The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to BESA. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Topography and elimination of slow EEG responses related to tongue movements.
Description: Vanhatalo, S, et al. Topography and elimination of slow EEG responses related to tongue movements. ''Neuroimage''. 2003 Oct; '''20''' (2):1419-23
Interpreting abnormality: an EEG and MEG study of P50 and the auditory paired-stimulus paradigm.
Description: Edgar, J C, et al. Interpreting abnormality: an EEG and MEG study of P50 and the auditory paired-stimulus paradigm. ''Biol Psychol''. 2003 Dec; '''65''' (1):1-20
Frequency organization of the 40-Hz auditory steady-state response in normal hearing and in tinnitus.
Description: Wienbruch, Christian, et al. Frequency organization of the 40-Hz auditory steady-state response in normal hearing and in tinnitus. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Oct 15; '''33''' (1):180-94
Control processes in verbal working memory: an event-related potential study.
Description: Kiss, Ivan, et al. Control processes in verbal working memory: an event-related potential study. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Oct 3; '''1172''': 67-81
Dysfunctional hemispheric asymmetry of theta and beta EEG activity during linguistic tasks in developmental dyslexia.
Description: Spironelli, Chiara, et al. Dysfunctional hemispheric asymmetry of theta and beta EEG activity during linguistic tasks in developmental dyslexia. ''Biol Psychol''. 2008 Feb; '''77''' (2):123-31
Differences in early sensory-perceptual processing in synesthesia: a visual evoked potential study.
Description: Barnett, Kylie J, et al. Differences in early sensory-perceptual processing in synesthesia: a visual evoked potential study. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Nov 15; '''43''' (3):605-13
An ERP study of category priming: evidence of early lexical semantic access.
Description: Segalowitz, Sidney J, et al. An ERP study of category priming: evidence of early lexical semantic access. ''Biol Psychol''. 2009 Jan; '''80''' (1):122-9
Effects of inter-stimulus interval on skin conductance responses and event-related potentials in a Go/NoGo task.
Description: Recio, Guillermo, et al. Effects of inter-stimulus interval on skin conductance responses and event-related potentials in a Go/NoGo task. ''Biol Psychol''. 2009 Feb; '''80''' (2):246-50
The neural correlates of deficient error awareness in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Description: O'Connell, Redmond G, et al. The neural correlates of deficient error awareness in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Mar; '''47''' (4):1149-59
Configural processing of other-race faces is delayed but not decreased.
Description: Wiese, Holger, et al. Configural processing of other-race faces is delayed but not decreased. ''Biol Psychol''. 2009 May; '''81''' (2):103-9
Improved EEG source analysis using low-resolution conductivity estimation in a four-compartment finite element head model.
Description: Lew, Seok, et al. Improved EEG source analysis using low-resolution conductivity estimation in a four-compartment finite element head model. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2009 Sep; '''30''' (9):2862-78
Rate perception and the auditory 40-Hz steady-state fields evoked by two-tone sequences.
Description: Gutschalk, Alexander, et al. Rate perception and the auditory 40-Hz steady-state fields evoked by two-tone sequences. ''Hear Res''. 2009 Nov; '''257''' (1-2):83-92
Selective attention modulates electrical responses to reversals of optic-flow direction.
Description: Tata, Matthew S, et al. Selective attention modulates electrical responses to reversals of optic-flow direction. ''Vision Res''. 2010 Apr 7; '''50''' (8):750-60
Sex and individual differences in induced and evoked EEG measures of action observation.
Description: Silas, Jonathan, et al. Sex and individual differences in induced and evoked EEG measures of action observation. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Jul; '''48''' (9):2417-26
The N400-concreteness effect reflects the retrieval of semantic information during the preparation of meaningful actions.
Description: van Elk, M, et al. The N400-concreteness effect reflects the retrieval of semantic information during the preparation of meaningful actions. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 Sep; '''85''' (1):134-42
Developmental aspects of language lateralization in delta, theta, alpha and beta EEG bands.
Description: Spironelli, Chiara, et al. Developmental aspects of language lateralization in delta, theta, alpha and beta EEG bands. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 Oct; '''85''' (2):258-67
Nonemotional features suppress early and enhance late emotional electrocortical responses to negative pictures.
Description: Wiens, Stefan, et al. Nonemotional features suppress early and enhance late emotional electrocortical responses to negative pictures. ''Biol Psychol''. 2011 Jan; '''86''' (1):83-9
Resting-state EEG source localization and functional connectivity in schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy.
