The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to Neurolucida. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Putative excitatory amino acid projections to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat.
Description: Moga, M M, et al. Putative excitatory amino acid projections to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat. ''Brain Res''. 1996 Dec 16; '''743''' (1-2):171-7
Evaluation of simplified compartmental models of reconstructed neocortical neurons for use in large-scale simulations of biological neural networks.
Description: Jackson, M E, et al. Evaluation of simplified compartmental models of reconstructed neocortical neurons for use in large-scale simulations of biological neural networks. ''Brain Res Bull''. 1997; '''44''' (1):7-17
Either N- or P-type calcium channels mediate GABA release at distinct hippocampal inhibitory synapses.
Description: Poncer, J C, et al. Either N- or P-type calcium channels mediate GABA release at distinct hippocampal inhibitory synapses. ''Neuron''. 1997 Mar; '''18''' (3):463-72
Distribution of calretinin-containing neurons relative to other neurochemically identified cell types in the medial septum of the rat.
Description: Kiss, J, et al. Distribution of calretinin-containing neurons relative to other neurochemically identified cell types in the medial septum of the rat. ''Neuroscience''. 1997 May; '''78''' (2):399-410
Submillisecond AMPA receptor-mediated signaling at a principal neuron-interneuron synapse.
Description: Geiger, J R, et al. Submillisecond AMPA receptor-mediated signaling at a principal neuron-interneuron synapse. ''Neuron''. 1997 Jun; '''18''' (6):1009-23
Effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in experimental spinal cord injury.
Description: Klusman, I, et al. Effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in experimental spinal cord injury. ''Brain Res''. 1997 Jul 11; '''762''' (1-2):173-84
Atipamezole-precipitated clonidine withdrawal induces c-Fos expression in rat central nervous system.
Description: Stornetta, R L, et al. Atipamezole-precipitated clonidine withdrawal induces c-Fos expression in rat central nervous system. ''Brain Res''. 1997 Aug 1; '''764''' (1-2):81-92
Position of the ventral pallidum in the rat prefrontal cortex-basal ganglia circuit.
Description: Maurice, N, et al. Position of the ventral pallidum in the rat prefrontal cortex-basal ganglia circuit. ''Neuroscience''. 1997 Sep; '''80''' (2):523-34
Impaired brain development and reduced astrocyte response to injury in transgenic mice expressing IGF binding protein-1.
Description: Ni, W, et al. Impaired brain development and reduced astrocyte response to injury in transgenic mice expressing IGF binding protein-1. ''Brain Res''. 1997 Sep 19; '''769''' (1):97-107
Demonstration of ejaculation-induced neural activity in the male rat brain using 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT.
Description: Coolen, L M, et al. Demonstration of ejaculation-induced neural activity in the male rat brain using 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT. ''Physiol Behav''. 1997 Oct; '''62''' (4):881-91
Opiate disruption of maternal behavior: morphine reduces, and naloxone restores, c-fos activity in the medial preoptic area of lactating rats.
Description: Stafisso-Sandoz, G, et al. Opiate disruption of maternal behavior: morphine reduces, and naloxone restores, c-fos activity in the medial preoptic area of lactating rats. ''Brain Res Bull''. 1998; '''45''' (3):307-13
CA1 pyramidal to basket and bistratified cell EPSPs: dual intracellular recordings in rat hippocampal slices.
Description: Ali, A B, et al. CA1 pyramidal to basket and bistratified cell EPSPs: dual intracellular recordings in rat hippocampal slices. ''J Physiol''. 1998 Feb 15; '''507 ( Pt 1)''': 201-17
Activity-stress induces atrophy of apical dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons in male rats.
Description: Lambert, K G, et al. Activity-stress induces atrophy of apical dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons in male rats. ''Physiol Behav''. 1998 Aug; '''65''' (1):43-9
Transmitter release modulation in nerve terminals of rat neocortical pyramidal cells by intracellular calcium buffers.
Description: Ohana, O, et al. Transmitter release modulation in nerve terminals of rat neocortical pyramidal cells by intracellular calcium buffers. ''J Physiol''. 1998 Nov 15; '''513 ( Pt 1)''': 135-48
Differential projections from gustatory responsive regions of the parabrachial nucleus to the medulla and forebrain.
Description: Karimnamazi, H, et al. Differential projections from gustatory responsive regions of the parabrachial nucleus to the medulla and forebrain. ''Brain Res''. 1998 Dec 7; '''813''' (2):283-302
Differential expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor subunits by calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human striatum.
Description: Cicchetti, F, et al. Differential expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor subunits by calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human striatum. ''Neuroscience''. 1999; '''93''' (1):89-97
Direct innervation of identified tectothalamic neurons in the inferior colliculus by axons from the cochlear nucleus.
Description: Oliver, D L, et al. Direct innervation of identified tectothalamic neurons in the inferior colliculus by axons from the cochlear nucleus. ''Neuroscience''. 1999; '''93''' (2):643-58
Effects of choline and other nicotinic agonists on the tectum of juvenile and adult Xenopus frogs: a patch-clamp study.
Description: Titmus, M J, et al. Effects of choline and other nicotinic agonists on the tectum of juvenile and adult Xenopus frogs: a patch-clamp study. ''Neuroscience''. 1999; '''91''' (2):753-69
Mesopontine cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons in schizophrenia.
Description: German, D C, et al. Mesopontine cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons in schizophrenia. ''Neuroscience''. 1999; '''94''' (1):33-8
Status epilepticus-induced neuronal damage in the rat amygdaloid complex: distribution, time-course and mechanisms.
Description: Tuunanen, J, et al. Status epilepticus-induced neuronal damage in the rat amygdaloid complex: distribution, time-course and mechanisms. ''Neuroscience''. 1999; '''94''' (2):473-95
Selective pruning of more active afferents when cat visual cortex is pharmacologically inhibited.
Description: Hata, Y, et al. Selective pruning of more active afferents when cat visual cortex is pharmacologically inhibited. ''Neuron''. 1999 Feb; '''22''' (2):375-81
Spatial organization of the reciprocal connections between the cat dorsal and anteroventral cochlear nuclei.
Description: Ostapoff, E M, et al. Spatial organization of the reciprocal connections between the cat dorsal and anteroventral cochlear nuclei. ''Hear Res''. 1999 Apr; '''130''' (1-2):75-93
The rostral ventrolateral medulla mediates the sympathoactivation produced by chemical stimulation of the rat nasal mucosa.
Description: McCulloch, P F, et al. The rostral ventrolateral medulla mediates the sympathoactivation produced by chemical stimulation of the rat nasal mucosa. ''J Physiol''. 1999 Apr 15; '''516 ( Pt 2)''': 471-84
Topical capsaicin in humans: parallel loss of epidermal nerve fibers and pain sensation.
Description: Nolano, M, et al. Topical capsaicin in humans: parallel loss of epidermal nerve fibers and pain sensation. ''Pain''. 1999 May; '''81''' (1-2):135-45
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression is increased in explanted guinea pig parasympathetic cardiac ganglia neurons.
Description: Lynch, S W, et al. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression is increased in explanted guinea pig parasympathetic cardiac ganglia neurons. ''Brain Res''. 1999 May 8; '''827''' (1-2):70-8
Properties of C1 and other ventrolateral medullary neurones with hypothalamic projections in the rat.
Description: Verberne, A J, et al. Properties of C1 and other ventrolateral medullary neurones with hypothalamic projections in the rat. ''J Physiol''. 1999 Jun 1; '''517 ( Pt 2)''': 477-94
Reliable synaptic connections between pairs of excitatory layer 4 neurones within a single 'barrel' of developing rat somatosensory cortex.
Description: Feldmeyer, D, et al. Reliable synaptic connections between pairs of excitatory layer 4 neurones within a single 'barrel' of developing rat somatosensory cortex. ''J Physiol''. 1999 Nov 15; '''521 Pt 1''': 169-90
Atm-deficient mice Purkinje cells show age-dependent defects in calcium spike bursts and calcium currents.
Description: Chiesa, N, et al. Atm-deficient mice Purkinje cells show age-dependent defects in calcium spike bursts and calcium currents. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''96''' (3):575-83
Bidirectional modulation of nociception by GABA neurons in the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum that tonically inhibit spinally projecting noradrenergic A7 neurons.
Description: Nuseir, K, et al. Bidirectional modulation of nociception by GABA neurons in the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum that tonically inhibit spinally projecting noradrenergic A7 neurons. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''96''' (4):773-83
Identification of cell types in brain slices of the inferior colliculus.
Description: Peruzzi, D, et al. Identification of cell types in brain slices of the inferior colliculus. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''101''' (2):403-16
Membrane properties and spike generation in rat visual cortical cells during reversible cooling.
Description: Volgushev, M, et al. Membrane properties and spike generation in rat visual cortical cells during reversible cooling. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Jan 1; '''522 Pt 1''': 59-76
Pharmacological inactivation of the vesicular monoamine transporter can enhance 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced neurodegeneration of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, but not locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons.
Description: German, D C, et al. Pharmacological inactivation of the vesicular monoamine transporter can enhance 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced neurodegeneration of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, but not locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''101''' (4):1063-9
Representation of stereoscopic edges in monkey visual cortex.
Description: von der Heydt, R, et al. Representation of stereoscopic edges in monkey visual cortex. ''Vision Res''. 2000; '''40''' (15):1955-67
Synaptic transmission in the neocortex during reversible cooling.
Description: Volgushev, M, et al. Synaptic transmission in the neocortex during reversible cooling. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''98''' (1):9-22
The supramammillo-hippocampal and supramammillo-septal glutamatergic/aspartatergic projections in the rat: a combined [3H]D-aspartate autoradiographic and immunohistochemical study.
Description: Kiss, J, et al. The supramammillo-hippocampal and supramammillo-septal glutamatergic/aspartatergic projections in the rat: a combined [3H]D-aspartate autoradiographic and immunohistochemical study. ''Neuroscience''. 2000; '''97''' (4):657-69
Spatial and temporal patterns of transneuronal labeling in CNS neurons after injection of pseudorabies virus into the sciatic nerve of adult rats.
Description: Kim, E S, et al. Spatial and temporal patterns of transneuronal labeling in CNS neurons after injection of pseudorabies virus into the sciatic nerve of adult rats. ''Brain Res''. 2000 Feb 28; '''857''' (1-2):41-55
Visual physiology of the lateral geniculate nucleus in two species of new world monkey: Saimiri sciureus and Aotus trivirgatis.
Description: Usrey, W M, et al. Visual physiology of the lateral geniculate nucleus in two species of new world monkey: Saimiri sciureus and Aotus trivirgatis. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Mar 15; '''523 Pt 3''': 755-69
Evidence for the direct role of acetylcholinesterase in neurite outgrowth in primary dorsal root ganglion neurons.
Description: Bigbee, J W, et al. Evidence for the direct role of acetylcholinesterase in neurite outgrowth in primary dorsal root ganglion neurons. ''Brain Res''. 2000 Apr 10; '''861''' (2):354-62
Early microglial reaction following mild forebrain ischemia induced by common carotid artery occlusion in rats.
Description: Abraham, H, et al. Early microglial reaction following mild forebrain ischemia induced by common carotid artery occlusion in rats. ''Brain Res''. 2000 Apr 17; '''862''' (1-2):63-73
Upregulation of estrogen receptors in the forebrain of aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice.
Description: Agarwal, V R, et al. Upregulation of estrogen receptors in the forebrain of aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice. ''Mol Cell Endocrinol''. 2000 Apr 25; '''162''' (1-2):9-16
Experience-dependent development of spinal motor neurons.
Description: Inglis, F M, et al. Experience-dependent development of spinal motor neurons. ''Neuron''. 2000 May; '''26''' (2):299-305
Kinocilia heights on utricular hair cells.
Description: Fontilla, M F, et al. Kinocilia heights on utricular hair cells. ''Hear Res''. 2000 Jul; '''145''' (1-2):8-16
Early and specific expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in the thalamus induced by cortical injury.
Description: Muessel, M J, et al. Early and specific expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in the thalamus induced by cortical injury. ''Brain Res''. 2000 Jul 7; '''870''' (1-2):211-21
Maturation of layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons: amplifying salient layer 1 and layer 4 inputs by Ca2+ action potentials in adult rat tuft dendrites.
Description: Zhu, J J. Maturation of layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons: amplifying salient layer 1 and layer 4 inputs by Ca2+ action potentials in adult rat tuft dendrites. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Aug 1; '''526 Pt 3''': 571-87
Coupling between serotoninergic and noradrenergic neurones and gamma-motoneurones in the cat.
Description: Gladden, M H, et al. Coupling between serotoninergic and noradrenergic neurones and gamma-motoneurones in the cat. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Sep 1; '''527 Pt 2''': 213-23
Reduced number of hypocretin neurons in human narcolepsy.
Description: Thannickal, T C, et al. Reduced number of hypocretin neurons in human narcolepsy. ''Neuron''. 2000 Sep; '''27''' (3):469-74
Differential control of GABA release at synapses from distinct interneurons in rat hippocampus.
Description: Poncer, J C, et al. Differential control of GABA release at synapses from distinct interneurons in rat hippocampus. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Oct 1; '''528 Pt 1''': 123-30
Androgen receptor-immunoreactivity in the forebrain of the Eastern Fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus).
Description: Moga, M M, et al. Androgen receptor-immunoreactivity in the forebrain of the Eastern Fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). ''Brain Res''. 2000 Oct 6; '''879''' (1-2):174-82
Regulation of sympathetic tone and arterial pressure by rostral ventrolateral medulla after depletion of C1 cells in rat.
Description: Schreihofer, A M, et al. Regulation of sympathetic tone and arterial pressure by rostral ventrolateral medulla after depletion of C1 cells in rat. ''J Physiol''. 2000 Nov 15; '''529 Pt 1''': 221-36
Additive effect of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4/5 on rat fetal nigral explant cultures.
Description: Meyer, M, et al. Additive effect of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4/5 on rat fetal nigral explant cultures. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''108''' (2):273-84
A population of large lamina I projection neurons with selective inhibitory input in rat spinal cord.
Description: Puskar, Z, et al. A population of large lamina I projection neurons with selective inhibitory input in rat spinal cord. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''102''' (1):167-76
Cell formation in the human hippocampal formation from mid-gestation to the late postnatal period.
Description: Seress, L, et al. Cell formation in the human hippocampal formation from mid-gestation to the late postnatal period. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''105''' (4):831-43
Distribution and amino acid content of enkephalin-immunoreactive inputs onto juxtacellularly labelled bulbospinal barosensitive neurons in rat rostral ventrolateral medulla.
Description: Llewellyn-Smith, I J, et al. Distribution and amino acid content of enkephalin-immunoreactive inputs onto juxtacellularly labelled bulbospinal barosensitive neurons in rat rostral ventrolateral medulla. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''108''' (2):307-22
Intracerebroventricular infusion of insulin-like growth factor-I ameliorates the age-related decline in hippocampal neurogenesis.
Description: Lichtenwalner, R J, et al. Intracerebroventricular infusion of insulin-like growth factor-I ameliorates the age-related decline in hippocampal neurogenesis. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''107''' (4):603-13
Monoaminergic innervation of the macaque extended amygdala.
Description: Freedman, L J, et al. Monoaminergic innervation of the macaque extended amygdala. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''104''' (4):1067-84
The spiny rat Proechimys guyannensis as model of resistance to epilepsy: chemical characterization of hippocampal cell populations and pilocarpine-induced changes.
Description: Fabene, P F, et al. The spiny rat Proechimys guyannensis as model of resistance to epilepsy: chemical characterization of hippocampal cell populations and pilocarpine-induced changes. ''Neuroscience''. 2001; '''104''' (4):979-1002
Neural correlates of sensory gating in the rat: decreased Fos induction in the lateral septum.
Description: van Luijtelaar, G, et al. Neural correlates of sensory gating in the rat: decreased Fos induction in the lateral septum. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2001 Jan 15; '''54''' (2):145-51
Testosterone modulates the dendritic architecture of arcuate neuroendocrine neurons in adult male rats.
Description: Danzer, S C, et al. Testosterone modulates the dendritic architecture of arcuate neuroendocrine neurons in adult male rats. ''Brain Res''. 2001 Jan 26; '''890''' (1):78-85
Propagation of synchronous epileptiform events from subiculum backward into area CA1 of rat brain slices.
Description: Harris, E, et al. Propagation of synchronous epileptiform events from subiculum backward into area CA1 of rat brain slices. ''Brain Res''. 2001 Mar 23; '''895''' (1-2):41-9
A cellular mechanism for the antinociceptive effect of a kappa opioid receptor agonist.
Description: Ackley, M A, et al. A cellular mechanism for the antinociceptive effect of a kappa opioid receptor agonist. ''Pain''. 2001 Apr; '''91''' (3):377-88
Frequency organization and cellular lamination in the medial geniculate body of the rabbit.
Description: Cetas, J S, et al. Frequency organization and cellular lamination in the medial geniculate body of the rabbit. ''Hear Res''. 2001 May; '''155''' (1-2):113-23
The acetylcholine release enhancer linopirdine induces Fos in neocortex of aged rats.
Description: Dent, G W, et al. The acetylcholine release enhancer linopirdine induces Fos in neocortex of aged rats. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2001 May-Jun; '''22''' (3):485-94
Dendritic mechanisms underlying the coupling of the dendritic with the axonal action potential initiation zone of adult rat layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
Description: Larkum, M E, et al. Dendritic mechanisms underlying the coupling of the dendritic with the axonal action potential initiation zone of adult rat layer 5 pyramidal neurons. ''J Physiol''. 2001 Jun 1; '''533''' (Pt 2):447-66
Organization of the neurons of origin of the descending pathways from the ferret superior colliculus.
Description: Meredith, M A, et al. Organization of the neurons of origin of the descending pathways from the ferret superior colliculus. ''Neurosci Res''. 2001 Aug; '''40''' (4):301-13
Back-propagating action potentials mediate calcium signalling in dendrites of bitufted interneurons in layer 2/3 of rat somatosensory cortex.
Description: Kaiser, K M, et al. Back-propagating action potentials mediate calcium signalling in dendrites of bitufted interneurons in layer 2/3 of rat somatosensory cortex. ''J Physiol''. 2001 Aug 15; '''535''' (Pt 1):17-31
Compartmental models of rat cerebellar Purkinje cells based on simultaneous somatic and dendritic patch-clamp recordings.
Description: Roth, A, et al. Compartmental models of rat cerebellar Purkinje cells based on simultaneous somatic and dendritic patch-clamp recordings. ''J Physiol''. 2001 Sep 1; '''535''' (Pt 2):445-72
Anterior cingulate cortical transplantation in transgenic Huntington's disease mice.
Description: van Dellen, A, et al. Anterior cingulate cortical transplantation in transgenic Huntington's disease mice. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2001 Oct-Nov 1; '''56''' (3-4):313-8
The relationship between circadian rhythmicity and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of congenitally anophthalmic mice.
Description: Laemle, L K, et al. The relationship between circadian rhythmicity and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of congenitally anophthalmic mice. ''Brain Res''. 2001 Oct 26; '''917''' (1):105-11
Antibody to the HNK-1 glycoepitope affects fasciculation and axonal pathfinding in the developing posterior lateral line nerve of embryonic zebrafish.
Description: Becker, T, et al. Antibody to the HNK-1 glycoepitope affects fasciculation and axonal pathfinding in the developing posterior lateral line nerve of embryonic zebrafish. ''Mech Dev''. 2001 Nov; '''109''' (1):37-49
Electrophysiological and morphological properties of pre-autonomic neurones in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus.
Description: Stern, J E. Electrophysiological and morphological properties of pre-autonomic neurones in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. ''J Physiol''. 2001 Nov 15; '''537''' (Pt 1):161-77
BDNF overexpression increases dendrite complexity in hippocampal dentate gyrus.
Description: Tolwani, R J, et al. BDNF overexpression increases dendrite complexity in hippocampal dentate gyrus. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''114''' (3):795-805
Commissural connections of human superior colliculus.
Description: Tardif, E, et al. Commissural connections of human superior colliculus. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''111''' (2):363-72
Excitatory and inhibitory neurons express c-Fos in barrel-related columns after exploration of a novel environment.
Description: Staiger, J F, et al. Excitatory and inhibitory neurons express c-Fos in barrel-related columns after exploration of a novel environment. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''109''' (4):687-99
Identification of lingual motor control circuits using two strains of pseudorabies virus.
Description: Travers, J B, et al. Identification of lingual motor control circuits using two strains of pseudorabies virus. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''115''' (4):1139-51
Neonatal capsaicin treatment results in prolonged mitochondrial damage and delayed cell death of B cells in the rat trigeminal ganglia.
Description: Szoke, E, et al. Neonatal capsaicin treatment results in prolonged mitochondrial damage and delayed cell death of B cells in the rat trigeminal ganglia. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''113''' (4):925-37
Selective innervation of lamina I projection neurones that possess the neurokinin 1 receptor by serotonin-containing axons in the rat spinal cord.
Description: Polgar, E, et al. Selective innervation of lamina I projection neurones that possess the neurokinin 1 receptor by serotonin-containing axons in the rat spinal cord. ''Neuroscience''. 2002; '''109''' (4):799-809
Whisker maps of neuronal subclasses of the rat ventral posterior medial thalamus, identified by whole-cell voltage recording and morphological reconstruction.
Description: Brecht, Michael, et al. Whisker maps of neuronal subclasses of the rat ventral posterior medial thalamus, identified by whole-cell voltage recording and morphological reconstruction. ''J Physiol''. 2002 Jan 15; '''538''' (Pt 2):495-515
Efferent connections of the vestibular nuclei in the rat: a neuromorphological study using PHA-L.
Description: Matesz, Clara, et al. Efferent connections of the vestibular nuclei in the rat: a neuromorphological study using PHA-L. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2002 Feb-Mar 1; '''57''' (3-4):313-5
Synaptic connections between layer 4 spiny neurone-layer 2/3 pyramidal cell pairs in juvenile rat barrel cortex: physiology and anatomy of interlaminar signalling within a cortical column.
Description: Feldmeyer, Dirk, et al. Synaptic connections between layer 4 spiny neurone-layer 2/3 pyramidal cell pairs in juvenile rat barrel cortex: physiology and anatomy of interlaminar signalling within a cortical column. ''J Physiol''. 2002 Feb 1; '''538''' (Pt 3):803-22
The avian griseum tectale: cytoarchitecture, NOS expression and neurogenesis.
Description: Garcia-Calero, Elena, et al. The avian griseum tectale: cytoarchitecture, NOS expression and neurogenesis. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2002 Feb-Mar 1; '''57''' (3-4):353-7
Effects of carboplatin on amino acid chemistry in chinchilla cochlear nucleus.
Description: Li, Yingzhe, et al. Effects of carboplatin on amino acid chemistry in chinchilla cochlear nucleus. ''Hear Res''. 2002 Mar; '''165''' (1-2):19-29
Transgenic mice expressing the human presenilin 1 gene demonstrate enhanced hippocampal reorganization following entorhinal cortex lesions.
Description: Kadish, Inga, et al. Transgenic mice expressing the human presenilin 1 gene demonstrate enhanced hippocampal reorganization following entorhinal cortex lesions. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2002 Mar 15; '''57''' (5):587-94
Representation of the glomerular olfactory map in the Drosophila brain.
Description: Marin, Elizabeth C, et al. Representation of the glomerular olfactory map in the Drosophila brain. ''Cell''. 2002 Apr 19; '''109''' (2):243-55
Spatial representation of the glomerular map in the Drosophila protocerebrum.
Description: Wong, Allan M, et al. Spatial representation of the glomerular map in the Drosophila protocerebrum. ''Cell''. 2002 Apr 19; '''109''' (2):229-41
Rapid ocular dominance plasticity requires cortical but not geniculate protein synthesis.
Description: Taha, Sharif, et al. Rapid ocular dominance plasticity requires cortical but not geniculate protein synthesis. ''Neuron''. 2002 Apr 25; '''34''' (3):425-36
Cortical diffusible factors increase MAP-2 immunoreactive neuronal population in thalamic cultures.
Description: Coronas, Valerie, et al. Cortical diffusible factors increase MAP-2 immunoreactive neuronal population in thalamic cultures. ''Neurosci Res''. 2002 May; '''43''' (1):57-67
Age-related and laminar-specific dendritic changes in the medial frontal cortex of the rat.
Description: Grill, Joshua D, et al. Age-related and laminar-specific dendritic changes in the medial frontal cortex of the rat. ''Brain Res''. 2002 May 24; '''937''' (1-2):8-21
Expression of Golli proteins in adult human brain and multiple sclerosis lesions.
Description: Filipovic, R, et al. Expression of Golli proteins in adult human brain and multiple sclerosis lesions. ''J Neuroimmunol''. 2002 Jun; '''127''' (1-2):1-12
Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3 pyramidal cell electrophysiology: a simulation study.
Description: Krichmar, Jeffrey L, et al. Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3 pyramidal cell electrophysiology: a simulation study. ''Brain Res''. 2002 Jun 21; '''941''' (1-2):11-28
Nestin immunoreactivity in local neurons of the adult rat striatum after remote cortical injury.
Description: Kuroda, Tatsuya, et al. Nestin immunoreactivity in local neurons of the adult rat striatum after remote cortical injury. ''J Chem Neuroanat''. 2002 Jul; '''24''' (2):137-46
Dynamic representation of whisker deflection by synaptic potentials in spiny stellate and pyramidal cells in the barrels and septa of layer 4 rat somatosensory cortex.
Description: Brecht, Michael, et al. Dynamic representation of whisker deflection by synaptic potentials in spiny stellate and pyramidal cells in the barrels and septa of layer 4 rat somatosensory cortex. ''J Physiol''. 2002 Aug 15; '''543''' (Pt 1):49-70
Sleep-waking discharge patterns of median preoptic nucleus neurons in rats.
Description: Suntsova, Natalia, et al. Sleep-waking discharge patterns of median preoptic nucleus neurons in rats. ''J Physiol''. 2002 Sep 1; '''543''' (Pt 2):665-77
The expression of neurokinin-1 receptor at striatal and pallidal levels in normal human brain.
Description: Mounir, Seloua, et al. The expression of neurokinin-1 receptor at striatal and pallidal levels in normal human brain. ''Neurosci Res''. 2002 Sep; '''44''' (1):71-81
Protective effect of the antiepileptic drug candidate talampanel against AMPA-induced striatal neurotoxicity in neonatal rats.
Description: Vilagi, Ildiko, et al. Protective effect of the antiepileptic drug candidate talampanel against AMPA-induced striatal neurotoxicity in neonatal rats. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2002 Oct 15; '''59''' (1):35-40
Oral and gastric input to the parabrachial nucleus of the rat.
Description: Karimnamazi, Hamid, et al. Oral and gastric input to the parabrachial nucleus of the rat. ''Brain Res''. 2002 Dec 13; '''957''' (2):193-206
Cessation of activity in red nucleus neurons during stimulation of the medial medulla in decerebrate rats.
Description: Mileykovskiy, Boris Y, et al. Cessation of activity in red nucleus neurons during stimulation of the medial medulla in decerebrate rats. ''J Physiol''. 2002 Dec 15; '''545''' (3):997-1006
Distribution and colocalisation of glutamate decarboxylase isoforms in the rat spinal cord.
Description: Mackie, M, et al. Distribution and colocalisation of glutamate decarboxylase isoforms in the rat spinal cord. ''Neuroscience''. 2003; '''119''' (2):461-72
Molecular mechanisms of neuronal death in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus following visual cortical lesions.
Description: Repici, M, et al. Molecular mechanisms of neuronal death in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus following visual cortical lesions. ''Neuroscience''. 2003; '''117''' (4):859-67
Postnatal development of GABAergic signalling in the rat lateral geniculate nucleus: presynaptic dendritic mechanisms.
Description: Perreault, Marie-Claude, et al. Postnatal development of GABAergic signalling in the rat lateral geniculate nucleus: presynaptic dendritic mechanisms. ''J Physiol''. 2003 Jan 1; '''546''' (Pt 1):137-48
Sex differences in response to kainic acid and estradiol in the hippocampus of newborn rats.
Description: Hilton, G D, et al. Sex differences in response to kainic acid and estradiol in the hippocampus of newborn rats. ''Neuroscience''. 2003; '''116''' (2):383-91
Stimulant doses of caffeine induce c-FOS activation in orexin/hypocretin-containing neurons in rat.
Description: Murphy, J A, et al. Stimulant doses of caffeine induce c-FOS activation in orexin/hypocretin-containing neurons in rat. ''Neuroscience''. 2003; '''121''' (2):269-75
Synaptic background noise controls the input/output characteristics of single cells in an in vitro model of in vivo activity.
Description: Fellous, J-M, et al. Synaptic background noise controls the input/output characteristics of single cells in an in vitro model of in vivo activity. ''Neuroscience''. 2003; '''122''' (3):811-29
Ultrastructural study of gap junctions between dendrites of parvalbumin-containing GABAergic neurons in various neocortical areas of the adult rat.
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From lineage to wiring specificity. POU domain transcription factors control precise connections of Drosophila olfactory projection neurons.
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Restorative effects of neurotrophin treatment on diabetes-induced cutaneous axon loss in mice.
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Colchicine induces apoptosis in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures.
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Interactions of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor treatment on the survival and growth of postnatal mesencephalic dopamine neurons in vitro.
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Quantitative measurement of afferent layers in the ferret inferior colliculus: DNLL projections to sublayers.
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NT-3 gene delivery elicits growth of chronically injured corticospinal axons and modestly improves functional deficits after chronic scar resection.
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Experimentally-induced microencephaly: effects on cortical neurons.
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Organization of cortico-cortical associative projections in rats exposed to ethanol during early postnatal life.
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Role of citron kinase in dendritic morphogenesis of cortical neurons.
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Correction of conductance measurements in non-space-clamped structures: 1. Voltage-gated K+ channels.
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Dendritic development of Drosophila high order visual system neurons is independent of sensory experience.
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Action potentials in basal and oblique dendrites of rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
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Single or multiple reproductive experiences attenuate neurobehavioral stress and fear responses in the female rat.
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Distribution of glycine transporter 2 mRNA-containing neurons in relation to glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA-containing neurons in rat medulla.
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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-enriched bridging transplants promote propriospinal axonal regeneration and enhance myelination after spinal cord injury.
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Silver nitrate cauterization: characterization of a new model of corneal inflammation and hyperalgesia in rat.
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Cardiorespiratory neurons of the rat ventrolateral medulla contain TASK-1 and TASK-3 channel mRNA.
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Cellular interactions in the rat somatosensory thalamocortical system during normal and epileptic 5-9 Hz oscillations.
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Thyroid hormone reduces the loss of axotomized sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia after sciatic nerve transection in adult rat.
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Calcium microdomains in aspiny dendrites.
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Dynamic receptive fields of reconstructed pyramidal cells in layers 3 and 2 of rat somatosensory barrel cortex.
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Differential effects of cholinergic lesions on dendritic spines in frontal cortex of young adult and aging rats.
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Selection and validation of microarray candidate genes from subregions and subnuclei of the brain.
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The importance of gender on the beneficial effects of posttraumatic hypothermia.
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Axon terminals possessing alpha2C-adrenergic receptors densely innervate neurons in the rat lateral spinal nucleus which respond to noxious stimulation.
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Bidirectional shift in the cornu ammonis 3 pyramidal dendritic organization following brief stress.
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Cell death in the rat hippocampus in a model of prenatal brain injury: time course and expression of death-related proteins.
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Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CART) is a selective marker of rat granule cells and of human mossy cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.
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Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) decreases neuronal somatostatin immunoreactivity in cultured guinea-pig parasympathetic cardiac ganglia.
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Potential pathways for intercellular communication within the calbindin subnucleus of the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus.
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Projections from estrogen receptor-alpha immunoreactive neurons in the periaqueductal gray to the lateral medulla oblongata in the rhesus monkey.
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Sprouting and synaptic reorganization in the subiculum and CA1 region of the hippocampus in acute and chronic models of partial-onset epilepsy.
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Superior colliculus lesions preferentially disrupt multisensory orientation.
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Tonotopic and heterotopic projection systems in physiologically defined auditory cortex.
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Dissociated histaminergic neuron cultures from the tuberomammillary nucleus of rats: culture methods and ghrelin effects.
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A periodic network of neurochemical modules in the inferior colliculus.
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Blockade of glutamate mGlu5 receptors in a rat model of neuropathic pain prevents early over-expression of pro-apoptotic genes and morphological changes in dorsal horn lamina II.
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Critical role of Ena/VASP proteins for filopodia formation in neurons and in function downstream of netrin-1.
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Diverse functions of N-cadherin in dendritic and axonal terminal arborization of olfactory projection neurons.
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Engulfing action of glial cells is required for programmed axon pruning during Drosophila metamorphosis.
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Neuron/target plasticity in the peripheral gustatory system.
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Activation of c-fos in GABAergic neurones in the preoptic area during sleep and in response to sleep deprivation.
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Development of NMDA R1 expression in chicken auditory brainstem.
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Reduced GABAergic transmission and number of hippocampal perisomatic inhibitory synapses in juvenile mice deficient in the neural cell adhesion molecule L1.
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Separate projections from the inferior colliculus to the cochlear nucleus and thalamus in guinea pigs.
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Cell proliferation correlates with the postconceptual and not with the postnatal age in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, temporal neocortex and cerebellar cortex of preterm infants.
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Overall distribution of GLYT2 mRNA-containing versus GAD67 mRNA-containing neurons and colocalization of both mRNAs in midbrain, pons, and cerebellum in rats.
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Precise development of functional and anatomical columns in the neocortex.
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Global dendritic calcium spikes in mouse layer 5 low threshold spiking interneurones: implications for control of pyramidal cell bursting.
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Separate populations of neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla project to the spinal cord and to the dorsolateral pons in the rat.
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Visualizing sexual dimorphism in the brain.
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Two types of afferent terminals innervate cochlear inner hair cells in C57BL/6J mice.
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Peripheral axotomy induces depletion of the vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT1 in central terminals of myelinated afferent fibres in the rat spinal cord.
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Spontaneous synaptic activity is required for the formation of functional GABAergic synapses in the developing rat hippocampus.
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Retinal ganglion cell type, size, and spacing can be specified independent of homotypic dendritic contacts.
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Abundance and location of DARPP-32 in striato-tegmental circuits of domestic chicks.
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A morphometric study of the progressive changes on NADPH diaphorase activity in the developing rat's barrel field.
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Lack of evidence for significant neuronal loss in laminae I-III of the spinal dorsal horn of the rat in the chronic constriction injury model.
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Normal patterns of spontaneous activity are required for correct motor axon guidance and the expression of specific guidance molecules.
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Projections from the cat posterior lateral hypothalamus to the ventral part of the oral pontine reticular nucleus contain a GABAergic component.
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A neuroprotective role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor following moderate spinal cord contusion injury.
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Induction of spine growth and synapse formation by regulation of the spine actin cytoskeleton.
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Close homolog of L1 modulates area-specific neuronal positioning and dendrite orientation in the cerebral cortex.
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Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus induces apoptosis in cultured macrophages and in spinal cords of C58 mice coincident with onset of murine amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Long-term NR2B expression in the cerebellum alters granule cell development and leads to NR2A down-regulation and motor deficits.
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Morphological correlates of injury-induced reorganization in primate somatosensory cortex.
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Anatomical, physiological and molecular properties of Martinotti cells in the somatosensory cortex of the juvenile rat.
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Time course of embryonic midbrain and thalamic auditory connection development in mice as revealed by carbocyanine dye tracing.
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Arteriolar network architecture and vasomotor function with ageing in mouse gluteus maximus muscle.
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Pathological missense mutations of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 affect neurite outgrowth and branching on an L1 substrate.
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Temporally distinct demands for classic cadherins in synapse formation and maturation.
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Unilateral ischemic sensorimotor cortical damage in female rats: forelimb behavioral effects and dendritic structural plasticity in the contralateral homotopic cortex.
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A cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated-transcript peptide projection from the lateral hypothalamus to the ventral tegmental area.
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Auditory cortical projections to the cochlear nucleus in guinea pigs.
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Auditory thalamic organization: cellular slabs, dendritic arbors and tectothalamic axons underlying the frequency map.
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Differential involvement of oriens/pyramidale interneurones in hippocampal network oscillations in vitro.
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Effects of chronic paroxetine pretreatment on (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl-amino)tetralin induced c-fos expression following sexual behavior.
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Expression of P2X purinoceptors during rat brain development and their inhibitory role on motor axon outgrowth in neural tube explant cultures.
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Fos induction in lamina I projection neurons in response to noxious thermal stimuli.
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Hsp70 gene transfer by adeno-associated virus inhibits MPTP-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in the mouse model of Parkinson disease.
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Morphology and distribution of dopaminergic neurons intrinsic to the human striatum.
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Mossy cells and different subpopulations of pyramidal neurons are immunoreactive for cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in the hippocampal formation of non-human primates and tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri).
Description: Abraham, H, et al. Mossy cells and different subpopulations of pyramidal neurons are immunoreactive for cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in the hippocampal formation of non-human primates and tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). ''Neuroscience''. 2005; '''136''' (1):231-40
Newly generated dentate granule cells from epileptic rats exhibit elongated hilar basal dendrites that align along GFAP-immunolabeled processes.
Description: Shapiro, L A, et al. Newly generated dentate granule cells from epileptic rats exhibit elongated hilar basal dendrites that align along GFAP-immunolabeled processes. ''Neuroscience''. 2005; '''136''' (3):823-31
Novel calretinin and reelin expressing neuronal population includes Cajal-Retzius-type cells in the neocortex of adult pigs.
Description: Abraham, H, et al. Novel calretinin and reelin expressing neuronal population includes Cajal-Retzius-type cells in the neocortex of adult pigs. ''Neuroscience''. 2005; '''136''' (1):217-30
Synaptic targets of calretinin-containing axon terminals in macaque monkey prefrontal cortex.
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Transmitter content, origins and connections of axons in the spinal cord that possess the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) 3 receptor.
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A tetracycline-regulated adenovirus encoding dominant-negative caspase-9 is regulated in rat brain and protects against neurotoxin-induced cell death in vitro, but not in vivo.
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Functional and electrophysiological changes after graded traumatic spinal cord injury in adult rat.
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Quantitative analysis of the postnatal development of Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum of the cat.
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Zinc accumulation after target loss: an early event in retrograde degeneration of thalamic neurons.
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Differential distribution of NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry in human cerebral cortex.
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Citalopram combined with WAY 100635 inhibits ejaculation and ejaculation-related Fos immunoreactivity.
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A new stabilizing craniotomy-duratomy technique for single-cell anatomo-electrophysiological exploration of living intact brain networks.
Description: Pinault, Didier. A new stabilizing craniotomy-duratomy technique for single-cell anatomo-electrophysiological exploration of living intact brain networks. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2005 Feb 15; '''141''' (2):231-42
GABA-mediated control of hypocretin- but not melanin-concentrating hormone-immunoreactive neurones during sleep in rats.
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Human apoE4-targeted replacement mice display synaptic deficits in the absence of neuropathology.
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Neurotensin activation of the NTR1 on spinally-projecting serotonergic neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla is antinociceptive.
Description: Buhler, A V, et al. Neurotensin activation of the NTR1 on spinally-projecting serotonergic neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla is antinociceptive. ''Pain''. 2005 Mar; '''114''' (1-2):285-94
Oxidative stress in transgenic mice with oligodendroglial alpha-synuclein overexpression replicates the characteristic neuropathology of multiple system atrophy.
