '''14''' (1):
Neural markers of emotion regulation difficulties in adolescent depression and risk for depression.
Description: Dickey, Lindsay, et al. Neural markers of emotion regulation difficulties in adolescent depression and risk for depression. ''J Mood Anxiety Disord''. 2024 Mar; '''5''':
Spectral Slope and Lempel-Ziv Complexity as Robust Markers of Brain States during Sleep and Wakefulness.
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What's that on Your Phone? Effects of Mobile Device Task Type on Pedestrian Performance.
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Prediction-error-dependent processing of immediate and delayed positive feedback.
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