Description: Canuet, Leonides, et al. Resting-state EEG source localization and functional connectivity in schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. ''PLoS One''. 2011; '''6''' (11):e27863
A single high dose of escitalopram disrupts sensory gating and habituation, but not sensorimotor gating in healthy volunteers.
Description: Oranje, Bob, et al. A single high dose of escitalopram disrupts sensory gating and habituation, but not sensorimotor gating in healthy volunteers. ''Psychiatry Res''. 2011 Apr 30; '''186''' (2-3):431-6
Evoked and induced oscillatory activity contributes to abnormal auditory sensory gating in schizophrenia.
Description: Popov, Tzvetan, et al. Evoked and induced oscillatory activity contributes to abnormal auditory sensory gating in schizophrenia. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 May 1; '''56''' (1):307-14
Repetition of complex frequency-modulated sweeps enhances neuromagnetic responses in the human auditory cortex.
Description: Altmann, Christian F, et al. Repetition of complex frequency-modulated sweeps enhances neuromagnetic responses in the human auditory cortex. ''Hear Res''. 2011 Dec; '''282''' (1-2):216-24
Intensive training induces longitudinal changes in meditation state-related EEG oscillatory activity.
Description: Saggar, Manish, et al. Intensive training induces longitudinal changes in meditation state-related EEG oscillatory activity. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2012; '''6''': 256
The faces you remember: caricaturing shape facilitates brain processes reflecting the acquisition of new face representations.
Description: Kaufmann, Jurgen M, et al. The faces you remember: caricaturing shape facilitates brain processes reflecting the acquisition of new face representations. ''Biol Psychol''. 2012 Jan; '''89''' (1):21-33
Speeding up older adults: age-effects on error processing in speed and accuracy conditions.
Description: Endrass, Tanja, et al. Speeding up older adults: age-effects on error processing in speed and accuracy conditions. ''Biol Psychol''. 2012 Feb; '''89''' (2):426-32
Induced oscillatory responses during the Sternberg's visual memory task in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.
Description: Kurimoto, Ryu, et al. Induced oscillatory responses during the Sternberg's visual memory task in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Feb 15; '''59''' (4):4132-40
Generation of the VESPA response to rapid contrast fluctuations is dominated by striate cortex: evidence from retinotopic mapping.
Description: Lalor, E C, et al. Generation of the VESPA response to rapid contrast fluctuations is dominated by striate cortex: evidence from retinotopic mapping. ''Neuroscience''. 2012 Aug 30; '''218''': 226-34
Expectancy-related modulations of neural oscillations in continuous performance tasks.
Description: Bickel, S, et al. Expectancy-related modulations of neural oscillations in continuous performance tasks. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1867-76
Ictal high-frequency oscillations on scalp EEG recordings in symptomatic West syndrome.
Description: Iwatani, Yoshiko, et al. Ictal high-frequency oscillations on scalp EEG recordings in symptomatic West syndrome. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2012 Nov; '''102''' (1-2):60-70
Abnormal task modulation of oscillatory neural activity in schizophrenia.
Description: Dias, Elisa C, et al. Abnormal task modulation of oscillatory neural activity in schizophrenia. ''Front Psychol''. 2013; '''4''': 540
Paying attention to orthography: a visual evoked potential study.
Description: Herdman, Anthony T, et al. Paying attention to orthography: a visual evoked potential study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 199
The perception of dynamic and static facial expressions of happiness and disgust investigated by ERPs and fMRI constrained source analysis.
Description: Trautmann-Lengsfeld, Sina Alexa, et al. The perception of dynamic and static facial expressions of happiness and disgust investigated by ERPs and fMRI constrained source analysis. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (6):e66997
Advanced EEG analysis using threshold-free cluster-enhancement and non-parametric statistics.
Description: Mensen, Armand, et al. Advanced EEG analysis using threshold-free cluster-enhancement and non-parametric statistics. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Feb 15; '''67''': 111-8
Emotional perception: correspondence of early and late event-related potentials with cortical and subcortical functional MRI.
Description: Sabatinelli, Dean, et al. Emotional perception: correspondence of early and late event-related potentials with cortical and subcortical functional MRI. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Mar; '''92''' (3):513-9
Temporal recruitment of cortical network involved in reading epilepsy with paroxysmal alexia: a combined EEG/MEG study.
Description: Anzellotti, Francesca, et al. Temporal recruitment of cortical network involved in reading epilepsy with paroxysmal alexia: a combined EEG/MEG study. ''Seizure''. 2013 Mar; '''22''' (2):156-8
Detection of correlated sources in EEG using combination of beamforming and surface Laplacian methods.