Description: Stefanova, Nadia, et al. Oxidative stress in transgenic mice with oligodendroglial alpha-synuclein overexpression replicates the characteristic neuropathology of multiple system atrophy. ''Am J Pathol''. 2005 Mar; '''166''' (3):869-76
Survival, regeneration and functional recovery of motoneurons after delayed reimplantation of avulsed spinal root in adult rat.
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Quantitative changes in calretinin immunostaining in the cochlear nuclei after unilateral cochlear removal in young ferrets.
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Induction by kainate of theta frequency rhythmic activity in the rat medial septum-diagonal band complex in vitro.
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Unilateral and bilateral projections from cortical cells to the inferior colliculus in guinea pigs.
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Quantitative spatial analysis of the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons in the developing and mature rat retina.
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Glutamic acid decarboxylase isoforms are differentially distributed in the septal region of the rat.
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Effect of testosterone on functional recovery in a castrate male rat stroke model.
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Re-organization of P2X3 receptor localization on epidermal nerve fibers in a murine model of cancer pain.
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Increased dendritic complexity and axonal length in cultured mouse cortical neurons overexpressing methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP2.
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Mouse strain-specific changes in nicotinic receptor expression with age.
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Behavioral correlates of activity in identified hypocretin/orexin neurons.
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A model of thalamocortical relay cells.
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Changes in P2X3 receptor expression in the trigeminal ganglion following monoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint in rats.
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Intrathecal injection of GDNF and BDNF induces immediate early gene expression in rat spinal dorsal horn.
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Transcriptional therapy with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
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Projections from orbitofrontal cortex to anterior piriform cortex in the rat suggest a role in olfactory information processing.
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Polysialic acid is required for active phases of morphological plasticity of neurosecretory axons and their glia.
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RanBPM is an L1-interacting protein that regulates L1-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation.
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Environmental enrichment promotes improved spatial abilities and enhanced dendritic growth in the rat.
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Heat and mechanical hyperalgesia in mice model of cancer pain.
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Neuropeptide and calcium-binding protein gene expression profiles predict neuronal anatomical type in the juvenile rat.
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Zinc-enriched amygdalo- and hippocampo-cortical connections to the inferotemporal cortices in macaque monkey.
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Stereological analysis of forebrain regions in kainate-treated epileptic rats.
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Factors mediating powerful voltage attenuation along CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites.
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GD3 synthase gene knockout mice exhibit thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia but decreased response to formalin-induced prolonged noxious stimulation.
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Intrinsic sensory deprivation induced by neonatal capsaicin treatment induces changes in rat brain and behaviour of possible relevance to schizophrenia.
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Rapid spinogenesis of pyramidal neurons induced by activation of glucocorticoid receptors in adult male rat hippocampus.
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A Golgi study of neuronal architecture in a genetic mouse model for Lesch-Nyhan disease.
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Reversibility of apical dendritic retraction in the rat medial prefrontal cortex following repeated stress.
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Different neuronal populations of the rat median preoptic nucleus express c-fos during sleep and in response to hypertonic saline or angiotensin-II.
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Prostaglandin-E2: a point of divergence in estradiol-mediated sexual differentiation.
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Estrogen induces rapid decrease in dendritic thorns of CA3 pyramidal neurons in adult male rat hippocampus.
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Evidence for dopaminergic re-innervation by embryonic allografts in an optimized rat model of the Parkinsonian variant of multiple system atrophy.
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Magnetic resonance imaging as a surrogate measure for histological sub-chronic endpoint in a neonatal rat stroke model.
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Hindbrain rhombic lip is comprised of discrete progenitor cell populations allocated by Pax6.
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Lithium increases bcl-2 expression in chick cochlear nucleus and protects against deafferentation-induced cell death.
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P2 receptor-stimulation influences axonal outgrowth in the developing hippocampus in vitro.
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Targeting and clustering citron to synapses.
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Altered organization of cortical interneurons in rats exposed to ethanol during neonatal life.
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Development of layer-specific axonal arborizations in mouse primary somatosensory cortex.
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Pathologic alterations of cutaneous innervation and vasculature in affected limbs from patients with complex regional pain syndrome.
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Water deprivation activates a glutamatergic projection from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus to the rostral ventrolateral medulla.
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Distribution and expression of CRF receptor 1 and 2 mRNAs in the CRF over-expressing mouse brain.
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Dysmorphic neurons in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Social and spatial changes induce multiple survival regimes for new neurons in two regions of the adult brain: An anatomical representation of time?
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Collagen changes in the cochlea of aged Fischer 344 rats.
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Combination therapy using minocycline and coenzyme Q10 in R6/2 transgenic Huntington's disease mice.
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Interaural timing difference circuits in the auditory brainstem of the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae).
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Blanes cells mediate persistent feedforward inhibition onto granule cells in the olfactory bulb.
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Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons in the adult neocortex.
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BDNF/TrkB signaling regulates HNK-1 carbohydrate expression in regenerating motor nerves and promotes functional recovery after peripheral nerve repair.
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Ipsilateral connections of the ventral premotor cortex in a new world primate.
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Orientation-restricted continuous visual exposure induces marked reorganization of orientation maps in early life.
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Synaptic microcircuitry of tyrosine hydroxylase-containing neurons and terminals in the striatum of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-treated monkeys.
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Peripheral chemoreceptor inputs to retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) CO2-sensitive neurons in rats.
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The parvocellular LGN provides a robust disynaptic input to the visual motion area MT.
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Cholinergic modulation of neurons in the gustatory region of the nucleus of the solitary tract.
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Development of the corticospinal tract in the mouse spinal cord: a quantitative ultrastructural analysis.
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Central respiratory modulation of barosensitive neurones in rat caudal ventrolateral medulla.
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Cortical neurogenesis enhanced by chronic perinatal hypoxia.
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Thalamic connections of the auditory cortex in marmoset monkeys: core and medial belt regions.
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Characterization of neurons that express preprotachykinin B in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord.
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Sustained neurotensin exposure promotes cell surface recruitment of NTS2 receptors.
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Projections of the second cervical dorsal root ganglion to the cochlear nucleus in rats.
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Unique combination of anatomy and physiology in cells of the rat paralaminar thalamic nuclei adjacent to the medial geniculate body.
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BDNF heterozygous mice demonstrate age-related changes in striatal and nigral gene expression.
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Development of callosal topography in visual cortex of normal and enucleated rats.
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Dose ranging and efficacy study of high-dose coenzyme Q10 formulations in Huntington's disease mice.
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Glutathione deficit during development induces anomalies in the rat anterior cingulate GABAergic neurons: Relevance to schizophrenia.
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Neonatal hippocampal Tat injections: developmental effects on prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the auditory startle response.
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Transplanted adult neural progenitor cells survive, differentiate and reduce motor function impairment in a rodent model of Huntington's disease.
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Vesicular glutamate (VGlut), GABA (VGAT), and acetylcholine (VACht) transporters in basal forebrain axon terminals innervating the lateral hypothalamus.
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Dendritic plasticity of CA1 pyramidal neurons after transient global ischemia.
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Effect of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor blockade on plasticity of frontal cortex after cholinergic deafferentation in rat.
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Morphological properties of mouse retinal ganglion cells.
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Bi-directional control of motor neuron dendrite remodeling by the calcium permeability of AMPA receptors.
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Corticothalamic 5-9 Hz oscillations are more pro-epileptogenic than sleep spindles in rats.
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Discrimination between active and passive head movements by macaque ventral and medial intraparietal cortex neurons.
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A cooperative switch determines the sign of synaptic plasticity in distal dendrites of neocortical pyramidal neurons.
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An Xpd mouse model for the combined xeroderma pigmentosum/Cockayne syndrome exhibiting both cancer predisposition and segmental progeria.
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Developmental changes in somatostatin-positive interneurons in a freeze-lesion model of epilepsy.
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External tufted cells in the main olfactory bulb form two distinct subpopulations.
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Gustatory terminal field organization and developmental plasticity in the nucleus of the solitary tract revealed through triple-fluorescence labeling.
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Individual differences in estrogen receptor alpha in select brain nuclei are associated with individual differences in aggression.
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Long-term treatment with long-acting risperidone in Korean patients with schizophrenia.
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Functional stabilization of weakened thalamic pacemaker channel regulation in rat absence epilepsy.
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Anosmin-1 modulates the FGF-2-dependent migration of oligodendrocyte precursors in the developing optic nerve.
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Cerebellar cortical atrophy in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
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Dendritic architecture of the von Economo neurons.
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Efficacy and connectivity of intracolumnar pairs of layer 2/3 pyramidal cells in the barrel cortex of juvenile rats.
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Synaptic input to OFF parasol ganglion cells in macaque retina.
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Induction and expression of salt appetite: effects on Fos expression in nucleus accumbens.
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Neurokinin-1 receptor activation in Botzinger complex evokes bradypnoea.
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Spontaneous field potentials in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb: the leading role of juxtaglomerular cells.
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Immunohistochemical localisation of the NK1 receptor in the human amygdala: preliminary investigation in schizophrenia.
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Measuring dendritic distribution of membrane proteins.
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Contralesional neural plasticity and functional changes in the less-affected forelimb after large and small cortical infarcts in rats.
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Different levels of Ih determine distinct temporal integration in bursting and regular-spiking neurons in rat subiculum.
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Blood content modulates the induction of heat shock proteins in the neurovascular network.
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Microtopography of the dual corticothalamic projections originating from domains along the frequency axis of the cat primary auditory cortex.
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Distinct regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1 alpha) in the developing limbic system following multiple early-life seizures.
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Expression mapping of tetracycline-responsive prion protein promoter: digital atlasing for generating cell-specific disease models.
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Neurotrophin-3 ameliorates sensory-motor deficits in Er81-deficient mice.
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Synaptic alterations at inner hair cells precede spiral ganglion cell loss in aging C57BL/6J mice.
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Connections of the subiculum of the rat: topography in relation to columnar and laminar organization.
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Central chemoreceptors and sympathetic vasomotor outflow.
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Contribution of morphology and membrane resistance to integration of fast synaptic signals in two thalamic cell types.
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TrkB/BDNF signaling regulates photoreceptor progenitor cell fate decisions.
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Unilateral cochlear ablation before hearing onset disrupts the maintenance of dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus projection patterns in the rat inferior colliculus.
Description: Franklin, S R, et al. Unilateral cochlear ablation before hearing onset disrupts the maintenance of dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus projection patterns in the rat inferior colliculus. ''Neuroscience''. 2006 Nov 17; '''143''' (1):105-15
CC chemokine receptor 2 is protective against noise-induced hair cell death: studies in CX3CR1(+/GFP) mice.
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Expression profile of Bag 1 in the postmortem brain.
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Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity in neonatal hippocampal neurons is mediated by mGluR-induced release of Ca++ from intracellular stores and is prevented by estradiol.
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Innervation of orexin/hypocretin neurons by GABAergic, glutamatergic or cholinergic basal forebrain terminals evidenced by immunostaining for presynaptic vesicular transporter and postsynaptic scaffolding proteins.
Description: Henny, Pablo, et al. Innervation of orexin/hypocretin neurons by GABAergic, glutamatergic or cholinergic basal forebrain terminals evidenced by immunostaining for presynaptic vesicular transporter and postsynaptic scaffolding proteins. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2006 Dec 1; '''499''' (4):645-61
Projections from the mesopontine tegmental anesthesia area to regions involved in pain modulation.
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Prolonged behavioral stress enhances synaptic connectivity in the basolateral amygdala.
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Integration and segregation of activity in entorhinal-hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations.
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MEKK4 signaling regulates filamin expression and neuronal migration.
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Comparison between basal and apical dendritic spines in estrogen-induced rapid spinogenesis of CA1 principal neurons in the adult hippocampus.
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Stereological estimates of the basal forebrain cell population in the rat, including neurons containing choline acetyltransferase, glutamic acid decarboxylase or phosphate-activated glutaminase and colocalizing vesicular glutamate transporters.
Description: Gritti, I, et al. Stereological estimates of the basal forebrain cell population in the rat, including neurons containing choline acetyltransferase, glutamic acid decarboxylase or phosphate-activated glutaminase and colocalizing vesicular glutamate transporters. ''Neuroscience''. 2006 Dec 28; '''143''' (4):1051-64
Differential effects of methylmercury intoxication in the rat's barrel field as evidenced by NADPH diaphorase histochemistry.
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Stress-induced spine loss in the medial amygdala is mediated by tissue-plasminogen activator.
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Experience-driven axon retraction without binocular imbalance in developing visual cortex.
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Inherited cortical HCN1 channel loss amplifies dendritic calcium electrogenesis and burst firing in a rat absence epilepsy model.
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Short-term exposure to an enriched environment enhances dendritic branching but not brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus of rats with ventral subicular lesions.
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Enriched expression and developmental regulation of the middle-weight neurofilament (NF-M) gene in song control nuclei of the zebra finch.
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Neurotrophin/Trk receptor signaling mediates C/EBPalpha, -beta and NeuroD recruitment to immediate-early gene promoters in neuronal cells and requires C/EBPs to induce immediate-early gene transcription.
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Distribution of the dopamine innervation in the macaque and human thalamus.
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Increased hippocampal and cortical beta oscillations in mice deficient for the HNK-1 sulfotransferase.
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Synaptic reorganization in subiculum and CA3 after early-life status epilepticus in the kainic acid rat model.
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Abnormalities in skilled reaching movements are improved by peripheral anesthetization of the less-affected forelimb after sensorimotor cortical infarcts in rats.
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Disynaptic inhibition between neocortical pyramidal cells mediated by Martinotti cells.
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Postnatal development of cannabinoid receptor type 1 expression in rodent somatosensory cortex.
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Dendritic voltage-gated K+ conductance gradient in pyramidal neurones of neocortical layer 5B from rats.
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Laterality in syrinx muscle morphology of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica).
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Non-synaptic dendritic spines in neocortex.
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Auditory responses in the visual cortex of neonatally enucleated rats.
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DJ-1 and Parkin modulate dopamine-dependent behavior and inhibit MPTP-induced nigral dopamine neuron loss in mice.
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Inhibitory input from slowly adapting lung stretch receptors to retrotrapezoid nucleus chemoreceptors.
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Barrington's nucleus in the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus): location in relation to noradrenergic cell groups and connections to the lumbosacral spinal cord.
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Abnormal laminar position and dendrite development of interneurons in the reeler forebrain.
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neuroConstruct: a tool for modeling networks of neurons in 3D space.
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Distribution of glycinergic neuronal somata in the rat spinal cord.
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A macromolecular complex involving the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the cytosolic adapter FE65 is a negative regulator of axon branching.
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Basal ganglia dopamine loss due to defect in purine recycling.
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Contributions of the dorsal hippocampus and the dorsal subiculum to processing of idiothetic information and spatial memory.
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Immediate early gene activation in hippocampus and dorsal striatum: effects of explicit place and response training.
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Immunohistochemical localization of histamine H3 receptors in rodent skin, dorsal root ganglia, superior cervical ganglia, and spinal cord: potential antinociceptive targets.
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Dendrite self-avoidance is controlled by Dscam.
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Altered excitability and distribution of NMDA receptor subunit proteins in cortical layers of rat pups following multiple perinatal seizures.
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On the use of retrograde tracers for identification of axon collaterals with multiple fluorescent retrograde tracers.
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Layer- and cell-type-specific suprathreshold stimulus representation in rat primary somatosensory cortex.
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Development of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunits in avian auditory brainstem.
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DNA vaccine against NgR promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury in adult rats.
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Electrophysiological and morphological heterogeneity of slow firing neurons in medial septal/diagonal band complex as revealed by cluster analysis.
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Mesopontine tegmental anesthesia area projects independently to the rostromedial medulla and to the spinal cord.
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Thalamocortical and the dual pattern of corticothalamic projections of the posterior parietal cortex in macaque monkeys.
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Spatiotemporal profile of dendritic outgrowth from newly born granule cells in the adult rat dentate gyrus.
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Hypocretin (orexin) cell loss in Parkinson's disease.
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Identification of subdivisions in the medial geniculate body of the guinea pig.
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Role of the midbrain dopaminergic system in modulation of vocal brain activation by social context.
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Evidence for elevated nicotine-induced structural plasticity in nucleus accumbens of adolescent rats.
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Chronic cocaine treatment alters dendritic arborization in the adult motor cortex through a CB1 cannabinoid receptor-dependent mechanism.
Description: Ballesteros-Yanez, I, et al. Chronic cocaine treatment alters dendritic arborization in the adult motor cortex through a CB1 cannabinoid receptor-dependent mechanism. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Jun 8; '''146''' (4):1536-45
Temporal profile of subventricular zone progenitor cell migration following quinolinic acid-induced striatal cell loss.
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Effect of hypoxia on the morphology of mouse striatal neurons.
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Axonal regeneration and development of de novo axons from distal dendrites of adult feline commissural interneurons after a proximal axotomy.
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Morphologic and neurochemical alterations in the superior colliculus of the genetically epilepsy-prone hamster (GPG/Vall).
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A-type potassium channels differentially tune afferent pathways from rat solitary tract nucleus to caudal ventrolateral medulla or paraventricular hypothalamus.
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A high soy diet enhances neurotropin receptor and Bcl-XL gene expression in the brains of ovariectomized female rats.
Description: Lovekamp-Swan, Tara, et al. A high soy diet enhances neurotropin receptor and Bcl-XL gene expression in the brains of ovariectomized female rats. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Jul 23; '''1159''': 54-66
Functional role of A-type potassium currents in rat presympathetic PVN neurones.
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Nitric oxide synthase induction and cytotoxic nitrogen-related oxidant formation in conjunctival epithelium of dry eye (Sjogren's syndrome).
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Ontogeny of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide and calbindin immunoreactivity in granule cells of the dentate gyrus in the rat.
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Strategies for promoting anti-seizure effects of hippocampal fetal cells grafted into the hippocampus of rats exhibiting chronic temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Androgen and estrogen receptor-mediated mechanisms of testosterone action in male rat pelvic autonomic ganglia.
Description: Purves-Tyson, T D, et al. Androgen and estrogen receptor-mediated mechanisms of testosterone action in male rat pelvic autonomic ganglia. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Aug 10; '''148''' (1):92-104
Survival and axonal regeneration of off-center retinal ganglion cells of adult cats are promoted with an anti-glaucoma drug, nipradilol, but not BDNF and CNTF.
Description: Yata, T, et al. Survival and axonal regeneration of off-center retinal ganglion cells of adult cats are promoted with an anti-glaucoma drug, nipradilol, but not BDNF and CNTF. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Aug 10; '''148''' (1):53-64
Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy.
Description: Kole, Maarten H P, et al. Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy. ''Neuron''. 2007 Aug 16; '''55''' (4):633-47
Doublecortin-positive newly born granule cells of hippocampus have abnormal apical dendritic morphology in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Arisi, Gabriel Maisonnave, et al. Doublecortin-positive newly born granule cells of hippocampus have abnormal apical dendritic morphology in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Aug 24; '''1165''': 126-34
Creating a neurogenic environment: the role of BDNF and FGF2.
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Focal phospholipases A2 group III injections induce cervical white matter injury and functional deficits with delayed recovery concomitant with Schwann cell remyelination.
Description: Titsworth, W Lee, et al. Focal phospholipases A2 group III injections induce cervical white matter injury and functional deficits with delayed recovery concomitant with Schwann cell remyelination. ''Exp Neurol''. 2007 Sep; '''207''' (1):150-62
GABA immunoreactivity in auditory and song control brain areas of zebra finches.
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Neuronal death in the lateral geniculate nucleus of young ferrets following a cortical lesion: time-course, age dependence and involvement of caspases.
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Specialized circuits from primary visual cortex to V2 and area MT.
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A high soy diet reduces programmed cell death and enhances bcl-xL expression in experimental stroke.
Description: Lovekamp-Swan, T, et al. A high soy diet reduces programmed cell death and enhances bcl-xL expression in experimental stroke. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Sep 7; '''148''' (3):644-52
Fungiform taste bud degeneration in C57BL/6J mice following chorda-lingual nerve transection.
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Development of gerbil medial superior olive: integration of temporally delayed excitation and inhibition at physiological temperature.
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Projections from auditory cortex contact ascending pathways that originate in the superior olive and inferior colliculus.
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Transduced Schwann cells promote axon growth and myelination after spinal cord injury.
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Regulation of dendritic development by neuron-specific chromatin remodeling complexes.
Description: Wu, Jiang I, et al. Regulation of dendritic development by neuron-specific chromatin remodeling complexes. ''Neuron''. 2007 Oct 4; '''56''' (1):94-108
Quantitative analysis of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cells in the human epileptic hippocampus.
Description: Andrioli, A, et al. Quantitative analysis of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cells in the human epileptic hippocampus. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Oct 12; '''149''' (1):131-43
Sensory experience determines enrichment-induced plasticity in rat auditory cortex.
Description: Percaccio, Cherie R, et al. Sensory experience determines enrichment-induced plasticity in rat auditory cortex. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Oct 12; '''1174''': 76-91
A novel biological function for CD44 in axon growth of retinal ganglion cells identified by a bioinformatics approach.
Description: Ries, Albert, et al. A novel biological function for CD44 in axon growth of retinal ganglion cells identified by a bioinformatics approach. ''J Neurochem''. 2007 Nov; '''103''' (4):1491-505
Factors defining a pacemaker region for synchrony in the hippocampus.
Description: Wittner, Lucia, et al. Factors defining a pacemaker region for synchrony in the hippocampus. ''J Physiol''. 2007 Nov 1; '''584''' (Pt 3):867-83
Modulation of the cAMP signaling pathway after traumatic brain injury.
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One hour electrical stimulation accelerates functional recovery after femoral nerve repair.
Description: Ahlborn, Peter, et al. One hour electrical stimulation accelerates functional recovery after femoral nerve repair. ''Exp Neurol''. 2007 Nov; '''208''' (1):137-44
Sonic hedgehog promotes the migration and proliferation of optic nerve oligodendrocyte precursors.
Description: Merchan, Paloma, et al. Sonic hedgehog promotes the migration and proliferation of optic nerve oligodendrocyte precursors. ''Mol Cell Neurosci''. 2007 Nov; '''36''' (3):355-68
Postnatal development of synaptic transmission in local networks of L5A pyramidal neurons in rat somatosensory cortex.
Description: Frick, Andreas, et al. Postnatal development of synaptic transmission in local networks of L5A pyramidal neurons in rat somatosensory cortex. ''J Physiol''. 2007 Nov 15; '''585''' (Pt 1):103-16
Expression and distribution of all dopamine receptor subtypes (D(1)-D(5)) in the mouse lumbar spinal cord: a real-time polymerase chain reaction and non-autoradiographic in situ hybridization study.
Description: Zhu, H, et al. Expression and distribution of all dopamine receptor subtypes (D(1)-D(5)) in the mouse lumbar spinal cord: a real-time polymerase chain reaction and non-autoradiographic in situ hybridization study. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Nov 23; '''149''' (4):885-97
Time-course of c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation after cerebral ischemia and effect of D-JNKI1 on c-Jun and caspase-3 activation.
Description: Repici, M, et al. Time-course of c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation after cerebral ischemia and effect of D-JNKI1 on c-Jun and caspase-3 activation. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Nov 30; '''150''' (1):40-9
Electrical properties of morphologically characterized neurons in the intergeniculate leaflet of the rat thalamus.
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Effects of acute and chronic apomorphine on sex behavior and copulation-induced neural activation in the male rat.
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Dorsal, ventral, and complete excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus in rats failed to impair appetitive trace conditioning.
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Hyperphosphorylated tau in parahippocampal cortex impairs place learning in aged mice expressing wild-type human tau.
Description: Kimura, Tetsuya, et al. Hyperphosphorylated tau in parahippocampal cortex impairs place learning in aged mice expressing wild-type human tau. ''EMBO J''. 2007 Dec 12; '''26''' (24):5143-52
Melatonin prevents learning disorders in brain-lesioned newborn mice.
Description: Bouslama, M, et al. Melatonin prevents learning disorders in brain-lesioned newborn mice. ''Neuroscience''. 2007 Dec 12; '''150''' (3):712-9
Interhemispheric connections of the ventral premotor cortex in a new world primate.
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Knot/Collier and cut control different aspects of dendrite cytoskeleton and synergize to define final arbor shape.
Description: Jinushi-Nakao, Shiho, et al. Knot/Collier and cut control different aspects of dendrite cytoskeleton and synergize to define final arbor shape. ''Neuron''. 2007 Dec 20; '''56''' (6):963-78
Neuropathogical features of a rat model for perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with associated epilepsy.
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Aging does not alter the number or phenotype of putative stem/progenitor cells in the neurogenic region of the hippocampus.
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Characterization of GABAergic neurons in rapid-eye-movement sleep controlling regions of the brainstem reticular formation in GAD67-green fluorescent protein knock-in mice.
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Evidence of altered epidermal nerve fiber morphology in adults with self-injurious behavior and neurodevelopmental disorders.
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Characterization of some morphological parameters of orbicularis oculi motor neurons in the monkey.
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Aggrecan-based extracellular matrix is an integral part of the human basal ganglia circuit.
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Early motor neuron pool identity and muscle nerve trajectory defined by postmitotic restrictions in Nkx6.1 activity.
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Sensorineural deafness and seizures in mice lacking vesicular glutamate transporter 3.
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Effects of chronic network hyperexcitability on the growth of hippocampal dendrites.
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Heterogeneity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract.
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Impact of sex and hormones on new cells in the developing rat hippocampus: a novel source of sex dimorphism?
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Projections from basal forebrain to prefrontal cortex comprise cholinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic inputs to pyramidal cells or interneurons.
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The nucleus para-retroambiguus: a new group of estrogen receptive cells in the caudal ventrolateral medulla of the female golden hamster.
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Involvement of subtype 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in apoptosis and caspase-7 over-expression in spinal cord of neuropathic rats.
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Maladaptive effects of learning with the less-affected forelimb after focal cortical infarcts in rats.
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Repeated stress alters dendritic spine morphology in the rat medial prefrontal cortex.
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Modular and laminar pathology of Brodmann's area 37 in Alzheimer's disease.
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Two thalamic pathways to primary auditory cortex.
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Unique properties of mesoprefrontal neurons within a dual mesocorticolimbic dopamine system.
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Diminished A-type potassium current and altered firing properties in presympathetic PVN neurones in renovascular hypertensive rats.
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Consequences of impaired purine recycling in dopaminergic neurons.
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Postnatal analysis of the effect of embryonic knockdown and overexpression of candidate dyslexia susceptibility gene homolog Dcdc2 in the rat.
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Androgens predispose males to GABAA-mediated excitotoxicity in the developing hippocampus.
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Cerebellar granule cells transplanted in vivo can follow physiological and unusual migratory routes to integrate into the recipient cortex.
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Conditional genetic labeling of mitral cells of the mouse accessory olfactory bulb to visualize the organization of their apical dendritic tufts.
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Developmental regulation of GABAergic interneuron branching and synaptic development in the prefrontal cortex by soluble neural cell adhesion molecule.
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Different types of nutritional deficiencies affect different domains of spatial memory function checked in a radial arm maze.
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Glutamatergic transmission and plasticity between olfactory bulb mitral cells.
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Sequence of information processing for emotions through pathways linking temporal and insular cortices with the amygdala.
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Connections of cat auditory cortex: II. Commissural system.
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Connections of cat auditory cortex: III. Corticocortical system.
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Connections of cat auditory cortex: I. Thalamocortical system.
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A neurochemical signature of visual recovery after extrastriate cortical damage in the adult cat.
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Systemic inflammation exacerbates behavioral and histopathological consequences of isolated traumatic brain injury in rats.
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Targeting green fluorescent protein to dendritic membrane in central neurons.
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Time constraints and positional cues in the developing cerebellum regulate Purkinje cell placement in the cortical architecture.
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Transient blockage of the CD11d/CD18 integrin reduces contusion volume and macrophage infiltration after traumatic brain injury in rats.
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Cardiovascular function of a glutamatergic projection from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus to the nucleus tractus solitarius in the rat.
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Coincidence detection of convergent perforant path and mossy fibre inputs by CA3 interneurons.
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Bilateral cochlear ablation in postnatal rat disrupts development of banded pattern of projections from the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus to the inferior colliculus.
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Branched projections in the auditory thalamocortical and corticocortical systems.
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Distribution of cholinergic cells in guinea pig brainstem.
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Effects of cochlear ablation on amino acid concentrations in the chinchilla posteroventral cochlear nucleus, as compared to rat.
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Heterogeneous Ca2+ influx along the adult calyx of Held: a structural and computational study.
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Response patterns to sound associated with labeled globular/bushy cells in cat.
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The cytoarchitecture of the inferior colliculus revisited: a common organization of the lateral cortex in rat and cat.
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Cholinergic brainstem neurons modulate cortical gamma activity during slow oscillations.
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Selective lesion of retrotrapezoid Phox2b-expressing neurons raises the apnoeic threshold in rats.
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Neurotoxic lesions at the ventral mesopontine junction change sleep time and muscle activity during sleep: an animal model of motor disorders in sleep.
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Posterior parahippocampal gyrus pathology in Alzheimer's disease.
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Resveratrol, a red wine polyphenol, protects dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-treated mice.
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Synaptic input to dentate granule cell basal dendrites in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Distinct role of long 3' UTR BDNF mRNA in spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons.
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Developmental and comparative aspects of posterior medial thalamocortical innervation of the barrel cortex in mice and rats.
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Tauopathy with paired helical filaments in an aged chimpanzee.
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Abnormal axonal guidance and brain anatomy in mouse mutants for the cell recognition molecules close homolog of L1 and NgCAM-related cell adhesion molecule.
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Expression of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR3B regulates dendrite morphogenesis in spinal motor neurons.
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Angiotensin II-induced hypertension differentially affects estrogen and progestin receptors in central autonomic regulatory areas of female rats.
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Antidepressant drug-induced stimulation of mouse hippocampal neurogenesis is age-dependent and altered by early life stress.
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Changes in parvalbumin immunoreactivity with aging in the central auditory system of the rat.
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TrkB but not trkC receptors are necessary for postnatal maintenance of hippocampal spines.
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Xenografts of expanded primate olfactory ensheathing glia support transient behavioral recovery that is independent of serotonergic or corticospinal axonal regeneration in nude rats following spinal cord transection.
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Cryopreservation of transfected primary dorsal root ganglia neurons.
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The presence of pacemaker HCN channels identifies theta rhythmic GABAergic neurons in the medial septum.
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Postnatal reorganization of primary afferent terminal fields in the rat gustatory brainstem is determined by prenatal dietary history.
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Novelty-induced behavioral traits correlate with numbers of brainstem noradrenergic neurons and septal cholinergic neurons in C57BL/6J mice.
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A re-assessment of erythropoietin as a neuroprotective agent following rat spinal cord compression or contusion injury.
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Neuropathic pain is associated with depressive behaviour and induces neuroplasticity in the amygdala of the rat.
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Ultrastructural examination of diffuse and specific tectopulvinar projections in the tree shrew.
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The spatial distribution of glutamatergic inputs to dendrites of retinal ganglion cells.
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Auditory trace fear conditioning requires perirhinal cortex.
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ERM proteins regulate growth cone responses to Sema3A.
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Modest loss of peripheral axons, muscle atrophy and formation of brain inclusions in mice with targeted deletion of gigaxonin exon 1.
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Inactivation of median preoptic nucleus causes c-Fos expression in hypocretin- and serotonin-containing neurons in anesthetized rat.
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The ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus): organization of connections with the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus.
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Interaction between Reelin and Notch signaling regulates neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex.
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Effects of autoimmunity on recovery of function in adult rats following spinal cord injury.
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Estrous cycle-dependent neural plasticity in the caudal brainstem in the female golden hamster: ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies of axo-dendritic relationships and dynamic remodeling.
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Modest alterations in patterns of motor neuron dendrite morphology in the Fmr1 knockout mouse model for fragile X.
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A new in vitro model of the glial scar inhibits axon growth.
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Autonomous initiation and propagation of action potentials in neurons of the subthalamic nucleus.
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Changes in prodynorphin gene expression and neuronal morphology in the hypothalamus of postmenopausal women.
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Immunization with recombinant Nogo-66 receptor (NgR) promotes axonal regeneration and recovery of function after spinal cord injury in rats.
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Intrinsic connections of the macaque monkey hippocampal formation: I. Dentate gyrus.
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Zincergic innervation from the anterior olfactory nucleus to the olfactory bulb displays plastic responses after mitral cell loss.
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Effects of ethanol on axon outgrowth and branching in developing rat cortical neurons.
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A re-assessment of minocycline as a neuroprotective agent in a rat spinal cord contusion model.
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Sex differences and laterality in astrocyte number and complexity in the adult rat medial amygdala.
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Tuning of synaptic integration in the medial entorhinal cortex to the organization of grid cell firing fields.
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CX3CL1/fractalkine regulates branching and migration of monocyte-derived cells in the mouse olfactory epithelium.
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Contralateral projections of the rat anterior olfactory nucleus.
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Coordinated changes in dendritic arborization and synaptic strength during neural circuit development.
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Excitatory and inhibitory intermediate zone interneurons in pathways from feline group I and II afferents: differences in axonal projections and input.
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HIV-1 Tat and morphine have interactive effects on oligodendrocyte survival and morphology.
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Modulation of the sympathetic response to acute hypoxia by the caudal ventrolateral medulla in rats.
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Galanin is a selective marker of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in rats.
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Anosmin-1 stimulates outgrowth and branching of developing Purkinje axons.
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Estrogen receptor-alpha immunoreactive neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord of the female rhesus monkey: species-specific characteristics.
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Rapid functional maturation of nascent dendritic spines.
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The excitatory neuronal network of the C2 barrel column in mouse primary somatosensory cortex.
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Does the physical disector method provide an accurate estimation of sensory neuron number in rat dorsal root ganglia?
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A direct main olfactory bulb projection to the 'vomeronasal' amygdala in female mice selectively responds to volatile pheromones from males.
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Differential effects of charybdotoxin on the activity of retinal ganglion cells in the dark- and light-adapted mouse retina.
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Tectonigral projections in the primate: a pathway for pre-attentive sensory input to midbrain dopaminergic neurons.
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Functional reorganization in rat somatosensory cortex assessed by fMRI: elastic image registration based on structural landmarks in fMRI images and application to spinal cord injured rats.
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Involvement of ERK phosphorylation in brainstem neurons in modulation of swallowing reflex in rats.
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Passive membrane properties and electrotonic signal processing in retinal rod bipolar cells.
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Age-related changes in GAD levels in the central auditory system of the rat.
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Anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment promotes recovery of manual dexterity after unilateral cervical lesion in adult primates--re-examination and extension of behavioral data.
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AMPA glutamate receptor subunits 1 and 2 regulate dendrite complexity and spine motility in neurons of the developing neocortex.
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Projections to the inferior colliculus from layer VI cells of auditory cortex.
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Advanced technique of infrared LED imaging of unstained cells and intracellular structures in isolated spinal cord, brainstem, ganglia and cerebellum.
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Expression of Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors on phenotypically different cells within the nucleus of the solitary tract in the rat.
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Specific synapses develop preferentially among sister excitatory neurons in the neocortex.
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Experimentally guided modelling of dendritic excitability in rat neocortical pyramidal neurones.
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Roles of mGluR5 in synaptic function and plasticity of the mouse thalamocortical pathway.
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Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity.
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Distribution and progression of amyloid-beta deposits in the amygdala of the aged macaque monkey, and parallels with zinc distribution.
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Androgen rapidly increases dendritic thorns of CA3 neurons in male rat hippocampus.
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Expression of mu- and delta-opioid receptors in song control regions of adult male zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata).
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Impaired cognition, sensorimotor gating, and hippocampal long-term depression in mice lacking the prostaglandin E2 EP2 receptor.
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Protein kinase C activity is associated with prefrontal cortical decline in aging.
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Sensitizing regimens of (+/-)3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) elicit enduring and differential structural alterations in the brain motive circuit of the rat.
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Inhibitory coupling between inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
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Juvenile separation stress induces rapid region- and layer-specific changes in S100ss- and glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactivity in astrocytes of the rodent medial prefrontal cortex.
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Postnatal development of synaptic structure proteins in pyramidal neuron axon initial segments in monkey prefrontal cortex.
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Cholinergic terminals in the ventral horn of adult rat and cat: evidence that glutamate is a cotransmitter at putative interneuron synapses but not at central synapses of motoneurons.
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Odor representations in olfactory cortex: "sparse" coding, global inhibition, and oscillations.
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Sensorimotor behavioral effects of endothelin-1 induced small cortical infarcts in C57BL/6 mice.
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Arsenic exposure disrupts neurite growth and complexity in vitro.
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Cortical serotonin and norepinephrine denervation in parkinsonism: preferential loss of the beaded serotonin innervation.
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Identification of glutathione S-transferase pi as a protein involved in Parkinson disease progression.
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Perirhinal cortex supports acquired fear of auditory objects.
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High-dose corticosteroids after spinal cord injury reduce neural progenitor cell proliferation.
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Intrinsic connections of the macaque monkey hippocampal formation: II. CA3 connections.
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Fatigue reversibly reduced cortical and hippocampal dendritic spines concurrent with compromise of motor endurance and spatial memory.
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Adult-onset deficiency in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I alters oligodendrocyte turnover in the corpus callosum.
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Dendritic spine pathologies in hippocampal pyramidal neurons from Rett syndrome brain and after expression of Rett-associated MECP2 mutations.
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Selective reduction of neuron number and volume of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus in macaques following irradiation at early gestational ages.
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GDNF-enhanced axonal regeneration and myelination following spinal cord injury is mediated by primary effects on neurons.
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Quantitative morphometry of electrophysiologically identified CA3b interneurons reveals robust local geometry and distinct cell classes.
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Synaptic organization of the tectorecipient zone of the rat lateral posterior nucleus.
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Poststroke subgranular and rostral subventricular zone proliferation in a mouse model of neonatal stroke.
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The AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator, S18986, is neuroprotective against neonatal excitotoxic and inflammatory brain damage through BDNF synthesis.
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Upregulation of inward rectifier K+ (Kir2) channels in dentate gyrus granule cells in temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Three-dimensional distribution patterns of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb.
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The microRNA bantam functions in epithelial cells to regulate scaling growth of dendrite arbors in drosophila sensory neurons.
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Morphological and electrophysiological features of motor neurons and putative interneurons in the dorsal vagal complex of rats and mice.
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Exercise attenuates the clinical, synaptic and dendritic abnormalities of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
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Haemopexin affects iron distribution and ferritin expression in mouse brain.
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Interactions between neuroactive steroids and reelin haploinsufficiency in Purkinje cell survival.
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Regional and laminar distribution of the vesicular glutamate transporter, VGluT2, in the macaque monkey auditory cortex.
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VEGF-A and Semaphorin3A: modulators of vascular sympathetic innervation.
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Protection of DFP-induced oxidative damage and neurodegeneration by antioxidants and NMDA receptor antagonist.
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The effect of interferon-beta on mouse neural progenitor cell survival and differentiation.
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Paternal deprivation during infancy results in dendrite- and time-specific changes of dendritic development and spine formation in the orbitofrontal cortex of the biparental rodent Octodon degus.
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Phenotypic diversity and expression of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons during postnatal development in lumbar spinal cord of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67-green fluorescent protein mice.
