help > RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Feb 4, 2016  02:02 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Dear Johann,

None of the first-level volumes (separate for each subject/condition) produced by CONN are thresholded in any way (the p_corr and pFDR images simply contain the uncorrected and FDR-corrected p-values, respectively) so if you want to display/report this then, yes, you could use imcalc for example to threshold those at your desired voxel-level threshold value. For example, to display the correlation values but thresholded at p-uncorrected < .001 you could enter into imcalc both the corr_* volumes and the p_corr* volumes, and enter an expression "i1.*(i2<.001)" (that will keep in your output volume the "i1" correlation values, but only within the "i2<.001" p<.001 clusters)

Hope this helps

Originally posted by Johann Philipp Zöllner:
Dear Conn-Pros,
when looking at the correlation coefficients in the Conn GUI (1st level), I get rather nice correlation maps with the arbitrary threshold of 0.25. But while these are nice, they are of course not reportable. When I perform the first level analysis, I get huge clusters in the p_corr and pFDR images. I *suppose* this has something to do with the cluster forming threshold that Conn uses to produce the corr images. So what I want to achieve is to adjust this threshold (I assume it is 0.001) for my 1st level 1-sample T-test(s). Alternatively, would it be correct to threshold the corr images using spm_imcalc like "i1<0.0001" (for example) to achieve the same effect?
I can provide code samples or images of my results if that is of any help!
Thanks in advance,
Johann Philipp

Threaded View

Johann Philipp Zöllner Feb 3, 2016
RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 4, 2016
Johann Philipp Zöllner Feb 11, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 12, 2016