Description: Murzin, Vyacheslav, et al. Detection of correlated sources in EEG using combination of beamforming and surface Laplacian methods. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2013 Aug 15; '''218''' (1):96-102
Directed attention reduces processing of emotional distracters irrespective of valence and arousal level.
Description: Wiens, Stefan, et al. Directed attention reduces processing of emotional distracters irrespective of valence and arousal level. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Sep; '''94''' (1):44-54
Timing effects of antecedent- and response-focused emotion regulation strategies.
Description: Paul, Sandra, et al. Timing effects of antecedent- and response-focused emotion regulation strategies. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Sep; '''94''' (1):136-42
Gender moderates valence effects on the late positive potential to emotional distracters.
Description: Syrjanen, Elmeri, et al. Gender moderates valence effects on the late positive potential to emotional distracters. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2013 Sep 13; '''551''': 89-93
Brain dynamics encode the spectrotemporal boundaries of auditory objects.
Description: McMullan, Amanda R, et al. Brain dynamics encode the spectrotemporal boundaries of auditory objects. ''Hear Res''. 2013 Oct; '''304''': 77-90
How experience shapes memory for faces: an event-related potential study on the own-age bias.
Description: Wiese, Holger, et al. How experience shapes memory for faces: an event-related potential study on the own-age bias. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Oct; '''94''' (2):369-79
Passive sound exposure induces rapid perceptual learning in musicians: event-related potential evidence.
Description: Seppanen, Miia, et al. Passive sound exposure induces rapid perceptual learning in musicians: event-related potential evidence. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Oct; '''94''' (2):341-53
Beta EEG band: a measure of functional brain damage and language reorganization in aphasic patients after recovery.
Description: Spironelli, Chiara, et al. Beta EEG band: a measure of functional brain damage and language reorganization in aphasic patients after recovery. ''Cortex''. 2013 Nov-Dec; '''49''' (10):2650-60
Early somatosensory processing in individuals at risk for developing psychoses.
Description: Hagenmuller, Florence, et al. Early somatosensory processing in individuals at risk for developing psychoses. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 308
ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials.
Description: Lopez-Calderon, Javier, et al. ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 213
N1 enhancement in synesthesia during visual and audio-visual perception in semantic cross-modal conflict situations: an ERP study.
Description: Sinke, Christopher, et al. N1 enhancement in synesthesia during visual and audio-visual perception in semantic cross-modal conflict situations: an ERP study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 21
Neural adaptation to silence in the human auditory cortex: a magnetoencephalographic study.
Description: Okamoto, Hidehiko, et al. Neural adaptation to silence in the human auditory cortex: a magnetoencephalographic study. ''Brain Behav''. 2014; '''4''' (6):858-66
Effects of ZNF804A on auditory P300 response in schizophrenia.
Description: O'Donoghue, T, et al. Effects of ZNF804A on auditory P300 response in schizophrenia. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2014 Jan 14; '''4''': e345
Evaluating the arcuate fasciculus with combined diffusion-weighted MRI tractography and electrocorticography.
Description: Brown, Erik C, et al. Evaluating the arcuate fasciculus with combined diffusion-weighted MRI tractography and electrocorticography. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2014 May; '''35''' (5):2333-47
Oscillatory activity in neocortical networks during tactile discrimination near the limit of spatial acuity.
Description: Adhikari, Bhim M, et al. Oscillatory activity in neocortical networks during tactile discrimination near the limit of spatial acuity. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 May 1; '''91''': 300-10
Independent or integrated processing of interaural time and level differences in human auditory cortex?
Description: Altmann, Christian F, et al. Independent or integrated processing of interaural time and level differences in human auditory cortex? ''Hear Res''. 2014 Jun; '''312''': 121-7
Theta-band phase tracking in the two-talker problem.
Description: Hambrook, Dillon A, et al. Theta-band phase tracking in the two-talker problem. ''Brain Lang''. 2014 Aug; '''135''': 52-6
Selective attention to phonology dynamically modulates initial encoding of auditory words within the left hemisphere.
Description: Yoncheva, Yuliya, et al. Selective attention to phonology dynamically modulates initial encoding of auditory words within the left hemisphere. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Aug 15; '''97''': 262-70
Building phrases in language production: an MEG study of simple composition.
Description: Pylkkanen, Liina, et al. Building phrases in language production: an MEG study of simple composition. ''Cognition''. 2014 Nov; '''133''' (2):371-84
Restrictive vs. non-restrictive composition: a magnetoencephalography study.