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Regulation of cortical microcircuits by unitary GABA-mediated volume transmission.
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Quantifying perivascular sympathetic innervation: regional differences in male C57BL/6 mice at 3 and 20 months.
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Acid sensitivity and ultrastructure of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in Phox2b-EGFP transgenic mice.
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Activation of the retrotrapezoid nucleus by posterior hypothalamic stimulation.
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Diabetes induces neural degeneration in nucleus ambiguus (NA) and attenuates heart rate control in OVE26 mice.
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Different distributions of calbindin and calretinin immunostaining across the medial and dorsal divisions of the mouse medial geniculate body.
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Flexible spike timing of layer 5 neurons during dynamic beta oscillation shifts in rat prefrontal cortex.
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A novel GABAergic afferent input to the pontine reticular formation: the mesopontine GABAergic column.
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Distribution of high-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in rat vestibular epithelia.
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Reticulospinal neurons in the pontomedullary reticular formation of the monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
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Delta-catenin is required for the maintenance of neural structure and function in mature cortex in vivo.
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Dystrophic dendrites in prefrontal cortical pyramidal cells of dopamine D1 and D2 but not D4 receptor knockout mice.
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Functional correlates of activity in neurons projecting from the lamina terminalis to the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray.
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Morphology of retinal ganglion cells in the ferret (Mustela putorius furo).
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Photostimulation of channelrhodopsin-2 expressing ventrolateral medullary neurons increases sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure in rats.
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c-Fos protein expression is increased in cholinergic neurons of the rodent basal forebrain during spontaneous and induced wakefulness.
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Diurnal rhythm and stress regulate dendritic architecture and spine density of pyramidal neurons in the rat infralimbic cortex.
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Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) modulates GABAergic inhibition and seizure susceptibility.
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Kalirin loss results in cortical morphological alterations.
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CHL1 cooperates with PAK1-3 to regulate morphological differentiation of embryonic cortical neurons.
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Fos-Tau-LacZ mice reveal sex differences in brainstem c-fos activation in response to mild carbon dioxide exposure.
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A disynaptic relay from superior colliculus to dorsal stream visual cortex in macaque monkey.
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Immunochemical characterization of inhibitory mouse cortical neurons: three chemically distinct classes of inhibitory cells.
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Impact of dendritic spine preservation in medium spiny neurons on dopamine graft efficacy and the expression of dyskinesias in parkinsonian rats.
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Methamphetamine facilitates female sexual behavior and enhances neuronal activation in the medial amygdala and ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
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Prox1 expression in rod precursors and Muller cells.
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Membrane potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving mice.
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Spinogenesis and pruning in the primary auditory cortex of the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis): an intracellular injection study of layer III pyramidal cells.
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Visualization and quantification of NAD(H) in brain sections by a novel histo-enzymatic nitrotetrazolium blue staining technique.
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Chronic expression of low levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the substantia nigra elicits progressive neurodegeneration, delayed motor symptoms and microglia/macrophage activation.
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Contribution of the dorsal subiculum to memory for temporal order and novelty detection using objects, odors, or spatial locations in the rat.
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Differential effect of glutamate receptor blockade on dendritic outgrowth in chicken lumbar motoneurons.
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Fas activation increases neural progenitor cell survival.
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Initial loss but later excess of GABAergic synapses with dentate granule cells in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Selective long-term reorganization of the corticospinal projection from the supplementary motor cortex following recovery from lateral motor cortex injury.
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Pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus causes acute interneuron loss and hyper-excitatory propagation in rat insular cortex.
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Forebrain projections of arcuate neurokinin B neurons demonstrated by anterograde tract-tracing and monosodium glutamate lesions in the rat.
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Subthalamic nucleus evokes similar long lasting glutamatergic excitations in pallidal, entopeduncular and nigral neurons in the basal ganglia slice.
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Mechanical contributions to astrocyte adhesion using a novel in vitro model of catheter obstruction.
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Cognitive recovery in the aged rat after stroke and anti-Nogo-A immunotherapy.
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Alterations of the cortico-cortical network in sensori-motor areas of dystrophin deficient mice.
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A universal property of axonal and dendritic arbors.
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Electrotonic coupling between pyramidal neurons in the neocortex.
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A1 receptor mediated adenosinergic regulation of perifornical-lateral hypothalamic area neurons in freely behaving rats.
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High content screening of cortical neurons identifies novel regulators of axon growth.
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The immediate large-scale dendritic plasticity of cortical pyramidal neurons subjected to acute epidural compression.
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Anti-inflammatory treatment in AD mice protects against neuronal pathology.
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Automatic reconstruction of 3D neuron structures using a graph-augmented deformable model.
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Unitary inhibitory field potentials in the CA3 region of rat hippocampus.
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Intrinsic membrane properties of pre-oromotor neurons in the intermediate zone of the medullary reticular formation.
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A simple but accurate method for histological reconstruction of the large-sized brain tissue of the human that is applicable to construction of digitized brain database.
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Extracerebellar role for Cerebellin1: modulation of dendritic spine density and synapses in striatal medium spiny neurons.
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Natural history of cutaneous innervation following herpes zoster.
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Discovery of a proneurogenic, neuroprotective chemical.
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Areas of cat auditory cortex as defined by neurofilament proteins expressing SMI-32.
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GABAergic neurons intermingled with orexin and MCH neurons in the lateral hypothalamus discharge maximally during sleep.
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Identification of a Chr 11 quantitative trait locus that modulates proliferation in the rostral migratory stream of the adult mouse brain.
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Post-hatch oral estrogen in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata): is infertility due to disrupted testes morphology or reduced copulatory behavior?
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Acute neuroprotection by the synaptic blocker botulinum neurotoxin E in a rat model of focal cerebral ischaemia.
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Effects of neonatal flutamide treatment on hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptogenesis correlate with depression-like behaviors in preadolescent male rats.
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From dendrite to soma: dynamic routing of inhibition by complementary interneuron microcircuits in olfactory cortex.
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Cellular and subcellular localization of the neuron-specific plasma membrane calcium ATPase PMCA1a in the rat brain.
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Substrates of auditory frequency integration in a nucleus of the lateral lemniscus.
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Purkinje cell-specific knockout of the protein phosphatase PP2B impairs potentiation and cerebellar motor learning.
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Mefloquine induces oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in primary rat cortical neurons.
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Non-syndromic mild mental retardation candidate gene CDKL3 regulates neuronal morphogenesis.
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Neurexin-neuroligin cell adhesion complexes contribute to synaptotropic dendritogenesis via growth stabilization mechanisms in vivo.
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Distinct types of non-cholinergic pedunculopontine neurons are differentially modulated during global brain states.
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Ultrastructural characterization of the optic pathway in a mouse model of neurofibromatosis-1 optic glioma.
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Location-specific activation of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus by localized inflammation.
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Nna1 mediates Purkinje cell dendritic development via lysyl oxidase propeptide and NF-kappaB signaling.
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Spatial representation along the proximodistal axis of CA1.
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Evidence of cell-nonautonomous changes in dendrite and dendritic spine morphology in the met-signaling-deficient mouse forebrain.
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Properties of axon terminals contacting intermediate zone excitatory and inhibitory premotor interneurons with monosynaptic input from group I and II muscle afferents.
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Monosynaptic excitatory inputs to spinal lamina I anterolateral-tract-projecting neurons from neighbouring lamina I neurons.
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Endocannabinoid involvement in endometriosis.
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Loss of dopaminergic neurons and resulting behavioural deficits in mouse model of Angelman syndrome.
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Organization and neurochemical properties of intersegmental interneurons in the lumbar enlargement of the adult rat.
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Post-traumatic seizure susceptibility is attenuated by hypothermia therapy.
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Synergistic effects of environmental risk factors and gene mutations in Parkinson's disease accelerate age-related neurodegeneration.
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Target selection of proprioceptive and motor axon synapses on neonatal V1-derived Ia inhibitory interneurons and Renshaw cells.
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Electrophysiological and structural alterations in striatum associated with behavioral sensitization to (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) in rats: role of drug context.
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Ventromedial and medial preoptic hypothalamic ibotenic acid lesions potentiate systemic morphine analgesia in female, but not male rats.
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Progressive loss of synaptic integrity in human apolipoprotein E4 targeted replacement mice and attenuation by apolipoprotein E2.
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Altered patterning of dentate granule cell mossy fiber inputs onto CA3 pyramidal cells in limbic epilepsy.
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Asymmetrical interhemispheric connections develop in cat visual cortex after early unilateral convergent strabismus: anatomy, physiology, and mechanisms.
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A trigeminoreticular pathway: implications in pain.
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Cerebellar abnormalities following hypoxia alone compared to hypoxic-ischemic forebrain injury in the developing rat brain.
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Diminution of voltage threshold plays a key role in determining recruitment of oculomotor nucleus motoneurons during postnatal development.
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Distinguishing Linear vs. Non-Linear Integration in CA1 Radial Oblique Dendrites: It's about Time.
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Fgfr1 and the IIIc isoform of Fgfr2 play critical roles in the metanephric mesenchyme mediating early inductive events in kidney development.
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Hippocampal phenotypes in kalirin-deficient mice.
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Hypobaric hypoxia modulates brain biogenic amines and disturbs sleep architecture.
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Inhibitory plasticity underlies visual deprivation-induced loss of receptive field refinement in the adult superior colliculus.
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Morphological development of thick-tufted layer v pyramidal cells in the rat somatosensory cortex.
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Onset of Pup Locomotion Coincides with Loss of NR2C/D-Mediated Cortico-Striatal EPSCs and Dampening of Striatal Network Immature Activity.
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Organization and development of zebra finch HVC and paraHVC based on expression of zRalDH, an enzyme associated with retinoic acid production.
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Spinogenesis and Pruning in the Anterior Ventral Inferotemporal Cortex of the Macaque Monkey: An Intracellular Injection Study of Layer III Pyramidal Cells.
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A sex comparison of the anatomy and function of the main olfactory bulb-medial amygdala projection in mice.
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Cxcr7 controls neuronal migration by regulating chemokine responsiveness.
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The effects of embryonic knockdown of the candidate dyslexia susceptibility gene homologue Dyx1c1 on the distribution of GABAergic neurons in the cerebral cortex.
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Integration and propagation of somatosensory responses in the corticostriatal pathway: an intracellular study in vivo.
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Substance P induces the reversible formation of varicosities in the dendrites of rat brainstem neurons.
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Experience-dependent plasticity and modulation of growth regulatory molecules at central synapses.
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Brief ampakine treatments slow the progression of Huntington's disease phenotypes in R6/2 mice.
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Cholinergic modulation amplifies the intrinsic oscillatory properties of CA1 hippocampal cholecystokinin-positive interneurons.
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Neuroinflammation is associated with changes in glial mGluR5 expression and the development of neonatal excitotoxic lesions.
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Regular mosaic of synaptic contacts among three retinal neurons.
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Topography and morphology of the inhibitory projection from superior olivary nucleus to nucleus laminaris in chickens (Gallus gallus).
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Chronic stress-induced hippocampal dendritic retraction requires CA3 NMDA receptors.
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Atlas of transgenic Tet-Off Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and prion protein promoter activity in the mouse brain.
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Regulation of visceral sympathetic tone by A5 noradrenergic neurons in rodents.
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Humanized Foxp2 specifically affects cortico-basal ganglia circuits.
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Cell-poor septa separate representations of digits in the ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus in monkeys and prosimian galagos.
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G-CSF administration to adult mice stimulates the proliferation of microglia but does not modify the outcome of ischemic injury.
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Serine racemase deletion disrupts memory for order and alters cortical dendritic morphology.
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Genetic disruption of Met signaling impairs GABAergic striatal development and cognition.
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Estrogen and aging affect the synaptic distribution of estrogen receptor beta-immunoreactivity in the CA1 region of female rat hippocampus.
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Inhibition of the caudal pressor area reduces cardiorespiratory chemoreflex responses.
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Morphological and electrophysiological properties of pyramidal-like neurons in the stratum oriens of Cornu ammonis 1 and Cornu ammonis 2 area of Proechimys.
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Dense inhibitory connectivity in neocortex.
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Synaptic mechanisms underlying sparse coding of active touch.
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Before or after does it matter? Different protocols of environmental enrichment differently influence motor, synaptic and structural deficits of cerebellar origin.
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Both Schwann cell and axonal defects cause motor peripheral neuropathy in Ebf2-/- mice.
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CD47 knockout mice exhibit improved recovery from spinal cord injury.
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Distinct core thalamocortical pathways to central and dorsal primary auditory cortex.
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Local connection patterns of parvalbumin-positive inhibitory interneurons in rat primary auditory cortex.
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The capabilities and limitations of conductance-based compartmental neuron models with reduced branched or unbranched morphologies and active dendrites.
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The role of amygdaloid brain-derived neurotrophic factor, activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein and dendritic spines in anxiety and alcoholism.
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Cell type-specific and activity-dependent dynamics of action potential-evoked Ca2+ signals in dendrites of hippocampal inhibitory interneurons.
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Functional connectivity of the main intercalated nucleus of the mouse amygdala.
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Morphometry of hilar ectopic granule cells in the rat.
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Prefrontal pathways target excitatory and inhibitory systems in memory-related medial temporal cortices.
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Superior colliculus connections with visual thalamus in gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis): evidence for four subdivisions within the pulvinar complex.
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Multiple origins of cholinergic innervation of the cochlear nucleus.
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Comparison of auditory responses in the medial geniculate and pontine gray of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus.
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Prenatal programming by testosterone of hypothalamic metabolic control neurones in the ewe.
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Adhesion molecule L1 overexpressed under the control of the neuronal Thy-1 promoter improves myelination after peripheral nerve injury in adult mice.
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Granule cell dispersion in temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with changes in dendritic orientation and spine distribution.
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Hippocampus lesions induced deficits in social and spatial recognition in Octodon degus.
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Sexual dimorphism in locus coeruleus dendritic morphology: a structural basis for sex differences in emotional arousal.
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Structure and function of bistratified intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in the mouse.
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An alpha-synuclein AAV gene silencing vector ameliorates a behavioral deficit in a rat model of Parkinson's disease, but displays toxicity in dopamine neurons.
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Serotonin transporter knockout and repeated social defeat stress: impact on neuronal morphology and plasticity in limbic brain areas.
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Progression of neurodegeneration and morphologic changes in the brains of juvenile mice with selenoprotein P deleted.
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Deletion of oligodendrocyte Cx32 and astrocyte Cx43 causes white matter vacuolation, astrocyte loss and early mortality.
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Neurochemical organization and experience-dependent activation of estrogen-associated circuits in the songbird auditory forebrain.
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Degree and pattern of calbindin immunoreactivity in granule cells of the dentate gyrus differ in mesial temporal sclerosis, cortical malformation- and tumor-related epilepsies.
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Modulation of dendritic spines and synaptic function by Rac1: a possible link to Fragile X syndrome pathology.
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Multiple clusters of release sites formed by individual thalamic afferents onto cortical interneurons ensure reliable transmission.
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Vagal intramuscular array afferents form complexes with interstitial cells of Cajal in gastrointestinal smooth muscle: analogues of muscle spindle organs?
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Dim light at night provokes depression-like behaviors and reduces CA1 dendritic spine density in female hamsters.
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Long-term consequences of a prolonged febrile seizure in a dual pathology model.
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Morphologic integration of hilar ectopic granule cells into dentate gyrus circuitry in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Unilateral entorhinal denervation leads to long-lasting dendritic alterations of mouse hippocampal granule cells.
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Teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 modulates dendritic morphology in hippocampal neurons and decreases anxiety-like behaviors in rats.
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c-Fos expression in neurons projecting from the preoptic and lateral hypothalamic areas to the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray in relation to sleep states.
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A synaptic strategy for consolidation of convergent visuotopic maps.
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Follow-up psychophysical studies in bortezomib-related chemoneuropathy patients.
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Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 promotes sensory axonal growth after SCI.
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Raphe serotonin neurons are not homogenous: electrophysiological, morphological and neurochemical evidence.
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Subthalamic nucleus high-frequency stimulation generates a concomitant synaptic excitation-inhibition in substantia nigra pars reticulata.
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Localization of presynaptic inputs on dendrites of individually labeled neurons in three dimensional space using a center distance algorithm.
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A quantitative study of neuronal nitric oxide synthase expression in laminae I-III of the rat spinal dorsal horn.
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Limited availability of ZBP1 restricts axonal mRNA localization and nerve regeneration capacity.
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Structural and functional differences between neuropathy with and without pain?
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Coherent phasic excitation during hippocampal ripples.
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Genome-wide activity-dependent MeCP2 phosphorylation regulates nervous system development and function.
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Different expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase family members in rat dorsal root ganglia and their changes after peripheral nerve injury.
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Lateral habenular neurons projecting to reward-processing monoaminergic nuclei express hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotid-gated cation channels.
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Age-dependent remodelling of inhibitory synapses onto hippocampal CA1 oriens-lacunosum moleculare interneurons.
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Postsynaptic diacylglycerol lipase mediates retrograde endocannabinoid suppression of inhibition in mouse prefrontal cortex.
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Cyclin E constrains Cdk5 activity to regulate synaptic plasticity and memory formation.
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Nak regulates localization of clathrin sites in higher-order dendrites to promote local dendrite growth.
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Patterns of spinal sensory-motor connectivity prescribed by a dorsoventral positional template.
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Inputs to the midbrain dopaminergic complex in the rat, with emphasis on extended amygdala-recipient sectors.
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Seizures in early life suppress hippocampal dendrite growth while impairing spatial learning.
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Aging-related alterations in orexin/hypocretin modulation of septo-hippocampal amino acid neurotransmission.
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Automated analysis of spines from confocal laser microscopy images: application to the discrimination of androgen and estrogen effects on spinogenesis.
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Carvedilol as a potential novel agent for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
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Contributions of mature granule cells to structural plasticity in temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Gender and manganese exposure interactions on mouse striatal neuron morphology.
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Glutamatergic input is selectively increased in dorsal raphe subfield 5-HT neurons: role of morphology, topography and selective innervation.
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Neuroinflammation not associated with cholinergic degeneration in aged-impaired brain.
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Rac1-regulated dendritic spine remodeling contributes to neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury.
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Parallel regulation of feedforward inhibition and excitation during whisker map plasticity.
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Neuralized1 activates CPEB3: a function for nonproteolytic ubiquitin in synaptic plasticity and memory storage.
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Complex receptor mediation of acute ketamine application on in vitro gamma oscillations in mouse prefrontal cortex: modeling gamma band oscillation abnormalities in schizophrenia.
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Control of the central chemoreflex by A5 noradrenergic neurons in rats.
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Dexamethasone induces apoptosis in the developing rat amygdala in an age-, region-, and sex-specific manner.
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Orexinergic neuron numbers in three species of African mole rats with rhythmic and arrhythmic chronotypes.
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Synapse formation in adult barrel cortex following naturalistic environmental enrichment.
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TC10beta/CDC42 GTPase activating protein is required for the growth of cortical neuron dendrites.
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Digital reconstructions of neuronal morphology: three decades of research trends.
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Disrupted-in-schizophrenia (DISC1) functions presynaptically at glutamatergic synapses.
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Emergent functional properties of neuronal networks with controlled topology.
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Functional recovery after cerebellar damage is related to GAP-43-mediated reactive responses of pre-cerebellar and deep cerebellar nuclei.
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High-fat diet exacerbates MPTP-induced dopaminergic degeneration in mice.
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Morphological alterations in newly born dentate gyrus granule cells that emerge after status epilepticus contribute to make them less excitable.
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Morphology of superior colliculus- and middle temporal area-projecting neurons in primate primary visual cortex.
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Multisynaptic inputs from the medial temporal lobe to V4 in macaques.
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Photoperiod mediated changes in olfactory bulb neurogenesis and olfactory behavior in male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus).
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The insula of Reil revisited: multiarchitectonic organization in macaque monkeys.
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Changes in the serotonergic system and in brain-derived neurotrophic factor distribution in the main olfactory bulb of pcd mice before and after mitral cell loss.
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Integrins establish dendrite-substrate relationships that promote dendritic self-avoidance and patterning in drosophila sensory neurons.
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An anticholinergic reverses motor control and corticostriatal LTD deficits in Dyt1 DeltaGAG knock-in mice.
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Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide.
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Anti-CD11d monoclonal antibody treatment for rat spinal cord compression injury.
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A reassessment of P2X7 receptor inhibition as a neuroprotective strategy in rat models of contusion injury.
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Comparison of Cbln1 and Cbln2 functions using transgenic and knockout mice.
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Contextual learning increases dendrite complexity and EphrinB2 levels in hippocampal mouse neurons.
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Interneuron loss reduces dendritic inhibition and GABA release in hippocampus of aged rats.
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Phenotypic analysis of astrocytes derived from glial restricted precursors and their impact on axon regeneration.
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Posttraumatic hypothermia increases doublecortin expressing neurons in the dentate gyrus after traumatic brain injury in the rat.
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Rac1b increases with progressive tau pathology within cholinergic nucleus basalis neurons in Alzheimer's disease.
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Synaptic dysfunction in progranulin-deficient mice.
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The NMDA receptor co-agonists, D-serine and glycine, regulate neuronal dendritic architecture in the somatosensory cortex.
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Intrinsic morphological diversity of thick-tufted layer 5 pyramidal neurons ensures robust and invariant properties of in silico synaptic connections.
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Prenatal stress alters hippocampal synaptic plasticity in young rat offspring through preventing the proteolytic conversion of pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to mature BDNF.
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Pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and subsequent spontaneous seizures: lack of effect on the number of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-positive neurons in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Transsynaptic tracing of conditioned eyeblink circuits in the mouse cerebellum.
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3-Dimensional morphometric analysis of murine bladder development and dysmorphogenesis.
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Characterization of axo-axonic synapses in the piriform cortex of Mus musculus.
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Metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent long-term depression is impaired due to elevated ERK signaling in the DeltaRG mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex.
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LAR receptor tyrosine phosphatases and HSPGs guide peripheral sensory axons to the skin.
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A radial glia-specific role of RhoA in double cortex formation.
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Cytoarchitecture and cortical connections of the anterior cingulate and adjacent somatomotor fields in the rhesus monkey.
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Chemical genetic identification of NDR1/2 kinase substrates AAK1 and Rabin8 Uncovers their roles in dendrite arborization and spine development.
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Sonic hedgehog expression in corticofugal projection neurons directs cortical microcircuit formation.
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The effects of nigrostriatal dopamine depletion on the thalamic parafascicular nucleus.
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Basal anxiety-like behavior predicts differences in dendritic morphology in the medial prefrontal cortex in two strains of rats.
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Deletion of the amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2) does not affect hippocampal neuron morphology or function.
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Excitatory inputs to four types of spinocerebellar tract neurons in the cat and the rat thoraco-lumbar spinal cord.
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Nuclear factor-kappaB activation in Schwann cells regulates regeneration and remyelination.
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Prostaglandin E2 is an endogenous modulator of cerebellar development and complex behavior during a sensitive postnatal period.
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Retinal input influences the size and corticocortical connectivity of visual cortex during postnatal development in the ferret.
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Hub GABA neurons mediate gamma-frequency oscillations at ictal-like event onset in the immature hippocampus.
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Alteration of hepatic structure and oxidative stress induced by intravenous nanoceria.
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Clustered dynamics of inhibitory synapses and dendritic spines in the adult neocortex.
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Organization of hyperactive microglial cells in trigeminal spinal subnucleus caudalis and upper cervical spinal cord associated with orofacial neuropathic pain.
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Anti-streptococcus IgM antibodies induce repetitive stereotyped movements: cell activation and co-localization with Fcalpha/mu receptors in the striatum and motor cortex.
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Pink1-deficiency in mice impairs gait, olfaction and serotonergic innervation of the olfactory bulb.
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Role of adenylate cyclase 1 in retinofugal map development.
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Undersized dendritic arborizations in retinal ganglion cells of the rd1 mutant mouse: a paradigm of early onset photoreceptor degeneration.
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Morphology and innervation of the vestibular lagena in pigeons.
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Salubrinal, an endoplasmic reticulum stress blocker, modulates sleep homeostasis and activation of sleep- and wake-regulatory neurons.
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Nicotine-induced dendritic remodeling in the insular cortex.
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Sensory experience restructures thalamocortical axons during adulthood.
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Neuronal D-serine regulates dendritic architecture in the somatosensory cortex.
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A chemical genetic approach identifies piperazine antipsychotics as promoters of CNS neurite growth on inhibitory substrates.
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Failure of lower motor neuron radial outgrowth precedes retrograde degeneration in a feline model of spinal muscular atrophy.
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Organization of the auditory brainstem in a lizard, Gekko gecko. I. Auditory nerve, cochlear nuclei, and superior olivary nuclei.
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Overexpression of HGF attenuates the degeneration of Purkinje cells and Bergmann glia in a knockin mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 7.
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Spinal nerve ligation decreases gamma-aminobutyric acidB receptors on specific populations of immunohistochemically identified neurons in L5 dorsal root ganglion of the rat.
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The Cbln family of proteins interact with multiple signaling pathways.
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Pontomedullary and hypothalamic distribution of Fos-like immunoreactive neurons after acute exercise in rats.
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Revisiting the hippocampal-amygdala pathway in primates: association with immature-appearing neurons.
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C1 neurons excite locus coeruleus and A5 noradrenergic neurons along with sympathetic outflow in rats.
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Compensatory redistribution of neuroligins and N-cadherin following deletion of synaptic beta1-integrin.
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Cortical projections to the superior colliculus in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnetti).
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Somato-dendritic morphology and dendritic signal transfer properties differentiate between fore- and hindlimb innervating motoneurons in the frog Rana esculenta.
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P4-ATPase ATP8A2 acts in synergy with CDC50A to enhance neurite outgrowth.
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Fibroblast growth factor 13 is a microtubule-stabilizing protein regulating neuronal polarization and migration.
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Age-related changes in calbindin and calretinin immunoreactivity in the central auditory system of the rat.
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Organization and number of orexinergic neurons in the hypothalamus of two species of Cetartiodactyla: a comparison of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
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High-performance and site-directed in utero electroporation by a triple-electrode probe.
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Prenatal dexamethasone selectively decreases calretinin expression in the adult female lateral amygdala.
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Snapin recruits dynein to BDNF-TrkB signaling endosomes for retrograde axonal transport and is essential for dendrite growth of cortical neurons.
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Two distinct channels of olfactory bulb output.
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Amyloid precursor protein (APP) regulates synaptic structure and function.
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Astrocytes in the rat medial amygdala are responsive to adult androgens.
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Impact of chorda tympani nerve injury on cell survival, axon maintenance, and morphology of the chorda tympani nerve terminal field in the nucleus of the solitary tract.
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Differential staining of glia and neurons by modified Golgi-Cox method.
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Morphological, neurochemical and electrophysiological features of parvalbumin-expressing cells: a likely source of axo-axonic inputs in the mouse spinal dorsal horn.
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Morphology of axonal projections from the high vocal center to vocal motor cortex in songbirds.
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Selectivity and persistent firing responses to social vocalizations in the basolateral amygdala.
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mGluR5 knockout mice display increased dendritic spine densities.
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CTCF is required for neural development and stochastic expression of clustered Pcdh genes in neurons.
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MASTR: a technique for mosaic mutant analysis with spatial and temporal control of recombination using conditional floxed alleles in mice.
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Prdm3 and Prdm16 are H3K9me1 methyltransferases required for mammalian heterochromatin integrity.
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Cholinergic dysregulation produced by selective inactivation of the dystonia-associated protein torsinA.
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mGlu1alpha-dependent recruitment of excitatory GABAergic input to neocortical Cajal-Retzius cells.
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Postinjury treatment with rolipram increases hemorrhage after traumatic brain injury.
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Excessive activation of mTOR in postnatally generated granule cells is sufficient to cause epilepsy.
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Regulation of hippocampus-dependent memory by the zinc finger protein Zbtb20 in mature CA1 neurons.
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Prepro-thyrotropin releasing hormone expressing neurons in the juxtaparaventricular region of the lateral hypothalamus are activated by leptin and altered by prenatal glucocorticoid exposure.
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Amino acid concentrations in the hamster central auditory system and long-term effects of intense tone exposure.
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Anatomical plasticity in the adult zebra finch song system.
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Comparison of the activation of somatostatin- and neuropeptide Y-containing neuronal populations of the rat amygdala following two different anxiogenic stressors.
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Ultrastructural analysis of rat ventrolateral periaqueductal gray projections to the A5 cell group.
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Intrinsic excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurones from the rat dorsal and ventral hippocampus.
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Hippocampal pyramidal neurons comprise two distinct cell types that are countermodulated by metabotropic receptors.
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Efferent synapses return to inner hair cells in the aging cochlea.
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Lack of tau proteins rescues neuronal cell death and decreases amyloidogenic processing of APP in APP/PS1 mice.
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Phosphodiesterase isoform-specific expression induced by traumatic brain injury.
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Inhibitory inputs to four types of spinocerebellar tract neurons in the cat spinal cord.
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Dye fills reveal additional olfactory tracts in the protocerebrum of wild-type Drosophila.
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Cortical feedback control of olfactory bulb circuits.
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Exposure to dexamethasone during late gestation causes female-specific decreases in core body temperature and prepro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats.
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GABAergic control of retinal ganglion cell dendritic development.
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Invasion of lesion territory by regenerating fibers after spinal cord injury in adult macaque monkeys.
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Neurotransmitter phenotypes of descending systems in the rat lumbar spinal cord.
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Adolescent changes in dopamine D1 receptor expression in orbitofrontal cortex and piriform cortex accompany an associative learning deficit.
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A model-based prediction of the calcium responses in the striatal synaptic spines depending on the timing of cortical and dopaminergic inputs and post-synaptic spikes.
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Continuously delivered ovarian steroids do not alter dendritic spine density or morphology in macaque dorsolateral prefrontal cortical neurons.
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Diminished trkA receptor signaling reveals cholinergic-attentional vulnerability of aging.
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Early enriched environment exposure protects spatial memory and accelerates amyloid plaque formation in APP(Swe)/PS1(L166P) mice.
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Multiple effects of beta-amyloid on single excitatory synaptic connections in the PFC.
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Neuronize: a tool for building realistic neuronal cell morphologies.
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On lateral septum-like characteristics of outputs from the accumbal hedonic "hotspot" of Pecina and Berridge with commentary on the transitional nature of basal forebrain "boundaries".
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Postnatal development of layer III pyramidal cells in the primary visual, inferior temporal, and prefrontal cortices of the marmoset.
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Pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers of rat retrosplenial cortex exhibit a late-spiking firing property.
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Transplantation of D15A-expressing glial-restricted-precursor-derived astrocytes improves anatomical and locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury.
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Effects of early rolipram treatment on histopathological outcome after controlled cortical impact injury in mice.
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Neocortical somatostatin-expressing GABAergic interneurons disinhibit the thalamorecipient layer 4.
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Effort-Based Reward (EBR) training enhances neurobiological efficiency in a problem-solving task: insights for depression therapies.
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Evidence for layer-specific differences in auditory corticocollicular neurons.
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DCC expression by neurons regulates synaptic plasticity in the adult brain.
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Adolescent gain in positive valence of a socially relevant stimulus: engagement of the mesocorticolimbic reward circuitry.
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Neonatal whisker clipping alters behavior, neuronal structure and neural activity in adult rats.
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Perseverative instrumental and Pavlovian responding to conditioned stimuli in serotonin transporter knockout rats.
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Probing tissue microstructure with restriction spectrum imaging: Histological and theoretical validation.
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Contact repulsion controls the dispersion and final distribution of Cajal-Retzius cells.
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alpha2-containing GABAA receptors expressed in hippocampal region CA3 control fast network oscillations.
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Fast spiking interneuron control of seizure propagation in a cortical slice model of focal epilepsy.
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Depletion of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) increases CA3 dendritic arborization and increases vulnerability to excitotoxicity.
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Efficient 18F labeling of cysteine-containing peptides and proteins using tetrazine-trans-cyclooctene ligation.
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Enhanced mGlu5-receptor dependent long-term depression at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse of congenitally learned helpless rats.
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The alpha-subunit of the trimeric GTPase Go2 regulates axonal growth.
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Pubertal testosterone programs context-appropriate agonistic behavior and associated neural activation patterns in male Syrian hamsters.
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Motor cortex electrical stimulation promotes axon outgrowth to brain stem and spinal targets that control the forelimb impaired by unilateral corticospinal injury.
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Prenatal stress delays inhibitory neuron progenitor migration in the developing neocortex.
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Viral transduction of the neonatal brain delivers controllable genetic mosaicism for visualising and manipulating neuronal circuits in vivo.
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Distribution and intrinsic membrane properties of basal forebrain GABAergic and parvalbumin neurons in the mouse.
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Silencing the majority of cerebellar granule cells uncovers their essential role in motor learning and consolidation.
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3D model of frequency representation in the cochlear nucleus of the CBA/J mouse.
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Alterations in the motor neuron-renshaw cell circuit in the Sod1(G93A) mouse model.
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Analysis of excitatory synapses in the guinea pig inferior colliculus: a study using electron microscopy and GABA immunocytochemistry.
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Arterial chemoreceptor activation reduces the activity of parapyramidal serotonergic neurons in rats.
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Astroglial IFITM3 mediates neuronal impairments following neonatal immune challenge in mice.
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Cortical projections to the superior colliculus in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri).
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Differential expression of vesicular glutamate transporters 1 and 2 may identify distinct modes of glutamatergic transmission in the macaque visual system.
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Gestational protein restriction induces CA3 dendritic atrophy in dorsal hippocampal neurons but does not alter learning and memory performance in adult offspring.
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Projections from the rat cuneiform nucleus to the A7, A6 (locus coeruleus), and A5 pontine noradrenergic cell groups.
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Projections of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnettii) and VGLUT2 staining of the visual pulvinar.
Description: Baldwin, Mary K L, et al. Projections of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnettii) and VGLUT2 staining of the visual pulvinar. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2013 May 1; '''521''' (7):1664-82
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass reverses the effects of diet-induced obesity to inhibit the responsiveness of central vagal motoneurones.
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Autism-associated neuroligin-3 mutations commonly disrupt tonic endocannabinoid signaling.
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Litter size, age-related memory impairments, and microglial changes in rat dentate gyrus: stereological analysis and three dimensional morphometry.
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Cerebral origins of the auditory projection to the superior colliculus of the cat.
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Dysregulation of neonatal hippocampal cell genesis in the androgen insensitive Tfm rat.
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Laminar and connectional organization of a multisensory cortex.
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Late exercise reduces neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury.
Description: Piao, Chun-Shu, et al. Late exercise reduces neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2013 Jun; '''54''': 252-63
Subtle microstructural changes of the striatum in a DYT1 knock-in mouse model of dystonia.
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Transient acidification and subsequent proinflammatory cytokine stimulation of astrocytes induce distinct activation phenotypes.
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Dscam expression levels determine presynaptic arbor sizes in Drosophila sensory neurons.
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Ascending and descending propriospinal pathways between lumbar and cervical segments in the rat: evidence for a substantial ascending excitatory pathway.
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mSYD1A, a mammalian synapse-defective-1 protein, regulates synaptogenic signaling and vesicle docking.
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Spillover-mediated feedforward inhibition functionally segregates interneuron activity.
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The relationship of anatomical and functional connectivity to resting-state connectivity in primate somatosensory cortex.
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Androgen receptors mediate masculinization of astrocytes in the rat posterodorsal medial amygdala during puberty.
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Corticospinal sprouting occurs selectively following dorsal rhizotomy in the macaque monkey.
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Adhesion molecule L1 binds to amyloid beta and reduces Alzheimer's disease pathology in mice.
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Axon initial segment structural plasticity in animal models of genetic and acquired epilepsy.
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Fear extinction deficits following acute stress associate with increased spine density and dendritic retraction in basolateral amygdala neurons.
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Small molecule p75NTR ligand prevents cognitive deficits and neurite degeneration in an Alzheimer's mouse model.
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The progressive development of depression-like behavior in corticosterone-treated rats is paralleled by slowed granule cell maturation and decreased reelin expression in the adult dentate gyrus.
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Heterogeneous responses of nucleus incertus neurons to corticotrophin-releasing factor and coherent activity with hippocampal theta rhythm in the rat.
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Intrinsic horizontal connections process global tactile features in the primary somatosensory cortex: neuroanatomical evidence.
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Repeated restraint stress exerts different impact on structure of neurons in the lateral and basal nuclei of the amygdala.
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A subset of presympathetic-premotor neurons within the centrally projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus expresses urocortin-1.
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Dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase1 ablation accelerates peripheral nerve regeneration.
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Monosynaptic convergence of chorda tympani and glossopharyngeal afferents onto ascending relay neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract: a high-resolution confocal and correlative electron microscopy approach.
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Post-stroke protection from maladaptive effects of learning with the non-paretic forelimb by bimanual home cage experience in C57BL/6 mice.
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Laminar and columnar development of barrel cortex relies on thalamocortical neurotransmission.
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beta1-Integrin cytoskeletal signaling regulates sensory neuron response to matrix dimensionality.
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Embryonic disruption of the candidate dyslexia susceptibility gene homolog Kiaa0319-like results in neuronal migration disorders.
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Exogenous melatonin reproduces the effects of short day lengths on hippocampal function in male white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus.
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Physiology and morphology of inverted pyramidal neurons in the rodent neocortex.
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Erbb4 deletion from fast-spiking interneurons causes schizophrenia-like phenotypes.
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Amygdala projections to the lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the macaque: comparison with ventral striatal afferents.
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Antidepressant and anxiolytic potential of the multimodal antidepressant vortioxetine (Lu AA21004) assessed by behavioural and neurogenesis outcomes in mice.
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Ba2+- and bupivacaine-sensitive background K+ conductances mediate rapid EPSP attenuation in oligodendrocyte precursor cells.
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Burn injury-induced mechanical allodynia is maintained by Rac1-regulated dendritic spine dysgenesis.
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Genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) promote axonal regeneration and prevent hypersensitivity after spinal cord injury.
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Influence of inter-field communication on neuronal response synchrony across auditory cortex.
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Rapid hippocampal network adaptation to recurring synchronous activity--a role for calcineurin.
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Synaptic muscarinic response types in hippocampal CA1 interneurons depend on different levels of presynaptic activity and different muscarinic receptor subtypes.
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Christianson syndrome protein NHE6 modulates TrkB endosomal signaling required for neuronal circuit development.
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Commissural nucleus of the solitary tract regulates the antihypertensive effects elicited by moxonidine.
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Atlastin-1 regulates dendritic morphogenesis in mouse cerebral cortex.
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Cortical connections to single digit representations in area 3b of somatosensory cortex in squirrel monkeys and prosimian galagos.
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Global view of the functional molecular organization of the avian cerebrum: mirror images and functional columns.
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Modulation of semaphorin3A in perineuronal nets during structural plasticity in the adult cerebellum.
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Nerve growth factor induces sensitization of nociceptors without evidence for increased intraepidermal nerve fiber density.
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Water-tight membranes from neuronal morphology files.
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Auditory cortical axons contact commissural cells throughout the guinea pig inferior colliculus.
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Environmental enrichment rescues DYRK1A activity and hippocampal adult neurogenesis in TgDyrk1A.
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Functional differences between neurochemically defined populations of inhibitory interneurons in the rat spinal dorsal horn.
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Morphological changes among hippocampal dentate granule cells exposed to early kindling-epileptogenesis.
