help > Denoised Data Output Option Problem
May 11, 2016  06:05 PM | Jeff Browndyke
Denoised Data Output Option Problem
CONN produces denoised data files in NIFTI format that are concatenated across sessions.  I have three sessions for most of my subjects and would like to separate out these sessions that I can then enter into GIFT or REST software.  How does one separate out the concatenated denoised CONN output files (e.g., 372 images = three 124 image sessions)?

Also, I would does CONN handle the denoised output?  Are these resulting NIFTI files corrected for both motion and signal artifacts?  Are the signal artifact points scrubbed or substituted in the resulting data?


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Denoised Data Output Option Problem
Jeff Browndyke May 11, 2016
Sebastian Speer Oct 28, 2019
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 13, 2016
Jeff Browndyke Jun 9, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 9, 2016
Jeff Browndyke May 17, 2016
Lucas Moro May 19, 2016
Jeff Browndyke Jun 9, 2016