Description: Leffel, Timothy, et al. Restrictive vs. non-restrictive composition: a magnetoencephalography study. ''Lang Cogn Neurosci''. 2014 Nov 26; '''29''' (10):1191-1204
Auditory encoding abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorder suggest delayed development of auditory cortex.
Description: Edgar, J Christopher, et al. Auditory encoding abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorder suggest delayed development of auditory cortex. ''Mol Autism''. 2015; '''6''': 69
Case study: auditory brain responses in a minimally verbal child with autism and cerebral palsy.
Description: Yau, Shu H, et al. Case study: auditory brain responses in a minimally verbal child with autism and cerebral palsy. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 208
Cerebral Correlates of Automatic Associations Towards Performance Enhancing Substances.
Description: Schindler, Sebastian, et al. Cerebral Correlates of Automatic Associations Towards Performance Enhancing Substances. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 1923
Cognitive tasks during expectation affect the congruency ERP effects to facial expressions.
Description: Lin, Huiyan, et al. Cognitive tasks during expectation affect the congruency ERP effects to facial expressions. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 596
Combined EEG/MEG can outperform single modality EEG or MEG source reconstruction in presurgical epilepsy diagnosis.
Description: Aydin, Umit, et al. Combined EEG/MEG can outperform single modality EEG or MEG source reconstruction in presurgical epilepsy diagnosis. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0118753
Enhancing inhibition-induced plasticity in tinnitus--spectral energy contrasts in tailor-made notched music matter.
Description: Stein, Alwina, et al. Enhancing inhibition-induced plasticity in tinnitus--spectral energy contrasts in tailor-made notched music matter. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (5):e0126494
Evaluating the effect of aging on interference resolution with time-varying complex networks analysis.
Description: Ariza, Pedro, et al. Evaluating the effect of aging on interference resolution with time-varying complex networks analysis. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 255
Fearful contextual expression impairs the encoding and recognition of target faces: an ERP study.
Description: Lin, Huiyan, et al. Fearful contextual expression impairs the encoding and recognition of target faces: an ERP study. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 237
Interaction of streaming and attention in human auditory cortex.
Description: Gutschalk, Alexander, et al. Interaction of streaming and attention in human auditory cortex. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (3):e0118962
Neural correlates of cognitive aging during the perception of facial age: the role of relatively distant and local texture information.
Description: Komes, Jessica, et al. Neural correlates of cognitive aging during the perception of facial age: the role of relatively distant and local texture information. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 1420
Neurodynamics of executive control processes in bilinguals: evidence from ERP and source reconstruction analyses.
Description: Heidlmayr, Karin, et al. Neurodynamics of executive control processes in bilinguals: evidence from ERP and source reconstruction analyses. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 821
The development of prospective memory across adolescence: an event-related potential analysis.
Description: Bowman, Candice, et al. The development of prospective memory across adolescence: an event-related potential analysis. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 362
Differences between target and non-target probe processing--combined evidence from fMRI, EEG and fMRI-constrained source analysis.
Description: Galashan, Daniela, et al. Differences between target and non-target probe processing--combined evidence from fMRI, EEG and fMRI-constrained source analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 May 1; '''111''': 289-99
Mean-field thalamocortical modeling of longitudinal EEG acquired during intensive meditation training.
Description: Saggar, Manish, et al. Mean-field thalamocortical modeling of longitudinal EEG acquired during intensive meditation training. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jul 1; '''114''': 88-104
Brain plasticity in aphasic patients: intra- and inter-hemispheric reorganisation of the whole linguistic network probed by N150 and N350 components.
Description: Spironelli, Chiara, et al. Brain plasticity in aphasic patients: intra- and inter-hemispheric reorganisation of the whole linguistic network probed by N150 and N350 components. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Jul 28; '''5''': 12541
Altered cortical processing of observed pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome.
Description: Fallon, Nicholas, et al. Altered cortical processing of observed pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. ''J Pain''. 2015 Aug; '''16''' (8):717-26
Impaired auditory selective attention ameliorated by cognitive training with graded exposure to noise in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Description: Dundon, Neil M, et al. Impaired auditory selective attention ameliorated by cognitive training with graded exposure to noise in patients with traumatic brain injury. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Aug; '''75''': 74-87
Involvement of prefrontal cortex in scalar implicatures: evidence from magnetoencephalography.
Description: Politzer-Ahles, Stephen, et al. Involvement of prefrontal cortex in scalar implicatures: evidence from magnetoencephalography. ''Lang Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Aug 9; '''30''' (7):853-866
Short-term monocular deprivation alters early components of visual evoked potentials.