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Satellite glial cell proliferation in the trigeminal ganglia after chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve.
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Thalamic input to representations of the teeth, tongue, and face in somatosensory area 3b of macaque monkeys.
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Novel song-stimulated dendritic spine formation and Arc/Arg3.1 expression in zebra finch auditory telencephalon are disrupted by cannabinoid agonism.
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Parallel prefrontal pathways reach distinct excitatory and inhibitory systems in memory-related rhinal cortices.
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Terminal distribution of the corticospinal projection from the hand/arm region of the primary motor cortex to the cervical enlargement in rhesus monkey.
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GENSAT BAC cre-recombinase driver lines to study the functional organization of cerebral cortical and basal ganglia circuits.
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Very-long-range disynaptic V1 connections through layer 6 pyramidal neurons revealed by transneuronal tracing with rabies virus.
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Expression of maternal behavior and activation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during predatory threat exposure: modulatory effects of transport stress.
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A novel function for proSAAS as an amyloid anti-aggregant in Alzheimer's disease.
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Chrna5 genotype determines the long-lasting effects of developmental in vivo nicotine exposure on prefrontal attention circuitry.
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Effects of the angiotensin-(1-7) receptor Mas on cell proliferation and on the population of doublecortin positive cells within the dentate gyrus and the piriform cortex.
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Innate immune activation in the pathogenesis of a murine model of globoid cell leukodystrophy.
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Neuroprotective ferulic acid (FA)-glycol chitosan (GC) nanoparticles for functional restoration of traumatically injured spinal cord.
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Oleoylethanolamide reduces L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia via TRPV1 receptor in a mouse model of Parkinson s disease.
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Prefrontal cognitive deficits in mice with altered cerebral cortical GABAergic interneurons.
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Subtle microstructural changes of the cerebellum in a knock-in mouse model of DYT1 dystonia.
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Spiking irregularity and frequency modulate the behavioral report of single-neuron stimulation.
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BDNF and NT4 play interchangeable roles in gustatory development.
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Corticocortical projections to representations of the teeth, tongue, and face in somatosensory area 3b of macaques.
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Mechanisms by which a CACNA1H mutation in epilepsy patients increases seizure susceptibility.
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Physical (in)activity-dependent structural plasticity in bulbospinal catecholaminergic neurons of rat rostral ventrolateral medulla.
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Rapid functional reorganization of the forelimb cortical representation after thoracic spinal cord injury in adult rats.
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Vitamin E is essential for Purkinje neuron integrity.
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Stereological and ultrastructural quantification of the afferent synaptome of individual neurons.
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Tonotopic organization of vertical cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the CBA/J mouse.
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Dendrite self-avoidance requires cell-autonomous slit/robo signaling in cerebellar purkinje cells.
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Targeting alpha-synuclein with a microRNA-embedded silencing vector in the rat substantia nigra: positive and negative effects.
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Investigation into the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on postnatal spine development and expression of synaptophysin and PSD95 in rat hippocampus.
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Probing NMDA receptor GluN2A and GluN2B subunit expression and distribution in cortical neurons.
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PTEN knockdown alters dendritic spine/protrusion morphology, not density.
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Ventriculomegaly associated with ependymal gliosis and declines in barrier integrity in the aging human and mouse brain.
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Axonal control of the adult neural stem cell niche.
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Melatonin treatment during early life interacts with restraint to alter neuronal morphology and provoke depressive-like responses.
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Translaminar inhibitory cells recruited by layer 6 corticothalamic neurons suppress visual cortex.
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A supercritical density of Na(+) channels ensures fast signaling in GABAergic interneuron axons.
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Cytosolic phospholipase A2 protein as a novel therapeutic target for spinal cord injury.
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Matrix metalloproteinase-3 is a possible mediator of neurodevelopmental impairment due to polyI:C-induced innate immune activation of astrocytes.
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Trim9 regulates activity-dependent fine-scale topography in Drosophila.
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Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates synaptic and behavioral plasticity to repeated cocaine administration.
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Greater excitability and firing irregularity of tufted cells underlies distinct afferent-evoked activity of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells.
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The precise temporal pattern of prehearing spontaneous activity is necessary for tonotopic map refinement.
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Npas4 regulates excitatory-inhibitory balance within neural circuits through cell-type-specific gene programs.
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Connectivity of somatosensory cortical area 1 forms an anatomical substrate for the emergence of multifinger receptive fields and complex feature selectivity in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).
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Omega-3 deficiency and neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra: involvement of increased nitric oxide production and reduced BDNF expression.
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Timing of light pulses and photoperiod on the diurnal rhythm of hippocampal neuronal morphology of Siberian hamsters.
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Distinct lineage-dependent structural and functional organization of the hippocampus.
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PTEN inhibitor bisperoxovanadium protects oligodendrocytes and myelin and prevents neuronal atrophy in adult rats following cervical hemicontusive spinal cord injury.
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Axotomy-induced target disconnection promotes an additional death mechanism involved in motoneuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenic mice.
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Chronic caffeine ingestion causes microglia activation, but not proliferation in the healthy brain.
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Combined two-photon imaging, electrophysiological, and anatomical investigation of the human neocortex in vitro.
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Early fear memory defects are associated with altered synaptic plasticity and molecular architecture in the TgCRND8 Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
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Huntingtin is required for normal excitatory synapse development in cortical and striatal circuits.
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Cerebellar stem cells do not produce neurons and astrocytes in adult mouse.
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Antidepressant-like effects of cortical deep brain stimulation coincide with pro-neuroplastic adaptations of serotonin systems.
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Branching angles of pyramidal cell dendrites follow common geometrical design principles in different cortical areas.
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Involvement of glial activation in trigeminal ganglion in a rat model of lower gingival cancer pain.
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Mouse strain and brain region-specific expression of the glutaminyl cyclases QC and isoQC.
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N-cadherin regulates molecular organization of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic circuits in adult hippocampus in vivo.
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A semicircular controlled cortical impact produces long-term motor and cognitive dysfunction that correlates well with damage to both the sensorimotor cortex and hippocampus.
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Phasic dopaminergic activity exerts fast control of cholinergic interneuron firing via sequential NMDA, D2, and D1 receptor activation.
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Altered neurotransmission in the lateral amygdala in aged human apoE4 targeted replacement mice.
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Chronic D-serine reverses arc expression and partially rescues dendritic abnormalities in a mouse model of NMDA receptor hypofunction.
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Early postnatal exposure to ultrafine particulate matter air pollution: persistent ventriculomegaly, neurochemical disruption, and glial activation preferentially in male mice.
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Exogenous dehydroisoandrosterone sulfate reverses the dendritic changes of the central neurons in aging male rats.
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Feedforward and feedback connections and their relation to the cytox modules of V2 in Cebus monkeys.
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Histological features of layers and sublayers in cortical visual areas V1 and V2 of chimpanzees, macaque monkeys, and humans.
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Increased neuronal expression of neurokinin-1 receptor and stimulus-evoked internalization of the receptor in the rostral ventromedial medulla of the rat after peripheral inflammatory injury.
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Independent control of gamma and theta activity by distinct interneuron networks in the olfactory bulb.
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Morphological and behavioral evidence for impaired prefrontal cortical function in female CB1 receptor deficient mice.
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N-myristoylation regulates the axonal distribution of the Fragile X-related protein FXR2P.
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Corticospinal sprouting differs according to spinal injury location and cortical origin in macaque monkeys.
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Reelin signaling specifies the molecular identity of the pyramidal neuron distal dendritic compartment.
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Developmental shaping of dendritic arbors in Drosophila relies on tightly regulated intra-neuronal activity of protein kinase A (PKA).
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Lateral hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone neurons: distribution and relationship to histochemically defined cell populations in the rat.
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Tegaserod, a small compound mimetic of polysialic acid, promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice.
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Local CRH signaling promotes synaptogenesis and circuit integration of adult-born neurons.
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Appraisal of the effect of brain impregnation duration on neuronal staining and morphology in a modified Golgi-Cox method.
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Astrocytic plasticity as a possible mediator of the cognitive improvements after environmental enrichment in aged rats.
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Developmental remodeling of corticocortical feedback circuits in ferret visual cortex.
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Effects of neonatal treatment with the TRPV1 agonist, capsaicin, on adult rat brain and behaviour.
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Experience-dependent remodeling of basket cell networks in the dentate gyrus.
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'Silent' mitral cells dominate odor responses in the olfactory bulb of awake mice.
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Early intrinsic hyperexcitability does not contribute to motoneuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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A general principle governs vision-dependent dendritic patterning of retinal ganglion cells.
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Cortical innervation of the hypoglossal nucleus in the non-human primate (Macaca mulatta).
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Local and commissural IC neurons make axosomatic inputs on large GABAergic tectothalamic neurons.
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Loss of mitochondrial fission depletes axonal mitochondria in midbrain dopamine neurons.
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Superficial layer pyramidal cells communicate heterogeneously between multiple functional domains of cat primary visual cortex.
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Neurite-J: an image-J plug-in for axonal growth analysis in organotypic cultures.
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Cell type-specific plasticity of striatal projection neurons in parkinsonism and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia.
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Chronic stress induces prolonged suppression of the P2X7 receptor within multiple regions of the hippocampus: a cumulative threshold spectra analysis.
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Environmental enrichment restores CA1 hippocampal LTP and reduces severity of seizures in epileptic mice.
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Improved regeneration after femoral nerve injury in mice lacking functional T- and B-lymphocytes.
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Functional fission of parvalbumin interneuron classes during fast network events.
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hPSC-derived maturing GABAergic interneurons ameliorate seizures and abnormal behavior in epileptic mice.
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Dendritic Na(+) spikes enable cortical input to drive action potential output from hippocampal CA2 pyramidal neurons.
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Activity-based anorexia during adolescence disrupts normal development of the CA1 pyramidal cells in the ventral hippocampus of female rats.
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Ageing and muscular dystrophy differentially affect murine pharyngeal muscles in a region-dependent manner.
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An organization of visual and auditory fear conditioning in the lateral amygdala.
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Beneficial synergistic effects of microdose lithium with pyrroloquinoline quinone in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
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Cell-based reporters reveal in vivo dynamics of dopamine and norepinephrine release in murine cortex.
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The orexinergic neurons receive synaptic input from C1 cells in rats.
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Cortical fosGFP expression reveals broad receptive field excitatory neurons targeted by POm.
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Sex- and age-dependent effects of androgens on glutamate-induced cell death and intracellular calcium regulation in the developing hippocampus.
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Vocalization-whisking coordination and multisensory integration of social signals in rat auditory cortex.
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Thermomineral water promotes axonal sprouting but does not reduce glial scar formation in a mouse model of spinal cord injury.
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Astrocytes refine cortical connectivity at dendritic spines.
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Central inflammatory response to experimental stroke is inhibited by a neuroprotective dose of dietary soy.
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A genuine layer 4 in motor cortex with prototypical synaptic circuit connectivity.
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Acetylcholine release in mouse hippocampal CA1 preferentially activates inhibitory-selective interneurons via alpha4beta2* nicotinic receptor activation.
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Activation of muscarinic receptors by ACh release in hippocampal CA1 depolarizes VIP but has varying effects on parvalbumin-expressing basket cells.
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Acute Putrescine Supplementation with Schwann Cell Implantation Improves Sensory and Serotonergic Axon Growth and Functional Recovery in Spinal Cord Injured Rats.
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A gradual depth-dependent change in connectivity features of supragranular pyramidal cells in rat barrel cortex.
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Chronic Stimulation of Alpha-2A-Adrenoceptors With Guanfacine Protects Rodent Prefrontal Cortex Dendritic Spines and Cognition From the Effects of Chronic Stress.
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Comparison of dendritic calcium transients in juvenile wild type and SOD1(G93A) mouse lumbar motoneurons.
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CREB Regulates Experience-Dependent Spine Formation and Enlargement in Mouse Barrel Cortex.
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Dendritic spine density of prefrontal layer 6 pyramidal neurons in relation to apical dendrite sculpting by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
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Exploring Female Mice Interstrain Differences Relevant for Models of Depression.
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Exposure to a high fat diet during the perinatal period alters vagal motoneurone excitability, even in the absence of obesity.
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Vibrissa Self-Motion and Touch Are Reliably Encoded along the Same Somatosensory Pathway from Brainstem through Thalamus.
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Activation of DREAM (downstream regulatory element antagonistic modulator), a calcium-binding protein, reduces L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in mice.
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Changes in long-range connectivity and neuronal reorganization in partial cortical deafferentation model of epileptogenesis.
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Repeated restraint stress-induced atrophy of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons and decreases in glutamatergic efflux in the rat amygdala are prevented by the antidepressant agomelatine.
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Resveratrol prevents age-related memory and mood dysfunction with increased hippocampal neurogenesis and microvasculature, and reduced glial activation.
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Otx1 promotes basal dendritic growth and regulates intrinsic electrophysiological and synaptic properties of layer V pyramidal neurons in mouse motor cortex.
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7, 8-Dihydroxyflavone induces synapse expression of AMPA GluA1 and ameliorates cognitive and spine abnormalities in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome.
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Astrocytic dynamin-like protein 1 regulates neuronal protection against excitotoxicity in Parkinson disease.
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Biphasic bisperoxovanadium administration and Schwann cell transplantation for repair after cervical contusive spinal cord injury.
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Blockade of excitatory synaptogenesis with proximal dendrites of dentate granule cells following rapamycin treatment in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Early postnatal respiratory viral infection alters hippocampal neurogenesis, cell fate, and neuron morphology in the neonatal piglet.
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Intrinsic mechanisms underlying the neurotrophic activity of adipose derived stem cells.
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Neural progenitor cell transplantation promotes neuroprotection, enhances hippocampal neurogenesis, and improves cognitive outcomes after traumatic brain injury.
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Recombinant adenoassociated virus 2/5-mediated gene transfer is reduced in the aged rat midbrain.
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Structural basis for serotonergic regulation of neural circuits in the mouse olfactory bulb.
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The anterior cingulate cortex is a critical hub for pain-induced depression.
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The effect of propofol postconditioning on the expression of K(+)-Cl(-)-co-transporter 2 in GABAergic inhibitory interneurons of acute ischemia/reperfusion injury rats.
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Characteristic patterns of dendritic remodeling in early-stage glaucoma: evidence from genetically identified retinal ganglion cell types.
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Multiple blocks of intermittent and continuous theta-burst stimulation applied via transcranial magnetic stimulation differently affect sensory responses in rat barrel cortex.
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A barrel-related interneuron in layer 4 of rat somatosensory cortex with a high intrabarrel connectivity.
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Adoptive transfer of M2 macrophages promotes locomotor recovery in adult rats after spinal cord injury.
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Cell type-specific effects of adenosine on cortical neurons.
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Integrity of cortical perineuronal nets influences corticospinal tract plasticity after spinal cord injury.
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PTEN deletion from adult-generated dentate granule cells disrupts granule cell mossy fiber axon structure.
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Single-unit analysis of somatosensory processing in the core auditory cortex of hearing ferrets.
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Structure-function analysis of SAP97, a modular scaffolding protein that drives dendrite growth.
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Repair of spinal cord injury by implantation of bFGF-incorporated HEMA-MOETACL hydrogel in rats.
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Adolescent nicotine alters dendritic morphology in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
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Differential alterations in the morphology and electrophysiology of layer II pyramidal cells in the primary visual cortex of a mouse model prenatally exposed to LPS.
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The spino-bulbar-cerebellar pathway: Activation of neurons projecting to the lateral reticular nucleus in the rat in response to noxious mechanical stimuli.
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A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus.
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Nebulized solvent ablation of aligned PLLA fibers for the study of neurite response to anisotropic-to-isotropic fiber/film transition (AFFT) boundaries in astrocyte-neuron co-cultures.
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Reduced density of dendritic spines in pyramidal neurons of rats exposed to alcohol during early postnatal life.
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Hierarchical microtubule organization controls axon caliber and transport and determines synaptic structure and stability.
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Monoamine Oxidase A is Required for Rapid Dendritic Remodeling in Response to Stress.
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Synapsin III acts downstream of semaphorin 3A/CDK5 signaling to regulate radial migration and orientation of pyramidal neurons in vivo.
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Proximity of excitatory synapses and astroglial gap junctions in layer IV of the mouse barrel cortex.
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Qualitatively different effect of repeated stress during adolescence on principal neuron morphology across lateral and basal nuclei of the rat amygdala.
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L-NIO as a novel mechanism for inducing focal cerebral ischemia in the adult rat brain.
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Brain feminization requires active repression of masculinization via DNA methylation.
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Cortical alterations in a model for absence epilepsy and febrile seizures: in vivo findings in mice carrying a human GABA(A)R gamma2 subunit mutation.
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Functional and structural deficits of the dentate gyrus network coincide with emerging spontaneous seizures in an Scn1a mutant Dravet Syndrome model during development.
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Immunohistochemical study on the neuronal diversity and three-dimensional organization of the mouse entopeduncular nucleus.
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Sex differences and effects of prenatal exposure to excess testosterone on ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons in adult sheep.
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Surviving mossy cells enlarge and receive more excitatory synaptic input in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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A direct GABAergic output from the basal ganglia to frontal cortex.
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Contactin-4 mediates axon-target specificity and functional development of the accessory optic system.
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The SLC36 transporter Pathetic is required for extreme dendrite growth in Drosophila sensory neurons.
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Incubator-independent cell-culture perfusion platform for continuous long-term microelectrode array electrophysiology and time-lapse imaging.
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P2Y(1) receptor mediated neuronal fibre outgrowth in organotypic brain slice co-cultures.
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Forebrain deletion of the dystonia protein torsinA causes dystonic-like movements and loss of striatal cholinergic neurons.
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The GluN2B subunit of N-methy-D-asparate receptor regulates the radial migration of cortical neurons in vivo.
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Fragile X Proteins FMRP and FXR2P Control Synaptic GluA1 Expression and Neuronal Maturation via Distinct Mechanisms.
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Embryonic Origin of Postnatal Neural Stem Cells.
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Novel function of PIWIL1 in neuronal polarization and migration via regulation of microtubule-associated proteins.
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In Vivo Two-Photon Imaging of Dendritic Spines in Marmoset Neocortex
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Olfactory ensheathing cell-neurite alignment enhances neurite outgrowth in scar-like cultures.
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Reorganization of corticospinal tract fibers after spinal cord injury in adult macaques.
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Selective Impairment of Spatial Cognition Caused by Autoantibodies to the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor.
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State-dependent control of breathing by the retrotrapezoid nucleus.
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Imipramine protects against the deleterious effects of chronic corticosterone on depression-like behavior, hippocampal reelin expression, and neuronal maturation.
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Neuritin reverses deficits in murine novel object associative recognition memory caused by exposure to extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields.
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Functional effects of distinct innervation styles of pyramidal cells by fast spiking cortical interneurons.
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Experience-dependent regulation of tissue-type plasminogen activator in the mouse barrel cortex.
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Effects of Danggui-Shaoyao-San on the Influence of Spatial Learning and Memory Induced by Experimental Tooth Movement.
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Chronic stress exacerbates neuronal loss associated with secondary neurodegeneration and suppresses microglial-like cells following focal motor cortex ischemia in the mouse.
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Distribution and density of contacts from noradrenergic and serotonergic boutons on the dendrites of neck flexor motoneurons in the adult cat.
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Preliminary evidence of neuropathology in nonhuman primates prenatally exposed to maternal immune activation.
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Sex-specific neuroanatomical correlates of fear expression in prefrontal-amygdala circuits.
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Schedule-induced polydipsia is associated with increased spine density in dorsolateral striatum neurons.
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Exploring the role of MKK7 in excitotoxicity and cerebral ischemia: a novel pharmacological strategy against brain injury.
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Distributions of vesicular glutamate transporters 1 and 2 in the visual system of tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri).
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Internal organization of medial rectus and inferior rectus muscle neurons in the C group of the oculomotor nucleus in monkey.
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Acute theophylline exposure modulates breathing activity through a cervical contusion.
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Amplified somatosensory and visual cortical projections to a core auditory area, the anterior auditory field, following early- and late-onset deafness.
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Partial depletion of striatal dopamine enhances penetrance of cognitive deficits in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Persistence of Functional Sensory Maps in the Absence of Cortical Layers in the Somsatosensory Cortex of Reeler Mice.
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SmartTracing: self-learning-based Neuron reconstruction.
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Treadmill training induced lumbar motoneuron dendritic plasticity and behavior recovery in adult rats after a thoracic contusive spinal cord injury.
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Clonally Related Forebrain Interneurons Disperse Broadly across Both Functional Areas and Structural Boundaries.
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Impaired adult hippocampal neurogenesis and its partial reversal by chronic treatment of fluoxetine in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome.
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Postnatal reduction of BDNF regulates the developmental remodeling of taste bud innervation.
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BDNF over-expression increases olfactory bulb granule cell dendritic spine density in vivo.
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Estrogen receptor KO mice study on rapid modulation of spines and long-term depression in the hippocampus.
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Cortical and Clonal Contribution of Tbr2 Expressing Progenitors in the Developing Mouse Brain.
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Cytoarchitecture and cortical connections of the anterior insula and adjacent frontal motor fields in the rhesus monkey.
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Developmental stage-dependent impact of midazolam on calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin expression in the immature rat medial prefrontal cortex during the brain growth spurt.
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Establishing a Statistical Link between Network Oscillations and Neural Synchrony.
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Functional heterogeneity of calretinin-expressing neurons in the mouse superficial dorsal horn: implications for spinal pain processing.
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Genetic Mapping in Mice Reveals the Involvement of Pcdh9 in Long-Term Social and Object Recognition and Sensorimotor Development.
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Possible neural network mediating jaw opening during prey-catching behavior of the frog.
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Potential role of adolescent alcohol exposure-induced amygdaloid histone modifications in anxiety and alcohol intake during adulthood.
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Spinal cord neuron inputs to the cuneate nucleus that partially survive dorsal column lesions: A pathway that could contribute to recovery after spinal cord injury.
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Stress induced risk-aversion is reverted by D2/D3 agonist in the rat.
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The choroid plexus transcriptome reveals changes in type I and II interferon responses in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
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The organisation of spinoparabrachial neurons in the mouse.
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Cadherin-13, a risk gene for ADHD and comorbid disorders, impacts GABAergic function in hippocampus and cognition.
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Convergence of Lemniscal and Local Excitatory Inputs on Large GABAergic Tectothalamic Neurons.
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Differential Modification of Cortical and Thalamic Projections to Cat Primary Auditory Cortex Following Early- and Late-Onset Deafness.
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The LRR receptor Islr2 is required for retinal axon routing at the vertebrate optic chiasm.
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Beyond Columnar Organization: Cell Type- and Target Layer-Specific Principles of Horizontal Axon Projection Patterns in Rat Vibrissal Cortex.
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Biphasic plasticity of dendritic fields in layer V motor neurons in response to motor learning.
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Clonal Analysis of Newborn Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cell Proliferation and Development in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Combined effects of exposure to dim light at night and fine particulate matter on C3H/HeNHsd mice.
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Developmental origin of abnormal dendritic growth in the mouse brain induced by in utero disruption of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling.
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Molecular and Electrophysiological Characterization of GABAergic Interneurons Expressing the Transcription Factor COUP-TFII in the Adult Human Temporal Cortex.
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Morphology, innervation, and peripheral sensory cells of the siphon of aplysia californica.
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Naltrexone treatment reverses astrocyte atrophy and immune dysfunction in self-harming macaques.
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Serotonin Attenuates Feedback Excitation onto O-LM Interneurons.
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Sources of input to the rostromedial tegmental nucleus, ventral tegmental area, and lateral habenula compared: A study in rat.
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Synaptic Conductance Estimates of the Connection Between Local Inhibitor Interneurons and Pyramidal Neurons in Layer 2/3 of a Cortical Column.
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Taste Bud-Derived BDNF Is Required to Maintain Normal Amounts of Innervation to Adult Taste Buds.
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The disorganized visual cortex in reelin-deficient mice is functional and allows for enhanced plasticity.
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Abnormalities in synaptic dynamics during development in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1.
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Bird embryos uncover homology and evolution of the dinosaur ankle.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated mutant profilin 1 increases dendritic arborisation and spine formation in primary hippocampal neurons.
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Characterizing VIP Neurons in the Barrel Cortex of VIPcre/tdTomato Mice Reveals Layer-Specific Differences.
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Cholesterol-loaded nanoparticles ameliorate synaptic and cognitive function in Huntington's disease mice.
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Dendritic and Axonal Architecture of Individual Pyramidal Neurons across Layers of Adult Human Neocortex.
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Molecularly Defined Circuitry Reveals Input-Output Segregation in Deep Layers of the Medial Entorhinal Cortex.
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Fine-tuned SRF activity controls asymmetrical neuronal outgrowth: implications for cortical migration, neural tissue lamination and circuit assembly.
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GGGGCC microsatellite RNA is neuritically localized, induces branching defects, and perturbs transport granule function.
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NG2 glia are required for vessel network formation during embryonic development.
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In Vivo Monosynaptic Excitatory Transmission between Layer 2 Cortical Pyramidal Neurons.
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A dendritic organization of lateral amygdala neurons in fear susceptible and resistant mice.
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A Novel Form of Compensation in the Tg2576 Amyloid Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
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Functional Improvement after Photothrombotic Stroke in Rats Is Associated with Different Patterns of Dendritic Plasticity after G-CSF Treatment and G-CSF Treatment Combined with Concomitant or Sequential Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy.
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In Utero Bisphenol A Exposure Induces Abnormal Neuronal Migration in the Cerebral Cortex of Mice.
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Is Remodelling of Corticospinal Tract Terminations Originating in the Intact Hemisphere Associated with Recovery following Transient Ischaemic Stroke in the Rat?
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Lamin B1 protein is required for dendrite development in primary mouse cortical neurons.
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M30 Antagonizes Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Activation and Neurodegeneration Induced by Corticosterone in the Hippocampus.
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Morphological Characteristics of Electrophysiologically Characterized Layer Vb Pyramidal Cells in Rat Barrel Cortex.
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Mice null for NEDD9 (HEF1alpha) display extensive hippocampal dendritic spine loss and cognitive impairment.
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Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injury.
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Thalamocortical Connections Drive Intracortical Activation of Functional Columns in the Mislaminated Reeler Somatosensory Cortex.
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Excitatory Cerebellar Nucleocortical Circuit Provides Internal Amplification during Associative Conditioning.
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Metformin promotes tau aggregation and exacerbates abnormal behavior in a mouse model of tauopathy.
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Nucleobindin 1 (NUCB1) is a Golgi-resident marker of neurons.
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Ataxin-3 phosphorylation decreases neuronal defects in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 models.
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Maintenance of aversive memories shown by fear extinction-impaired phenotypes is associated with increased activity in the amygdaloid-prefrontal circuit.
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Inhibitory Synapses Are Repeatedly Assembled and Removed at Persistent Sites In Vivo.
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Traumatic Brain Injury Causes Aberrant Migration of Adult-Born Neurons in the Hippocampus.
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Depolarizing GABA/glycine synaptic events switch from excitation to inhibition during frequency increases.
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A combined electrophysiological and morphological study of neuropeptide Y-expressing inhibitory interneurons in the spinal dorsal horn of the mouse.
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Characterization of dendritic morphology and neurotransmitter phenotype of thoracic descending propriospinal neurons after complete spinal cord transection and GDNF treatment.
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Conserved size and periodicity of pyramidal patches in layer 2 of medial/caudal entorhinal cortex.
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Cortical and thalamic connectivity of the auditory anterior ectosylvian cortex of early-deaf cats: Implications for neural mechanisms of crossmodal plasticity.
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Differential effects of myelin basic protein-activated Th1 and Th2 cells on the local immune microenvironment of injured spinal cord.
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Mapping the electrophysiological and morphological properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons along the longitudinal hippocampal axis.
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Methodology for computing white matter nerve fiber orientation in human histological slices.
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Mitochondrial fission protein Drp1 regulates mitochondrial transport and dendritic arborization in cerebellar Purkinje cells.
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Only a Minority of the Inhibitory Inputs to Cerebellar Golgi Cells Originates from Local GABAergic Cells.
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The Effect of Lesion Size on the Organization of the Ipsilesional and Contralesional Motor Cortex.
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Vagal Intramuscular Arrays: The Specialized Mechanoreceptor Arbors That Innervate the Smooth Muscle Layers of the Stomach Examined in the Rat.
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Cartilage-specific deletion of ephrin-B2 in mice results in early developmental defects and an osteoarthritis-like phenotype during aging in vivo.
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A method for detailed analysis of the structure of mast cell secretory granules by negative contrast imaging.
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Vascular Influence on Ventral Telencephalic Progenitors and Neocortical Interneuron Production.
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Deletion of JMJD2B in neurons leads to defective spine maturation, hyperactive behavior and memory deficits in mouse.
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Classic cadherin expressions balance postnatal neuronal positioning and dendrite dynamics to elaborate the specific cytoarchitecture of the mouse cortical area.
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Different Patterns of Cortical Inputs to Subregions of the Primary Motor Cortex Hand Representation in Cebus apella.
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Effect of behavioral testing on spine density of basal dendrites in the CA1 region of the hippocampus modulated by (56)Fe irradiation.
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Guanfacine promotes neuronal survival in medial prefrontal cortex under hypobaric hypoxia.
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NgR1: A Tunable Sensor Regulating Memory Formation, Synaptic, and Dendritic Plasticity.
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Partial neurorescue effects of DHA following a 6-OHDA lesion of the mouse dopaminergic system.
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Predegenerated Schwann cells--a novel prospect for cell therapy for glaucoma: neuroprotection, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity.
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Real-time high dynamic range laser scanning microscopy.
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The neostriatum: two entities, one structure?
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Structural development and dorsoventral maturation of the medial entorhinal cortex.
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Novel 3D light microscopic analysis of IUGR placentas points to a morphological correlate of compensated ischemic placental disease in humans.
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Pontine reticulospinal projections in the neonatal mouse: Internal organization and axon trajectories.
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Low excitatory innervation balances high intrinsic excitability of immature dentate neurons.
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Morphological Substrates for Parallel Streams of Corticogeniculate Feedback Originating in Both V1 and V2 of the Macaque Monkey.
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Abnormal UP/DOWN Membrane Potential Dynamics Coupled with the Neocortical Slow Oscillation in Dentate Granule Cells during the Latent Phase of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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A controlled spinal cord contusion for the rhesus macaque monkey.
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Activation of corticotropin releasing factor-containing neurons in the rat central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis following exposure to two different anxiogenic stressors.
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Architectonic mapping of somatosensory areas involved in skilled forelimb movements and tool use.
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Atrophy of submandibular gland by the duct ligation and a blockade of SP receptor in rats.
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Dentate cannabinoid-sensitive interneurons undergo unique and selective strengthening of mutual synaptic inhibition in experimental epilepsy.
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FGF-2 deficiency causes dysregulation of Arhgef6 and downstream targets in the cerebral cortex accompanied by altered neurite outgrowth and dendritic spine morphology.
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Intracortical connections are altered after long-standing deprivation of dorsal column inputs in the hand region of area 3b in squirrel monkeys.
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Long-Term Treatment with Low Doses of Methamphetamine Promotes Neuronal Differentiation and Strengthens Long-Term Potentiation of Glutamatergic Synapses onto Dentate Granule Neurons.
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Rho GTPase signaling promotes constitutive expression and release of TGF-beta2 by human trabecular meshwork cells.
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Synaptic pruning in the female hippocampus is triggered at puberty by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors on dendritic spines.
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Fbxo30 Regulates Mammopoiesis by Targeting the Bipolar Mitotic Kinesin Eg5.
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An inhibitory corticostriatal pathway.
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A Retroviral CRISPR-Cas9 System for Cellular Autism-Associated Phenotype Discovery in Developing Neurons.
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Effects of developmental hyperserotonemia on the morphology of rat dentate nuclear neurons.
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Postnatal dysregulation of Notch signal disrupts dendrite development of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus and contributes to memory impairment.
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Identification of proliferative progenitors associated with prominent postnatal growth of the pons.
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AhR signaling activation disrupts migration and dendritic growth of olfactory interneurons in the developing mouse.
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Cell-specific synaptic plasticity induced by network oscillations.
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Major Histocompatibility Complex class I proteins are critical for maintaining neuronal structural complexity in the aging brain.
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A Complex Interaction Between Reduced Reelin Expression and Prenatal Organophosphate Exposure Alters Neuronal Cell Morphology.
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Alterations in neuronal morphology in infralimbic cortex predict resistance to fear extinction following acute stress.
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Functional Properties of Dendritic Gap Junctions in Cerebellar Golgi Cells.
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Impact of rapamycin on status epilepticus induced hippocampal pathology and weight gain.
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In vivo imaging of dendritic pruning in dentate granule cells.
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Laminar Differences in Dendritic Structure of Pyramidal Neurons in the Juvenile Rat Somatosensory Cortex.
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Mice Lacking GPR88 Show Motor Deficit, Improved Spatial Learning, and Low Anxiety Reversed by Delta Opioid Antagonist.
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NMNAT2:HSP90 Complex Mediates Proteostasis in Proteinopathies.
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The Pig Olfactory Brain: A Primer.
Description: Brunjes, Peter C, et al. The Pig Olfactory Brain: A Primer. ''Chem Senses''. 2016 Jun; '''41''' (5):415-25
Distribution of catecholaminergic presympathetic-premotor neurons in the rat lower brainstem.
Description: Nam, H, et al. Distribution of catecholaminergic presympathetic-premotor neurons in the rat lower brainstem. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Jun 2; '''324''': 430-45
Neonatal binge alcohol exposure increases microglial activation in the developing rat hippocampus.
Description: Boschen, K E, et al. Neonatal binge alcohol exposure increases microglial activation in the developing rat hippocampus. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Jun 2; '''324''': 355-66
Anatomical organization of presubicular head-direction circuits.
Description: Preston-Ferrer, Patricia, et al. Anatomical organization of presubicular head-direction circuits. ''Elife''. 2016 Jun 10; '''5''':
Alteration of colonic excitatory tachykininergic motility and enteric inflammation following dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurodegeneration.
Description: Pellegrini, Carolina, et al. Alteration of colonic excitatory tachykininergic motility and enteric inflammation following dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurodegeneration. ''J Neuroinflammation''. 2016 Jun 13; '''13''' (1):146
Anatomical Connections of the Functionally Defined "Face Patches" in the Macaque Monkey.
Description: Grimaldi, Piercesare, et al. Anatomical Connections of the Functionally Defined "Face Patches" in the Macaque Monkey. ''Neuron''. 2016 Jun 15; '''90''' (6):1325-1342
Is plasticity within the retrotrapezoid nucleus responsible for the recovery of the PCO2 set-point after carotid body denervation in rats?
Description: Basting, Tyler M, et al. Is plasticity within the retrotrapezoid nucleus responsible for the recovery of the PCO2 set-point after carotid body denervation in rats? ''J Physiol''. 2016 Jun 15; '''594''' (12):3371-90
Role of primary afferents in the developmental regulation of motor axon synapse numbers on Renshaw cells.
Description: Siembab, Valerie C, et al. Role of primary afferents in the developmental regulation of motor axon synapse numbers on Renshaw cells. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Jun 15; '''524''' (9):1892-919
Distinct forms of synaptic inhibition and neuromodulation regulate calretinin-positive neuron excitability in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
Description: Smith, K M, et al. Distinct forms of synaptic inhibition and neuromodulation regulate calretinin-positive neuron excitability in the spinal cord dorsal horn. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Jun 21; '''326''': 10-21
Rolipram improves cognition, reduces anxiety- and despair-like behaviors and impacts hippocampal neuroplasticity after transient global cerebral ischemia.
Description: Soares, Ligia Mendes, et al. Rolipram improves cognition, reduces anxiety- and despair-like behaviors and impacts hippocampal neuroplasticity after transient global cerebral ischemia. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Jun 21; '''326''': 69-83
The polysialic acid mimetics 5-nonyloxytryptamine and vinorelbine facilitate nervous system repair.
Description: Saini, Vedangana, et al. The polysialic acid mimetics 5-nonyloxytryptamine and vinorelbine facilitate nervous system repair. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 21; '''6''': 26927
Unilateral microinjection of acrolein into thoracic spinal cord produces acute and chronic injury and functional deficits.
Description: Gianaris, Alexander, et al. Unilateral microinjection of acrolein into thoracic spinal cord produces acute and chronic injury and functional deficits. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Jun 21; '''326''': 84-94
Distinct lateral inhibitory circuits drive parallel processing of sensory information in the mammalian olfactory bulb.
Description: Geramita, Matthew A, et al. Distinct lateral inhibitory circuits drive parallel processing of sensory information in the mammalian olfactory bulb. ''Elife''. 2016 Jun 28; '''5''':
A single amino acid difference between the intracellular domains of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid-like precursor protein 2 enables induction of synaptic depression and block of long-term potentiation.
Description: Trillaud-Doppia, Emilie, et al. A single amino acid difference between the intracellular domains of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid-like precursor protein 2 enables induction of synaptic depression and block of long-term potentiation. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2016 Jul; '''91''': 94-104
Diffuse traumatic brain injury affects chronic corticosterone function in the rat.
Description: Rowe, Rachel K, et al. Diffuse traumatic brain injury affects chronic corticosterone function in the rat. ''Endocr Connect''. 2016 Jul; '''5''' (4):152-66
Divergent in vivo activity of non-serotonergic and serotonergic VGluT3-neurones in the median raphe region.
Description: Domonkos, Andor, et al. Divergent in vivo activity of non-serotonergic and serotonergic VGluT3-neurones in the median raphe region. ''J Physiol''. 2016 Jul 1; '''594''' (13):3775-90
Dorsal Root Ganglion Infiltration by Macrophages Contributes to Paclitaxel Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy.
Description: Zhang, Hongmei, et al. Dorsal Root Ganglion Infiltration by Macrophages Contributes to Paclitaxel Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. ''J Pain''. 2016 Jul; '''17''' (7):775-86
Glial cell morphological and density changes through the lifespan of rhesus macaques.
Description: Robillard, Katelyn N, et al. Glial cell morphological and density changes through the lifespan of rhesus macaques. ''Brain Behav Immun''. 2016 Jul; '''55''': 60-69
Maternal high-fat diet leads to persistent synaptic instability in mouse offspring via oxidative stress during lactation.
Description: Hatanaka, Yusuke, et al. Maternal high-fat diet leads to persistent synaptic instability in mouse offspring via oxidative stress during lactation. ''Neurochem Int''. 2016 Jul; '''97''': 99-108
Progranulin haploinsufficiency causes biphasic social dominance abnormalities in the tube test.
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Reducing premature KCC2 expression rescues seizure susceptibility and spine morphology in atypical febrile seizures.
Description: Awad, Patricia N, et al. Reducing premature KCC2 expression rescues seizure susceptibility and spine morphology in atypical febrile seizures. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2016 Jul; '''91''': 10-20
Role of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neuronal Development: Mechanism for Wolfram Syndrome.
Description: Cagalinec, Michal, et al. Role of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neuronal Development: Mechanism for Wolfram Syndrome. ''PLoS Biol''. 2016 Jul; '''14''' (7):e1002511
The autism-associated MET receptor tyrosine kinase engages early neuronal growth mechanism and controls glutamatergic circuits development in the forebrain.
