help > RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Feb 11, 2016  07:02 PM | Johann Philipp Zöllner - Goethe University Frankfurt
RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Dear Alfonso,

thanks as always for your succinct reply! I implemented your advice but I'm afraid still fail to grasp the statistical implications here...
If I use the pFDR images to mask my corr-maps using the imcalc method described above, would this be equivalent to masking the corr-maps with the p_corr images and *then* performing an FDR correction on the resulting masked files using conn_fdr? Is the latter even a statistically correct way to do this? I tought this up because I want to control the cluster-forming threshold a bit like it's possible in SPM.

I know this might be very specific and a bit of an awry method with regards to CONN's working structure, but maybe you (or someone statistically inclined) can answer this!

Thanks a lot!
Johann Philipp

Threaded View

Johann Philipp Zöllner Feb 3, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 4, 2016
RE: Cluster-forming threshold for 1st l. analysis
Johann Philipp Zöllner Feb 11, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 12, 2016