Description: Lunghi, Claudia, et al. Short-term monocular deprivation alters early components of visual evoked potentials. ''J Physiol''. 2015 Oct 1; '''593''' (19):4361-72
Effects of Blocking D2/D3 Receptors on Mismatch Negativity and P3a Amplitude of Initially Antipsychotic Naive, First Episode Schizophrenia Patients.
Description: During, Signe, et al. Effects of Blocking D2/D3 Receptors on Mismatch Negativity and P3a Amplitude of Initially Antipsychotic Naive, First Episode Schizophrenia Patients. ''Int J Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2015 Oct 9; '''19''' (3):pyv109
Neurophysiological differences between patients clinically at high risk for schizophrenia and neurotypical controls--first steps in development of a biomarker.
Description: Duffy, Frank H, et al. Neurophysiological differences between patients clinically at high risk for schizophrenia and neurotypical controls--first steps in development of a biomarker. ''BMC Med''. 2015 Nov 2; '''13''': 276
Encoding of frequency-modulation (FM) rates in human auditory cortex.
Description: Okamoto, Hidehiko, et al. Encoding of frequency-modulation (FM) rates in human auditory cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Dec 14; '''5''': 18143
Incorporating and Compensating Cerebrospinal Fluid in Surface-Based Forward Models of Magneto- and Electroencephalography.
Description: Stenroos, Matti, et al. Incorporating and Compensating Cerebrospinal Fluid in Surface-Based Forward Models of Magneto- and Electroencephalography. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (7):e0159595
Insights on the Neuromagnetic Representation of Temporal Asymmetry in Human Auditory Cortex.
Description: Tabas, Alejandro, et al. Insights on the Neuromagnetic Representation of Temporal Asymmetry in Human Auditory Cortex. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (4):e0153947
Neurophysiological hyperresponsivity to sensory input in autism spectrum disorders.
Description: Takarae, Yukari, et al. Neurophysiological hyperresponsivity to sensory input in autism spectrum disorders. ''J Neurodev Disord''. 2016; '''8''': 29
Predicting perceptual learning from higher-order cortical processing.
Description: Wang, Fang, et al. Predicting perceptual learning from higher-order cortical processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt A):682-692
Processing Metrical Information in Silent Reading: An ERP Study.
Description: Kriukova, Olga, et al. Processing Metrical Information in Silent Reading: An ERP Study. ''Front Psychol''. 2016; '''7''': 1432
Top-Down Control of Visual Alpha Oscillations: Sources of Control Signals and Their Mechanisms of Action.
Description: Wang, Chao, et al. Top-Down Control of Visual Alpha Oscillations: Sources of Control Signals and Their Mechanisms of Action. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 15
Neural correlates of cigarette health warning avoidance among smokers.
Description: Stothart, George, et al. Neural correlates of cigarette health warning avoidance among smokers. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2016 Apr 1; '''161''': 155-62
Electrocortical Dynamics in Children with a Language-Learning Impairment Before and After Audiovisual Training.
Description: Heim, Sabine, et al. Electrocortical Dynamics in Children with a Language-Learning Impairment Before and After Audiovisual Training. ''Brain Topogr''. 2016 May; '''29''' (3):459-76
The salience network dynamics in perceptual decision-making.
Description: Chand, Ganesh B, et al. The salience network dynamics in perceptual decision-making. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 1; '''134''': 85-93
Persistent neural activity in auditory cortex is related to auditory working memory in humans and nonhuman primates.
Description: Huang, Ying, et al. Persistent neural activity in auditory cortex is related to auditory working memory in humans and nonhuman primates. ''Elife''. 2016 Jul 20; '''5''':
Adjective conjunction as a window into the LATL's contribution to conceptual combination.
Description: Poortman, Eva B, et al. Adjective conjunction as a window into the LATL's contribution to conceptual combination. ''Brain Lang''. 2016 Sep; '''160''': 50-60
Effects of expectation congruency on event-related potentials (ERPs) to facial expressions depend on cognitive load during the expectation phase.
Description: Lin, Huiyan, et al. Effects of expectation congruency on event-related potentials (ERPs) to facial expressions depend on cognitive load during the expectation phase. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Oct; '''120''': 126-136
Auditory Mismatch Negativity in Response to Changes of Counter-Balanced Interaural Time and Level Differences.
Description: Altmann, Christian F, et al. Auditory Mismatch Negativity in Response to Changes of Counter-Balanced Interaural Time and Level Differences. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 387
Children with cerebral palsy have altered oscillatory activity in the motor and visual cortices during a knee motor task.