Description: Peng, Y, et al. The autism-associated MET receptor tyrosine kinase engages early neuronal growth mechanism and controls glutamatergic circuits development in the forebrain. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2016 Jul; '''21''' (7):925-35
Using a Semi-Automated Strategy to Develop Multi-Compartment Models That Predict Biophysical Properties of Interneuron-Specific 3 (IS3) Cells in Hippocampus.
Description: Guet-McCreight, Alexandre, et al. Using a Semi-Automated Strategy to Develop Multi-Compartment Models That Predict Biophysical Properties of Interneuron-Specific 3 (IS3) Cells in Hippocampus. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Jul-Aug; '''3''' (4):
Vagus nerve stimulation during rehabilitative training enhances recovery of forelimb function after ischemic stroke in aged rats.
Description: Hays, Seth A, et al. Vagus nerve stimulation during rehabilitative training enhances recovery of forelimb function after ischemic stroke in aged rats. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2016 Jul; '''43''': 111-8
High-throughput dual-colour precision imaging for brain-wide connectome with cytoarchitectonic landmarks at the cellular level.
Description: Gong, Hui, et al. High-throughput dual-colour precision imaging for brain-wide connectome with cytoarchitectonic landmarks at the cellular level. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Jul 4; '''7''': 12142
Opposite monosynaptic scaling of BLP-vCA1 inputs governs hopefulness- and helplessness-modulated spatial learning and memory.
Description: Yang, Ying, et al. Opposite monosynaptic scaling of BLP-vCA1 inputs governs hopefulness- and helplessness-modulated spatial learning and memory. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Jul 14; '''7''': 11935
The autism-related gene SNRPN regulates cortical and spine development via controlling nuclear receptor Nr4a1.
Description: Li, Huiping, et al. The autism-related gene SNRPN regulates cortical and spine development via controlling nuclear receptor Nr4a1. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jul 19; '''6''': 29878
Effects of neuregulin-1 administration on neurogenesis in the adult mouse hippocampus, and characterization of immature neurons along the septotemporal axis.
Description: Mahar, Ian, et al. Effects of neuregulin-1 administration on neurogenesis in the adult mouse hippocampus, and characterization of immature neurons along the septotemporal axis. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jul 29; '''6''': 30467
Corticothalamic Spike Transfer via the L5B-POm Pathway in vivo.
Description: Mease, Rebecca A, et al. Corticothalamic Spike Transfer via the L5B-POm Pathway in vivo. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Aug; '''26''' (8):3461-75
Different tonotopic regions of the lateral superior olive receive a similar combination of afferent inputs.
Description: Gomez-Alvarez, Marcelo, et al. Different tonotopic regions of the lateral superior olive receive a similar combination of afferent inputs. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Aug 1; '''524''' (11):2230-50
Effects of Hypocretin/Orexin and Major Transmitters of Arousal on Fast Spiking Neurons in Mouse Cortical Layer 6B.
Description: Wenger Combremont, Anne-Laure, et al. Effects of Hypocretin/Orexin and Major Transmitters of Arousal on Fast Spiking Neurons in Mouse Cortical Layer 6B. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Aug; '''26''' (8):3553-62
Effects of lack of microRNA-34 on the neural circuitry underlying the stress response and anxiety.
Description: Andolina, Diego, et al. Effects of lack of microRNA-34 on the neural circuitry underlying the stress response and anxiety. ''Neuropharmacology''. 2016 Aug; '''107''': 305-316
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5: a target for migraine therapy.
Description: Waung, Maggie W, et al. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5: a target for migraine therapy. ''Ann Clin Transl Neurol''. 2016 Aug; '''3''' (8):560-71
Prenatal alcohol exposure alters synaptic activity of adult hippocampal dentate granule cells under conditions of enriched environment.
Description: Kajimoto, Kenta, et al. Prenatal alcohol exposure alters synaptic activity of adult hippocampal dentate granule cells under conditions of enriched environment. ''Hippocampus''. 2016 Aug; '''26''' (8):1078-87
A Stem Cell Model of the Motor Circuit Uncouples Motor Neuron Death from Hyperexcitability Induced by SMN Deficiency.
Description: Simon, Christian M, et al. A Stem Cell Model of the Motor Circuit Uncouples Motor Neuron Death from Hyperexcitability Induced by SMN Deficiency. ''Cell Rep''. 2016 Aug 2; '''16''' (5):1416-1430
Production of high quality brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) RNA from isolated populations of rat spinal cord motor neurons obtained by Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM).
Description: Mehta, Prachi, et al. Production of high quality brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) RNA from isolated populations of rat spinal cord motor neurons obtained by Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM). ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Aug 3; '''627''': 132-8
Immunostaining for Homer reveals the majority of excitatory synapses in laminae I-III of the mouse spinal dorsal horn.
Description: Gutierrez-Mecinas, Maria, et al. Immunostaining for Homer reveals the majority of excitatory synapses in laminae I-III of the mouse spinal dorsal horn. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Aug 4; '''329''': 171-81
Marked changes in dendritic structure and spine density precede significant neuronal death in vulnerable cortical pyramidal neuron populations in the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Description: Fogarty, Matthew J, et al. Marked changes in dendritic structure and spine density precede significant neuronal death in vulnerable cortical pyramidal neuron populations in the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ''Acta Neuropathol Commun''. 2016 Aug 4; '''4''' (1):77
Electrical coupling regulates layer 1 interneuron microcircuit formation in the neocortex.
Description: Yao, Xing-Hua, et al. Electrical coupling regulates layer 1 interneuron microcircuit formation in the neocortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Aug 11; '''7''': 12229
Neuritin Up-regulates Kv4.2 alpha-Subunit of Potassium Channel Expression and Affects Neuronal Excitability by Regulating the Calcium-Calcineurin-NFATc4 Signaling Pathway.
Description: Yao, Jin-Jing, et al. Neuritin Up-regulates Kv4.2 alpha-Subunit of Potassium Channel Expression and Affects Neuronal Excitability by Regulating the Calcium-Calcineurin-NFATc4 Signaling Pathway. ''J Biol Chem''. 2016 Aug 12; '''291''' (33):17369-81
Development of early-born gamma-Aminobutyric acid hub neurons in mouse hippocampus from embryogenesis to adulthood.
Description: Villette, Vincent, et al. Development of early-born gamma-Aminobutyric acid hub neurons in mouse hippocampus from embryogenesis to adulthood. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Aug 15; '''524''' (12):2440-61
Sex and laterality differences in medial amygdala neurons and astrocytes of adult mice.
Description: Pfau, Daniel R, et al. Sex and laterality differences in medial amygdala neurons and astrocytes of adult mice. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Aug 15; '''524''' (12):2492-502
Topographic organization of the basal forebrain projections to the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortex in rats.
Description: Kondo, Hideki, et al. Topographic organization of the basal forebrain projections to the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortex in rats. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Aug 15; '''524''' (12):2503-15
A human neurodevelopmental model for Williams syndrome.
Description: Chailangkarn, Thanathom, et al. A human neurodevelopmental model for Williams syndrome. ''Nature''. 2016 Aug 18; '''536''' (7616):338-43
Human pyramidal to interneuron synapses are mediated by multi-vesicular release and multiple docked vesicles.
Description: Molnar, Gabor, et al. Human pyramidal to interneuron synapses are mediated by multi-vesicular release and multiple docked vesicles. ''Elife''. 2016 Aug 18; '''5''':
Actions of the antihistaminergic clemastine on presymptomatic SOD1-G93A mice ameliorate ALS disease progression.
Description: Apolloni, Savina, et al. Actions of the antihistaminergic clemastine on presymptomatic SOD1-G93A mice ameliorate ALS disease progression. ''J Neuroinflammation''. 2016 Aug 22; '''13''' (1):191
Loss of promoter IV-driven BDNF expression impacts oscillatory activity during sleep, sensory information processing and fear regulation.
Description: Hill, J L, et al. Loss of promoter IV-driven BDNF expression impacts oscillatory activity during sleep, sensory information processing and fear regulation. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Aug 23; '''6''' (8):e873
Paternal High Fat Diet in Rats Leads to Renal Accumulation of Lipid and Tubular Changes in Adult Offspring.
Description: Chowdhury, Sabiha S, et al. Paternal High Fat Diet in Rats Leads to Renal Accumulation of Lipid and Tubular Changes in Adult Offspring. ''Nutrients''. 2016 Aug 23; '''8''' (9):
Sleep deprivation causes memory deficits by negatively impacting neuronal connectivity in hippocampal area CA1.
Description: Havekes, Robbert, et al. Sleep deprivation causes memory deficits by negatively impacting neuronal connectivity in hippocampal area CA1. ''Elife''. 2016 Aug 23; '''5''':
Anabolic-androgenic steroids decrease dendritic spine density in the nucleus accumbens of male rats.
Description: Wallin-Miller, Kathryn, et al. Anabolic-androgenic steroids decrease dendritic spine density in the nucleus accumbens of male rats. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Aug 25; '''330''': 72-8
Natural-enriched environments lead to enhanced environmental engagement and altered neurobiological resilience.
Description: Lambert, Kelly, et al. Natural-enriched environments lead to enhanced environmental engagement and altered neurobiological resilience. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Aug 25; '''330''': 386-94
A quantitative comparison of the hemispheric, areal, and laminar origins of sensory and motor cortical projections to the superior colliculus of the cat.
Description: Butler, Blake E, et al. A quantitative comparison of the hemispheric, areal, and laminar origins of sensory and motor cortical projections to the superior colliculus of the cat. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Sep 1; '''524''' (13):2623-42
Combined Treatment With Environmental Enrichment and (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Ameliorates Learning Deficits and Hippocampal Alterations in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome.
Description: Catuara-Solarz, Silvina, et al. Combined Treatment With Environmental Enrichment and (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Ameliorates Learning Deficits and Hippocampal Alterations in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Sep-Oct; '''3''' (5):
Delayed erythropoietin therapy improves histological and behavioral outcomes after transient neonatal stroke.
Description: Larpthaveesarp, Amara, et al. Delayed erythropoietin therapy improves histological and behavioral outcomes after transient neonatal stroke. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2016 Sep; '''93''': 57-63
Dendritic branching angles of pyramidal cells across layers of the juvenile rat somatosensory cortex.
Description: Leguey, Ignacio, et al. Dendritic branching angles of pyramidal cells across layers of the juvenile rat somatosensory cortex. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Sep 1; '''524''' (13):2567-76
Developmental changes in the morphology of mouse hypoglossal motor neurons.
Description: Kanjhan, Refik, et al. Developmental changes in the morphology of mouse hypoglossal motor neurons. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2016 Sep; '''221''' (7):3755-86
Distinct neuronal activation patterns are associated with PCP-induced social withdrawal and its reversal by the endocannabinoid-enhancing drug URB597.
Description: Matricon, Julien, et al. Distinct neuronal activation patterns are associated with PCP-induced social withdrawal and its reversal by the endocannabinoid-enhancing drug URB597. ''Neurosci Res''. 2016 Sep; '''110''': 49-58
Distorted Coarse Axon Targeting and Reduced Dendrite Connectivity Underlie Dysosmia after Olfactory Axon Injury.
Description: Murai, Aya, et al. Distorted Coarse Axon Targeting and Reduced Dendrite Connectivity Underlie Dysosmia after Olfactory Axon Injury. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Sep-Oct; '''3''' (5):
Identification of an epidermal keratinocyte AMPA glutamate receptor involved in dermatopathies associated with sensory abnormalities.
Description: Cabanero, David, et al. Identification of an epidermal keratinocyte AMPA glutamate receptor involved in dermatopathies associated with sensory abnormalities. ''Pain Rep''. 2016 Sep; '''1''' (3):
Individual sympathetic postganglionic neurons coinnervate myenteric ganglia and smooth muscle layers in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat.
Description: Walter, Gary C, et al. Individual sympathetic postganglionic neurons coinnervate myenteric ganglia and smooth muscle layers in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Sep 1; '''524''' (13):2577-603
mSWI/SNF (BAF) Complexes Are Indispensable for the Neurogenesis and Development of Embryonic Olfactory Epithelium.
Description: Bachmann, Christina, et al. mSWI/SNF (BAF) Complexes Are Indispensable for the Neurogenesis and Development of Embryonic Olfactory Epithelium. ''PLoS Genet''. 2016 Sep; '''12''' (9):e1006274
Sleep and Serotonin Modulate Paracapsular Nitric Oxide Synthase Expressing Neurons of the Amygdala.
Description: Bocchio, Marco, et al. Sleep and Serotonin Modulate Paracapsular Nitric Oxide Synthase Expressing Neurons of the Amygdala. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Sep-Oct; '''3''' (5):
Subcortical connections of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat. I. afferents.
Description: Tomas Pereira, Ines, et al. Subcortical connections of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat. I. afferents. ''Hippocampus''. 2016 Sep; '''26''' (9):1189-212
Tectothalamic inhibitory projection neurons in the avian torus semicircularis.
Description: Ito, Tetsufumi, et al. Tectothalamic inhibitory projection neurons in the avian torus semicircularis. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Sep 1; '''524''' (13):2604-22
Inhibiting the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter during Development Impairs Memory in Adult Drosophila.
Description: Drago, Ilaria, et al. Inhibiting the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter during Development Impairs Memory in Adult Drosophila. ''Cell Rep''. 2016 Sep 6; '''16''' (10):2763-2776
Differential timing of granule cell production during cerebellum development underlies generation of the foliation pattern.
Description: Legue, Emilie, et al. Differential timing of granule cell production during cerebellum development underlies generation of the foliation pattern. ''Neural Dev''. 2016 Sep 8; '''11''' (1):17
Protective effect of melatonin on soluble Abeta1-42-induced memory impairment, astrogliosis, and synaptic dysfunction via the Musashi1/Notch1/Hes1 signaling pathway in the rat hippocampus.
Description: Zhang, Shuman, et al. Protective effect of melatonin on soluble Abeta1-42-induced memory impairment, astrogliosis, and synaptic dysfunction via the Musashi1/Notch1/Hes1 signaling pathway in the rat hippocampus. ''Alzheimers Res Ther''. 2016 Sep 15; '''8''' (1):40
Sex Differences in Effects of Ketamine on Behavior, Spine Density, and Synaptic Proteins in Socially Isolated Rats.
Description: Sarkar, Ambalika, et al. Sex Differences in Effects of Ketamine on Behavior, Spine Density, and Synaptic Proteins in Socially Isolated Rats. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Sep 15; '''80''' (6):448-456
Chronic corticosterone administration reduces dendritic complexity in mature, but not young granule cells in the rat dentate gyrus.
Description: Yau, Suk-Yu, et al. Chronic corticosterone administration reduces dendritic complexity in mature, but not young granule cells in the rat dentate gyrus. ''Restor Neurol Neurosci''. 2016 Sep 21; '''34''' (5):849-57
Recruitment of inhibition and excitation across mouse visual cortex depends on the hierarchy of interconnecting areas.
Description: D'Souza, Rinaldo David, et al. Recruitment of inhibition and excitation across mouse visual cortex depends on the hierarchy of interconnecting areas. ''Elife''. 2016 Sep 26; '''5''':
Increased GABAB receptor signaling in a rat model for schizophrenia.
Description: Selten, Martijn M, et al. Increased GABAB receptor signaling in a rat model for schizophrenia. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Sep 30; '''6''': 34240
Characterization of neurons in the cortical white matter in human temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Richter, Zsofia, et al. Characterization of neurons in the cortical white matter in human temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Oct 1; '''333''': 140-50
Circuit-Based Corticostriatal Homologies Between Rat and Primate.
Description: Heilbronner, Sarah R, et al. Circuit-Based Corticostriatal Homologies Between Rat and Primate. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Oct 1; '''80''' (7):509-21
Evaluation of the effects of specific opioid receptor agonists in a rodent model of spinal cord injury.
Description: Aceves, M, et al. Evaluation of the effects of specific opioid receptor agonists in a rodent model of spinal cord injury. ''Spinal Cord''. 2016 Oct; '''54''' (10):767-777
Individual Differences in the Alignment of Structural and Functional Markers of the V5/MT Complex in Primates.
Description: Large, I, et al. Individual Differences in the Alignment of Structural and Functional Markers of the V5/MT Complex in Primates. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Oct; '''26''' (10):3928-3944
Late running is not too late against Alzheimer's pathology.
Description: Herring, Arne, et al. Late running is not too late against Alzheimer's pathology. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2016 Oct; '''94''': 44-54
Molecular examination of bone marrow stromal cells and chondroitinase ABC-assisted acellular nerve allograft for peripheral nerve regeneration.
Description: Wang, Ying, et al. Molecular examination of bone marrow stromal cells and chondroitinase ABC-assisted acellular nerve allograft for peripheral nerve regeneration. ''Exp Ther Med''. 2016 Oct; '''12''' (4):1980-1992
Prenatal testosterone exposure decreases colocalization of insulin receptors in kisspeptin/neurokinin B/dynorphin and agouti-related peptide neurons of the adult ewe.
Description: Cernea, Maria, et al. Prenatal testosterone exposure decreases colocalization of insulin receptors in kisspeptin/neurokinin B/dynorphin and agouti-related peptide neurons of the adult ewe. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2016 Oct; '''44''' (8):2557-2568
The delayed strengthening of synaptic connectivity in the amygdala depends on NMDA receptor activation during acute stress.
Description: Yasmin, Farhana, et al. The delayed strengthening of synaptic connectivity in the amygdala depends on NMDA receptor activation during acute stress. ''Physiol Rep''. 2016 Oct; '''4''' (20):
Xenin-induced feeding suppression is not mediated through the activation of central extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in mice.
Description: Kim, Eun Ran, et al. Xenin-induced feeding suppression is not mediated through the activation of central extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in mice. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2016 Oct 1; '''312''': 118-26
Sparse activity of identified dentate granule cells during spatial exploration.
Description: Diamantaki, Maria, et al. Sparse activity of identified dentate granule cells during spatial exploration. ''Elife''. 2016 Oct 3; '''5''':
Loss of Dendritic Complexity Precedes Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model with Disrupted Mitochondrial Distribution in Mature Dendrites.
Description: Lopez-Domenech, Guillermo, et al. Loss of Dendritic Complexity Precedes Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model with Disrupted Mitochondrial Distribution in Mature Dendrites. ''Cell Rep''. 2016 Oct 4; '''17''' (2):317-327
Clonally Related GABAergic Interneurons Do Not Randomly Disperse but Frequently Form Local Clusters in the Forebrain.
Description: Sultan, Khadeejah T, et al. Clonally Related GABAergic Interneurons Do Not Randomly Disperse but Frequently Form Local Clusters in the Forebrain. ''Neuron''. 2016 Oct 5; '''92''' (1):31-44
Engagement of the Rat Hindlimb Motor Cortex across Natural Locomotor Behaviors.
Description: DiGiovanna, Jack, et al. Engagement of the Rat Hindlimb Motor Cortex across Natural Locomotor Behaviors. ''J Neurosci''. 2016 Oct 5; '''36''' (40):10440-10455
Lineage Is a Poor Predictor of Interneuron Positioning within the Forebrain.
Description: Mayer, Christian, et al. Lineage Is a Poor Predictor of Interneuron Positioning within the Forebrain. ''Neuron''. 2016 Oct 5; '''92''' (1):45-51
Unique membrane properties and enhanced signal processing in human neocortical neurons.
Description: Eyal, Guy, et al. Unique membrane properties and enhanced signal processing in human neocortical neurons. ''Elife''. 2016 Oct 6; '''5''':
Conditional Knockout of Breast Carcinoma Amplified Sequence 2 (BCAS2) in Mouse Forebrain Causes Dendritic Malformation via beta-catenin.
Description: Huang, Chu-Wei, et al. Conditional Knockout of Breast Carcinoma Amplified Sequence 2 (BCAS2) in Mouse Forebrain Causes Dendritic Malformation via beta-catenin. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Oct 7; '''6''': 34927
Age, environment, object recognition and morphological diversity of GFAP-immunolabeled astrocytes.
Description: Diniz, Daniel Guerreiro, et al. Age, environment, object recognition and morphological diversity of GFAP-immunolabeled astrocytes. ''Behav Brain Funct''. 2016 Oct 10; '''12''' (1):28
Quantifying and comparing the pattern of thalamic and cortical projections to the posterior auditory field in hearing and deaf cats.
Description: Butler, Blake E, et al. Quantifying and comparing the pattern of thalamic and cortical projections to the posterior auditory field in hearing and deaf cats. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Oct 15; '''524''' (15):3042-63
Direct modulation of GFAP-expressing glia in the arcuate nucleus bi-directionally regulates feeding.
Description: Chen, Naiyan, et al. Direct modulation of GFAP-expressing glia in the arcuate nucleus bi-directionally regulates feeding. ''Elife''. 2016 Oct 18; '''5''':
Selective Enhancement of Dopamine Release in the Ventral Pallidum of Methamphetamine-Sensitized Mice.
Description: Stout, Kristen A, et al. Selective Enhancement of Dopamine Release in the Ventral Pallidum of Methamphetamine-Sensitized Mice. ''ACS Chem Neurosci''. 2016 Oct 19; '''7''' (10):1364-1373
Ablation of Newly Generated Hippocampal Granule Cells Has Disease-Modifying Effects in Epilepsy.
Description: Hosford, Bethany E, et al. Ablation of Newly Generated Hippocampal Granule Cells Has Disease-Modifying Effects in Epilepsy. ''J Neurosci''. 2016 Oct 26; '''36''' (43):11013-11023
Opposite-sex attraction in male mice requires testosterone-dependent regulation of adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis.
Description: Schellino, Roberta, et al. Opposite-sex attraction in male mice requires testosterone-dependent regulation of adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Oct 26; '''6''': 36063
Absence of morphological and molecular correlates of sarcopenia in the macaque tongue muscle styloglossus.
Description: Sokoloff, Alan J, et al. Absence of morphological and molecular correlates of sarcopenia in the macaque tongue muscle styloglossus. ''Exp Gerontol''. 2016 Nov; '''84''': 40-48
A small molecule TrkB/TrkC neurotrophin receptor co-activator with distinctive effects on neuronal survival and process outgrowth.
Description: Yang, Tao, et al. A small molecule TrkB/TrkC neurotrophin receptor co-activator with distinctive effects on neuronal survival and process outgrowth. ''Neuropharmacology''. 2016 Nov; '''110''' (Pt A):343-361
Increased Synaptic Excitation and Abnormal Dendritic Structure of Prefrontal Cortex Layer V Pyramidal Neurons following Prolonged Binge-Like Consumption of Ethanol.
Description: Klenowski, Paul M, et al. Increased Synaptic Excitation and Abnormal Dendritic Structure of Prefrontal Cortex Layer V Pyramidal Neurons following Prolonged Binge-Like Consumption of Ethanol. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Nov-Dec; '''3''' (6):
Ipsilateral and Contralateral Retinal Ganglion Cells Express Distinct Genes during Decussation at the Optic Chiasm.
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Local Circuits of V1 Layer 4B Neurons Projecting to V2 Thick Stripes Define Distinct Cell Classes and Avoid Cytochrome Oxidase Blobs.
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The Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of the Mechanosensory Dorsal Horn.
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Highly Stable Glassy Carbon Interfaces for Long-Term Neural Stimulation and Low-Noise Recording of Brain Activity.
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Identifying the Long-Term Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury Using a Transgenic Mouse Model.
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Alterations of motor cortical microcircuit in a depressive-like mouse model produced by light deprivation.
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Reproductive experience modified dendritic spines on cortical pyramidal neurons to enhance sensory perception and spatial learning in rats.
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Transcriptomic and anatomic parcellation of 5-HT3AR expressing cortical interneuron subtypes revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing.
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ADAM10-Initiated Release of Notch Intracellular Domain Regulates Microtubule Stability and Radial Migration of Cortical Neurons.
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Aldose reductase deficiency leads to oxidative stress-induced dopaminergic neuronal loss and autophagic abnormality in an animal model of Parkinson's disease.
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Binge ethanol in adulthood exacerbates negative outcomes following juvenile traumatic brain injury.
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Convergence of prefrontal and parietal anatomical projections in a connectional hub in the striatum.
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Selective dentate gyrus disruption causes memory impairment at the early stage of experimental multiple sclerosis.
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Sociability Deficits and Altered Amygdala Circuits in Mice Lacking Pcdh10, an Autism Associated Gene.
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Stress-induced structural plasticity of medial amygdala stellate neurons and rapid prevention by a candidate antidepressant.
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Transient cerebellar alterations during development prior to obvious motor phenotype in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6.
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Morphine administration induces change in anxiety-related behavior via Wnt/beta-catenin signaling.
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Prenatal thalamic waves regulate cortical area size prior to sensory processing.
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Entorhinal Cortex dysfunction can be rescued by inhibition of microglial RAGE in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
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Hematopoietic pannexin 1 function is critical for neuropathic pain.
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The Input-Output Relationship of the Cholinergic Basal Forebrain.
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Cerebellar Purkinje cells die by apoptosis in the shaker mutant rat.
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Cholinergic profiles in the Goettingen miniature pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) brain.
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Sex-dependent changes in neuronal morphology and psychosocial behaviors after pediatric brain injury.
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Protective Effect of 17beta-Estradiol Upon Hippocampal Spine Density and Cognitive Function in an Animal Model of Vascular Dementia.
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Loss of dopamine D1 receptors and diminished D1/5 receptor-mediated ERK phosphorylation in the periaqueductal gray after spinal cord lesion.
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S 38093, a histamine H3 antagonist/inverse agonist, promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and improves context discrimination task in aged mice.
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Abnormal Capillary Vasodynamics Contribute to Ictal Neurodegeneration in Epilepsy.
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Afferent Fiber Remodeling in the Somatosensory Thalamus of Mice as a Neural Basis of Somatotopic Reorganization in the Brain and Ectopic Mechanical Hypersensitivity after Peripheral Sensory Nerve Injury.
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Anatomical characterization of subcortical descending projections to the inferior colliculus in mouse.
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Distinct Neural Properties in the Low-Frequency Region of the Chicken Cochlear Nucleus Magnocellularis.
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Laminar Localization and Projection-Specific Properties of Presubicular Neurons Targeting the Lateral Mammillary Nucleus, Thalamus, or Medial Entorhinal Cortex.
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Preprotachykinin A is expressed by a distinct population of excitatory neurons in the mouse superficial spinal dorsal horn including cells that respond to noxious and pruritic stimuli.
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Semi-automatic 3D morphological reconstruction of neurons with densely branching morphology: Application to retinal AII amacrine cells imaged with multi-photon excitation microscopy.
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The Impact of Electrographic Seizures on Developing Hippocampal Dendrites Is Calcineurin Dependent.
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The PRRT2 knockout mouse recapitulates the neurological diseases associated with PRRT2 mutations.
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Valid statistical approaches for analyzing sholl data: Mixed effects versus simple linear models.
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Molecular imaging of nestin in neuroinflammatory conditions reveals marked signal induction in activated microglia.
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Nkx2.1 regulates the generation of telencephalic astrocytes during embryonic development.
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Genetically-directed Sparse Neuronal Labeling in BAC Transgenic Mice through Mononucleotide Repeat Frameshift.
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Stage-specific functions of Semaphorin7A during adult hippocampal neurogenesis rely on distinct receptors.
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Calretinin and Neuropeptide Y interneurons are differentially altered in the motor cortex of the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS.
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Microglial-derived microparticles mediate neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury.
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Effect of 1.8 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on novel object associative recognition memory in mice.
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EM connectomics reveals axonal target variation in a sequence-generating network.
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CREB Signaling Is Involved in Rett Syndrome Pathogenesis.
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Deletion of the Fractalkine Receptor, CX3CR1, Improves Endogenous Repair, Axon Sprouting, and Synaptogenesis after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice.
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Dopamine D1 receptor agonist treatment attenuates extinction of morphine conditioned place preference while increasing dendritic complexity in the nucleus accumbens core.
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Mutation of Kinesin-6 Kif20b causes defects in cortical neuron polarization and morphogenesis.
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Different requirements of functional telomeres in neural stem cells and terminally differentiated neurons.
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Axon topography of layer 6 spiny cells to orientation map in the primary visual cortex of the cat (area 18).
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Behavior-dependent activity patterns of GABAergic long-range projecting neurons in the rat hippocampus.
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Long-term usability and bio-integration of polyimide-based intra-neural stimulating electrodes.
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MicroRNA-independent functions of DGCR8 are essential for neocortical development and TBR1 expression.
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Morphology of visual sector thalamic reticular neurons in the macaque monkey suggests retinotopically specialized, parallel stream-mixed input to the lateral geniculate nucleus.
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Ontogenetic establishment of order-specific nuclear organization in the mammalian thalamus.
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Spatial distribution of synapses on tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing juxtaglomerular cells in the mouse olfactory glomerulus.
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The GSK-3-inhibitor VP2.51 produces antidepressant effects associated with adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
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Dopamine neuronal loss contributes to memory and reward dysfunction in a model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Important roles of Vilse in dendritic architecture and synaptic plasticity.
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Dendritic GIRK Channels Gate the Integration Window, Plateau Potentials, and Induction of Synaptic Plasticity in Dorsal But Not Ventral CA1 Neurons.
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alpha4betadelta GABAA receptors reduce dendritic spine density in CA1 hippocampus and impair relearning ability of adolescent female mice: Effects of a GABA agonist and a stress steroid.
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Retrograde transport of TrkB-containing autophagosomes via the adaptor AP-2 mediates neuronal complexity and prevents neurodegeneration.
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Cortical hierarchy governs rat claustrocortical circuit organization.
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Synaptic organization of striate cortex projections in the tree shrew: A comparison of the claustrum and dorsal thalamus.
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Assembly of Excitatory Synapses in the Absence of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission.
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C1 neurons mediate a stress-induced anti-inflammatory reflex in mice.
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Decreased cohesin in the brain leads to defective synapse development and anxiety-related behavior.
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Dendritic-branching angles of pyramidal neurons of the human cerebral cortex.
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Differential excitatory control of 2 parallel basket cell networks in amygdala microcircuits.
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Hyperphosphorylated tau causes reduced hippocampal CA1 excitability by relocating the axon initial segment.
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Is territorial expansion a mechanism for crossmodal plasticity?
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Synaptic distribution of individually labeled mitral cells in the external plexiform layer of the mouse olfactory bulb.
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Astrocytic Process Plasticity and IKKbeta/NF-kappaB in Central Control of Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, and Body Weight.
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Variations in brain defects result from cellular mosaicism in the activation of heat shock signalling.
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Strength and Diversity of Inhibitory Signaling Differentiates Primate Anterior Cingulate from Lateral Prefrontal Cortex.
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Can a Small Intestine Segment Be an Alternative Biological Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration?
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Distinct Translaminar Glutamatergic Circuits to GABAergic Interneurons in the Neonatal Auditory Cortex.
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Maintenance of persistent activity in a frontal thalamocortical loop.
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Upregulation of orexin/hypocretin expression in aged rats: Effects on feeding latency and neurotransmission in the insular cortex.
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An inhibitory gate for state transition in cortex.
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Transgenic autoinhibition of p21-activated kinase exacerbates synaptic impairments and fronto-dependent behavioral deficits in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Posterior Orbitofrontal and Anterior Cingulate Pathways to the Amygdala Target Inhibitory and Excitatory Systems with Opposite Functions.
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Gemst: a taylor-made combination that reverts neuroanatomical changes in stroke.
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Maternal care associates with differences in morphological complexity in the medial preoptic area.
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Abnormal wiring of CCK(+) basket cells disrupts spatial information coding.
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Preventive motor training but not progenitor grafting ameliorates cerebellar ataxia and deregulated autophagy in tambaleante mice.
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Enriched environment effects on remote object recognition memory.
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Sympathetic regulation and anterior cingulate cortex volume are altered in a rat model of chronic back pain.
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Differentiation of Inflammation-Responsive Astrocytes from Glial Progenitors Generated from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
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Single-axon level morphological analysis of corticofugal projection neurons in mouse barrel field.
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The modulation of adult neuroplasticity is involved in the mood-improving actions of atypical antipsychotics in an animal model of depression.
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Dendro-dendritic cholinergic excitation controls dendritic spike initiation in retinal ganglion cells.
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Autism-like behaviours and enhanced memory formation and synaptic plasticity in Lrfn2/SALM1-deficient mice.
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A comparative analysis of the physiological properties of neurons in the anterolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Macaca mulatta.
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Orthogonal topography in the parallel input architecture of songbird HVC.
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Aging Does Not Affect Axon Initial Segment Structure and Somatic Localization of Tau Protein in Hippocampal Neurons of Fischer 344 Rats.
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Amino acid and acetylcholine chemistry in the central auditory system of young, middle-aged and old rats.
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BDNF is required for taste axon regeneration following unilateral chorda tympani nerve section.
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Chronic tinnitus and unipolar brush cell alterations in the cerebellum and dorsal cochlear nucleus.
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Increased transient Na(+) conductance and action potential output in layer 2/3 prefrontal cortex neurons of the fmr1(-/y) mouse.
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Inhibition of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase/vascular adhesion protein-1 reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation.
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Loss of the neurodevelopmental gene Zswim6 alters striatal morphology and motor regulation.
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Neurophysiology of space travel: energetic solar particles cause cell type-specific plasticity of neurotransmission.
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Preliminary evidence of sex differences in behavioral and neural responses to palatable food reward in rats.
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Prenatal infection leads to ASD-like behavior and altered synaptic pruning in the mouse offspring.
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Social threat exposure in juvenile mice promotes cocaine-seeking by altering blood clotting and brain vasculature.
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The use of an optimized chimeric envelope glycoprotein enhances the efficiency of retrograde gene transfer of a pseudotyped lentiviral vector in the primate brain.
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Microglia density decreases in the rat rostral nucleus of the solitary tract across development and increases in an age-dependent manner following denervation.
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Lamin B1 levels modulate differentiation into neurons during embryonic corticogenesis.
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Golgi Outpost Synthesis Impaired by Toxic Polyglutamine Proteins Contributes to Dendritic Pathology in Neurons.
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Precise inhibitory microcircuit assembly of developmentally related neocortical interneurons in clusters.
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Locomotor sensitization to intermittent ketamine administration is associated with nucleus accumbens plasticity in male and female rats.
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Olfactory bulb plasticity ensures proper olfaction after severe impairment in postnatal neurogenesis.
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Activity dependent feedback inhibition may maintain head direction signals in mouse presubiculum.
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The Wnt receptor Ryk is a negative regulator of mammalian dendrite morphogenesis.
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Nicotine-induced and D1-receptor-dependent dendritic remodeling in a subset of dorsolateral striatum medium spiny neurons.
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Characteristic and intermingled neocortical circuits encode different visual object discriminations.
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Neuronal tetraploidization in the cerebral cortex correlates with reduced cognition in mice and precedes and recapitulates Alzheimer's-associated neuropathology.
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Seizure frequency correlates with loss of dentate gyrus GABAergic neurons in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Using functional and molecular MRI techniques to detect neuroinflammation and neuroprotection after traumatic brain injury.
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Parallel Inhibitory and Excitatory Trigemino-Facial Feedback Circuitry for Reflexive Vibrissa Movement.
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Human iPSC Glial Mouse Chimeras Reveal Glial Contributions to Schizophrenia.
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Differential dendritic remodeling in prelimbic cortex of male and female rats during recovery from chronic stress.
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Midbrain stimulation-evoked lumbar spinal activity in the adult decerebrate mouse.
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Role of primary motor cortex in the control of manual dexterity assessed via sequential bilateral lesion in the adult macaque monkey: A case study.
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Sexually selected size differences and conserved sexual monomorphism of genital cortex.
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In vivo and in vitro sex differences in the dendritic morphology of developing murine hippocampal and cortical neurons.
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Development of rat female genital cortex and control of female puberty by sexual touch.
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Early-life exposure to caffeine affects the construction and activity of cortical networks in mice.
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High-Precision Fast-Spiking Basket Cell Discharges during Complex Events in the Human Neocortex.
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Inhibiting Production of New Brain Cells during Puberty or Adulthood Blunts the Hormonally Induced Surge of Luteinizing Hormone in Female Rats.
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Innervation of the syrinx of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
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Magnetic implants in the tongue for assistive technologies: Tests of migration; oromotor function; and tissue response in miniature pigs.
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Profiling coping strategies in male and female rats: Potential neurobehavioral markers of increased resilience to depressive symptoms.
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Synaptic connections formed by patchy projections of pyramidal cells in the superficial layers of cat visual cortex.
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Synaptic distribution and plasticity in primary auditory cortex (A1) exhibits laminar and cell-specific changes in the deaf.
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The pathogenic LRRK2 R1441C mutation induces specific deficits modeling the prodromal phase of Parkinson's disease in the mouse.
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The sensory trigeminal complex and the organization of its primary afferents in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
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Two delta opioid receptor subtypes are functional in single ventral tegmental area neurons, and can interact with the mu opioid receptor.
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Light reintroduction after dark exposure reactivates plasticity in adults via perisynaptic activation of MMP-9.
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Running reorganizes the circuitry of one-week-old adult-born hippocampal neurons.
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Thalamic input to auditory cortex is locally heterogeneous but globally tonotopic.
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Loss of Hyperdirect Pathway Cortico-Subthalamic Inputs Following Degeneration of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons.
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Reconstruction and visualization of large-scale volumetric models of neocortical circuits for physically-plausible in silico optical studies.
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An injectable hydrogel enhances tissue repair after spinal cord injury by promoting extracellular matrix remodeling.
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Functional perturbation of forebrain principal neurons reveals differential effects in novel and well-learned tasks.
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Prevention of C5aR1 signaling delays microglial inflammatory polarization, favors clearance pathways and suppresses cognitive loss.
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Layer- and cell type-selective co-transmission by a basal forebrain cholinergic projection to the olfactory bulb.
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Cerebellar granule cell replenishment postinjury by adaptive reprogramming of Nestin(+) progenitors.
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Effects of prenatal binge-like ethanol exposure and maternal stress on postnatal morphological development of hippocampal neurons in rats.
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Flavor and object recognition memory impairment induced by excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex.
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Genetic deletion of P-glycoprotein alters stress responsivity and increases depression-like behavior, social withdrawal and microglial activation in the hippocampus of female mice.
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Hypothermia pretreatment improves cognitive impairment via enhancing synaptic plasticity in a traumatic brain injury model.
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Immunochemical localization of vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) in mouse brain.
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Selective inhibitory control of pyramidal neuron ensembles and cortical subnetworks by chandelier cells.
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Sensitivity to cocaine in adult mice is due to interplay between genetic makeup, early environment and later experience.
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The brain-penetrant 5-HT7 receptor agonist LP-211 reduces the sensory and affective components of neuropathic pain.
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Light deprivation produces distinct morphological orchestrations on RGCs and cortical cells in a depressive-like YFP-H mouse model.
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Perturbed Wnt signaling leads to neuronal migration delay, altered interhemispheric connections and impaired social behavior.
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Optogenetically stimulating intact rat corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation.
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A biological blueprint for the axons of superficial layer pyramidal cells in cat primary visual cortex.
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Characterization of the axon initial segment of mice substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons.
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Combinatorial Inputs to the Ventral Striatum from the Temporal Cortex, Frontal Cortex, and Amygdala: Implications for Segmenting the Striatum.
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Comprehensive Morpho-Electrotonic Analysis Shows 2 Distinct Classes of L2 and L3 Pyramidal Neurons in Human Temporal Cortex.
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Esr1(+) cells in the ventromedial hypothalamus control female aggression.
