help > RE: Loading conn files in SPM
Aug 6, 2015  03:08 PM | Chaleece Sandberg
RE: Loading conn files in SPM
The spm_file_merge business is exactly what I needed. Thank you!
p.s. I figured out that the problem with the header is that I was trying to use spm_file_split with a file that I had copied and pasted into a different folder. It ran swimmingly in the same folder. 
Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:
Hi Chaleece,

You should be able to split that 4d file into multiple 3d files using spm_file_split, for example:


will create a number of individual 3d files from this 4d file. 

You can also split the original file into smaller 4d files (e.g. one per session) using spm_file_merge, for example:


will create a new 4d file containing only the first 20 scans of the original 4d file.

If you want to break all of your preprocessed nifti* files into session-specific files you could use something like the following to do so (assuming you have your project loaded into CONN):

 global CONN_x;
 for nsub=1:CONN_x.Setup.nsubjects
   filename = fullfile(CONN_x.folders.preprocessing,sprintf('niftiDATA_Subject%03d_Condition000.nii',nsub));
   a = spm_vol(filename);
   nscans = cumsum([0 cell2mat(CONN_x.Setup.nscans{nsub})]);
   for nses=1:CONN_x.Setup.nsessions(min(numel(CONN_x.Setup.nsessions),nsub)),
      scans = nscans(nses)+1:nscans(nses+1);

That will create niftiDATA_Subject*_Session*.nii files from your nifti_DATA_Subject*_Condition000.nii files

Hope this helps

Originally posted by Chaleece Sandberg:
Hi Alfonso!

Yes, this is very helpful. I finished the Denoising and got the niftiDATA_Subject*_Condition000 files which contain all of the volumes (I actually did not get separate condition files - from what I can tell). I wanted to then enter them as I normally would in SPM, so I tried to convert the 4D file to a 3D file in order to only select the volumes that were in each run. I got an error saying that there was no header file. Is there any way to split this file? If I don't, then I believe I'll need to recalculate my onsets and durations as if it were one long (very long - 900 volumes - I'm including pre and post) run and I don't like that prospect for tediousness, but also for possible problems with timing accuracy. Does that make sense?
Any advice would be much appreciated.

Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:
Hi Chaleece,

Your hunch is correct, the BOLD signal will already be orthogonal to any effects entered in the 'Denoising' step so there is no need to add those covariates again in your SPM model when exporting these data. And regarding the "separated by condition" nii files, if you are using a relatively recent release of CONN you will get a series of files associated with "condition 0" named niftiSubject*_Condition0000.nii which contain all of your data (no separation by condition), so if using these data you may enter the same GLM design you would normally do in SPM (if you are instead entering the condition-specific timeseries into a first-level SPM GLM, then yes, you would typically need to permute your design matrix rows to follow the same order as in your functional data)

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Chaleece Sandberg:
Hi Alfonso,
If you use the confound-corrected time-series .nii files created by CONN after the denoising step in the SPM GLM for a first level analysis, do you still need to include the "outliers and movement".mat file from art as a regressor in SPM if it was entered as a first-level covariate in CONN? My hunch is no, but I just want to verify. Also, if the .nii files are separated by condition, rather than run/session, do I need to set up the SPM GLM differently?
Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:
Hi Roger,

If you want to use in SPM the BOLD timeseries after removal of confounding effects, you may simply select in Setup->Options the checkbox labeled 'Create confound-corrected time-series'. and that will create as part of the Preprocessing step a series of .nii files with these BOLD timeseries which you may then enter into SPM for further analyses (these will appear in your conn_*/results/preprocessing/ folder and the files will be named niftiDATA_Subject###_Condition###.nii).

If you have already run your preprocessing step and want to avoid having to repeat it, you may also simply type in the command window:


and that will create these same files from the already computed preprocessing-step results.

Hope this helps

Originally posted by Roger Beaty:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to load .mat files that were preprocessed in CONN back to SPM to perform a GLM analysis. In other words, I ran the preprocessing pipeline using the CONN gui and would like to import the files produced by CONN back to SPM. My guess is that CONN formats .mat files specific to the toolbox, and that these files are not easily loadable into the SPM GUI. Is it possible to import CONN files back to SPM and run a traditional GLM?

Many thanks,


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Roger Beaty Jun 12, 2014
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Chaleece Sandberg Jul 31, 2015
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Chaleece Sandberg Aug 5, 2015
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Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 6, 2015
RE: Loading conn files in SPM
Chaleece Sandberg Aug 6, 2015
Chaleece Sandberg Aug 6, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 6, 2015
laurentcohen Sep 14, 2018
Chaleece Sandberg Oct 2, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 8, 2015
kito24 Feb 9, 2017
Ines Del Cerro Nov 9, 2017
Patrick McConnell Nov 3, 2017
Roger Beaty Jan 26, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 27, 2015
Roger Beaty Jan 27, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 29, 2015
laurel morris Mar 11, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 14, 2016
Isabel Berwian Nov 28, 2016
Anila D'Mello Nov 10, 2015
Roger Beaty Jun 14, 2014