Description: Kurz, Max J, et al. Children with cerebral palsy have altered oscillatory activity in the motor and visual cortices during a knee motor task. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2017; '''15''': 298-305
Effect of Color Light Stimulation Using LED on Sleep Induction Time.
Description: Lee, Seonjin, et al. Effect of Color Light Stimulation Using LED on Sleep Induction Time. ''J Healthc Eng''. 2017; '''2017''': 6030268
Electroencephalogram-based decoding cognitive states using convolutional neural network and likelihood ratio based score fusion.
Description: Zafar, Raheel, et al. Electroencephalogram-based decoding cognitive states using convolutional neural network and likelihood ratio based score fusion. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (5):e0178410
Evaluation of auditory perception development in neonates by quantitative electroencephalography and auditory event-related potentials.
Description: Zhang, Qinfen, et al. Evaluation of auditory perception development in neonates by quantitative electroencephalography and auditory event-related potentials. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (9):e0183728
Evidence of Rapid Modulation by Social Information of Subjective, Physiological, and Neural Responses to Emotional Expressions.
Description: Mermillod, Martial, et al. Evidence of Rapid Modulation by Social Information of Subjective, Physiological, and Neural Responses to Emotional Expressions. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 231
Language Experience with a Native-Language Phoneme Sequence Modulates the Effects of Attention on Cortical Sensory Processing.
Description: Wagner, Monica, et al. Language Experience with a Native-Language Phoneme Sequence Modulates the Effects of Attention on Cortical Sensory Processing. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 569
Only Three Fingers Write, but the Whole Brain Works: A High-Density EEG Study Showing Advantages of Drawing Over Typing for Learning.
Description: van der Meer, Audrey L H, et al. Only Three Fingers Write, but the Whole Brain Works: A High-Density EEG Study Showing Advantages of Drawing Over Typing for Learning. ''Front Psychol''. 2017; '''8''': 706
Posture Used in fMRI-PET Elicits Reduced Cortical Activity and Altered Hemispheric Asymmetry with Respect to Sitting Position: An EEG Resting State Study.
Description: Spironelli, Chiara, et al. Posture Used in fMRI-PET Elicits Reduced Cortical Activity and Altered Hemispheric Asymmetry with Respect to Sitting Position: An EEG Resting State Study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 621
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex generates pre-stimulus theta coherence desynchronization: A schema instantiation hypothesis.
Description: Gilboa, Asaf, et al. Ventromedial prefrontal cortex generates pre-stimulus theta coherence desynchronization: A schema instantiation hypothesis. ''Cortex''. 2017 Feb; '''87''': 16-30
Aberrant Neuronal Dynamics during Working Memory Operations in the Aging HIV-Infected Brain.
Description: Wilson, Tony W, et al. Aberrant Neuronal Dynamics during Working Memory Operations in the Aging HIV-Infected Brain. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Feb 3; '''7''': 41568
Oscillatory dynamics and functional connectivity during gating of primary somatosensory responses.
Description: Wiesman, Alex I, et al. Oscillatory dynamics and functional connectivity during gating of primary somatosensory responses. ''J Physiol''. 2017 Feb 15; '''595''' (4):1365-1375
Simultaneously-evoked auditory potentials (SEAP): A new method for concurrent measurement of cortical and subcortical auditory-evoked activity.
Description: Slugocki, Christopher, et al. Simultaneously-evoked auditory potentials (SEAP): A new method for concurrent measurement of cortical and subcortical auditory-evoked activity. ''Hear Res''. 2017 Mar; '''345''': 30-42
The inion response revisited: evidence for a possible cerebellar contribution to vestibular-evoked potentials produced by air-conducted sound stimulation.
Description: Todd, Neil P M, et al. The inion response revisited: evidence for a possible cerebellar contribution to vestibular-evoked potentials produced by air-conducted sound stimulation. ''J Neurophysiol''. 2017 Mar 1; '''117''' (3):1000-1013
A unique pattern of cortical connectivity characterizes patients with attention deficit disorders: a large electroencephalographic coherence study.
Description: Duffy, Frank H, et al. A unique pattern of cortical connectivity characterizes patients with attention deficit disorders: a large electroencephalographic coherence study. ''BMC Med''. 2017 Mar 9; '''15''' (1):51
Differential effects of face-realism and emotion on event-related brain potentials and their implications for the uncanny valley theory.