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Impaired extinction of cued fear memory and abnormal dendritic morphology in the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices in VPAC2 receptor (VIPR2)-deficient mice.
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Layer-specific Developmental Changes in Excitation and Inhibition in Rat Primary Visual Cortex.
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Localization of orofacial representation in the corona radiata, internal capsule and cerebral peduncle in Macaca mulatta.
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Motor cortex and spinal cord neuromodulation promote corticospinal tract axonal outgrowth and motor recovery after cervical contusion spinal cord injury.
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Pushing the limits of photoreception in twilight conditions: The rod-like cone retina of the deep-sea pearlsides.
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SAP97 Binding Partner CRIPT Promotes Dendrite Growth In Vitro and In Vivo.
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Subcellular Targeting of VIP Boutons in Mouse Barrel Cortex is Layer-Dependent and not Restricted to Interneurons.
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A quantitative study of neurochemically defined populations of inhibitory interneurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the mouse spinal cord.
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NitroSynapsin therapy for a mouse MEF2C haploinsufficiency model of human autism.
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Revealing the distribution of transmembrane currents along the dendritic tree of a neuron from extracellular recordings.
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Neuromedin B Expression Defines the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus.
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Chronic impairment of ERK signaling in glutamatergic neurons of the forebrain does not affect spatial memory retention and LTP in the same manner as acute blockade of the ERK pathway.
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Corticosteroid-induced dendrite loss and behavioral deficiencies can be blocked by activation of Abl2/Arg kinase.
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Delayed Varenicline Administration Reduces Inflammation and Improves Forelimb Use Following Experimental Stroke.
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Loss of peri-Wolffian duct stromal Frs2alpha expression in mice leads to abnormal ureteric bud induction and vesicoureteral reflux.
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Modular-extramodular organization in developing multisensory shell regions of the mouse inferior colliculus.
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PTEN deletion increases hippocampal granule cell excitability in male and female mice.
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Segregated Excitatory-Inhibitory Recurrent Subnetworks in Layer 5 of the Rat Frontal Cortex.
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Structural alterations in fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons in a model of posttraumatic neocortical epileptogenesis.
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Syncytial nuclei accumulate at the villous surface in IUGR while proliferation is unchanged.
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Transient Hypoxemia Chronically Disrupts Maturation of Preterm Fetal Ovine Subplate Neuron Arborization and Activity.
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Eye opening differentially modulates inhibitory synaptic transmission in the developing visual cortex.
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Morphological Constraints on Cerebellar Granule Cell Combinatorial Diversity.
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Structural and functional differences in the barrel cortex of Mecp2 null mice.
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The transcription factor Phox2b distinguishes between oral and non-oral sensory neurons in the geniculate ganglion.
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APache Is an AP2-Interacting Protein Involved in Synaptic Vesicle Trafficking and Neuronal Development.
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Investigating Methodological Differences in the Assessment of Dendritic Morphology of Basolateral Amygdala Principal Neurons-A Comparison of Golgi-Cox and Neurobiotin Electroporation Techniques.
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Ablation of peri-insult generated granule cells after epilepsy onset halts disease progression.
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Aberrant Development and Synaptic Transmission of Cerebellar Cortex in a VPA Induced Mouse Autism Model.
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Adenosine A2A Receptor Blockade Modulates Glucocorticoid-Induced Morphological Alterations in Axons, But Not in Dendrites, of Hippocampal Neurons.
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Altered Behavior in Mice Socially Isolated During Adolescence Corresponds With Immature Dendritic Spine Morphology and Impaired Plasticity in the Prefrontal Cortex.
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A Method for the Symbolic Representation of Neurons.
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Autism-associated CHD8 deficiency impairs axon development and migration of cortical neurons.
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Cell Adhesion Molecule Close Homolog of L1 (CHL1) Guides the Regrowth of Regenerating Motor Axons and Regulates Synaptic Coverage of Motor Neurons.
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Changes in innervation of lumbar motoneurons and organization of premotor network following training of transected adult rats.
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Comprehensive behavioral analysis of the Cdkl5 knockout mice revealed significant enhancement in anxiety- and fear-related behaviors and impairment in both acquisition and long-term retention of spatial reference memory.
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JNK1 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and imposes cell-autonomous control of anxiety behaviour from the neurogenic niche.
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Cortical Connections Position Primate Area 25 as a Keystone for Interoception, Emotion, and Memory.
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Callosal responses in a retrosplenial column.
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Complementary Tuning of Na(+) and K(+) Channel Gating Underlies Fast and Energy-Efficient Action Potentials in GABAergic Interneuron Axons.
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Short-term mastication after weaning upregulates GABAergic signalling and reduces dendritic spine in thalamus.
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JIP1-Mediated JNK Activation Negatively Regulates Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial Memory.
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Modified Origins of Cortical Projections to the Superior Colliculus in the Deaf: Dispersion of Auditory Efferents.
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Reciprocal Circuits Linking the Prefrontal Cortex with Dorsal and Ventral Thalamic Nuclei.
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URMC-099 facilitates amyloid-beta clearance in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Hyperactivity of Rac1-GTPase pathway impairs neuritogenesis of cortical neurons by altering actin dynamics.
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Delayed and progressive damages to juvenile mice after moderate traumatic brain injury.
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Monkey extensor digitorum communis motoneuron pool: Proximal dendritic trees and small motoneurons.
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Parallel odor processing by mitral and middle tufted cells in the olfactory bulb.
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Neonatal inflammation induces reorganization in dendritic morphology of retinal ganglion cells but not their retinogeniculate projection in mice.
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PARD3 dysfunction in conjunction with dynamic HIPPO signaling drives cortical enlargement with massive heterotopia.
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Distinct in vivo roles of secreted APP ectodomain variants APPsalpha and APPsbeta in regulation of spine density, synaptic plasticity, and cognition.
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Oligodendrocyte- and Neuron-Specific Nogo-A Restrict Dendritic Branching and Spine Density in the Adult Mouse Motor Cortex.
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Spatio-temporal specialization of GABAergic septo-hippocampal neurons for rhythmic network activity.
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Substance P-expressing excitatory interneurons in the mouse superficial dorsal horn provide a propriospinal input to the lateral spinal nucleus.
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Epigenetic Regulation by BAF Complexes Limits Neural Stem Cell Proliferation by Suppressing Wnt Signaling in Late Embryonic Development.
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Protective effects of 7,8-dihydroxyflavone on neuropathological and neurochemical changes in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Morphology of the utricular otolith organ in the toadfish, Opsanus tau.
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Calmodulin shuttling mediates cytonuclear signaling to trigger experience-dependent transcription and memory.
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Active Sampling State Dynamically Enhances Olfactory Bulb Odor Representation.
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Cued fear memory generalization increases over time.
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AhR Deletion Promotes Aberrant Morphogenesis and Synaptic Activity of Adult-Generated Granule Neurons and Impairs Hippocampus-Dependent Memory.
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ApoE Regulates the Development of Adult Newborn Hippocampal Neurons.
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Breathing regulation and blood gas homeostasis after near complete lesions of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in adult rats.
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Early Targeting of L-Selectin on Leukocytes Promotes Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury, Implicating Novel Mechanisms of Pathogenesis.
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Profound seasonal changes in brain size and architecture in the common shrew.
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Selective activation of parvalbumin interneurons prevents stress-induced synapse loss and perceptual defects.
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A Role for Hypocretin/Orexin in Metabolic and Sleep Abnormalities in a Mouse Model of Non-metastatic Breast Cancer.
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The BDNF Val66Met Prodomain Disassembles Dendritic Spines Altering Fear Extinction Circuitry and Behavior.
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Rac1 activation links tau hyperphosphorylation and Abeta dysmetabolism in Alzheimer's disease.
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Juvenile treatment with mGluR2/3 agonist prevents schizophrenia-like phenotypes in adult by acting through GSK3beta.
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Activation of the DNA damage response in vivo in synucleinopathy models of Parkinson's disease.
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Evolution of Cortical Neurogenesis in Amniotes Controlled by Robo Signaling Levels.
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NPAS4 recruits CCK basket cell synapses and enhances cannabinoid-sensitive inhibition in the mouse hippocampus.
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Acute tau knockdown in the hippocampus of adult mice causes learning and memory deficits.
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Carbon nanotube multilayered nanocomposites as multifunctional substrates for actuating neuronal differentiation and functions of neural stem cells.
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Correct Laminar Positioning in the Neocortex Influences Proper Dendritic and Synaptic Development.
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Epigenetic regulation of brain region-specific microglia clearance activity.
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Improved functional outcome after chronic stroke with delayed anti-Nogo-A therapy: A clinically relevant intention-to-treat analysis.
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Myelination of the developing lateral olfactory tract and anterior commissure.
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Organization of projection from brainstem auditory nuclei to the inferior colliculus of Japanese house bat (Pipistrellus abramus).
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Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-Immunoreactive Interneurons within Circuits of the Mouse Basolateral Amygdala.
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Noonan Syndrome-Associated SHP2 Dephosphorylates GluN2B to Regulate NMDA Receptor Function.
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Visual Experience-Dependent Expression of Fn14 Is Required for Retinogeniculate Refinement.
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Loss of calretinin and parvalbumin positive interneurones in the hippocampal CA1 of aged Alzheimer's disease mice.
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Quantitative Association of Anatomical and Functional Classes of Olfactory Bulb Neurons.
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TSPO-PET imaging using [18F]PBR06 is a potential translatable biomarker for treatment response in Huntington's disease: preclinical evidence with the p75NTR ligand LM11A-31.
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Corneal myofibroblasts inhibit regenerating nerves during wound healing.
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Genetic and animal model analyses reveal the pathogenic role of a novel deletion of RELN in schizophrenia.
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Ablation of the presynaptic organizer Bassoon in excitatory neurons retards dentate gyrus maturation and enhances learning performance.
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A genetically encoded fluorescent acetylcholine indicator for in vitro and in vivo studies.
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Cell Type- and Layer-Specific Muscarinic Potentiation of Excitatory Synaptic Drive onto Parvalbumin Neurons in Mouse Prefrontal Cortex.
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Inhibitory Projections from the Inferior Colliculus to the Medial Geniculate body Originate from Four Subtypes of GABAergic Cells.
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Microglia Enhance Synapse Activity to Promote Local Network Synchronization.
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Morphometric analysis of astrocytes in brainstem respiratory regions.
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Multiple origins and modularity in the spatiotemporal emergence of cerebellar astrocyte heterogeneity.
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NEGR1 and FGFR2 cooperatively regulate cortical development and core behaviours related to autism disorders in mice.
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Projection Patterns of Corticofugal Neurons Associated with Vibrissa Movement.
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Required growth facilitators propel axon regeneration across complete spinal cord injury.
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The physiological variability of channel density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons explored using a unified data-driven modeling workflow.
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Transcriptomic and morphophysiological evidence for a specialized human cortical GABAergic cell type.
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Topographic precision in sensory and motor corticostriatal projections varies across cell type and cortical area.
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Functional development of olfactory tubercle domains during weaning period in mice.
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MARCKS regulates neuritogenesis and interacts with a CDC42 signaling network.
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Remodeling of lumbar motor circuitry remote to a thoracic spinal cord injury promotes locomotor recovery.
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A-type K(+) channels impede supralinear summation of clustered glutamatergic inputs in layer 3 neocortical pyramidal neurons.
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Morphological and Biophysical Determinants of the Intracellular and Extracellular Waveforms in Nigral Dopaminergic Neurons: A Computational Study.
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Normal cognitive and social development require posterior cerebellar activity.
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Dendrite-Specific Amplification of Weak Synaptic Input during Network Activity In Vivo.
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Transneuronal Downregulation of the Premotor Cholinergic System After Corticospinal Tract Loss.
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A dual role for the transcription factor Sp8 in postnatal neurogenesis.
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Quantitative imaging of receptor-ligand engagement in intact live animals.
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Ambra1 Shapes Hippocampal Inhibition/Excitation Balance: Role in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
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L-Norvaline Reverses Cognitive Decline and Synaptic Loss in a Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
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Thrombospondin receptor alpha2delta-1 promotes synaptogenesis and spinogenesis via postsynaptic Rac1.
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Adult neurogenic deficits in HIV-1 Tg26 transgenic mice.
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Innate immune activation of astrocytes impairs neurodevelopment via upregulation of follistatin-like 1 and interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3.
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"FlashMap" - A Semi-Automatic Tool for Rapid and Accurate Spatial Analysis of Marker Expression in the Subventricular Zone.
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Adenosine A1 Receptor mRNA Expression by Neurons and Glia in the Auditory Forebrain.
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A highly collateralized thalamic cell type with arousal-predicting activity serves as a key hub for graded state transitions in the forebrain.
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KCC2 Regulates Dendritic Spine Formation in a Brain-Region Specific and BDNF Dependent Manner.
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Patterns of Dendritic Basal Field Orientation of Pyramidal Neurons in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex.
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The 7q11.23 Protein DNAJC30 Interacts with ATP Synthase and Links Mitochondria to Brain Development.
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Progressive divisions of multipotent neural progenitors generate late-born chandelier cells in the neocortex.
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SAPAP4 Deletion Causes Synaptic Dysfunction in the nucleus accumbens.
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Autapses enhance bursting and coincidence detection in neocortical pyramidal cells.
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Bright multicolor labeling of neuronal circuits with fluorescent proteins and chemical tags.
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Specificity of Primate Amygdalar Pathways to Hippocampus.
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Connectivity and network state-dependent recruitment of long-range VIP-GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus.
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A simplified morphological classification scheme for pyramidal cells in six layers of primary somatosensory cortex of juvenile rats.
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Striosome-based map of the mouse striatum that is conformable to both cortical afferent topography and uneven distributions of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-expressing cells.
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SYNGAP1 heterozygosity disrupts sensory processing by reducing touch-related activity within somatosensory cortex circuits.
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Asymmetric and Distant Effects of a Unilateral Lesion of the Primary Motor Cortex on the Bilateral Supplementary Motor Areas in Adult Macaque Monkeys.
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Chemical genetic identification of CDKL5 substrates reveals its role in neuronal microtubule dynamics.
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Towards a supervised classification of neocortical interneuron morphologies.
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Large and fast human pyramidal neurons associate with intelligence.
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27-Hydroxycholesterol Induces Aberrant Morphology and Synaptic Dysfunction in Hippocampal Neurons.
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Activation of Brainstem Neurons During Mesencephalic Locomotor Region-Evoked Locomotion in the Cat.
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Acute Chemogenetic Activation of CamKIIalpha-Positive Forebrain Excitatory Neurons Regulates Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Mice.
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Aged Opossums Show Alterations in Spatial Learning Behavior and Reduced Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus.
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An Appraisal of the Influence of the Metabotropic Glutamate 5 (mGlu5) Receptor on Sociability and Anxiety.
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Anomalies in Dopamine Transporter Expression and Primary Cilium Distribution in the Dorsal Striatum of a Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick C1 Disease.
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Behavioral recovery and spinal motoneuron remodeling after polyethylene glycol fusion repair of singly cut and ablated sciatic nerves.
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Caveolin-1 Phosphorylation Is Essential for Axonal Growth of Human Neurons Derived From iPSCs.
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Combined Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy and Rehabilitation in Experimental Stroke.
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Contextual Fear Conditioning Alter Microglia Number and Morphology in the Rat Dorsal Hippocampus.
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Dendritic spine remodeling accompanies Alzheimer's disease pathology and genetic susceptibility in cognitively normal aging.
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Development of Threat Expression Following Infant Maltreatment: Infant and Adult Enhancement but Adolescent Attenuation.
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Distinct Time-Course of Alterations of Groups I and II Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor and GABAergic Receptor Expression Along the Dorsoventral Hippocampal Axis in an Animal Model of Psychosis.
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Gradient of Parvalbumin- and Somatostatin-Expressing Interneurons Across Cingulate Cortex Is Differentially Linked to Aggression and Sociability in BALB/cJ Mice.
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Human-like cutaneous neuropathologies associated with a porcine model of peripheral neuritis: A translational platform for neuropathic pain.
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p75(NTR) regulates brain mononuclear cell function and neuronal structure in Toxoplasma infection-induced neuroinflammation.
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Subcutaneous Administration of PDGF-AA Improves the Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury.
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The Original Histological Slides of Camillo Golgi and His Discoveries on Neuronal Structure.
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Human ESC-Derived Chimeric Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease Reveal Cell-Intrinsic Defects in Glial Progenitor Cell Differentiation.
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Limited developmental neurotoxicity from neonatal inhalation exposure to diesel exhaust particles in C57BL/6 mice.
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Early treatment with minocycline following stroke in rats improves functional recovery and differentially modifies responses of peri-infarct microglia and astrocytes.
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Bile Acid 7alpha-Dehydroxylating Gut Bacteria Secrete Antibiotics that Inhibit Clostridium difficile: Role of Secondary Bile Acids.
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Loss of Par1b/MARK2 primes microglia during brain development and enhances their sensitivity to injury.
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Setd5 haploinsufficiency alters neuronal network connectivity and leads to autistic-like behaviors in mice.
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Urotensin-related gene transcripts mark developmental emergence of the male forebrain vocal control system in songbirds.
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Disruption of Timing: NeuroHIV Progression in the Post-cART Era.
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Age- and sex-dependent impact of repeated social stress on morphology of rat prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons.
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alpha4betadelta GABAA Receptors Trigger Synaptic Pruning and Reduce Dendritic Length of Female Mouse CA3 Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells at Puberty.
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CCNA2 Ablation in Aged Mice Results in Abnormal rRNA Granule Accumulation in Hippocampus.
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Chronic Stress Remodels Synapses in an Amygdala Circuit-Specific Manner.
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Early Loss of Vision Results in Extensive Reorganization of Plasticity-Related Receptors and Alterations in Hippocampal Function That Extend Through Adulthood.
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Expression of Calretinin Among Different Neurochemical Classes of Interneuron in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Mouse Spinal Cord.
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Interventions after acute stress prevent its delayed effects on the amygdala.
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Morphological and functional properties distinguish the substance P and gastrin-releasing peptide subsets of excitatory interneuron in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
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Pathological priming causes developmental gene network heterochronicity in autistic subject-derived neurons.
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A Dendritic Substrate for the Cholinergic Control of Neocortical Output Neurons.
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Species-specific maturation profiles of human, chimpanzee and bonobo neural cells.
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High-order thalamic inputs to primary somatosensory cortex are stronger and longer lasting than cortical inputs.
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Hypothalamic Control of Conspecific Self-Defense.
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Genetic deletion of genes in the cerebellar rhombic lip lineage can stimulate compensation through adaptive reprogramming of ventricular zone-derived progenitors.
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Structural and molecular correlates of cognitive aging in the rat.
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Cell type specific tracing of the subcortical input to primary visual cortex from the basal forebrain.
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Morphological heterogeneity among corticogeniculate neurons in ferrets: quantification and comparison with a previous report in macaque monkeys.
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Partitioning of the primate intraparietal cortex based on connectivity pattern and immunohistochemistry for Cat-301 and SMI-32.
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Spatiotemporal distribution of glia in and around the developing mouse optic tract.
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Effects of neonatal inhalation exposure to ultrafine carbon particles on pathology and behavioral outcomes in C57BL/6J mice.
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Loss of C/EBPdelta Exacerbates Radiation-Induced Cognitive Decline in Aged Mice due to Impaired Oxidative Stress Response.
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Autism and Schizophrenia-Associated CYFIP1 Regulates the Balance of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition.
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The Density of Cell Nuclei at the Materno-Fetal Exchange Barrier is Sexually Dimorphic in Normal Placentas, but not in IUGR.
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The cellular basis of mechanosensory Merkel-cell innervation during development.
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Brain-wide distribution of reporter expression in five transgenic tetracycline-transactivator mouse lines.
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Chemogenetic Suppression of Medial Prefrontal-Dorsal Hippocampal Interactions Prevents Estrogenic Enhancement of Memory Consolidation in Female Mice.
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Differential effects of Foxp2 disruption in distinct motor circuits.
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Dramatically Amplified Thoracic Sympathetic Postganglionic Excitability and Integrative Capacity Revealed with Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recordings.
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Epilepsy-Induced Reduction in HCN Channel Expression Contributes to an Increased Excitability in Dorsal, But Not Ventral, Hippocampal CA1 Neurons.
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Reduced mitochondrial fusion and Huntingtin levels contribute to impaired dendritic maturation and behavioral deficits in Fmr1-mutant mice.
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Regulation of human glioma cell migration, tumor growth, and stemness gene expression using a Lck targeted inhibitor.
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Serotonin receptor HTR6-mediated mTORC1 signaling regulates dietary restriction-induced memory enhancement.
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A note on retrograde gene transfer efficiency and inflammatory response of lentiviral vectors pseudotyped with FuG-E vs. FuG-B2 glycoproteins.
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Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Parvalbumin Neurons Regulate Sleep Spindles and Electrophysiological Aspects of Schizophrenia in Mice.
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Trio Haploinsufficiency Causes Neurodevelopmental Disease-Associated Deficits.
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Synthesis and Characterization of a Silica-Based Drug Delivery System for Spinal Cord Injury Therapy.
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Genetic Single Neuron Anatomy Reveals Fine Granularity of Cortical Axo-Axonic Cells.
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Regenerative Failure Following Rat Neonatal Chorda Tympani Transection is Associated with Geniculate Ganglion Cell Loss and Terminal Field Plasticity in the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract.
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Prenatal Allergen Exposure Perturbs Sexual Differentiation and Programs Lifelong Changes in Adult Social and Sexual Behavior.
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The Clock Mechanism Influences Neurobiology and Adaptations to Heart Failure in Clock(19/19) Mice With Implications for Circadian Medicine.
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Abnormal mGluR-mediated synaptic plasticity and autism-like behaviours in Gprasp2 mutant mice.
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A brief period of sleep deprivation causes spine loss in the dentate gyrus of mice.
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Adolescent exposure to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol alters the transcriptional trajectory and dendritic architecture of prefrontal pyramidal neurons.
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Aggression in BALB/cJ mice is differentially predicted by the volumes of anterior and midcingulate cortex.
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Exploring time-dependent changes in conditioned place preference for food reward and associated changes in the nucleus accumbens.
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Gap Junctions Interconnect Different Subtypes of Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons in Barrels and Septa with Connectivity Unique to Each Subtype.
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Mice harbouring a SCA28 patient mutation in AFG3L2 develop late-onset ataxia associated with enhanced mitochondrial proteotoxicity.
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Motor neuron degeneration, severe myopathy and TDP-43 increase in a transgenic pig model of SOD1-linked familiar ALS.
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SUMOylation promotes survival and integration of neural stem cell grafts in ischemic stroke.
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The Role of AMPARs in the Maturation and Integration of Caudal Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons into Developing Hippocampal Microcircuits.
Description: Akgul, G, et al. The Role of AMPARs in the Maturation and Integration of Caudal Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons into Developing Hippocampal Microcircuits. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Apr 1; '''9''' (1):5435
Functional Local Proprioceptive Feedback Circuits Initiate and Maintain Locomotor Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury.
Description: Takeoka, Aya, et al. Functional Local Proprioceptive Feedback Circuits Initiate and Maintain Locomotor Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Apr 2; '''27''' (1):71-85.e3
Routing Hippocampal Information Flow through Parvalbumin Interneuron Plasticity in Area CA2.
Description: Nasrallah, Kaoutsar, et al. Routing Hippocampal Information Flow through Parvalbumin Interneuron Plasticity in Area CA2. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Apr 2; '''27''' (1):86-98.e3
Deletion of Dtnbp1 in mice impairs threat memory consolidation and is associated with enhanced inhibitory drive in the amygdala.
Description: Huang, Cathy C Y, et al. Deletion of Dtnbp1 in mice impairs threat memory consolidation and is associated with enhanced inhibitory drive in the amygdala. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2019 Apr 9; '''9''' (1):132
Development of Ependymal and Postnatal Neural Stem Cells and Their Origin from a Common Embryonic Progenitor.
Description: Redmond, Stephanie A, et al. Development of Ependymal and Postnatal Neural Stem Cells and Their Origin from a Common Embryonic Progenitor. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Apr 9; '''27''' (2):429-441.e3
Axo-axonic Innervation of Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons by GABAergic Chandelier Cells Requires AnkyrinG-Associated L1CAM.
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Microglial Phagocytosis of Newborn Cells Is Induced by Endocannabinoids and Sculpts Sex Differences in Juvenile Rat Social Play.
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A novel class of inferior colliculus principal neurons labeled in vasoactive intestinal peptide-Cre mice.
Description: Goyer, David, et al. A novel class of inferior colliculus principal neurons labeled in vasoactive intestinal peptide-Cre mice. ''Elife''. 2019 Apr 18; '''8''':
Synapse loss and progress of Alzheimer's disease -A network model.
Description: Kashyap, G, et al. Synapse loss and progress of Alzheimer's disease -A network model. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Apr 25; '''9''' (1):6555
Chemogenetic stimulation of the infralimbic cortex reverses alcohol-induced fear memory overgeneralization.
Description: Scarlata, M J, et al. Chemogenetic stimulation of the infralimbic cortex reverses alcohol-induced fear memory overgeneralization. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Apr 30; '''9''' (1):6730
Transient Deregulation of Canonical Wnt Signaling in Developing Pyramidal Neurons Leads to Dendritic Defects and Impaired Behavior.
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A clinical case-control comparison of epidermal innervation density in Rett syndrome.
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Experimentally-constrained biophysical models of tonic and burst firing modes in thalamocortical neurons.
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Mispositioned Neurokinin-1 Receptor-Expressing Neurons Underlie Heat Hyperalgesia in Disabled-1 Mutant Mice.
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Pubertal Testosterone Programs Adult Behavioral Adaptations to Sexual Experience through Infralimbic Cortex DeltaFosB.
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Mutations in ACTL6B Cause Neurodevelopmental Deficits and Epilepsy and Lead to Loss of Dendrites in Human Neurons.
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Thalamic Drive of Cortical Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons during Down States in Anesthetized Mice.
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Role of Perivascular Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in Angiogenesis After Brain Ischemia.
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Burst Firing and Spatial Coding in Subicular Principal Cells.
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Maternal-induced shifts in allostatic demands: Reproductive experience alters emotional and cognitive biobehavioral responses in rats (Rattus norvegicus).
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General anesthetic exposure in adolescent rats causes persistent maladaptations in cognitive and affective behaviors and neuroplasticity.
Description: Landin, Justine D, et al. General anesthetic exposure in adolescent rats causes persistent maladaptations in cognitive and affective behaviors and neuroplasticity. ''Neuropharmacology''. 2019 May 15; '''150''': 153-163
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mutant TDP-43 may cause synaptic dysfunction through altered dendritic spine function.
Description: Jiang, Tongcui, et al. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mutant TDP-43 may cause synaptic dysfunction through altered dendritic spine function. ''Dis Model Mech''. 2019 May 17; '''12''' (5):
Chemical modulation of transcriptionally enriched signaling pathways to optimize the conversion of fibroblasts into neurons.
Description: Herdy, Joseph, et al. Chemical modulation of transcriptionally enriched signaling pathways to optimize the conversion of fibroblasts into neurons. ''Elife''. 2019 May 17; '''8''':
Early-generated interneurons regulate neuronal circuit formation during early postnatal development.
Description: Wang, Chang-Zheng, et al. Early-generated interneurons regulate neuronal circuit formation during early postnatal development. ''Elife''. 2019 May 23; '''8''':
Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency Produces Behavioral Phenotypes of Relevance to Autism in an Animal Model.
Description: Ali, Asad, et al. Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency Produces Behavioral Phenotypes of Relevance to Autism in an Animal Model. ''Nutrients''. 2019 May 27; '''11''' (5):
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy as a Rehabilitative Strategy for Ischemic Stroke-Linking Neural Plasticity with Restoration of Skilled Movements.
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Synchronized activation of striatal direct and indirect pathways underlies the behavior in unilateral dopamine-depleted mice.
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GABAergic Medial Septal Neurons with Low-Rhythmic Firing Innervating the Dentate Gyrus and Hippocampal Area CA3.
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Neocortical Projection Neurons Instruct Inhibitory Interneuron Circuit Development in a Lineage-Dependent Manner.
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Sonic hedgehog signaling in astrocytes mediates cell type-specific synaptic organization.
Description: Hill, Steven A, et al. Sonic hedgehog signaling in astrocytes mediates cell type-specific synaptic organization. ''Elife''. 2019 Jun 13; '''8''':
Anatomical and physiological foundations of cerebello-hippocampal interaction.
Description: Watson, Thomas Charles, et al. Anatomical and physiological foundations of cerebello-hippocampal interaction. ''Elife''. 2019 Jun 17; '''8''':
Immature excitatory neurons develop during adolescence in the human amygdala.
Description: Sorrells, Shawn F, et al. Immature excitatory neurons develop during adolescence in the human amygdala. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Jun 21; '''10''' (1):2748
Circuit asymmetries underlie functional lateralization in the mouse auditory cortex.
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Frontotemporal dementia mutant Tau promotes aberrant Fyn nanoclustering in hippocampal dendritic spines.
Description: Padmanabhan, Pranesh, et al. Frontotemporal dementia mutant Tau promotes aberrant Fyn nanoclustering in hippocampal dendritic spines. ''Elife''. 2019 Jun 25; '''8''':
Characterization of functional subgroups among genetically identified cholinergic neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus.
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Hippocampal sub-regional differences in the microRNA response to forebrain ischemia.
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Morphine-Induced Modulation of Endolysosomal Iron Mediates Upregulation of Ferritin Heavy Chain in Cortical Neurons.
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Postinjury Inhibition of miR-181a Promotes Restoration of Hippocampal CA1 Neurons after Transient Forebrain Ischemia in Rats.
Description: Griffiths, Brian B, et al. Postinjury Inhibition of miR-181a Promotes Restoration of Hippocampal CA1 Neurons after Transient Forebrain Ischemia in Rats. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Jul/Aug; '''6''' (4):
Targeting Microglia Using Cx3cr1-Cre Lines: Revisiting the Specificity.
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Tmem119-EGFP and Tmem119-CreERT2 Transgenic Mice for Labeling and Manipulating Microglia.
Description: Kaiser, Tobias, et al. Tmem119-EGFP and Tmem119-CreERT2 Transgenic Mice for Labeling and Manipulating Microglia. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Jul/Aug; '''6''' (4):
Defining a Spinal Microcircuit that Gates Myelinated Afferent Input: Implications for Tactile Allodynia.
Description: Boyle, Kieran A, et al. Defining a Spinal Microcircuit that Gates Myelinated Afferent Input: Implications for Tactile Allodynia. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Jul 9; '''28''' (2):526-540.e6
Maladaptive Downregulation of Autonomous Subthalamic Nucleus Activity following the Loss of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons.
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Extracellular Pgk1 enhances neurite outgrowth of motoneurons through Nogo66/NgR-independent targeting of NogoA.
Description: Lin, Cheng Yung, et al. Extracellular Pgk1 enhances neurite outgrowth of motoneurons through Nogo66/NgR-independent targeting of NogoA. ''Elife''. 2019 Jul 30; '''8''':
GABAergic and glutamatergic cells in the inferior colliculus dynamically express the GABA(A)R gamma(1) subunit during aging.
Description: Robinson, Lauren C, et al. GABAergic and glutamatergic cells in the inferior colliculus dynamically express the GABA(A)R gamma(1) subunit during aging. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2019 Aug; '''80''': 99-110
Deletion of Semaphorin 3F in Interneurons Is Associated with Decreased GABAergic Neurons, Autism-like Behavior, and Increased Oxidative Stress Cascades.
Description: Li, Zhu, et al. Deletion of Semaphorin 3F in Interneurons Is Associated with Decreased GABAergic Neurons, Autism-like Behavior, and Increased Oxidative Stress Cascades. ''Mol Neurobiol''. 2019 Aug; '''56''' (8):5520-5538
Expression of cholecystokinin by neurons in mouse spinal dorsal horn.
Description: Gutierrez-Mecinas, Maria, et al. Expression of cholecystokinin by neurons in mouse spinal dorsal horn. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2019 Aug 1; '''527''' (11):1857-1871
Gnal haploinsufficiency causes genomic instability and increased sensitivity to haloperidol.
Description: Khan, Mohammad Moshahid, et al. Gnal haploinsufficiency causes genomic instability and increased sensitivity to haloperidol. ''Exp Neurol''. 2019 Aug; '''318''': 61-70
Histaminergic transmission slows progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Description: Apolloni, Savina, et al. Histaminergic transmission slows progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ''J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle''. 2019 Aug; '''10''' (4):872-893
Class IIa HDACs regulate learning and memory through dynamic experience-dependent repression of transcription.
Description: Zhu, Yongchuan, et al. Class IIa HDACs regulate learning and memory through dynamic experience-dependent repression of transcription. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Aug 2; '''10''' (1):3469
Histamine Is an Inducer of the Heat Shock Response in SOD1-G93A Models of ALS.
Description: Apolloni, Savina, et al. Histamine Is an Inducer of the Heat Shock Response in SOD1-G93A Models of ALS. ''Int J Mol Sci''. 2019 Aug 3; '''20''' (15):
Sensory cortex wiring requires preselection of short- and long-range projection neurons through an Egr-Foxg1-COUP-TFI network.
Description: Hou, Pei-Shan, et al. Sensory cortex wiring requires preselection of short- and long-range projection neurons through an Egr-Foxg1-COUP-TFI network. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Aug 8; '''10''' (1):3581
Caspase-2 promotes AMPA receptor internalization and cognitive flexibility via mTORC2-AKT-GSK3beta signaling.
Description: Xu, Zhi-Xiang, et al. Caspase-2 promotes AMPA receptor internalization and cognitive flexibility via mTORC2-AKT-GSK3beta signaling. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Aug 9; '''10''' (1):3622
Disruptive effects of repeated stress on basolateral amygdala neurons and fear behavior across the estrous cycle in rats.
Description: Blume, Shannon R, et al. Disruptive effects of repeated stress on basolateral amygdala neurons and fear behavior across the estrous cycle in rats. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Aug 23; '''9''' (1):12292
Lineage does not regulate the sensory synaptic input of projection neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb.
Description: Sanchez-Guardado, Luis, et al. Lineage does not regulate the sensory synaptic input of projection neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb. ''Elife''. 2019 Aug 27; '''8''':
NURR1 deficiency is associated to ADHD-like phenotypes in mice.
Description: Montarolo, Francesca, et al. NURR1 deficiency is associated to ADHD-like phenotypes in mice. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2019 Aug 27; '''9''' (1):207
Expression of the RNA methyltransferase Nsun5 is essential for developing cerebral cortex.
Description: Chen, Peipei, et al. Expression of the RNA methyltransferase Nsun5 is essential for developing cerebral cortex. ''Mol Brain''. 2019 Aug 28; '''12''' (1):74
A null model of the mouse whole-neocortex micro-connectome.
Description: Reimann, Michael W, et al. A null model of the mouse whole-neocortex micro-connectome. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Aug 29; '''10''' (1):3903
Loss of Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins causes synaptic aberrations in principal neurons.
Description: Haq, Naila, et al. Loss of Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins causes synaptic aberrations in principal neurons. ''PLoS Biol''. 2019 Sep; '''17''' (9):e3000414
Removal of the Potassium Chloride Co-Transporter from the Somatodendritic Membrane of Axotomized Motoneurons Is Independent of BDNF/TrkB Signaling But Is Controlled by Neuromuscular Innervation.
Description: Akhter, Erica Tracey, et al. Removal of the Potassium Chloride Co-Transporter from the Somatodendritic Membrane of Axotomized Motoneurons Is Independent of BDNF/TrkB Signaling But Is Controlled by Neuromuscular Innervation. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Sep/Oct; '''6''' (5):
Blunting neuroinflammation with resolvin D1 prevents early pathology in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.
Description: Krashia, Paraskevi, et al. Blunting neuroinflammation with resolvin D1 prevents early pathology in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Sep 2; '''10''' (1):3945
TBR2 coordinates neurogenesis expansion and precise microcircuit organization via Protocadherin 19 in the mammalian cortex.
Description: Lv, Xiaohui, et al. TBR2 coordinates neurogenesis expansion and precise microcircuit organization via Protocadherin 19 in the mammalian cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Sep 2; '''10''' (1):3946
An open cortico-basal ganglia loop allows limbic control over motor output via the nigrothalamic pathway.
Description: Aoki, Sho, et al. An open cortico-basal ganglia loop allows limbic control over motor output via the nigrothalamic pathway. ''Elife''. 2019 Sep 6; '''8''':
Expression of Neuropeptide FF Defines a Population of Excitatory Interneurons in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Mouse Spinal Cord that Respond to Noxious and Pruritic Stimuli.
Description: Gutierrez-Mecinas, Maria, et al. Expression of Neuropeptide FF Defines a Population of Excitatory Interneurons in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Mouse Spinal Cord that Respond to Noxious and Pruritic Stimuli. ''Neuroscience''. 2019 Sep 15; '''416''': 281-293
The Golgi Outpost Protein TPPP Nucleates Microtubules and Is Critical for Myelination.
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Early exercise induces long-lasting morphological changes in cortical and hippocampal neurons throughout of a sedentary period of rats.
Description: Serra, Fernando Tadeu, et al. Early exercise induces long-lasting morphological changes in cortical and hippocampal neurons throughout of a sedentary period of rats. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Sep 23; '''9''' (1):13684
Mapping Brain-Wide Afferent Inputs of Parvalbumin-Expressing GABAergic Neurons in Barrel Cortex Reveals Local and Long-Range Circuit Motifs.
Description: Hafner, Georg, et al. Mapping Brain-Wide Afferent Inputs of Parvalbumin-Expressing GABAergic Neurons in Barrel Cortex Reveals Local and Long-Range Circuit Motifs. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Sep 24; '''28''' (13):3450-3461.e8
Experience of Adversity during a First Lactation Modifies Prefrontal Cortex Morphology in Primiparous Female Rats: Lack of Long Term Effects on a Subsequent Lactation.
Description: Opala, Emily A, et al. Experience of Adversity during a First Lactation Modifies Prefrontal Cortex Morphology in Primiparous Female Rats: Lack of Long Term Effects on a Subsequent Lactation. ''Neuroscience''. 2019 Oct 1; '''417''': 95-106
The alpha7 nicotinic receptor silent agonist R-47 prevents and reverses paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in mice without tolerance or altering nicotine reward and withdrawal.
Description: Toma, Wisam, et al. The alpha7 nicotinic receptor silent agonist R-47 prevents and reverses paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in mice without tolerance or altering nicotine reward and withdrawal. ''Exp Neurol''. 2019 Oct; '''320''': 113010
Autism candidate gene DIP2A regulates spine morphogenesis via acetylation of cortactin.
Description: Ma, Jun, et al. Autism candidate gene DIP2A regulates spine morphogenesis via acetylation of cortactin. ''PLoS Biol''. 2019 Oct; '''17''' (10):e3000461
Lrrc7 mutant mice model developmental emotional dysregulation that can be alleviated by mGluR5 allosteric modulation.
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Kisspeptin/Neurokinin B/Dynorphin (KNDy) cells as integrators of diverse internal and external cues: evidence from viral-based monosynaptic tract-tracing in mice.
Description: Moore, Aleisha M, et al. Kisspeptin/Neurokinin B/Dynorphin (KNDy) cells as integrators of diverse internal and external cues: evidence from viral-based monosynaptic tract-tracing in mice. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Oct 14; '''9''' (1):14768
Sex- and Stress-Dependent Effects on Dendritic Morphology and Spine Densities in Putative Orexin Neurons.
Description: Grafe, Laura A, et al. Sex- and Stress-Dependent Effects on Dendritic Morphology and Spine Densities in Putative Orexin Neurons. ''Neuroscience''. 2019 Oct 15; '''418''': 266-278
Precise Long-Range Microcircuit-to-Microcircuit Communication Connects the Frontal and Sensory Cortices in the Mammalian Brain.
Description: Ren, Si-Qiang, et al. Precise Long-Range Microcircuit-to-Microcircuit Communication Connects the Frontal and Sensory Cortices in the Mammalian Brain. ''Neuron''. 2019 Oct 23; '''104''' (2):385-401.e3
Reliable Sequential Activation of Neural Assemblies by Single Pyramidal Cells in a Three-Layered Cortex.
Description: Hemberger, Mike, et al. Reliable Sequential Activation of Neural Assemblies by Single Pyramidal Cells in a Three-Layered Cortex. ''Neuron''. 2019 Oct 23; '''104''' (2):353-369.e5
Vastly extended drug release from poly(pro-17beta-estradiol) materials facilitates in vitro neurotrophism and neuroprotection.
Description: D'Amato, Anthony R, et al. Vastly extended drug release from poly(pro-17beta-estradiol) materials facilitates in vitro neurotrophism and neuroprotection. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Oct 23; '''10''' (1):4830
Sarm1 deletion suppresses TDP-43-linked motor neuron degeneration and cortical spine loss.
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Neuronal network dysfunction in a model for Kleefstra syndrome mediated by enhanced NMDAR signaling.
Description: Frega, Monica, et al. Neuronal network dysfunction in a model for Kleefstra syndrome mediated by enhanced NMDAR signaling. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Oct 30; '''10''' (1):4928
Cerebellar injury and impaired function in a rabbit model of maternal inflammation induced neonatal brain injury.
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Impact of mTOR hyperactive neurons on the morphology and physiology of adjacent neurons: Do PTEN KO cells make bad neighbors?
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Morphological alterations of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells after ablation of mouse photoreceptors with selective photocoagulation.
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Potential link between antidepressant-like effects of ketamine and promotion of adult neurogenesis in the ventral hippocampus of mice.
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CBP and SRF co-regulate dendritic growth and synaptic maturation.
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Dynamic postnatal development of the cellular and circuit properties of striatal D1 and D2 spiny projection neurons.
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MK-801 attenuates lesion expansion following acute brain injury in rats: a meta-analysis.
Description: Yi, Nan-Xing, et al. MK-801 attenuates lesion expansion following acute brain injury in rats: a meta-analysis. ''Neural Regen Res''. 2019 Nov; '''14''' (11):1919-1931
Postnatal nectin-3 knockdown induces structural abnormalities of hippocampal principal neurons and memory deficits in adult mice.
Description: Liu, Rui, et al. Postnatal nectin-3 knockdown induces structural abnormalities of hippocampal principal neurons and memory deficits in adult mice. ''Hippocampus''. 2019 Nov; '''29''' (11):1063-1074
Sex and Individual Differences in Alcohol Intake Are Associated with Differences in Ketamine Self-Administration Behaviors and Nucleus Accumbens Dendritic Spine Density.
Description: Strong, Caroline E, et al. Sex and Individual Differences in Alcohol Intake Are Associated with Differences in Ketamine Self-Administration Behaviors and Nucleus Accumbens Dendritic Spine Density. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Nov/Dec; '''6''' (6):
Three divisions of the mouse caudal striatum differ in the proportions of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-expressing cells, distribution of dopaminergic axons, and composition of cholinergic and GABAergic interneurons.
Description: Miyamoto, Yuta, et al. Three divisions of the mouse caudal striatum differ in the proportions of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-expressing cells, distribution of dopaminergic axons, and composition of cholinergic and GABAergic interneurons. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2019 Nov; '''224''' (8):2703-2716
Unbalanced dendritic inhibition of CA1 neurons drives spatial-memory deficits in the Ts2Cje Down syndrome model.
Description: Valbuena, Sergio, et al. Unbalanced dendritic inhibition of CA1 neurons drives spatial-memory deficits in the Ts2Cje Down syndrome model. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Nov 1; '''10''' (1):4991
Intra- and extracellular beta-amyloid overexpression via adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer impairs memory and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus.
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mTOR and autophagy pathways are dysregulated in murine and human models of Schaaf-Yang syndrome.
Description: Crutcher, Emeline, et al. mTOR and autophagy pathways are dysregulated in murine and human models of Schaaf-Yang syndrome. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Nov 4; '''9''' (1):15935
Spatial Clustering of Inhibition in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex.
Description: D'Souza, Rinaldo D, et al. Spatial Clustering of Inhibition in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. ''Neuron''. 2019 Nov 6; '''104''' (3):588-600.e5
Calretinin positive neurons form an excitatory amplifier network in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
Description: Smith, Kelly M, et al. Calretinin positive neurons form an excitatory amplifier network in the spinal cord dorsal horn. ''Elife''. 2019 Nov 12; '''8''':
A neural network for information seeking.
Description: White, J Kael, et al. A neural network for information seeking. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Nov 14; '''10''' (1):5168
Cerebellar nuclei excitatory neurons regulate developmental scaling of presynaptic Purkinje cell number and organ growth.
Description: Willett, Ryan T, et al. Cerebellar nuclei excitatory neurons regulate developmental scaling of presynaptic Purkinje cell number and organ growth. ''Elife''. 2019 Nov 19; '''8''':
Embryonic progenitor pools generate diversity in fine-scale excitatory cortical subnetworks.
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Local axonal morphology guides the topography of interneuron myelination in mouse and human neocortex.
Description: Stedehouder, Jeffrey, et al. Local axonal morphology guides the topography of interneuron myelination in mouse and human neocortex. ''Elife''. 2019 Nov 19; '''8''':
Kv1.1 contributes to a rapid homeostatic plasticity of intrinsic excitability in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vivo.
Description: Morgan, Peter James, et al. Kv1.1 contributes to a rapid homeostatic plasticity of intrinsic excitability in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vivo. ''Elife''. 2019 Nov 27; '''8''':
Glucocorticoid receptors modulate dendritic spine plasticity and microglia activity in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease.
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Single-cell RNA-Seq characterization of anatomically identified OLM interneurons in different transgenic mouse lines.
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Combined Treatment with Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation and Ketamine Induces Adverse Changes in CA1 Neuronal Structure in Male Murine Hippocampi.
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Layer specificity of inputs from supplementary motor area and dorsal premotor cortex to primary motor cortex in macaque monkeys.
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EphA4 loss improves social memory performance and alters dendritic spine morphology without changes in amyloid pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
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A new protein curbs the hypertrophic effect of myostatin inhibition, adding remarkable endurance to motor performance in mice.
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Enhancement of Drug Seeking Following Drug Taking in a Sexual Context Requires Anterior Cingulate Cortex Activity in Male Rats.
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Sarm1 knockout protects against early but not late axonal degeneration in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.
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Structural and functional features of medium spiny neurons in the BACHDDeltaN17 mouse model of Huntington's Disease.
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Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 5 Provides Olfactory Input Into Limbic Brain Areas and Modulates Emotional Behaviors and Serotonin Transmission.
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Time-delimited signaling of MET receptor tyrosine kinase regulates cortical circuit development and critical period plasticity.
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GABAergic Restriction of Network Dynamics Regulates Interneuron Survival in the Developing Cortex.
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Cell-type-specific control of basolateral amygdala neuronal circuits via entorhinal cortex-driven feedforward inhibition.
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Robust perisomatic GABAergic self-innervation inhibits basket cells in the human and mouse supragranular neocortex.
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Selective effects of dorsal raphe nucleus glucocorticoid receptor deletion on depression-like behavior in female C57BL/6J mice.
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Epothilone D alters normal growth, viability and microtubule dependent intracellular functions of cortical neurons in vitro.
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CXCL12-induced rescue of cortical dendritic spines and cognitive flexibility.
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Saltatory Conduction along Myelinated Axons Involves a Periaxonal Nanocircuit.
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Emotional remodeling with oxytocin durably rescues trauma-induced behavioral and neuro-morphological changes in rats: a promising treatment for PTSD.
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Activity-dependent dendritic elaboration requires Pten.
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Beneficial effects of sound exposure on auditory cortex development in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome.
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Decreased number of striatal cholinergic interneurons and motor deficits in dopamine receptor 2-expressing-cell-specific Dyt1 conditional knockout mice.
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TLR4 induced Wnt3a-Dvl3 restrains the intensity of inflammation and protects against endotoxin-driven organ failure through GSK3beta/beta-catenin signaling.
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A generative growth model for thalamocortical axonal branching in primary visual cortex.
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Impairment of DHA synthesis alters the expression of neuronal plasticity markers and the brain inflammatory status in mice.
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Hyperexcitable Neurons Enable Precise and Persistent Information Encoding in the Superficial Retrosplenial Cortex.
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Clusters of cooperative ion channels enable a membrane-potential-based mechanism for short-term memory.
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nGnG Amacrine Cells and Brn3b-negative M1 ipRGCs are Specifically Labeled in the ChAT-ChR2-EYFP Mouse.
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Effects of a solid lipid curcumin particle formulation on chronic activation of microglia and astroglia in the GFAP-IL6 mouse model.
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Using subthreshold events to characterize the functional architecture of the electrically coupled inferior olive network.
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Impact of JNK and Its Substrates on Dendritic Spine Morphology.
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Chronic Chemogenetic Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens Produces Lasting Reductions in Binge Drinking and Ameliorates Alcohol-Related Morphological and Transcriptional Changes.
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Parkinson's disease-related Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 modulates nuclear morphology and genomic stability in striatal projection neurons during aging.
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A new mouse line with reduced GluA2 Q/R site RNA editing exhibits loss of dendritic spines, hippocampal CA1-neuron loss, learning and memory impairments and NMDA receptor-independent seizure vulnerability.
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mTORC1 is involved in DGKbeta-induced neurite outgrowth and spinogenesis.
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Axonal autophagosome maturation defect through failure of ATG9A sorting underpins pathology in AP-4 deficiency syndrome.
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Changes in thalamic dopamine innervation in a progressive Parkinson's disease model in monkeys.
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DGKgamma Knock-Out Mice Show Impairments in Cerebellar Motor Coordination, LTD, and the Dendritic Development of Purkinje Cells through the Activation of PKCgamma.
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Synaptic organisation and behaviour-dependent activity of mGluR8a-innervated GABAergic trilaminar cells projecting from the hippocampus to the subiculum.
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The drug adaptaquin blocks ATF4/CHOP-dependent pro-death Trib3 induction and protects in cellular and mouse models of Parkinson's disease.
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Improved survival and overt "dystonic" symptoms in a torsinA hypofunction mouse model.
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Cell type composition and circuit organization of clonally related excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse neocortex.
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The Cellular and Mechanical Basis for Response Characteristics of Identified Primary Afferents in the Rat Vibrissal System.
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Assessing the Effects of Redox Modifier MnTnBuOE-2-PyP 5+ on Cognition and Hippocampal Physiology Following Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide, and Paclitaxel Treatment.
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Feedback inhibition and its control in an insect olfactory circuit.
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Dendritic Localization and Exocytosis of NAAG in the Rat Hippocampus.
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Selective Inactivation of Reelin in Inhibitory Interneurons Leads to Subtle Changes in the Dentate Gyrus But Leaves Cortical Layering and Behavior Unaffected.
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Enhanced cognitive performance in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice treated with dimethyl fumarate after the appearance of disease symptoms.
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Generation of a ChAT(Cre) mouse line without the early onset hearing loss typical of the C57BL/6J strain.
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The SETD6 Methyltransferase Plays an Essential Role in Hippocampus-Dependent Memory Formation.
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Lupus autoantibodies act as positive allosteric modulators at GluN2A-containing NMDA receptors and impair spatial memory.
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The S100B Inhibitor Pentamidine Ameliorates Clinical Score and Neuropathology of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Mouse Model.
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Phospholipase D1 Ablation Disrupts Mouse Longitudinal Hippocampal Axis Organization and Functioning.
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Human neural stem cell transplant location-dependent neuroprotection and motor deficit amelioration in rats with penetrating traumatic brain injury.
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Neuroprotective Effects of Doxycycline in the R6/2 Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease.
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RecV recombinase system for in vivo targeted optogenomic modifications of single cells or cell populations.
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RCAN1 Regulates Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity.
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CD4+ T cell expression of the IL-10 receptor is necessary for facial motoneuron survival after axotomy.
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m.3243A > G-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction Impairs Human Neuronal Development and Reduces Neuronal Network Activity and Synchronicity.
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Neuroligin-1 is altered in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease patients and mouse models, and modulates the toxicity of amyloid-beta oligomers.
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Fingolimod Modulates Dendritic Architecture in a BDNF-Dependent Manner.
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Sex differences in offspring neurodevelopment, cognitive performance and microglia morphology associated with maternal diabetes: Putative targets for insulin therapy.
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Age-Related Changes in Synaptic Plasticity Associated with Mossy Fiber Terminal Integration during Adult Neurogenesis.
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Temporal Sharpening of Sensory Responses by Layer V in the Mouse Primary Somatosensory Cortex.
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Antagonistic Center-Surround Mechanisms for Direction Selectivity in the Retina.
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Variation of Human Neural Stem Cells Generating Organizer States In Vitro before Committing to Cortical Excitatory or Inhibitory Neuronal Fates.
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Atypical Myosin Tunes Dendrite Arbor Subdivision.
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Anatomically revealed morphological patterns of pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of the motor cortex.
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Xlr4 as a new candidate gene underlying vulnerability to cocaine effects.
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Muscarinic and Nicotinic Modulation of Neocortical Layer 6A Synaptic Microcircuits Is Cooperative and Cell-Specific.
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Circadian Clock Regulation of Developmental Time in the Kidney.
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Human Glial Progenitor Cells Effectively Remyelinate the Demyelinated Adult Brain.
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KAT3-dependent acetylation of cell type-specific genes maintains neuronal identity in the adult mouse brain.
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Apical length governs computational diversity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
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Hypobaric hypoxia induced fear and extinction memory impairment and effect of Ginkgo biloba in its amelioration: Behavioral, neurochemical and molecular correlates.
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Pathological remodelling of colonic wall following dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurodegeneration.
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Postpartum environmental challenges alter maternal responsiveness and offspring development.
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Transient upregulation of translational efficiency in prodromal and early symptomatic Tg2576 mice contributes to Abeta pathology.
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CircDYM ameliorates depressive-like behavior by targeting miR-9 to regulate microglial activation via HSP90 ubiquitination.
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Mutually suppressive roles of KMT2A and KDM5C in behaviour, neuronal structure, and histone H3K4 methylation.
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Functional specification of CCK+ interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits.
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Activity-dependent tuning of intrinsic excitability in mouse and human neurogliaform cells.
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The Effects of 1-Hz rTMS on Emotional Behavior and Dendritic Complexity of Mature and Newly Generated Dentate Gyrus Neurons in Male Mice.
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Pneumonia-induced endothelial amyloids reduce dendritic spine density in brain neurons.
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Vangl2 in the Dentate Network Modulates Pattern Separation and Pattern Completion.
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Alzheimer's disease-related dysregulation of mRNA translation causes key pathological features with ageing.
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Ca(2+) entry through NaV channels generates submillisecond axonal Ca(2+) signaling.
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Aberrant sorting of hippocampal complex pyramidal cells in type I lissencephaly alters topological innervation.
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Basal Forebrain Parvalbumin Neurons Mediate Arousals from Sleep Induced by Hypercarbia or Auditory Stimuli.
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The lateral septum mediates kinship behavior in the rat.
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Zeb2 Is a Regulator of Astrogliosis and Functional Recovery after CNS Injury.
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Capturing Amyloid-beta Oligomers by Stirring with Microscaled Iron Oxide Stir Bars into Magnetic Plaques to Reduce Cytotoxicity toward Neuronal Cells.
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Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Spatial Memory, and Neurotransmitter Receptor Expression Are Profoundly Altered by Gradual Loss of Hearing Ability.
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Parvalbumin interneurons provide spillover to newborn and mature dentate granule cells.
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Differential Modulation of Ventral Tegmental Area Circuits by the Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ System.
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Differential roles of pyramidal and fast-spiking, GABAergic neurons in the control of glioma cell proliferation.
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Dopamine, a key factor of mitochondrial damage and neuronal toxicity on rotenone exposure and also parkinsonic motor dysfunction-Impact of asiaticoside with a probable vesicular involvement.
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SIRT1 activation by resveratrol reverses atrophy of apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons and neurobehavioral impairments in moderate grade hepatic encephalopathy rats.
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Development of a Mouse Reporter Strain for the Purinergic P2X2 Receptor.
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Hypothalamic Pomc expression restricted to GABAergic neurons suppresses Npy overexpression and restores food intake in obese mice.
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Topological atlas of the hypothalamus in adult rhesus monkey.
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An important role of PHRF1 in dendritic architecture and memory formation by modulating TGF-beta signaling.
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Clustered gamma-protocadherins regulate cortical interneuron programmed cell death.
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Sex-specific features of spine densities in the hippocampus.
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The overexpression of RBM3 alleviates TBI-induced behaviour impairment and AD-like tauopathy in mice.
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Cryopreservation and functional analysis of cardiac autonomic neurons.
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Different theta frameworks coexist in the rat hippocampus and are coordinated during memory-guided and novelty tasks.
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Early life adversity decreases pre-adolescent fear expression by accelerating amygdala PV cell development.
Description: Manzano Nieves, Gabriela, et al. Early life adversity decreases pre-adolescent fear expression by accelerating amygdala PV cell development. ''Elife''. 2020 Jul 21; '''9''':
Phylogenetic variation in cortical layer II immature neuron reservoir of mammals.
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5-HT2A/B receptor expression in the phrenic motor nucleus in a rat model of ALS (SOD1(G93A)).
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ARMC5 mutations are associated with high levels of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and the presence of the serotonin receptor 5HT4R in PMAH nodules.
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Heterogeneity of tyrosine hydroxylase expressing neurons in the main olfactory bulb of the mouse.
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Prefrontal Nectin3 Reduction Mediates Adolescent Stress-Induced Deficits of Social Memory, Spatial Working Memory, and Dendritic Structure in Mice.
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Synaptic development of layer V pyramidal neurons in the prenatal human prefrontal neocortex: a Neurolucida-aided Golgi study.
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Synaptic restoration by cAMP/PKA drives activity-dependent neuroprotection to motoneurons in ALS.
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Reevaluation of motoneuron morphology: diversity and regularity among motoneurons innervating different arm muscles along a proximal-distal axis.
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Expression of green fluorescent protein defines a specific population of lamina II excitatory interneurons in the GRP::eGFP mouse.
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GABAergic Neurons in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus that Express 5-HT3A Receptors Participate in Responses to Stress Hormones.
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Visual Response Characteristics in Lateral and Medial Subdivisions of the Rat Pulvinar.
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Alterations of specific cortical GABAergic circuits underlie abnormal network activity in a mouse model of Down syndrome.
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Anti-inflammatory IL-10 administration rescues depression-associated learning and memory deficits in mice.
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Axon morphology of rapid Golgi-stained pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia.
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New morphological features based on the Sholl analysis for automatic classification of traced neurons.
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The endogenous neuronal complement inhibitor SRPX2 protects against complement-mediated synapse elimination during development.
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Axonal mechanisms mediating gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor type A (GABA-A) inhibition of striatal dopamine release.
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Dendritic integration in olfactory bulb granule cells upon simultaneous multispine activation: Low thresholds for nonlocal spiking activity.
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Increased rates of vesicoureteral reflux in mice from deletion of Dicer in the peri-Wolffian duct stroma.
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MEF2C and HDAC5 regulate Egr1 and Arc genes to increase dendritic spine density and complexity in early enriched environment.
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Prelimbic cortical targets of ventromedial thalamic projections include inhibitory interneurons and corticostriatal pyramidal neurons in the rat.
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Selective Removal of Sodium Salt Taste Disrupts the Maintenance of Dendritic Architecture of Gustatory Relay Neurons in the Mouse Nucleus of the Solitary Tract.
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Variable Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Layer V of the Supplementary Motor Area following Cervical Hemisection in Adult Macaque Monkeys.
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Small-molecule modulation of the p75 neurotrophin receptor inhibits a wide range of tau molecular pathologies and their sequelae in P301S tauopathy mice.
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Hippocampal hub neurons maintain distinct connectivity throughout their lifetime.
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Posterior Thalamic Nucleus Mediates Facial Histaminergic Itch.
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Selective Routing of Spatial Information Flow from Input to Output in Hippocampal Granule Cells.
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Intrinsic electrophysiological properties predict variability in morphology and connectivity among striatal Parvalbumin-expressing Pthlh-cells.
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Accumbens and amygdala in taste recognition memory: The role of d1 dopamine receptors.
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Changes in hippocampal astrocyte morphology of Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) during the wintering period at the mangroves of Amazon River estuary.
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Conformable polyimide-based muECoGs: Bringing the electrodes closer to the signal source.
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Lateralization of increased density of Iba1-immunopositive microglial cells in the anterior midcingulate cortex of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
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Negative feedback control of neuronal activity by microglia.
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L1cam curbs the differentiation of adult-born hippocampal neurons.
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Species-specific differences in synaptic transmission and plasticity.
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Endogenous erythropoietin signaling regulates migration and laminar positioning of upper-layer neurons in the developing neocortex.
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Rotated nursing environment with underfeeding: A form of early-life adversity with sex- and age-dependent effects on coping behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis.
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Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms of acoustic and weakly electric signaling in synodontid catfish.
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Imbalance of laminar-specific excitatory and inhibitory circuits of the orbitofrontal cortex in autism.
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Developmental, cellular, and behavioral phenotypes in a mouse model of congenital hypoplasia of the dentate gyrus.
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Comparing basal dendrite branches in human and mouse hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons with Bayesian networks.
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Molecular specializations of deep cortical layer analogs in songbirds.
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A novel ex vivo, in situ method to study the human brain through MRI and histology.
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Anti-S1 MERS-COV IgY Specific Antibodies Decreases Lung Inflammation and Viral Antigen Positive Cells in the Human Transgenic Mouse Model.
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Myosin Va Brain-Specific Mutation Alters Mouse Behavior and Disrupts Hippocampal Synapses.
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Optogenetically-induced long term depression in the rat orbitofrontal cortex ameliorates stress-induced reversal learning impairment.
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Using rAAV2-retro in rhesus macaques: Promise and caveats for circuit manipulation.
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Preclinical evidence in support of repurposing sub-anesthetic ketamine as a treatment for L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia.
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Structural and functional consequences in the amygdala of leptin-deficient mice.
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Identification of an inhibitory neuron subtype, the L-stellate cell of the cochlear nucleus.
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Emergence of non-canonical parvalbumin-containing interneurons in hippocampus of a murine model of type I lissencephaly.
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Exercise reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury by promoting neurogenesis.
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isoTarget: A Genetic Method for Analyzing the Functional Diversity of Splicing Isoforms In Vivo.
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VEGF-D Downregulation in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons Exerts Asymmetric Changes of Dendritic Morphology without Correlated Electrophysiological Alterations.
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Selective Mesoaccumbal Pathway Inactivation Affects Motivation but Not Reinforcement-Based Learning in Macaques.
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Sensory Experience Engages Microglia to Shape Neural Connectivity through a Non-Phagocytic Mechanism.
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Interplay of Prenatal and Postnatal Risk Factors in the Behavioral and Histological Features of a "Two-Hit" Non-Genetic Mouse Model of Schizophrenia.
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Altered synaptic ultrastructure in the prefrontal cortex of Shank3-deficient rats.
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Inhibition of Sar1b, the Gene Implicated in Chylomicron Retention Disease, Impairs Migration and Morphogenesis of Developing Cortical Neurons.
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Small molecule modulation of the p75 neurotrophin receptor inhibits multiple amyloid beta-induced tau pathologies.
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Ntrk1 mutation co-segregating with bipolar disorder and inherited kidney disease in a multiplex family causes defects in neuronal growth and depression-like behavior in mice.
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Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule like-1 (DSCAML1) links the GABA system and seizure susceptibility.
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Age-dependent shift in spontaneous excitation-inhibition balance of infralimbic prefrontal layer II/III neurons is accelerated by early life stress, independent of forebrain mineralocorticoid receptor expression.
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Cerebellar Golgi cell models predict dendritic processing and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.
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Exercise-linked improvement in age-associated loss of balance is associated with increased vestibular input to motor neurons.
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GABA-glutamate supramammillary neurons control theta and gamma oscillations in the dentate gyrus during paradoxical (REM) sleep.
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Human adipose tissue- and umbilical cord-derived stem cells: which is a better alternative to treat spinal cord injury?
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Insulin-like growth factor 1 partially rescues early developmental defects caused by SHANK2 knockdown in human neurons.
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Methylene blue promotes survival and GAP-43 expression of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve transection.
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Substance P-expressing Neurons in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Mouse Spinal Cord: Insights into Their Functions and their Roles in Synaptic Circuits.
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The SMYD1 and skNAC transcription factors contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.
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Combination of In Situ Lcn2 pRNA-RNAi Nanotherapeutics and iNSC Transplantation Ameliorates Experimental SCI in Mice.
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Rescuing Over-activated Microglia Restores Cognitive Performance in Juvenile Animals of the Dp(16) Mouse Model of Down Syndrome.
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Secretagogin expression in the mouse olfactory bulb under sensory impairments.
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Overexpression of astroglial major histocompatibility complex class I in the medial prefrontal cortex impairs visual discrimination learning in mice.
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KDM5A mutations identified in autism spectrum disorder using forward genetics.
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Cellular birthdate predicts laminar and regional cholinergic projection topography in the forebrain.
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Functional and Structural Correlates of Impaired Enrichment-Mediated Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in a Mouse Model of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
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A brainstem peptide system activated at birth protects postnatal breathing.
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Age-Related Neuronal Deterioration Specifically Within the Dorsal CA1 Region of the Hippocampus in a Mouse Model of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease.
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alpha3beta4 ( *) Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Strongly Modulate the Excitability of VIP Neurons in the Mouse Inferior Colliculus.
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An improved and simplified protocol to combine Golgi-Cox staining with immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy techniques.
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Application of the Mirror Technique for Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy of Neurochemically Identified GABA-ergic Dendrites.
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Automated Neuron Tracing Using Content-Aware Adaptive Voxel Scooping on CNN Predicted Probability Map.
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Axon initial segment geometry in relation to motoneuron excitability.
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Conditional Loss of BAF (mSWI/SNF) Scaffolding Subunits Affects Specification and Proliferation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors in Developing Mouse Forebrain.
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Contextual Fear Memory Maintenance Changes Expression of pMAPK, BDNF and IBA-1 in the Pre-limbic Cortex in a Layer-Specific Manner.
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Dark Rearing Promotes the Recovery of Visual Cortical Responses but Not the Morphology of Geniculocortical Axons in Amblyopic Cat.
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Deficiency of Microglial Autophagy Increases the Density of Oligodendrocytes and Susceptibility to Severe Forms of Seizures.
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Effects of Multisession Anodal Electrical Stimulation of the Auditory Cortex on Temporary Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the Rat.
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Electrical stimulation at nanoscale topography boosts neural stem cell neurogenesis through the enhancement of autophagy signaling.
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GABA B Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Dendro-Somatic Synergy in Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons.
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Generation of KS-133 as a Novel Bicyclic Peptide with a Potent and Selective VIPR2 Antagonist Activity that Counteracts Cognitive Decline in a Mouse Model of Psychiatric Disorders.
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Group II Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Modulate Sound Evoked and Spontaneous Activity in the Mouse Inferior Colliculus.
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Increased dopamine transmission and adult neurogenesis in trace amine-associated receptor 5 (TAAR5) knockout mice.
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Increased Signal Delays and Unaltered Synaptic Input Pattern Recognition in Layer III Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons of the rTg4510 Mouse Model of Tauopathy: A Computer Simulation Study With Passive Membrane.
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Iron activates microglia and directly stimulates indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase activity in the N171-82Q mouse model of Huntington's disease.
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Juxtacellular Labeling of Stellate, Disk and Basket Neurons in the Central Nucleus of the Guinea Pig Inferior Colliculus.
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Laminin-coated multifilament entubulation, combined with Schwann cells and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, promotes unidirectional axonal regeneration in a rat model of thoracic spinal cord hemisection.
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Layer-Specific Inhibitory Microcircuits of Layer 6 Interneurons in Rat Prefrontal Cortex.
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Lithium treatment reverses irradiation-induced changes in rodent neural progenitors and rescues cognition.
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Long-Term Overconsumption of Sugar Starting at Adolescence Produces Persistent Hyperactivity and Neurocognitive Deficits in Adulthood.
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Loss of BAF Complex in Developing Cortex Perturbs Radial Neuronal Migration in a WNT Signaling-Dependent Manner.
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Multiple Sources of Cholinergic Input to the Superior Olivary Complex.
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Neonatal apneic phenotype in a murine congenital central hypoventilation syndrome model is induced through non-cell autonomous developmental mechanisms.
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Not All That Is Gold Glitters: PV-IRES-Cre Mouse Line Shows Low Efficiency of Labeling of Parvalbumin Interneurons in the Perirhinal Cortex.
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P2X7 Receptor Blockade Protects Against Acrolein-Induced Bladder Damage: A Potential New Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Bladder Inflammatory Diseases.
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Perinatal Exposure of Bisphenol A Differently Affects Dendritic Spines of Male and Female Grown-Up Adult Hippocampal Neurons.
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Perinatal Penicillin Exposure Affects Cortical Development and Sensory Processing.
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SARS-CoV-2 S1 Protein Induces Endolysosome Dysfunction and Neuritic Dystrophy.
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Sedentary Life and Reduced Mastication Impair Spatial Learning and Memory and Differentially Affect Dentate Gyrus Astrocyte Subtypes in the Aged Mice.
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Serotonin transporter genotype modulates resting state and predator stress-induced amygdala perfusion in mice in a sex-dependent manner.
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Spatial Memory and Microglia Activation in a Mouse Model of Chronic Neuroinflammation and the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Apigenin.
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Sucrose Consumption Alters Serotonin/Glutamate Co-localisation Within the Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus of Mice.
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The Effects of 5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin Chemotherapy on Cognitive Function in Male Mice.
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The Immunoglobulin Superfamily Member Basigin Is Required for Complex Dendrite Formation in Drosophila.
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Topographical Organization of M-Current on Dorsal and Median Raphe Serotonergic Neurons.
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Unilateral vocal nerve resection alters neurogenesis in the avian song system in a region-specific manner.
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Visual Deprivation Retards the Maturation of Dendritic Fields and Receptive Fields of Mouse Retinal Ganglion Cells.
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Widespread Decrease of Cerebral Vimentin-Immunoreactive Astrocytes in Depressed Suicides.
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Human Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Repair Circuits and Restore Neural Function.
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Pharmacological reversal of synaptic and network pathology in human MECP2-KO neurons and cortical organoids.
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Sex differences in the effects of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on autism-related genes and their relationships with the hippocampus functions.
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Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the adult brain: How the learning brain grows.
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FGFR Regulation of Dendrite Elaboration in Adult-born Granule Cells Depends on Intracellular Mediator and Proximity to the Soma.
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Optogenetic Stimulation of Prelimbic Pyramidal Neurons Maintains Fear Memories and Modulates Amygdala Pyramidal Neuron Transcriptome.
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Mice carrying a schizophrenia-associated mutation of the Arhgap10 gene are vulnerable to the effects of methamphetamine treatment on cognitive function: association with morphological abnormalities in striatal neurons.
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Data-driven reduction of dendritic morphologies with preserved dendro-somatic responses.
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Deleting Mecp2 from the cerebellum rather than its neuronal subtypes causes a delay in motor learning in mice.
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How neurons exploit fractal geometry to optimize their network connectivity.
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Dual midbrain and forebrain origins of thalamic inhibitory interneurons.
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Laminar-specific cortico-cortical loops in mouse visual cortex.
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Metformin treatment in late middle age improves cognitive function with alleviation of microglial activation and enhancement of autophagy in the hippocampus.
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Nucleus Reuniens Lesion and Antidepressant Treatment Prevent Hippocampal Neurostructural Alterations Induced by Chronic Mild Stress in Male Rats.
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The Impact of Physical Enrichment in the Structure of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens of the Adult Male Rat Brain.
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TRPM4 mediates a subthreshold membrane potential oscillation in respiratory chemoreceptor neurons that drives pacemaker firing and breathing.
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A shape-adjusted ellipse approach corrects for varied axonal dispersion angles and myelination in primate nerve roots.
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Adenosine A2A receptor inhibition reduces synaptic and cognitive hippocampal alterations in Fmr1 KO mice.
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Increased Callosal Connectivity in Reeler Mice Revealed by Brain-Wide Input Mapping of VIP Neurons in Barrel Cortex.
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Topographical organization of mammillary neurogenesis and efferent projections in the mouse brain.
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Stellate cell computational modeling predicts signal filtering in the molecular layer circuit of cerebellum.
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Morphological features of large layer V pyramidal neurons in cortical motor-related areas of macaque monkeys: analysis of basal dendrites.
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Impaired olfactory neurogenesis affects the performance of olfactory-guided behavior in aged female opossums.
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A Subpopulation of Prefrontal Cortical Neurons Is Required for Social Memory.
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FMRP regulates the subcellular distribution of cortical dendritic spine density in a non-cell-autonomous manner.
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Geographic patterns in seasonal changes of body mass, skull, and brain size of common shrews.
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Postnatal Fluoxetine Treatment Alters Perineuronal Net Formation and Maintenance in the Hippocampus.
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A critical period of neuronal activity results in aberrant neurogenesis rewiring hippocampal circuitry in a mouse model of epilepsy.
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Neuroinflammatory changes of the normal brain tissue in cured mice following combined radiation and anti-PD-1 blockade therapy for glioma.
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Excitatory cholecystokinin neurons of the midbrain integrate diverse temporal responses and drive auditory thalamic subdomains.
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Distinct progenitor behavior underlying neocortical gliogenesis related to tumorigenesis.
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Prenatal methadone exposure disrupts behavioral development and alters motor neuron intrinsic properties and local circuitry.
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c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) modulates oligodendrocyte progenitor cell architecture, proliferation and myelination.
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Chronic Low Dose Neutron Exposure Results in Altered Neurotransmission Properties of the Hippocampus-Prefrontal Cortex Axis in Both Mice and Rats.
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Depression patient-derived cortical neurons reveal potential biomarkers for antidepressant response.
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Docosahexanoic acid signals through the Nrf2-Nqo1 pathway to maintain redox balance and promote neurite outgrowth.
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Effects of brainstem lesions on amino acid levels in the rat cochlear nucleus.
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Effects of ethanol-and choline-treated astrocytes on hippocampal neuron neurite outgrowth in vitro.
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Impact of Depletion of Microglia/Macrophages on Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury.
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Morphine coordinates SST and PV interneurons in the prelimbic cortex to disinhibit pyramidal neurons and enhance reward.
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Neural stem cells traffic functional mitochondria via extracellular vesicles.
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Sepsis promotes gliogenesis and depletes the pool of radial glia like stem cells in the hippocampus.
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Conditional RAC1 knockout in motor neurons restores H-reflex rate-dependent depression after spinal cord injury.
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Molecular Profiling Reveals Involvement of ESCO2 in Intermediate Progenitor Cell Maintenance in the Developing Mouse Cortex.
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Quantification of Dendritic Spines Remodeling under Physiological Stimuli and in Pathological Conditions.
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Airway basal stem cells generate distinct subpopulations of PNECs.
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Neurogranin Regulates Adult-Born Olfactory Granule Cell Spine Density and Odor-Reward Associative Memory in Mice.
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The effect of aging and chronic microglia activation on the morphology and numbers of the cerebellar Purkinje cells.
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Diversity in striatal synaptic circuits arises from distinct embryonic progenitor pools in the ventral telencephalon.
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Early life stress exposure worsens adult remote microglia activation, neuronal death, and functional recovery after focal brain injury.
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Gender biased neuroprotective effect of Transferrin Receptor 2 deletion in multiple models of Parkinson's disease.
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Long-term coordinated microstructural disruptions of the developing neocortex and subcortical white matter after early postnatal systemic inflammation.
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Resilience to stress and sex-specific remodeling of microglia and neuronal morphology in a rat model of anxiety and anhedonia.
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Role of trace amine‑associated receptor 1 in the medial prefrontal cortex in chronic social stress-induced cognitive deficits in mice.
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Photothermal Response Induced by Nanocage-Coated Artificial Extracellular Matrix Promotes Neural Stem Cell Differentiation.
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Cell-type-specific binocular vision guides predation in mice.
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In vivo reprogramming of NG2 glia enables adult neurogenesis and functional recovery following spinal cord injury.
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Microcircuit mechanisms for the generation of sharp-wave ripples in the basolateral amygdala: A role for chandelier interneurons.
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Microglial HIV-1 Expression: Role in HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders.
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Apical intercalated cell cluster: A distinct sensory regulator in the amygdala.
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Nuclear isoform of FGF13 regulates post-natal neurogenesis in the hippocampus through an epigenomic mechanism.
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Specific populations of basal ganglia output neurons target distinct brain stem areas while collateralizing throughout the diencephalon.
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Ablation of Vti1a/1b Triggers Neural Progenitor Pool Depletion and Cortical Layer 5 Malformation in Late-embryonic Mouse Cortex.
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Early Hypoexcitability in a Subgroup of Spinal Motoneurons in Superoxide Dismutase 1 Transgenic Mice, a Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
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A Guide to the Generation of a 6-Hydroxydopamine Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease for the Study of Non-Motor Symptoms.
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Immunotherapeutic Efficacy of IgY Antibodies Targeting the Full-Length Spike Protein in an Animal Model of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.
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Cortico-cortical connectivity behind acoustic information transfer to mouse orbitofrontal cortex is sensitive to neuromodulation and displays local sensory gating: relevance in disorders with auditory hallucinations?
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Altered hippocampal dendritic spine maturation after hypoxia-induced seizures in neonatal rats.
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Inhibition of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor corrects maternal inflammation-induced microglial and synaptic dysfunction and behavioral abnormalities.
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Ketamine Rapidly Enhances Glutamate-Evoked Dendritic Spinogenesis in Medial Prefrontal Cortex Through Dopaminergic Mechanisms.
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Temporal evolution of the biological response to laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC) in rabbit corneas.
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The habenula-targeting neurons in the mouse entopeduncular nucleus contain not only somatostatin-positive neurons but also nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons.
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A central role for anterior cingulate cortex in the control of pathological aggression.
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Effects of (16)O charged-particle irradiation on cognition, hippocampal morphology and mutagenesis in female mice.
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Loss of all three APP family members during development impairs synaptic function and plasticity, disrupts learning, and causes an autism-like phenotype.
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Sensitive period for rescuing parvalbumin interneurons connectivity and social behavior deficits caused by TSC1 loss.
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Combining electrophysiology and optogenetics for functional screening of pyramidal neurons in the mouse prefrontal cortex.
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Vinaxanthone inhibits Semaphorin3A induced axonal growth cone collapse in embryonic neurons but fails to block its growth promoting effects on adult neurons.
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BMPR-2 gates activity-dependent stabilization of primary dendrites during mitral cell remodeling.
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Thalamus and claustrum control parallel layer 1 circuits in retrosplenial cortex.