Description: Schindler, Sebastian, et al. Differential effects of face-realism and emotion on event-related brain potentials and their implications for the uncanny valley theory. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Mar 23; '''7''': 45003
Two subgroups of antipsychotic-naive, first-episode schizophrenia patients identified with a Gaussian mixture model on cognition and electrophysiology.
Description: Bak, N, et al. Two subgroups of antipsychotic-naive, first-episode schizophrenia patients identified with a Gaussian mixture model on cognition and electrophysiology. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2017 Apr 11; '''7''' (4):e1087
Proactive Control: Neural Oscillatory Correlates of Conflict Anticipation and Response Slowing.
Description: Chang, Andrew, et al. Proactive Control: Neural Oscillatory Correlates of Conflict Anticipation and Response Slowing. ''eNeuro''. 2017 May-Jun; '''4''' (3):
Neural correlates of distraction and conflict resolution for nonverbal auditory events.
Description: Stewart, Hannah J, et al. Neural correlates of distraction and conflict resolution for nonverbal auditory events. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 May 9; '''7''' (1):1595
Interactions between the anterior cingulate-insula network and the fronto-parietal network during perceptual decision-making.
Description: Chand, Ganesh B, et al. Interactions between the anterior cingulate-insula network and the fronto-parietal network during perceptual decision-making. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 May 15; '''152''': 381-389
Contextual effects of surprised expressions on the encoding and recognition of emotional target faces: An event-related potential (ERP) study.
Description: Lin, Huiyan, et al. Contextual effects of surprised expressions on the encoding and recognition of emotional target faces: An event-related potential (ERP) study. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Oct; '''129''': 273-281
Using weighted power mean for equivalent square estimation.
Description: Zhou, Sumin, et al. Using weighted power mean for equivalent square estimation. ''J Appl Clin Med Phys''. 2017 Nov; '''18''' (6):194-199
Distinguishing Anesthetized from Awake State in Patients: A New Approach Using One Second Segments of Raw EEG.
Description: Juel, Bjorn E, et al. Distinguishing Anesthetized from Awake State in Patients: A New Approach Using One Second Segments of Raw EEG. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 40
Impaired peripheral reaching and on-line corrections in patient DF: Optic ataxia with visual form agnosia.
Description: Rossit, Stephanie, et al. Impaired peripheral reaching and on-line corrections in patient DF: Optic ataxia with visual form agnosia. ''Cortex''. 2018 Jan; '''98''': 84-101
Maturation of Speech-Sound ERPs in 5-6-Year-Old Children: A Longitudinal Study.
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Attentional modulation of orthographic neighborhood effects during reading: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in a psychological refractory period paradigm.
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The P200 predominantly reflects distance-to-norm in face space whereas the N250 reflects activation of identity-specific representations of known faces.
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Modeling and MEG evidence of early consonance processing in auditory cortex.
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The Late Positive Potentials Evoked by Cigarette-Related and Emotional Images Show no Gender Differences in Smokers.
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Early Interactive Acoustic Experience with Non-speech Generalizes to Speech and Confers a Syllabic Processing Advantage at 9 Months.
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The reality of "food porn": Larger brain responses to food-related cues than to erotic images predict cue-induced eating.
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Rhythmicity facilitates pitch discrimination: Differential roles of low and high frequency neural oscillations.
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Affective and cortical EEG gamma responses to emotional movies in women with high vs low traits of empathy.
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Afferent-efferent connectivity between auditory brainstem and cortex accounts for poorer speech-in-noise comprehension in older adults.
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Maladaptive alterations of resting state cortical network in Tinnitus: A directed functional connectivity analysis of a larger MEG data set.
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Later but not early stages of familiar face recognition depend strongly on attentional resources: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.
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Analysis of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Quantitative EEG and Neuroimaging.
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Mood Induction Differently Affects Early Neural Correlates of Evaluative Word Processing in L1 and L2.
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Multimodal Computational Modeling of Visual Object Recognition Deficits but Intact Repetition Priming in Schizophrenia.
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Effects of Noise on the Behavioral and Neural Categorization of Speech.
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Increased fronto-temporal connectivity by modified melody in real music.
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Interactive effects of HIV and ageing on neural oscillations: independence from neuropsychological performance.
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Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology.
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Serious Games as Potential Therapies: A Validation Study of a Neurofeedback Game.
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Induced Beta Power Modulations during Isochronous Auditory Beats Reflect Intentional Anticipation before Gradual Tempo Changes.
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Development of Cognitive and Physical Exercise Systems, Clinical Recordings, Large-Scale Data Analytics, and Virtual Coaching for Heart Failure Patients: Protocol for the BioTechCOACH-ForALL Project.
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Eye contact in active and passive viewing: Event-related brain potential evidence from a combined eye tracking and EEG study.
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Defining clusters of young autistic and typically developing children based on loudness-dependent auditory electrophysiological responses.
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The cortical oscillatory patterns associated with varying levels of reward during an effortful vigilance task.
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Computerized Music-Reading Intervention Improves Resistance to Unisensory Distraction Within a Multisensory Task, in Young and Older Adults.
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Dissociation of Connectivity for Syntactic Irregularity and Perceptual Ambiguity in Musical Chord Stimuli.
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The Onset of Interictal Spike-Related Ripples Facilitates Detection of the Epileptogenic Zone.
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Early cortical processing of pitch height and the role of adaptation and musicality.
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Cortical oscillations that underlie visual selective attention are abnormal in adolescents with cerebral palsy.
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No evidence for theta power as a marker of hypnotic state in highly hypnotizable subjects.
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Neural oscillations underlying selective attention follow sexually divergent developmental trajectories during adolescence.
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Mapping Tonal Hierarchy in the Brain.
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Effects of age on loudness-dependent auditory ERPs in young autistic and typically-developing children.
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Meditation training modulates brain electric microstates and felt states of awareness.
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Motor and sensory cortical processing of neural oscillatory activities revealed by human swallowing using intracranial electrodes.
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Using Clustering to Examine Inter-individual Variability in Topography of Auditory Event-Related Potentials in Autism and Typical Development.
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Electrophysiological signature of suppression of competitors during interference resolution.
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Enhanced attentional processing during speech perception in adult high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: An ERP-study.
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Neural oscillatory activity serving sensorimotor control is predicted by superoxide-sensitive mitochondrial redox environments.
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The Paradox of Fiction Revisited-Improvised Fictional and Real-Life Social Rejections Evoke Associated and Relatively Similar Psychophysiological Responses.
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Altered visual entrainment in patients with Alzheimer's disease: magnetoencephalography evidence.
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Neurocognitive effects of a training program for poor face recognizers using shape and texture caricatures: A pilot investigation.
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Visual event-related potentials reveal the early lexical processing of Chinese characters.
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Val66et Polymorphism Is Associated with Altered Motor-Related Oscillatory Activity in Youth with Cerebral Palsy.
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Longitudinal changes in the neural oscillatory dynamics underlying abstract reasoning in children and adolescents.
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Neural correlates of texture perception during active touch.
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Event-related potentials and use of psychotropic medication in major psychiatric disorders.
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Differential Maturation of Auditory Cortex Activity in Young Children with Autism and Typical Development.
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Interhemispheric Connectivity Supports Load-Dependent Working Memory Maintenance for Complex Visual Stimuli.
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Cognitive control in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: a study with event-related potentials.
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Inter-rating reliability of the Swiss easy-read integrated palliative care outcome scale for people with dementia.
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Neural processes responsible for the translation of sustained nociceptive inputs into subjective pain experience.
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Differentiated processing of emotional cues in adolescents and young adults with ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD after child abuse.
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Tinnitus-frequency specific activity and connectivity: A MEG study.
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The effects of visual working memory load on detection and neural processing of task-unrelated auditory stimuli.
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Experience-dependent effects of passive auditory exposure in infants impact theta phase synchrony and predict later language.
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Individual differences in late positive potential amplitude and theta power predict cue-induced eating.
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Tactile estimation of hedonic and sensory properties during active touch: An electroencephalography study.
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Deepfake smiles matter less-the psychological and neural impact of presumed AI-generated faces.
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Brief Myofascial Intervention Modulates Visual Event-Related Potential Response to Emotional Photographic Contents: A Pilot Study.
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Exploring the neurofunctional impairments and cognitive biases concerning food and body related stimuli in anorexia nervosa: An integrated EEG and eye-tracking study protocol.
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Neuromagnetic representation of musical roundness in chord progressions.
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The SESAMEEG package: a probabilistic tool for source localization and uncertainty quantification in M/EEG.
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"Neural Noise" in Auditory Responses in Young Autistic and Neurotypical Children.
Description: Dwyer, Patrick, et al. "Neural Noise" in Auditory Responses in Young Autistic and Neurotypical Children. ''J Autism Dev Disord''. 2024 Feb; '''54''' (2):642-661
Improved data quality and statistical power of trial-level event-related potentials with Bayesian random-shift Gaussian processes.
Description: Pluta, Dustin, et al. Improved data quality and statistical power of trial-level event-related potentials with Bayesian random-shift Gaussian processes. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Apr 17; '''14''' (1):8856