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Structural Degradation in Midcingulate Cortex Is Associated with Pathological Aggression in Mice.
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Cytoplasmic Human TDP-43 Mislocalization Induces Widespread Dendritic Spine Loss in Mouse Upper Motor Neurons.
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Alteration of the cholinergic system and motor deficits in cholinergic neuron-specific Dyt1 knockout mice.
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Androgen receptors in areas of the spinal cord and brainstem: A study in adult male cats.
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Dual motor cortex and spinal cord neuromodulation improves rehabilitation efficacy and restores skilled locomotor function in a rat cervical contusion injury model.
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Effects of TDP-43 overexpression on neuron proteome and morphology in vitro.
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Focal white matter lesions induce long-lasting axonal degeneration, neuroinflammation and behavioral deficits.
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Melatonin improves brain function in a model of chronic Gulf War Illness with modulation of oxidative stress, NLRP3 inflammasomes, and BDNF-ERK-CREB pathway in the hippocampus.
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Preserved glycemic control and baroreflex efficacy in young adult hypertensive female obese Zucker rats.
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Spinoparabrachial projection neurons form distinct classes in the mouse dorsal horn.
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Purkinje cell axonal swellings enhance action potential fidelity and cerebellar function.
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Variation in Pyramidal Cell Morphology Across the Human Anterior Temporal Lobe.
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Cell-intrinsic glial pathology is conserved across human and murine models of Huntington's disease.
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Central amygdala micro-circuits mediate fear extinction.
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Retrograde Transgene Expression via Neuron-Specific Lentiviral Vector Depends on Both Species and Input Projections.
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Effects of Brain Size on Adult Neurogenesis in Shrews.
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Predominantly linear summation of metabotropic postsynaptic potentials follows coactivation of neurogliaform interneurons.
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Distribution of the Noradrenaline Innervation and Adrenoceptors in the Macaque Monkey Thalamus.
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Microglial Metamorphosis in Three Dimensions in Virus Limbic Encephalitis: An Unbiased Pictorial Representation Based on a Stereological Sampling Approach of Surveillant and Reactive Microglia.
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Chronic Stress Induces Sex-Specific Functional and Morphological Alterations in Corticoaccumbal and Corticotegmental Pathways.
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Graded and pan-neural disease phenotypes of Rett Syndrome linked with dosage of functional MeCP2.
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The effects of early-life immune activation on microglia-mediated neuronal remodeling and the associated ontogeny of hippocampal-dependent learning in juvenile rats.
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A direct interareal feedback-to-feedforward circuit in primate visual cortex.
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Dendritic Kv4.2 potassium channels selectively mediate spatial pattern separation in the dentate gyrus.
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Modulation of motor behavior by the mesencephalic locomotor region.
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The transcription factor ZEB1 regulates stem cell self-renewal and cell fate in the adult hippocampus.
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Functional and Structural Properties of Highly Responsive Somatosensory Neurons in Mouse Barrel Cortex.
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Chronic AdipoRon Treatment Mimics the Effects of Physical Exercise on Restoring Hippocampal Neuroplasticity in Diabetic Mice.
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Enzymes of acetylcholine metabolism in the rat inferior colliculus.
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Inferior collicular cells that project to the auditory thalamus are increasingly surrounded by perineuronal nets with age.
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MAP2 is differentially phosphorylated in schizophrenia, altering its function.
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Neurogenesis of medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens continues into adulthood and is enhanced by pathological pain.
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Non-invasive, neurotoxic surgery reduces seizures in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Progressive long-term spatial memory loss following repeat concussive and subconcussive brain injury in mice, associated with dorsal hippocampal neuron loss, microglial phenotype shift, and vascular abnormalities.
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Age-dependent instability of mature neuronal fate in induced neurons from Alzheimer's patients.
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Characterisation of lamina I anterolateral system neurons that express Cre in a Phox2a-Cre mouse line.
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Functional and behavioral effects of de novo mutations in calcium-related genes in patients with bipolar disorder.
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Functional and molecular characterization of a non-human primate model of autism spectrum disorder shows similarity with the human disease.
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Adult brain neurons require continual expression of the schizophrenia-risk gene Tcf4 for structural and functional integrity.
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Novel P2X7 Antagonist Ameliorates the Early Phase of ALS Disease and Decreases Inflammation and Autophagy in SOD1-G93A Mouse Model.
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Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex.
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Cholinergic boutons are closely associated with excitatory cells and four subtypes of inhibitory cells in the inferior colliculus.
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Complement-associated loss of CA2 inhibitory synapses in the demyelinated hippocampus impairs memory.
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Diffusion MRI and anatomic tracing in the same brain reveal common failure modes of tractography.
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Genetic dissection of the glutamatergic neuron system in cerebral cortex.
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Interstitial Axon Collaterals of Callosal Neurons Form Association Projections from the Primary Somatosensory to Motor Cortex in Mice.
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In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Development Heterogeneity of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Derived from Distinct Germinal Zones.
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Late adolescence mortality in mice with brain-specific deletion of the volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8A.
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Moderate, intermittent voluntary exercise in a model of Gulf War Illness improves cognitive and mood function with alleviation of activated microglia and astrocytes, and enhanced neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
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Phenotypic variation of transcriptomic cell types in mouse motor cortex.
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SPG302 Reverses Synaptic and Cognitive Deficits Without Altering Amyloid or Tau Pathology in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
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Genetic targeting of adult Renshaw cells using a Calbindin 1 destabilized Cre allele for intersection with Parvalbumin or Engrailed1.
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Tissue-resident M2 macrophages directly contact primary sensory neurons in the sensory ganglia after nerve injury.
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PUPIL enables mapping and stamping of transient electrical connectivity in developing nervous systems.
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Postnatal Sox6 Regulates Synaptic Function of Cortical Parvalbumin-Expressing Neurons.
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Cell Cycle Regulation of Hippocampal Progenitor Cells in Experimental Models of Depression and after Treatment with Fluoxetine.
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Altered network and rescue of human neurons derived from individuals with early-onset genetic epilepsy.
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CCL5 promotion of bioenergy metabolism is crucial for hippocampal synapse complex and memory formation.
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Delayed dosing of minocycline plus N-acetylcysteine reduces neurodegeneration in distal brain regions and restores spatial memory after experimental traumatic brain injury.
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Dense cholinergic projections to auditory and multisensory nuclei of the intercollicular midbrain.
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FXR1 regulation of parvalbumin interneurons in the prefrontal cortex is critical for schizophrenia-like behaviors.
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Hippocampal-specific insulin resistance elicits behavioral despair and hippocampal dendritic atrophy.
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Lack of Hyperinhibition of Oriens Lacunosum-Moleculare Cells by Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide-Expressing Cells in a Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Morphology, physiology and synaptic connectivity of local interneurons in the mouse somatosensory thalamus.
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Regional Targeting of Bladder and Urethra Afferents in the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord of Male and Female Rats: A Multiscale Analysis.
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Stress induces microglia-associated synaptic circuit alterations in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex.
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Vitamin B(12)-folic acid supplementation regulates neuronal immediate early gene expression and improves hippocampal dendritic arborization and memory in old male mice.
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Bottom-up inputs are required for establishment of top-down connectivity onto cortical layer 1 neurogliaform cells.
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Organotypic spinal cord cultures: An in vitro 3D model to preliminary screen treatments for spinal muscular atrophy.
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Neurodevelopmental Processes in the Prefrontal Cortex Derailed by Chronic HIV-1 Viral Protein Exposure.
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Distinct in vivo dynamics of excitatory synapses onto cortical pyramidal neurons and parvalbumin-positive interneurons.
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Astrocytic ApoE underlies maturation of hippocampal neurons and cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury in mice.
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Conditional deletion of ROCK2 induces anxiety-like behaviors and alters dendritic spine density and morphology on CA1 pyramidal neurons.
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SHANK3 conformation regulates direct actin binding and crosstalk with Rap1 signaling.
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Action of mefloquine/amitriptyline THN101 combination on neuropathic mechanical hypersensitivity in mice.
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Adenosine A(2A) receptor modulates microglia-mediated synaptic pruning of the retinogeniculate pathway during postnatal development.
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Benchmarking of tools for axon length measurement in individually-labeled projection neurons.
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Complement C3 mediates early hippocampal neurodegeneration and memory impairment in experimental multiple sclerosis.
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Dietary citrate supplementation enhances longevity, metabolic health, and memory performance through promoting ketogenesis.
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Neuropathology of blepharospasm.
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Neuroprotective effects of Sonic hedgehog agonist SAG in a rat model of neonatal stroke.
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Oxytocin administration in neonates shapes hippocampal circuitry and restores social behavior in a mouse model of autism.
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Shisa6 mediates cell-type specific regulation of depression in the nucleus accumbens.
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The atypical Rho GTPase Rnd2 is critical for dentate granule neuron development and anxiety-like behavior during adult but not neonatal neurogenesis.
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The temporal origin of dentate granule neurons dictates their role in spatial memory.
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Reprogramming reactive glia into interneurons reduces chronic seizure activity in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Citrullinated myelin induces microglial TNFalpha and inhibits endogenous repair in the cuprizone model of demyelination.
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Acute Ethanol Exposure during Synaptogenesis Rapidly Alters Medium Spiny Neuron Morphology and Synaptic Protein Expression in the Dorsal Striatum.
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Arcuate Angiotensin II Increases Arterial Pressure via Coordinated Increases in Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Vasopressin Secretion.
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Design and Synthesis of Brain Penetrant Glycopeptide Analogues of PACAP With Neuroprotective Potential for Traumatic Brain Injury and Parkinsonism.
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Extracellular vesicle-mediated delivery of circDYM alleviates CUS-induced depressive-like behaviours.
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HIV-1 Tat induced microglial EVs leads to neuronal synaptodendritic injury: microglia-neuron cross-talk in NeuroHIV.
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Lack of APLP1 leads to subtle alterations in neuronal morphology but does not affect learning and memory.
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Prenatal cyanuric acid exposure depresses hippocampal synaptic plasticity and induces spatial learning and memory deficits.
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Small molecule modulation of TrkB and TrkC neurotrophin receptors prevents cholinergic neuron atrophy in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model at an advanced pathological stage.
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The circRNA circ-Nbea participates in regulating diabetic encephalopathy.
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The Duration of Stress Determines Sex Specificities in the Vulnerability to Depression and in the Morphologic Remodeling of Neurons and Microglia.
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Respiratory alkalosis provokes spike-wave discharges in seizure-prone rats.
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Myelination synchronizes cortical oscillations by consolidating parvalbumin-mediated phasic inhibition.
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Restricting feeding to dark phase fails to entrain circadian activity and energy expenditure oscillations in Pitx3-mutant Aphakia mice.
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A subpopulation of astrocyte progenitors defined by Sonic hedgehog signaling.
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Secondary loss of miR-3607 reduced cortical progenitor amplification during rodent evolution.
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Transcriptional programs regulating neuronal differentiation are disrupted in DLG2 knockout human embryonic stem cells and enriched for schizophrenia and related disorders risk variants.
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Astrocyte tissue plasminogen activator expression during brain development and its role in pyramidal neuron neurite outgrowth.
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Monkey flexor and abductor pollicis brevis motoneuron pools: Proximal dendritic trees and small motoneurons.
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Control of mammalian locomotion by ventral spinocerebellar tract neurons.
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Juxtacellular opto-tagging of hippocampal CA1 neurons in freely moving mice.
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Brunner syndrome associated MAOA mutations result in NMDAR hyperfunction and increased network activity in human dopaminergic neurons.
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Imbalanced autophagy causes synaptic deficits in a human model for neurodevelopmental disorders.
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Input and output organization of the mesodiencephalic junction for cerebro-cerebellar communication.
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Morphological characterization of cholinergic partition cells: A transmitter-specific tracing study by Cre/lox-dependent viral gene expression.
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On the longevity of flexible neural interfaces: Establishing biostability of polyimide-based intracortical implants.
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Sleep deprivation reduces the density of individual spine subtypes in a branch-specific fashion in CA1 neurons.
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Suppression of adult cytogenesis in the rat brain leads to sex-differentiated disruption of the HPA axis activity.
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Engineered synaptic tools reveal localized cAMP signaling in synapse assembly.
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In vivo imaging of the GnRH pulse generator reveals a temporal order of neuronal activation and synchronization during each pulse.
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A vibrissa pathway that activates the limbic system.
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Trigeminal ganglion and sensory nerves suggest tactile specialization of elephants.
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Delayed citalopram administration reduces brain inflammation and enhances skilled motor function after ischaemic stroke in 'MacGreen' mice.
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Diversity of inhibitory and excitatory parvalbumin interneuron circuits in the dorsal horn.
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NPRL2 Inhibition of mTORC1 Controls Sodium Channel Expression and Brain Amino Acid Homeostasis.
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OTX2 stimulates adult retinal ganglion cell regeneration.
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Adrenergic C1 neurons monitor arterial blood pressure and determine the sympathetic response to hemorrhage.
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Differences in microglia morphological profiles reflect divergent emotional temperaments: insights from a selective breeding model.
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Phytoestrogen genistein modulates neuron-microglia signaling in a mouse model of chronic social defeat stress.
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A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate movement.
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Unique molecular features and cellular responses differentiate two populations of motor cortical layer 5b neurons in a preclinical model of ALS.
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A multisynaptic pathway from the ventral midbrain toward spinal motoneurons in monkeys.
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Analgesic effect of recombinant GABAergic precursors releasing omega-conotoxin MVIIA in a model of peripheral nerve injury in rats.
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Characterisation of deep dorsal horn projection neurons in the spinal cord of the Phox2a::Cre mouse line.
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Counteracting epigenetic mechanisms regulate the structural development of neuronal circuitry in human neurons.
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Early derailment of firing properties in CA1 pyramidal cells of the ventral hippocampus in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
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Experience-dependent plasticity in early stations of sensory processing in mature brains: effects of environmental enrichment on dendrite measures in trigeminal nuclei.
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Oral treatment of 4-methylumbelliferone reduced perineuronal nets and improved recognition memory in mice.
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Repurposing of Trimetazidine for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A study in SOD1(G93A) mice.
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The detrimental effects of APOE4 on risk for Alzheimer's disease may result from altered dendritic spine density, synaptic proteins, and estrogen receptor alpha.
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Modular microcircuit organization of the presubicular head-direction map.
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Pten heterozygosity restores neuronal morphology in fragile X syndrome mice.
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A subpopulation of cortical VIP-expressing interneurons with highly dynamic spines.
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Dendritic Domain-Specific Sampling of Long-Range Axons Shapes Feedforward and Feedback Connectivity of L5 Neurons.
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Neocortical pyramidal neurons with axons emerging from dendrites are frequent in non-primates, but rare in monkey and human.
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Time Course of Remote Neuropathology Following Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury in the Male Rat.
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An early proinflammatory transcriptional response to tau pathology is age-specific and foreshadows reduced tau burden.
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A peripheral CB2 cannabinoid receptor mechanism suppresses chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: evidence from a CB2 reporter mouse.
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Downregulation of the schizophrenia risk-gene Dgcr2 alters early microcircuit development in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex.
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Dual-functional hydrogel system for spinal cord regeneration with sustained release of arylsulfatase B alleviates fibrotic microenvironment and promotes axonal regeneration.
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Estrogen Enhances Dendrite Spine Function and Recovers Deficits in Neuroplasticity in the prpTDP-43(A315T) Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
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Lack of somatotopy among corticospinal tract fibers passing through the primate craniovertebral junction and cervical spinal cord: pathoanatomical substrate of central cord syndrome and cruciate paralysis.
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Prenatal allergic inflammation in rats programs the developmental trajectory of dendritic spine patterning in brain regions associated with cognitive and social behavior.
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The GABAB receptor agonist STX209 reverses the autismlike behaviour in an animal model of autism induced by prenatal exposure to valproic acid.
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Identification of TPBG-Expressing Amacrine Cells in DAT-tdTomato Mouse.
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Fos response of the tail of the ventral tegmental area to food restriction entails a prediction error processing.
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Loss-of-function variants in the schizophrenia risk gene SETD1A alter neuronal network activity in human neurons through the cAMP/PKA pathway.
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Anatomical and functional connectivity support the existence of a salience network node within the caudal ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
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The mosaic of AII amacrine cell bodies in rat retina is indistinguishable from a random distribution.
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Layer 6A Pyramidal Cell Subtypes Form Synaptic Microcircuits with Distinct Functional and Structural Properties.
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Gestational immune activation disrupts hypothalamic neurocircuits of maternal care behavior.
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Glutamate released by Cajal-Retzius cells impacts specific hippocampal circuits and behaviors.
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Mapping microglia and astrocyte activation in vivo using diffusion MRI.
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Cellular Substrates of Functional Network Integration and Memory in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Verbal and General IQ Associate with Supragranular Layer Thickness and Cell Properties of the Left Temporal Cortex.
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5-HT7 receptors expressed in the mouse parafacial region are not required for respiratory chemosensitivity.
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Chronic stress disrupts the homeostasis and progeny progression of oligodendroglial lineage cells, associating immune oligodendrocytes with prefrontal cortex hypomyelination.
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Early environmental enrichment for autism spectrum disorder Fmr1 mice models has positive behavioral and molecular effects.
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Early Life Social Stress Causes Sex- and Region-Dependent Dopaminergic Changes that Are Prevented by Minocycline.
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Gene regulation by gonadal hormone receptors underlies brain sex differences.
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Transcranial photobiomodulation changes neuronal morphology in the cerebral cortex of rats.
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Genetic encoding of an esophageal motor circuit.
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Layers 3 and 4 Neurons of the Bilateral Whisker-Barrel Cortex.
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New Subregions of the Mouse Entopeduncular Nucleus Defined by the Complementary Immunoreactivities for Substance P and Cannabinoid Type-1 Receptor Combined with Distributions of Different Neuronal Types.
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Repeated motor cortex theta-burst stimulation produces persistent strengthening of corticospinal motor output and durable spinal cord structural changes in the rat.
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The emotional impact of disrupted environmental contexts: Enrichment loss and coping profiles influence stress response recovery in Long-Evans rats.
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Enhanced motor cortex output and disinhibition in asymptomatic female mice with C9orf72 genetic expansion.
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Arc-Mediated Plasticity in the Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus Promotes Habituation to Stress.
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Presynaptic supervision of cortical spine dynamics in motor learning.
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Tubulin tyrosination regulates synaptic function and is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease.
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Dietary genistein and 17beta-estradiol implants differentially influence locomotor and cognitive functions following transient focal ischemia in middle-aged ovariectomized rats at different lengths of estrogen deprivation.
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Mice lacking perforin have improved regeneration of the injured femoral nerve.
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The modulatory effect of 100 Hz electroacupuncture on striatal synaptic plasticity in unilateral lesioned 6-OHDA rats.
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Reduced synaptic activity and dysregulated extracellular matrix pathways in midbrain neurons from Parkinson's disease patients.
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The arcuate nucleus: A site of synergism between Angiotensin II and leptin to increase sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure in rats.
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Insights from the IronTract challenge: Optimal methods for mapping brain pathways from multi-shell diffusion MRI.
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Sodium-calcium exchanger-3 regulates pain "wind-up": From human psychophysics to spinal mechanisms.
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Divergent neural and endocrine responses in wild-caught and laboratory-bred Rattus norvegicus.
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Providing height to pullets does not influence hippocampal dendritic morphology or brain-derived neurotrophic factor at the end of the rearing period.
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FUS aggregation following ischemic stroke favors brain astrocyte activation through inducing excessive autophagy.
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Prior fear learning enables the rapid assimilation of new fear memories directly into cortical networks.
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Augmenting neurogenesis rescues memory impairments in Alzheimer's disease by restoring the memory-storing neurons.
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Warburg-like metabolic transformation underlies neuronal degeneration in sporadic Alzheimer's disease.
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FIBCD1 is an endocytic GAG receptor associated with a novel neurodevelopmental disorder.
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Influence of Effort-based Reward Training on Neuroadaptive Cognitive Responses: Implications for Preclinical Behavioral Approaches for Depressive Symptoms.
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Rotavirus Downregulates Tyrosine Hydroxylase in the Noradrenergic Sympathetic Nervous System in Ileum, Early in Infection and Simultaneously with Increased Intestinal Transit and Altered Brain Activities.
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The neurons that restore walking after paralysis.
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Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) Coexpression in GABAergic, Glutamatergic, and GABA/Glutamatergic Subpopulations in the Central Extended Amygdala and Ventral Pallidum of Young Male Primates.
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Quantitative spatial analysis reveals that the local axons of lamina I projection neurons and interneurons exhibit distributions that predict distinct roles in spinal sensory processing.
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The appearance of phagocytic microglia in the postnatal brain of Niemann Pick type C mice is developmentally regulated and underscores shortfalls in fine odor discrimination.
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Corticocortical innervation subtypes of layer 5 intratelencephalic cells in the murine secondary motor cortex.
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Restoring mitochondrial cardiolipin homeostasis reduces cell death and promotes recovery after spinal cord injury.
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Neurovascular Development in Pten and Tsc2 Mouse Mutants.
Description: Dusing, Mary, et al. Neurovascular Development in Pten and Tsc2 Mouse Mutants. ''eNeuro''. 2023 Feb; '''10''' (2):
Cellular composition and circuit organization of the locus coeruleus of adult mice.
Description: McKinney, Andrew, et al. Cellular composition and circuit organization of the locus coeruleus of adult mice. ''Elife''. 2023 Feb 3; '''12''':
Piwil2 (Mili) sustains neurogenesis and prevents cellular senescence in the postnatal hippocampus.
Description: Gasperini, Caterina, et al. Piwil2 (Mili) sustains neurogenesis and prevents cellular senescence in the postnatal hippocampus. ''EMBO Rep''. 2023 Feb 6; '''24''' (2):e53801
The Clustered Gamma Protocadherin Pcdhgammac4 Isoform Regulates Cortical Interneuron Programmed Cell Death in the Mouse Cortex.
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Thyroid Hormone Transporters MCT8 and OATP1C1 Are Expressed in Pyramidal Neurons and Interneurons in the Adult Motor Cortex of Human and Macaque Brain.
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Microanatomical study of pyramidal neurons in the contralesional somatosensory cortex after experimental ischemic stroke.
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Automatic identification of scientific publications describing digital reconstructions of neural morphology.
Description: Maraver, Patricia, et al. Automatic identification of scientific publications describing digital reconstructions of neural morphology. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Feb 15;
Dual Role of the P2X7 Receptor in Dendritic Outgrowth during Physiological and Pathological Brain Development.
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Differential effects of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors on spontaneous inhibitory synaptic currents in spine-innervating double bouquet and parvalbumin-expressing dendrite-targeting GABAergic interneurons in human neocortex.
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An Optrode Array for Spatiotemporally Precise Large-Scale Optogenetic Stimulation of Deep Cortical Layers in Non-human Primates.
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Comparative Features of Calretinin, Calbindin and Parvalbumin Expressing Interneurons in Mouse and Monkey Primary Visual and Frontal Cortices.
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Bicalutamide and Trehalose Ameliorate Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy Pathology in Mice.
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Functional ultrasound imaging reveals 3D structure of orientation domains in ferret primary visual cortex.
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Glial progenitor cells of the adult human white and grey matter are contextually distinct.
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P. gingivalis Infection Upregulates PD-L1 Expression on Dendritic Cells, Suppresses CD8+ T-cell Responses, and Aggravates Oral Cancer.
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Microglia phagocytosis mediates the volume and function of the rat sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area.
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Strong and reliable synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human cerebral cortex.
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Neonatal loss of FGFR2 in astroglial cells affects locomotion, sociability, working memory, and glia-neuron interactions in mice.
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Regressive changes in sizes of somatosensory cuneate nucleus after sensory loss in primates.
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Astroglial toxicity promotes synaptic degeneration in the thalamocortical circuit in frontotemporal dementia with GRN mutations.
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Activation of the nociceptin/orphanin-FQ receptor promotes NREM sleep and EEG slow wave activity.
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Thalamic control of sensory processing and spindles in a biophysical somatosensory thalamoreticular circuit model of wakefulness and sleep.
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SEMA6C: a novel adhesion-independent FAK and YAP activator, required for cancer cell viability and growth.
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CaMKIIalpha Promoter-Controlled Circuit Manipulations Target Both Pyramidal Cells and Inhibitory Interneurons in Cortical Networks.
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DSCAM gene triplication causes excessive GABAergic synapses in the neocortex in Down syndrome mouse models.
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Distinct roles of Bdnf I and Bdnf IV transcript variant expression in hippocampal neurons.
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Topographical mapping of catecholaminergic axon innervation in the flat-mounts of the mouse atria: a quantitative analysis.
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Characterisation of NPFF-expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the mouse spinal cord.
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Chronic Mycobacterium avium infection differentially affects the cytokine expression profile of three mouse strains, but has no effect on behavior.
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Brief synaptic inhibition persistently interrupts firing of fast-spiking interneurons.
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The intracellular domain of major histocompatibility class-I proteins is essential for maintaining excitatory spine density and synaptic ultrastructure in the brain.
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Superior colliculus cell types bidirectionally modulate choice activity in frontal cortex.
Description: Thomas, Alyse, et al. Superior colliculus cell types bidirectionally modulate choice activity in frontal cortex. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Apr 24;
Microglial Cytokines Mediate Plasticity Induced by 10 Hz Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation.
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Functional specialization of hippocampal somatostatin-expressing interneurons.
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GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors enhance temporal integration in VIP neurons in the inferior colliculus.
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Development of myelin in fetal and postnatal neocortex of the pig, the European wild boar Sus scrofa.
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Effects of motor cortex neuromodulation on the specificity of corticospinal tract spinal axon outgrowth and targeting in rats.
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Effects of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A or S in EAE model of multiple sclerosis.
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Integrated Proteomics to Understand the Role of Neuritin (NRN1) as a Mediator of Cognitive Resilience to Alzheimer's Disease.
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Morphological and behavioral analysis of Slc35f1-deficient mice revealed no neurodevelopmental phenotype.
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Syngap1 Disruption Induced by Recombination between Inverted loxP Sites Is Associated with Hippocampal Interneuron Dysfunction.
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ER stress induced immunopathology involving complement in CADASIL: implications for therapeutics.
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A CRISPR-engineered isogenic model of the 22q11.2 A-B syndromic deletion.
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Cross-Platform Synaptic Network Analysis of Human Entorhinal Cortex Identifies TWF2 as a Modulator of Dendritic Spine Length.
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Glial progenitor heterogeneity and key regulators revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing provide insight to regeneration in spinal cord injury.
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NR2F1 shapes mitochondria in the mouse brain, providing new insights into Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome.
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Rescue of neurogenesis and age-associated cognitive decline in SAMP8 mouse: Role of transforming growth factor-alpha.
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Symmetry in frontal but not motor and somatosensory corticocortical and corticostriatal circuitry.
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Comprehensively defining cellular specializations for initiating parallel auditory pathways in the mouse cochlear nucleus.
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Calretinin-expressing islet cells: a source of pre- and post-synaptic inhibition of non-peptidergic nociceptor input to the mouse spinal cord.
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The functional anatomy of elephant trunk whiskers.
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Alcohol-induced damage to the fimbria/fornix reduces hippocampal-prefrontal cortex connection during early abstinence.
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Elevated levels of FMRP-target MAP1B impair human and mouse neuronal development and mouse social behaviors via autophagy pathway.
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Huntingtin loss in hepatocytes is associated with altered metabolism, adhesion, and liver zonation.
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Acan downregulation in parvalbumin GABAergic cells reduces spontaneous recovery of fear memories.
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Supra-orbital whiskers act as wind-sensing antennae in rats.
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ANK2 loss-of-function variants are associated with epilepsy, and lead to impaired axon initial segment plasticity and hyperactive network activity in hiPSC-derived neuronal networks.
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Amphetamine disrupts dopamine axon growth in adolescence by a sex-specific mechanism in mice.
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Microglia-derived TGF-beta1 ligand maintains microglia homeostasis via autocrine mechanism and is critical for normal cognitive function in adult mouse brain.
Description: Bedolla, Alicia, et al. Microglia-derived TGF-beta1 ligand maintains microglia homeostasis via autocrine mechanism and is critical for normal cognitive function in adult mouse brain. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Jul 7;
Calretinin-expressing islet cells are a source of pre- and post-synaptic inhibition of non-peptidergic nociceptor input to the mouse spinal cord.
Description: Davis, Olivia C, et al. Calretinin-expressing islet cells are a source of pre- and post-synaptic inhibition of non-peptidergic nociceptor input to the mouse spinal cord. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Jul 18; '''13''' (1):11561
Sex and interferon gamma signaling regulate microglia migration in the adult mouse cortex in vivo.
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Neuropeptide Y-expressing dorsal horn inhibitory interneurons gate spinal pain and itch signalling.
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hESC-derived striatal progenitors grafted into a Huntington's disease rat model support long-term functional motor recovery by differentiating, self-organizing and connecting into the lesioned striatum.
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A mosaic adeno-associated virus vector as a versatile tool that exhibits high levels of transgene expression and neuron specificity in primate brain.
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muMESH-Enabled Sustained Delivery of Molecular and Nanoformulated Drugs for Glioblastoma Treatment.
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Cell-type-specific plasticity shapes neocortical dynamics for motor learning.
Description: Majumder, Shouvik, et al. Cell-type-specific plasticity shapes neocortical dynamics for motor learning. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Aug 14;
Hippocampus shapes cortical sensory output and novelty coding through a direct feedback circuit.
Description: Butola, T, et al. Hippocampus shapes cortical sensory output and novelty coding through a direct feedback circuit. ''Res Sq''. 2023 Aug 23;
Repeated closed-head mild traumatic brain injury-induced inflammation is associated with nociceptive sensitization.
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Neuronal morphology and synaptic input patterns of neurons in the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of gerbils.
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Cortical dopamine D5 receptors regulate neuronal circuit oscillatory activity and memory in rats.
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Neuronal TIMP2 regulates hippocampus-dependent plasticity and extracellular matrix complexity.
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Reduced Cerebellar BDNF Availability Affects Postnatal Differentiation and Maturation of Granule Cells in a Mouse Model of Cholesterol Dyshomeostasis.
Description: Lucarelli, Micaela, et al. Reduced Cerebellar BDNF Availability Affects Postnatal Differentiation and Maturation of Granule Cells in a Mouse Model of Cholesterol Dyshomeostasis. ''Mol Neurobiol''. 2023 Sep; '''60''' (9):5395-5410
The Drosophila homolog of APP promotes Dscam expression to drive axon terminal growth, revealing interaction between Down syndrome genes.
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Mesenchymal-derived extracellular vesicles enhance microglia-mediated synapse remodeling after cortical injury in aging Rhesus monkeys.
Description: Zhou, Yuxin, et al. Mesenchymal-derived extracellular vesicles enhance microglia-mediated synapse remodeling after cortical injury in aging Rhesus monkeys. ''J Neuroinflammation''. 2023 Sep 2; '''20''' (1):201
Id2 GABAergic interneurons comprise a neglected fourth major group of cortical inhibitory cells.
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The mesocortical dopaminergic system cannot explain hyperactivity in an animal model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)- Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
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In vivo spontaneous activity and coital-evoked inhibition of mouse accessory olfactory bulb output neurons.
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P2X7 purinergic receptor modulates dentate gyrus excitatory neurotransmission and alleviates schizophrenia-like symptoms in mouse.
Description: Huang, Lumei, et al. P2X7 purinergic receptor modulates dentate gyrus excitatory neurotransmission and alleviates schizophrenia-like symptoms in mouse. ''iScience''. 2023 Sep 15; '''26''' (9):107560
Loss of Grin2a causes a transient delay in the electrophysiological maturation of hippocampal parvalbumin interneurons.
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Opiate anticipation, opiate induced anatomical changes in hypocretin (Hcrt, orexin) neurons and opiate induced microglial activation are blocked by the dual Hcrt receptor antagonist suvorexant, while opiate analgesia is maintained.
Description: McGregor, Ronald, et al. Opiate anticipation, opiate induced anatomical changes in hypocretin (Hcrt, orexin) neurons and opiate induced microglial activation are blocked by the dual Hcrt receptor antagonist suvorexant, while opiate analgesia is maintained. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Sep 23;
Drug-Loaded Lipid Magnetic Nanoparticles for Combined Local Hyperthermia and Chemotherapy against Glioblastoma Multiforme.
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Microglial over-pruning of synapses during development in autism-associated SCN2A-deficient mice and human cerebral organoids.
Description: Yang, Yang, et al. Microglial over-pruning of synapses during development in autism-associated SCN2A-deficient mice and human cerebral organoids. ''Res Sq''. 2023 Sep 28;
Rewarded Maze Training Increases Approach Behavior in Rats Through Neurogenesis-Dependent Growth of Ventral Hippocampus-Prelimbic Circuits.
Description: Schoenfeld, Timothy J, et al. Rewarded Maze Training Increases Approach Behavior in Rats Through Neurogenesis-Dependent Growth of Ventral Hippocampus-Prelimbic Circuits. ''Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci''. 2023 Oct; '''3''' (4):725-733
C5aR1 signaling promotes region and age dependent synaptic pruning in models of Alzheimer's Disease.
Description: Gomez-Arboledas, Angela, et al. C5aR1 signaling promotes region and age dependent synaptic pruning in models of Alzheimer's Disease. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Oct 2;
Self-supervised segmentation and characterization of fiber bundles in anatomic tracing data.
Description: Sundaresan, Vaanathi, et al. Self-supervised segmentation and characterization of fiber bundles in anatomic tracing data. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Oct 2;
Blocking Mitochondrial Pyruvate Transport Alters Corneal Myofibroblast Phenotype: A New Target for Treating Fibrosis.
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Chronic neuroinflammation during aging leads to cholinergic neurodegeneration in the mouse medial septum.
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A class-specific effect of dysmyelination on the excitability of hippocampal interneurons.
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Spinal afferent innervation in flat-mounts of the rat stomach: anterograde tracing.
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Downregulation of mGluR1-mediated signaling underlying autistic-like core symptoms in Shank1 P1812L-knock-in mice.
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Cutaneous nerve fiber and peripheral Nav1.7 assessment in a large cohort of patients with postherpetic neuralgia.
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Microglia Are Dispensable for Developmental Dendrite Pruning of Mitral Cells in Mice.
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Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons.
Description: Raudales, Ricardo, et al. Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 7;
Superior colliculus bidirectionally modulates choice activity in frontal cortex.
Description: Thomas, Alyse, et al. Superior colliculus bidirectionally modulates choice activity in frontal cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Nov 14; '''14''' (1):7358
Axons of cortical basket cells originating from dendrites develop higher local complexity than axons emerging from basket cell somata.
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Online conversion of reconstructed neural morphologies into standardized SWC format.
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Cell type specializations of the vocal-motor cortex in songbirds.
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Endogenous noise of neocortical neurons correlates with atypical sensory response variability in the Fmr1(-/y) mouse model of autism.
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Modeling Synaptic Integration of Bursty and beta Oscillatory Inputs in Ventromedial Motor Thalamic Neurons in Normal and Parkinsonian States.
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Prefrontal cortical dynorphin peptidergic transmission constrains threat-driven behavioral and network states.
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The choroid plexus maintains ventricle volume and adult subventricular zone neuroblast pool, which facilitates post-stroke neurogenesis.
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Intracerebellar injection of monocytic immature myeloid cells prevents the adverse effects caused by stereotactic surgery in a model of cerebellar neurodegeneration.
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C5aR1 signaling promotes region- and age-dependent synaptic pruning in models of Alzheimer's disease.
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Computational models of compound nerve action potentials: Efficient filter-based methods to quantify effects of tissue conductivities, conduction distance, and nerve fiber parameters.
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Conditioned morphine tolerance promotes neurogenesis, dendritic remodelling and pro-plasticity molecules in the adult rat hippocampus.
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Treadmill exercise improves hippocampal neural plasticity and relieves cognitive deficits in a mouse model of epilepsy.
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Synergistically Acting on Myostatin and Agrin Pathways Increases Neuromuscular Junction Stability and Endurance in Old Mice.
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Differential expression of paralog RNA binding proteins establishes a dynamic splicing program required for normal cerebral cortex development.
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CGG repeats in the human FMR1 gene regulate mRNA localization and cellular stress in developing neurons.
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Adult Human Brain Tissue Cultures to Study NeuroHIV.
Description: Van Duyne, Rachel, et al. Adult Human Brain Tissue Cultures to Study NeuroHIV. ''Cells''. 2024 Jun 29; '''13''' (13):
Pathological Deficit of Cystatin B Impairs Synaptic Plasticity in EPM1 Human Cerebral Organoids.
Description: Pizzella, Amelia, et al. Pathological Deficit of Cystatin B Impairs Synaptic Plasticity in EPM1 Human Cerebral Organoids. ''Mol Neurobiol''. 2024 Jul; '''61''' (7):4318-4334
Loss of dysbindin-1 in excitatory neurons in mice impacts NMDAR-dependent behaviors, neuronal morphology and synaptic transmission in the ventral hippocampus.
Description: Bhardwaj, Sanjeev K, et al. Loss of dysbindin-1 in excitatory neurons in mice impacts NMDAR-dependent behaviors, neuronal morphology and synaptic transmission in the ventral hippocampus. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jul 2; '''14''' (1):15239
Structured connectivity in the output of the cerebellar cortex.
Description: Gruver, Kim M, et al. Structured connectivity in the output of the cerebellar cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Jul 9; '''15''' (1):5563
Structural plasticity of pyramidal cell neurons measured after FLASH and conventional dose-rate irradiation.
Description: Dickstein, Dara L, et al. Structural plasticity of pyramidal cell neurons measured after FLASH and conventional dose-rate irradiation. ''Res Sq''. 2024 Jul 22;
Leptin receptor reactivation restores brain function in early-life Lepr-deficient mice.
Description: Fernandes, Caroline, et al. Leptin receptor reactivation restores brain function in early-life Lepr-deficient mice. ''Brain''. 2024 Aug 1; '''147''' (8):2706-2717
Tau-mediated synaptic dysfunction is coupled with HCN channelopathy.
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TRPC Channels Activated by G Protein-Coupled Receptors Drive Ca(2+) Dysregulation Leading to Secondary Brain Injury in the Mouse Model.
Description: Parmar, Jasneet, et al. TRPC Channels Activated by G Protein-Coupled Receptors Drive Ca(2+) Dysregulation Leading to Secondary Brain Injury in the Mouse Model. ''Transl Stroke Res''. 2024 Aug; '''15''' (4):844-858
Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype.
Description: Symeonides, Christos, et al. Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Aug 7; '''15''' (1):6367
Dendritic spine head diameter predicts episodic memory performance in older adults.
Description: Walker, Courtney K, et al. Dendritic spine head diameter predicts episodic memory performance in older adults. ''Sci Adv''. 2024 Aug 9; '''10''' (32):eadn5181
Astrocyte extracellular matrix modulates neuronal dendritic development.
Description: Hashimoto, Joel G, et al. Astrocyte extracellular matrix modulates neuronal dendritic development. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Aug 22;
Treadmill Exercise Reshapes Cortical Astrocytic and Neuronal Activity to Improve Motor Learning Deficits Under Chronic Alcohol Exposure.
Description: Liu, Linglin, et al. Treadmill Exercise Reshapes Cortical Astrocytic and Neuronal Activity to Improve Motor Learning Deficits Under Chronic Alcohol Exposure. ''Neurosci Bull''. 2024 Sep; '''40''' (9):1287-1298